Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390 The unbearable widow exploded (seeking subscription)

"The Holy Emperor once said that lies are meaningless, and the truth can unite mankind." Sage Sigmar's voice rarely showed a trace of emotion.

Jianhui was keenly aware that whenever these imperial people talked about the Holy Emperor, their emotions would always fluctuate slightly.

No matter how cold their voices were before, they will fluctuate because of the Holy Emperor.

It is really hard to imagine how high a person's prestige must be, so that people can hardly suppress the excitement in their hearts just by reciting his name.

Led by Sage Sigma and the third company commander of the White Shark, Huijie walked out of the room and saw the scene outside.

Walking out of the door and walking a few steps along the bright corridor, she found that she was actually in a laboratory of astonishing scale.

The surrounding tall walls are all made of white steel and silver plates, clean and bright.

The air is clean and sterile.

Jian Huineng felt the coldness in the air.

This is not because her senses are too sharp.

If anyone only wears a soft outer lining with a vacuum inside, and nothing else, they can feel the temperature change.

Ju Jianhui followed the two people leading him and walked through the corridor.

The rooms along the way are very huge, and various experiments are carried out.

Various facilities that Jujianhui didn't recognize were displayed on the floor of the room, making a buzzing sound.

They all look very advanced.

The principles of many machines are beyond the understanding of Hui Jian.

This is not because Zhongjian Hui is ignorant.

As the captain of GUTS, Jujian Huike has several doctorates and has participated in the alien life form exchange program.

However, the research instruments used by the Empire are still beyond her comprehension.

The fields covered by those instruments were beyond her imagination.

Many rooms were researching something, but Ju Jianhui didn't see clearly, but just glanced at some imperial instruments and equipment.

It wasn't until she passed a research room where the outer wall was replaced with transparent glass that she saw what was being studied in that research room.

There are also a large number of instruments in that room.

The surface is smooth, and the prismatic reaction column is suspended in the air.

Arcs of electricity crackle in the air around the smooth reaction column.

The concentrated energy array shines with soft light, and the light released forms an energy force field.

The brilliance in the force field is sealing a special experimental sample.

Jujian Hui once saw the giant stone statues of the pyramid destroyed by two monsters, Gorzan and Merba.

The material that makes up the stone statue is similar to the experimental sample in front of you.

The empire is conducting research and reverse analysis on Ultraman.

There are many workers in the laboratory.

Some of them were wearing red robes, and like Sigma next to them, they had a lot of metal prosthetics embedded in their bodies.

Some people wear technical robes, which seem to maintain a completely human appearance, and have not undergone any mechanical transformation.

They are cooperating sincerely and are working hard to unlock the secrets of super ancient warriors.

"Where is this place?" Ju Jianhui asked.

"The turning point of human civilization." Sage Sigmar said.

I also secretly added in my heart that it was also the beginning of me, the sage of Sigma, embarking on the road to glory.

Analyze the power of the giant and obtain the technology left over from that ancient civilization.

Then her contribution to the empire will definitely be included in the top few.

Imagine letting the empire summon those giants and monsters at will, adding another powerful boost to the Titan Legion.

Can also dedicate the entire universe to the Holy Emperor.

With such an achievement, I am afraid that only Kaur can overwhelm her.

Karen sages should respectfully call out to her in front of her, Mr. Sage.

"I don't like this kind of guessing puzzles and metaphors." Ju Jianhui said, "Be simple, tell me where this is?"

"The underground space of the Himalayas." Sage Sigma said in a cold mechanical voice: "27 degrees 59 minutes north latitude, 86 degrees 56 minutes east longitude, -125 meters from sea level."

"Are you here to study Ultraman?" Asked Hui Jian.

"Yes, we need Colossus, the Empire can use it to accomplish many things."

The sage of Sigma walked in the front while talking, and finally brought Jujian Hui to a room.

After entering the password and instructions, the door opened with a hissing sound.

The room is large.

There are various data crystal cores, memory and books placed messily inside.

They are all scattered and piled together.

It doesn't look like it's properly placed.

A huge warrior in iron armor stands in the center of the room.

He holds a scepter with a golden double-headed eagle at the tip and complex and obscure incantations carved on the body.

There is a special power surging from the opponent.

Jianhui felt a little familiar.

She also has this power in her body.

A supernatural force that can be controlled by the soul and will.

