Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Chapter 388 The prey that entered the trap (seeking subscription)

Saitek Group is definitely the most competitive and creative company in the world.

Keigo Masaki, who serves as its president, is a world-renowned physicist and biologist.

Win many science and technology awards, known as the most knowledgeable person in mankind.

The few people gathered next to Masaki Keigo are all human elites.

Has made outstanding contributions in aerospace, new materials, genetic biology, and basic physical theory.

To some extent, they are the real elite, not those pigs who rely on the wealth and connections of their parents.

Everyone gathered at Keigo Masaki is extremely important to human society.

They lead the cutting-edge technology in a field.

However, these people are all disappointed and hopeless with today's human society.

This society is already sick.

Illness is hopeless, and Illness is dying.

Since humans entered the industrial age, all kinds of monsters have emerged in an endless stream.

In the face of these crises, instead of strengthening military research and development, human beings have become more and more dependent on those giants.

This is true from the eighteenth century of the last century to the twenty-fifth century today.

A lot of human military equipment uses antiques hundreds of years ago.

It is not that human technology has not progressed.

Rather, society as a whole is being slowly castrated.

Human beings as a whole tend to be feminine, and they rely heavily on the so-called Ultraman in fighting monsters.

Many Ultramans claim to be the defenders of the order of the universe.

comes from a place called the Kingdom of Light, responsible for protecting everyone from harm.

Under the protection of those giants, human beings have become increasingly bloodless and lack male characteristics.

Put all resources in the field of people's livelihood.

The colonization of different planets has been started successively, and the entire solar system has been developed.

The universe is not without enemies.

Those hateful aliens will always appear non-stop, wreaking havoc on human cities.

Every time this time comes, those giants will descend from the sky, defeat those monsters smoothly, and then leave amidst the cheers of the people.

It's always been like this, it's never been anything new.

The brains of those ignorant masses and their logical thinking are limited to this.

Only a few reports are needed, and a few specious experts can fool them into unnecessary.

TPC, MAC and other important official organizations on the earth are all advocating the theory of Ultraman protection.

Turn on any TV station and you will be able to see those experts advocating the greatness of Ultraman.

"Without Ultraman, there is no future for mankind."

"We are all light, part of Ultraman."

"If you can live in the world protected by Ultraman, you will have no regrets in this life."

On the Internet, as long as you take a random video of Ultraman fighting a monster, it will make those people excited to climax.

Now the first thought of any child seeing a monster is to let Ultraman appear quickly and defeat the monster.

Their worldview has developed a subconscious that Ultraman will protect them.

This is exactly where these human elites feel sad.

In a few more generations, humans may no longer have voices against those giants.

They are light, justice, benevolence, and everything about human beings.

People will forget the nature of war.

rely on the strength of those giants,

Never learn to fight those fearsome enemies by yourself again.

When they saw monsters, they would call out the names of the Ultramen instead of resisting them by themselves.

At that time, what is the difference between human beings who have lost their aggressiveness and those domestic animals living in animal pens!

Masaki Keigo is also worried about that future.

Even fear.

For this reason, he has been trying another thing, which is to steal the power of those giants.

Harness the Sethek Group's influence.

He secretly gathered many like-minded partners, formed an alliance, and devoted himself to saving mankind.

Arrange those people to join the team where the Ultraman human body is located through the financial and material resources of the Sotek Group.

Use various names to investigate the transformation devices of those human bodies and their source of power.

For some reason, those so-called Ultraman always like to use the bodies of local creatures when they are active among humans.

Those people whose bodies are used are called human bodies.

The secrets of the human body are only known to a few people.

Keigo Masaki is one of them.

He vaguely felt that there might be a huge secret hidden in it.

In order to gain insight into this secret, he launched the light particle research project.

This project also gave him access to a mysterious inter-universe force.

Empire of Man.

They are not large in scale, there is only one exploration team.

But they have extremely advanced technology and have a deep understanding of space and time.

The Imperials hid in society, collecting information about the universe, and lobbying the native elites who might join them.

Get ready for the fall of the empire Preliminary preparations.

In order to win over Masaki Keigo and the allies behind him, the scholars of the empire revealed some truths to him.

Informed Masaki Keigo of the existence of the heavens, the origin and cycle of everything in the universe, and even the terrible things that the empire has been fighting against.

Those pure and unspeakable evils.

Horrible creatures that exist purely for the purpose of destroying, fooling, and destroying.

Countless universes have been destroyed.

Some that have not been destroyed have become breeding farms for those horrible things, and they are kept in captivity as food.

There is no place in the heavens and worlds that is absolutely safe.

The vast etheric ocean connects all universes.

These universes influence each other.

It is doomed that no creature can escape that sad fate.

In order to win and avoid being the food of those Chaos creatures, the Empire must unite all humans.

