Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5124

Chapter 5124

The fifth thousand one hundred and twenty-four chapters peach eyes

There is clear water in the old ancient well.

This is a weird thing. In a confined alien space, where does the groundwater come from? What's more, the water in this well is so clear that it doesn't seem to be stagnant water.

If that's the case, that's all.

The most important thing is that at the moment on the surface of the well water, there are a pair of illusory pink eyes, extremely beautiful and charming, staring at Lin Chen in the well!

I was caught off guard, and found a pair of weird eyes in the well, staring at him, and Lin Chen was surprised at how courageous he was.

He quickly backed away a few steps and moved away from Gujing.

Time passed, and a moment of time passed, and there was no figure rushing out of the well, not even the slightest movement.

Lin Chen approached the ancient well again and looked towards the bottom of the well. Those eyes reflected on the water still existed, still staring at him.

Unreal and beautiful!

"What the **** is this? Could it be possible that there is another mystery in this well? Could it be that Senior Easterners are right in this ancient well right now?"

Lin Chen made a bold guess in his heart.

He hesitated for only a few seconds before turning over and jumping into the well.

At the same time, the eyes on the surface of the well showed a smile and disappeared.


When Lin Chen fell into the well water, he only felt that the water was so cold to his heart. Before he could react, the scene before him changed and he was already standing in an old corridor.

On both sides of the corridor, there are azure night pearls, and at the end is a bronze gate with a height of seven or eight meters.

Lin Chen looked left and right warily, and walked forward. When he came to the front and back of the gate, he pushed the gate open.


Behind the gate is a magnificent hall.

In the main hall, there are several dejected figures, including Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong, Qing Prison God Sovereign and Tian Lan.

The four of them were all attracted by the movement of the door pushing open. They turned their heads and looked at the door. When they saw Lin Chen, they couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

"How did you come?"

When Dongfang Ji saw Lin Chen, he didn't like it and was shocked, his figure flashed in front of Lin Chen, and said helplessly, "I'm afraid you will come and find us, and then find this way. If you are really afraid, come here!"

When Lin Chen saw Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong and the others were safe and sound, he was relieved. He was a little puzzled when he heard Dongfang Ji's words. He didn't understand why he didn't want to come by himself.

When contacted with the fact that they had not returned here, he was shocked and immediately had a guess.

It's not that Dongfang Ji didn't want to leave here, but they couldn't leave!

"Senior, what are you having trouble with here?" Lin Chen asked.

Dongfang Ji sighed: "Don't mention it, I came here for a trip. I didn't get anything to say, and I was still trapped here. Now I can't even want to leave!"

Tian Lan next to her lowered her head, not daring to speak at all.

After all, she said that the palace here should have treasures and great opportunities. As a result, the **** could not be found, and now she can't even want to leave.

"I can't leave, it means I can't find the way to leave?" Lin Chen said.

Dongfang Ji shook his head: "There is a mad woman. She said she can't leave here, so we can't leave either. We must stay here to accompany her to relieve boredom. Not only must we chat with her, but also give her every once in a while. Prepare a show for fun!"


Lin Chen was dumbfounded, how could he feel a little inexplicable under what circumstances.

"The strength of that mad woman is better than those of you together?" He curiously asked.

Yue Kong sighed, "That woman is a half-step **** king!"

Dongfang Sacrificially said: "To be precise, it is the best among the half-step gods, and the true one is only one step away from the gods. Together, she can knock us over with a slap!"

Lin Chen still wanted to continue to inquire, suddenly there was a feeling of a sharp edge on his back and a hairy feeling in his heart.

He quickly turned around to look, and saw that there was a tall and beautiful woman behind him at some unknown time.

This woman has long buttock-length pink hair, and even her pupils are pink. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has an unspeakable charm. She has a peach-like red mark on her forehead, and her eyes are straight. Look at yourself.

It seemed to be looking at the prey she had just caught.

"It's these eyes!"

Lin Chen's heart jumped, the eyes that had previously been reflected on the surface of the well water were the eyes of this woman.

These eyes are too beautiful and too attractive, so they are too easy to identify, and it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake.

"Who did you say is a mad woman?" She looked at Dongfang Ji and asked with a smile.

Dongfang Ji let out a dry cough, "I didn't mean you anyway!"

"..." Lin Chen glanced at Dongfang Ji in surprise. Is this being soft? It seems that Senior Dongfang and the others were so choked by this woman before he came over!

"I also don't think it's me, where in the world is there a beautiful crazy woman like me."

The woman smiled with satisfaction, her figure flickering, and she instantly appeared in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was so frightened that his heart beat wildly, the speed of this woman was so fast that he couldn't even react.

"From today, you are my person, do you know?"

While talking, the woman looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile, "Yes, she looks more pleasing to the eyes than them, and you will be responsible for chatting with me every day from now on!

You have to... well, come up with different jokes every day to make me happy and relieve my boredom, don't you know? If you dare to make me feel bored, I will kill you! "

Obviously, this is the crazy woman who made Dongfang Ji and others unable to leave.

She left everyone behind, she didn't do anything else, just wanted someone to chat with her?

"You look at me so straight, isn't it because I look so beautiful?"

When the woman saw Lin Chen's gaze on herself, she was not angry, but asked with a smile.

Lin Chen shook his head.

The woman's expression suddenly sank.

Lin Chen said: "Pretty is indeed very beautiful, or the word "beauty" is not enough to describe you. It should be said that it is the most beautiful person in the world. But when I look at you, I feel that you are very much like a friend of mine. , She also hopes that someone will chat with her all day long like you!"

Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong and others are speechless, this kid is too special to flatter!

Seeing the woman's face immediately happy, several people couldn't help but complain. Whether it was a flatterer or a flattered person, their cheeks were very thick!

"Hehe, you really can talk, and it's much more interesting than them. There is indeed no better-looking woman in this world. Who is your friend?" The woman said with a smile.

Lin Chen said: "She's Ling'er."

"Ling'er, the name sounds pretty good, or would you call her over to chat with me? Oh no! I can't let you leave and call her, or you won't come back."

The woman talked to herself, and she was a little disappointed when she came to the back.

Lin Chen said: "What's your name?"

The people of Dongfang Ji didn't feel much about Lin Chen's remarks. If there were people on earth here, they would definitely feel speechless.

When I meet a big beauty, I first say that I am like my friend, and then ask the name. Isn't this the most common way to pick up girls?