Jian Hui could only feel that kind of power occasionally before.

With the appearance of the pity in the time capsule, she felt that power more and more frequently.

But she can only feel those forces, but cannot control them.

"A potential seed." The giant said, his voice hoarse and dry.

He reached down and removed the heavy helmet.

revealing a face full of vicissitudes and battle marks.

To Ju Jianhui's surprise, the other party's eyes were completely dark, without any light.

It's as if the eyes are the entrance to hell.

will **** people's souls in, and there will be no salvation at all.

"He is the Librarian of the White Sharks, Kahulan, a powerful, dedicated warrior for the Empire. He is responsible for your enlightenment."

"Flying to the high heavens is a very dangerous thing." Kahulan said: "Remember, don't believe in those so-called good things, if you choose to listen to those lies, your soul will be marked by those hateful gods. "

The initiation ceremony will begin soon.

The working cabin in the room was pulled out.

Several mechanical priests installed the patch interfaces of psionic cables on various parts of Jijianhui's body.

She did not have interface surgery.

There is no way for the connection cable of the psionic device to be directly connected to her nerves.

The only way to use this piece of iron is to connect to her nervous system.

Such means are also sufficient.

After all, this woman is just an observer.

Wai Hui, who was lying in the rest cabin, could feel those cold robotic palms passing over her smooth skin.

She thinks her figure is quite attractive, otherwise she wouldn't have so many suitors.

But those guys don't look emotional at all.

There is no trace of desire in their eyes, and even the only remaining flesh and blood eyes cannot see any desire for the opposite sex.

Perhaps in their eyes, they are just a mass of flesh and blood, an organic life form composed of bones.

Have they completely abandoned worldly desires!

Jianhui thought in his heart.

But she couldn't get an answer either.

The mechanical priest placed the sensor pad on the head of the middle Hui, and placed the headband integrating the transmitter and the psionic amplifier on her forehead.

Jianhui doesn't know how these devices work.

It can be when the buzzing sound of the machine sounds.

She entered a very strange state.

Her soul seemed to have left her body, and she looked at herself lying in the working cabin from a third-person perspective.

And those who are busy.

Even the face of Sage Sigmar can be seen clearly.

Beside her, the think tank was already lying in his work cabin.

Dense cables are embedded in the interface of his head.

She was about to do something when she was stopped.

An invisible will stopped her.

"We don't have much time." A voice came from the air, "You have to learn how to enter the highest heaven, relax your spirit, and don't think about anything."

The voice that rang in her ear had a guiding power.

Jianhui followed the other party's instructions and relaxed her mind and will.

Soon, terror and darkness overtake her, making her regret her plea to learn the truth.

She was pulled into a strange, turbulent ocean.

The sea water is as scarlet as blood, it is rolling and earth-shattering.

Weird and terrifying laughter and roars came from the depths of the ocean.

However, that was just one scene, and more things were revealed in front of her soul.

Those weird and ugly scenes one after another, extremely terrifying.

Vicious voices cry out their thirst for flesh and soul.

The world's dying screams echoed through this terrifying space.

A twisted storm blew through her soul, trying to tear her apart.

"do not be afraid."

That voice sounded, which made Ju Jianhui feel a little relieved.

"This is only the shallow layer of the subspace, and what you see are only insignificant things. Remember not to be afraid, if you are afraid, you will attract those monsters."

Ju Jianhui saw a dim figure beside him.

It is the think tank - Kahulan.

The other party looked very illusory, as if a gust of wind would blow him away.

"What kind of monster?"

"You don't want to know, stay focused, stay firm, always remember that you are human, don't get lost in a lie."

"Where is this place?" Ju Jianhui asked, "Is it hell?"

"No, these are just insignificant things. You have to go deeper to see the truth. Remember, don't show fear, and don't be afraid. I am by your side. You have the protection of the Holy Emperor. Everything is safe. Can't hurt you."


Ju Jianhui woke up screaming, slapping the transparent working hatch with both hands.

Her voice distorted with fear.

Frantically twisting the soft limbs, as if wanting to break his own body.

The mechanical priest tried to control her body and disarm her of the mechanical devices.

Avoid hurting yourself with her large movements.

Jian Hui's eyes widened, as if she wanted to stare all her eyeballs out.

She screamed so hard.

Let his jaw dislocate in this exhausted roar.