Avoid those who are arrogant and ignorant who will poison the entire race.

Once the victory is won, it will bring an unimaginable bright future to mankind.

Every human being isolated in the heavens will become a true whole.

It's like water droplets will eventually flow into the ocean.

A trans-universe empire belonging to mankind will be established.

The peak of civilization that human beings can imagine will become a reality.

Masaki Keigo is not a person who is easily persuaded.

However, the truth revealed by those imperial scholars touched him a bit.

One thing, Masaki Keigo has never told anyone.

At a very young age, he had frequent nightmares.

Dreaming of those terrible dark doomsdays, seeing the end of humanity in dreams.

Those innocent people were screaming and crying in the flames.

Those terrible dreams are like flashbacks of ancient memories, and also like foreshadowings of future fragments.

When Masaki Keigo grew up and came into contact with those Ultraman, he also realized that his dream revealed the fate of mankind.

Humanity will perish in darkness.

Every life will be lost in the carnival, despaired in the torment of the plague, and die crying in the face of fear.

Those Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light and from other worlds cannot save human beings.

They will even drop humans at critical moments.

Humanity must save itself.

You must choose your own future, and firmly hold your destiny in your own hands.

Masaki Keigo chose to join the empire without hesitation, and declared his allegiance to the so-called holy emperor.

And his condition is that the empire must protect the world.

To prevent the terrible dark end he prophesied.

Stop those evil Chaos gods from harvesting his people.

The empire gave Masaki Keigo some technological assistance, allowing him to speed up the research on light particles and allow humans to master the power to become giants.

Meanwhile prepare for the arrival of the Empire.

If you want to fight against those evil things, keep them out of the world where ordinary people live.

It cannot be done without a strong, sacrificing legion.

The strength of human beings stems from their successive generations of brave and fearless people.

Not a hero, let alone an Ultraman.

However, Masaki Keigo knew that this matter was not that simple.

The coming of the empire will inevitably bring turmoil.

A dictator's empire is absolutely unacceptable to people today.

Human civilization entered an almost ideal democratic society with the help of Altman.

After the empire comes, it will inevitably break all this, and let all rules and orders be subverted and re-established.

Can you imagine that the entire human civilization is ruled by an emperor!

Totalitarianism like that is absolutely unacceptable to those so-called democrats.

Masaki Keigo is very clear that humans must join the empire.

Only a unified, united human civilization can deal with those creatures that are too dark to imagine, too terrifying to exist in reality.

The protection that relies on external force is unreliable after all.

Humanity must become stronger by itself.

Masaki Keigo suppressed the many thoughts in his heart and focused his attention on the current predicament.

"We have to speed up the research on light particles, and this power must be in the hands of us humans." Masaki Keigo said: "I will never allow any problems with this matter."

He has to speed up the research on light particles, and strive to research the secret of human body transformation as quickly as possible.

During years of investigation, Masaki Keigo discovered a problem.

Many of the human beings get their powers in very different ways in the beginning, and according to some secret investigations, their light is also very different.

Part of Ultraman comes from a mysterious kingdom of light.

It is very far away from the solar system.

is currently out of reach of Masaki Keigo.

The other part comes from the planet itself.

For example, Ultraman Tiga, who is currently active, has a human body that is a member of GUTS - Dagu. He has the gene of an ultrancient warrior in his body and can use light to manipulate the body of a giant.

It can be said that his power comes from super ancient giants, not the Kingdom of Light.

Also, Ultraman Gaia, who was active at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, is said to be derived from the power of the earth.

Ultraman Seven, who was active in the middle and late twentieth century, and Ultraman Taro came from the Kingdom of Light.

Behind all these things, there is an unusual thing.

There is a power hidden in the universe waiting to be discovered and used.

Mastering the appropriate method, you can turn into light and manipulate the giant's body to fight.

Keigo Masaki has been trying to artificially control those lights, so that that power becomes the patron saint of mankind and the weapon of war for mankind.

After receiving the assistance of the empire, his research made a great breakthrough.

Give him some more time, and he will be able to complete the combination of human beings and light particles.

Let mankind usher in a new era.

The only disadvantage is that the existence of the empire has also been noticed by GUTS and other forces.

They followed the clues to investigate the exploration team sent by the empire, a trans-universe force.

This made Masaki Keigo very worried. He used some means to ask some high-ranking officials for help, hoping that they could stop the GUTS investigation.

Some people in the alliance are active at the top. Although they are not powerful, they still have a certain influence.

With the impact of Ultraman on human society, the trend of thinking that human beings should completely give up weapons and give up all military research and development is becoming more and more widespread.

However, not everyone is so easily fooled by the so-called peace and beauty.

There are still many sober people in the restricted military.

They know that truth and peace exist only within the range of the cannon.

As long as your cannon can hit any enemy who wants to invade you, then truth and peace exist.

Without that cannon, truth and peace would be an unrealistic dream.

Some people are deeply worried about the proliferation of extreme pacifism.

In order to win votes, the politicians of democratic votes are even more confused, and the proposals they instigate are exaggerated one by one.

Some politicians even propose a feminized society, using genetic modification to make men more feminine and make them no longer brutal.

What frightened Masaki Keigo was that this trend had already begun.

Male public figures in some countries generally tend to be feminine. At first glance, they will subjectively think that the other party is a girl.

Not long ago, a male public figure with a fair face, long hair and shawls, a slender and soft body, as if his bones were made of bananas, elegant and soft manners, and a cute and cute voice, became popular on the Internet.

The reason is that the other party drank a glass of ice water in a public place, and said delicately, "It's so cool."

Because of this sentence, the Internet exploded, and was considered by countless media as the cutest boy of the year, which aroused the pursuit of countless boys and girls, gained a lot of wealth, and achieved a perfect life.

One can imagine how sick this society has become.

If mankind continues like this, it will be a matter of time before it will be destroyed.

A lot of people are deeply saddened by this.

Masaki Keigo used his ability to persuade those people to secretly become the eyeliner of the empire.

Their purpose is the same, that is, to save this sick society.

"Several state-of-the-art observation instruments will be delivered in two days, and by then, a new round of experiments can begin." A scientist said.

"Do you want to carry out certain genetic corrections on the candidates to prevent them from being unable to adapt to the power of light, which may cause problems at that time."

"Using the power of light requires the genes of super ancient warriors. This may also be a breakthrough point."

Keigo Masaki listened to the discussions of other scientists.

Just wanted to arrange the next research and experiment.

Suddenly a phone call came in.

is TPC's informant.

The other party's words were very brief.

It seems that calling him is a very risky thing.

"They found a foraging eagle over in Oceania."

Masaki Keigo was stunned for a moment, then made another call.

Those guys are really haunted, go find your monsters and beat them.

The vast Pacific Ocean has storms and waves up to hundreds of meters all the time.

Even though humans have developed colonies in the orbit of gas planets such as Jupiter, they dare not claim to have conquered the ocean.

When humans arrogantly want to declare themselves in control of nature.

Nature will always give human beings a moment to let human beings know who is the one riding on it.

The Pacific Ocean is vast, with countless islands.

Some large islands will be developed.

Small islands are often ignored, because complex crustal movements will make those islands disappear overnight.

For this reason, few people will care about those islands that no one cares about.

However, many people do not know how much wealth is hidden in the ocean.

An occasional small island may hide something shocking enough for human beings.

For example, the information read by the imperial exploration team from the background of the universe locked on this Pacific desert island.

The universe is like a disc, and everything that happened will leave traces on the disc.

As long as you master the appropriate method, you can read those remaining traces.

If you can interpret those traces more deeply, you can even glimpse the future.

Empire's universe tectonics points out a very sharp point of view.

If there is no external force change, the universe is likely to operate according to the information contained in itself.

A simple explanation is the so-called plot line.

It's like throwing something in outer space, it will fly in the direction it was thrown at the beginning, until it is destroyed or disturbed by external forces.

The same is true for the operation of the universe.

It is continuity.

If it is a little more crazy, put it at the level of the entire universe of the heavens.

That is definitely a conclusion that makes gods and all creatures despair.

Of course, deciphering all the information in a universe is not an easy task.

The empire's exploration team has no intention of doing such a thing.

Their main purpose is to understand the local situation and consider how the local area should be conquered.

If you don't need to use force, that's naturally the best.

There are no trees on that island.

All bare rocks.

A long-quiet volcano is located in the center of the island, which is the only attraction.

In addition, there is only an endless blue ocean.

If you master the skills, you can find a special path along the volcano and walk into a very wide underground space.

"It's hard to imagine that the super ancient humans in this universe have mastered such technology, allowing the so-called light to combine with themselves to obtain extraordinary power."

Technical sage-Sigma stared at the information board in front of him, and the electronic eyes embedded in the eye sockets showed excitement.

The fist-sized, ellipsoid-shaped suspended drone hovered in this vast underground space.

The emitted light beams scan this underground space.

The servants under the command of the sage are also walking around the tomb, using portable detection equipment and analysis engines to inspect the tomb, looking for samples that the sage needs.

This space is very strange.

Like a forgotten tomb.

A tomb belonging to Ultraman.

All are giant stone statues with wreckage and broken arms.

From the databases of GUTS and several other special departments, Sage of Sigmar learned about the so-called ultrancient war.

A group of humans who have mastered supernatural powers clashed, and eventually all died in the civil war.

"The price of going to the heavens is extremely heavy, but everything is worth it. If the empire masters this technology, it will be able to form a brand new legion."