Ju Jianhui was crying uncontrollably.

She finally understood why ignorance is a kind of happiness.

Finally understood why the so-called holy emperor made these imperial people so excited.

That position is not a symbol of desire and power.

But suffering and duty.

Bear the burden of redeeming mankind and resisting those dark futures.

Junjianhui's body was shaking.

Just seeing the truth was enough to make her collapse.

What a tough and powerful soul can bear such a heavy responsibility.

That terrifying truth is by no means something a creature like her should accept.

The darkness and cruelty that all literary works can describe are not as good as what she has seen.

The blood and horror contained in the truth have far exceeded the limits of human imagination.

Countless human beings are killing each other in the game.

Every eye is cruel and indulgent, killing with blood flowing like rivers.

In such a universe, all the good qualities of human beings have disappeared.

Only despicable, shameless, cunning, cruel.

Human beings are tortured by horrible and **** games, competing for those so-called rewards.

For those immortal monsters living outside of time and space, continue to offer one **** feast after another.

There will never be a day of liberation.

Only because of human greed, desire, ambition, betrayal, and selfishness created the shackles that trap them.

And the other future is even scarier.

The entire universe has been decayed, and the horrible evil that lurks in it has been taken over.

Nightmarish visions have replaced reality.

The stars turned into skulls, into all kinds of unimaginable horrors, even the cold, dark eternal void writhed with indescribable things.

Everything has corrupted, everything has fallen.

full of evil, fell into the never-ending abyss.

The only thing that is better is the breeding universe where many creatures live like puppets.

However, that is only a superficial beauty.

Those creatures are like dolls, acting out their lives according to the script that has been repeated countless times.

Like rice in a paddy field, it grows step by step and is then harvested.

The gods hidden behind the scenes watched the joys and sorrows staged by those creatures, just like tasting delicious dishes.

People don't know anything about it, they just repeat the pain over and over again, thinking that they are fighting for freedom and control of destiny.

"Are those all true?" Ji Jianhui's body was trembling.

The truth revealed by the empire is far more terrifying than the dark end of her dream.

Of course, there is another possibility.

The dark end he dreamed of was only the beginning.

When the entire universe is occupied by those horrible things, those cruel things will also happen in this universe.

"You should ask yourself whether you should believe what you see with your own eyes, Captain Jianhui. The empire has opened up battlefields in multiple universes, and the pictures you see are actually just reflections of other battlefields. We have already seen There have been many universe endings, all of which have powerful civilizations and technologies, but in the end they all failed."

"Do you really think those Ultramans can always protect human beings? How long do you think Ultramans can resist in the face of those terrible darkness? Many things are indeed beautiful and worthy of awe, yes."

"Needless to say." Ju Jianhui interrupted Sigma, "I'll help you. But I'm just a mortal, and I don't know how to help you."

"It doesn't matter, we will help you guide the power and knowledge passed down in your body by your ancestors." Sage Sigma stretched out his hand, helped Jun Jianhui who was lying in the working cabin, and let her come out.

Kahulan also woke up from his work cabin.

He looked very tired.

Protecting a seed that has not yet mastered psionic skills to travel in the high heavens is a mind-consuming thing.

If it was changed before a firewall was established, Kahulan would definitely not dare to do such a thing.

Under the protection of the Holy Emperor, he was able to do this seemingly crazy thing before.

"You have to learn to use your power." Kahulan said weakly: "Psychic power is a rare talent, but also a curse. If you don't use it well, it will attract attacks from those monsters."

Ju Jianhui nodded.

At the end of the journey, she saw things that were too horrible to exist.

Monsters born from the dreams of the wildest lunatics.

Those things are more terrifying and unreasonable than the fictitious **** demons created by humans.

Just describing its appearance will make people suffer greatly.

The two attendants helped Ju Jianhui out of the room.

Her legs were weak, and her face was flushed with fear.

Nerves are even slightly paralyzed, and it is difficult to control the body.

Fortunately, she didn't drink any water, otherwise there might be an extremely embarrassing scene.

Sage Sigma took Ju Jianhui to the depths of the laboratory.

There is a silver door made of an unknown alloy.

There is a faint light emerging.

Obviously, it is protected by a force field.

The Sage of Sigmar stretched out a mechanical arm made of countless filaments.

Countless metal filaments converge into a thin needle and pierce it into the interface of the control panel.