"The titan army of the empire is already strong enough." Shar, the third company commander of the sharks wearing power armor, who is in charge of protection, said indifferently: "If we can open the way, we only need a few days to conquer this world. Dedicate a world to the Holy Emperor."

"It's not as simple as you imagined. Have you seen the remains of those giants? They hold a special power, a power between reality and illusion. I doubt that this universe has ever had a monster no less than the Old Sage. powerful civilization that has left a legacy on this universe.

The sage of Sigma said as he walked: "That ancient civilization created a power that allows those creatures living in this universe to use this power to repel the invasion of those monsters. If we find a way to use this power, Then we can apply this power and technology to the soldiers of the Empire."

"Why did they do that?" Shal asked.

"You have to ask them about this." Sigma walked forward, the metal joints supported the huge metal body, and the sound of mechanical gears continued to come from the body.

"It may be a more vicious conspiracy, or it may be a civilization on the verge of destruction, or the last act of goodwill before leaving this universe. But in any case, the existence of this force can be described as unimaginable. It is the cutting-edge technology used by energy technology, To say something disrespectful, the technology of the empire is powerful, but this kind of technology is still something we have never mastered."

"If it can be analyzed in reverse and brought back to the empire, the Holy Emperor will personally receive us for our contribution."

"Sounds good." Shar said: "But you still have to hurry up, there is something here that prevents the information transmission between us and the proton detector."

"This situation makes me a little uneasy. This universe has too many dangers, and I can't observe other places at any time, which makes me a little uneasy.

The Sage of Sigmar scanned the huge tomb, "Soon, as long as the samples are taken, we will leave."

The voice just fell.

A servant came with the news.

"My lord, an abnormal energy reading has been detected. There seems to be a seal here!"

TPC headquarters.

GUTS Special Squad Operations Command Center.

"We must not let those damned evil people destroy this beautiful world."

The leader of the GUTS special operations team-Jian Hui is in the prime of life, and the decent uniform sets off her proud figure. Although she has given birth to a child, her skin is delicate and smooth, and her charm still exists.

Stern lectures, when motivating the team members, they are even more heroic and have a special flavor.

The several TPC members in charge of supervision swallowed secretly.

Captain Ju Jianhui has the title of TPC's number one beauty and has countless suitors.

Even if there are children, those suitors cannot be stopped.

After all, who can resist the temptation of sleeping with widows.

"This time, we will join forces with the GUARD team in charge of the North American region to act together. We must not embarrass us, and we must catch those **** intruders." Did Ju Jianhui sweep the crowd? "Do you all understand?"





All the team members stood up straight with firm eyes.

They are GUTS members fighting for justice.

Never fear any crisis.

"Ye Rui is in charge of staying at the base to be responsible for communication support and technical analysis, while the others leave." Ju Jianhui said.

Feiyan No. 1, Feiyan No. 2, two fighter planes glide out of the hangar, and after the engine emits a strong light, it rushes to the sky, turns into a small black dot, and disappears into the sky.

Feiyan series of fighter jets set off from the TPC headquarters at an extremely fast speed.

While in the Pacific region, I met up with four fighters sent by the GUARD team in charge of the North American region, and headed to the destination together.

After hours of flying, they arrived at the target island.

After several scans, it was confirmed that there was no ambush.

Jujianhui, Dagu and other GUTS members and the GUARD team landed on the island together to search for clues of the empire.

This organization is active all over the world.

Encourage people to worship and allegiance to the holy emperor, trying to restore the feudal monarchy.

If there are only these words, it is just a wishful thinking and unrealistic organization.

However, judging from a lot of information, this organization has a very high level of technology, and even enslaved several monsters.

This situation attracted the attention of GUTS and other teams.

It is very likely that there is a terrible evil hidden behind this organization.

Some people speculate that they will try to create monsters like some lunatics in the past, and then use monsters to rule the world, restore their feudal monarchy, and build their empire.

Behavior like that is absolutely not allowed.

As guardians, they must crush such evil.

Never let humanity be enslaved by a horrible dictator.

The team members who landed on the island did not realize that they had been targeted by enemies hidden in the dimension.

Several pairs of eyes watched them walk into the land of death in a daze.

The sharp teeth of the white shark are about to bite its gift.

The power weapon's power field is activated, and the machine spirit within it is eager to drink the blood of the enemies of the empire.

The calibration device of the helmet is locked on the fighter plane flying in the air.

The muzzle specially used to shoot heavy armor units moves with the flight of the fighter, waiting for the best shooting opportunity.

Wait until Feiyan-1 flies by again at low altitude to scan the entire island.

The action begins.

ps: A correction, the human empire has never believed in justice. When the emperor made his great expedition, he paid attention to a cruel

(end of this chapter)