Input your bio-seal information into it.

Light green brilliance dotted her huge body.

Sweep activates by oscillating back and forth.

After reading the information of his bio-seal, the embedded electronic components sent out a trill for sequence confirmation.

Wait until the sound of confirmation sounded, and a series of metal gears turned sounded.

With a bang, hiss and infrasonic whine, the latch touches, the stasis field, the kill trap, the impact lock closes.

The heavy door slid open.

White mist flowed out from the door, rushing at the ankles like a flood that broke a bank.

Ju Jianhui saw what was inside.

After entering, there is a smooth platform with railings.

In front of the platform is a huge space.

Three giant stone statues are placed inside, protected by an invisible force field.

Seeing the appearance of the three giant stone statues, Ju Jianhui's brain hurt, and he couldn't help crying out in pain.

The three stone statues caused some memories that did not belong to her.

A glimpse into ancient warfare.

Those Ultraman are fighting in the human city.

Tiga is also in it.

The difference is that his body is shining with black light.

Memory fragments are very messy and one-sided.

Ju Jianhui couldn't piece together the truth of the matter completely, but he read the names of the three giant stone statues.

"Dahlam, Hitler, Camilla. Dark giants, enemies sealed forever."

"It seems that you have obtained some memories of your ancestors." Sage Sigmar's voice was mechanically cold as always, and only fluctuated when talking about the Holy Emperor.

"They are dark giants." Jun Jianhui said.

"Can you release them?" Sage Sigmar said: "They are failures, which allow us to see more intuitively how the power of the giant affects the host."

"Will it be too dangerous?" Ju Jianhui said with some anxiety: "They are very strong. They have fought against other justice Ultraman in ancient times, and they have not fallen into a disadvantage. Once they are released, it is likely to bring unimaginable crisis."

"Before they cause a crisis, I will kill them." Shar, who had been silent all the time, said, "You can rest assured about this."

Ju Jianhui looked at Sage Sigma, asking for his opinion.

Sage Sigma nodded, and the sound of gears moving could be heard from the neck.

"The Primordial Forge Warriors are the most powerful warriors in the empire. They have the power to kill gods."

Hearing this sentence, Ju Jianhui nodded.

"I don't know if it works, but I can try it. I hope you really have the means to restrain those giants."

"Try it with confidence, Captain Jianhui, if these guys can't handle it, the empire will have no face to say that it will lead mankind out of that terrible future."

The blood of an ultrancient witch flows in Junjianhui's body.

The wisdom and power of the witches of all ages are in her body, just waiting for her to dig and use.

It is not difficult to lift the seal.

When the sealing force field covering the three giant stone statues disappeared, the giant stone statues that had been sealed for thirty million years were revived.

The power of darkness is surging.

Turn the original stone statue into an Ultraman covered with dark runes and patterns.

The eyes of the three dark Ultramans lit up red, filled with terrifying hatred and malice.

A terrifying voice echoed in Junjian Hui's mind.

Full of madness and hatred.

"Tiga, why, why did you betray us!"

"It's really a miraculous technology. It has been turned into a stone statue for tens of millions of years, and it can be restored to normal through this method." Sage Sigma revealed a trace of fanaticism.

The power of giants must be in the hands of the empire.

It is not just as simple as being used in war.

If it can be applied to various military technologies or shelters, the effect will definitely be even more amazing.

Hearing the sound, Camilla looked down and saw a human being covered in biochemical prosthetics, with little flesh and blood left.

suddenly roared.

It is for these fools that Tija betrayed them.

"Stupid humans, your time is over." Camilla roared: "Darkness will swallow everything up, tremble, cry, let out desperate cries and helpless cries."

"Weep, the end has come."

"Kill these idiots."

Beside Camilla, the two giants Durham who hold the power of darkness, Hitler also roared together.

Their anger is as terrible as a hundred thousand volcanoes put together.

A backlog of thirty million years.

Camilla also felt the pity.

Fixed his eyes on Junjian Hui.

"It's you, the damned woman, who tricked Tiga into betraying me and letting him leave me."

Camille stretched out her hand, wanting to squeeze this damned woman alive.

Her body is still in the form of a giant.

Random actions can cause huge damage.

Ju Jianhui's face turned pale.

If she is caught by the other party and hit her hard a few times, she will explode.

(end of this chapter)