Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5123

Chapter 5123

Chapter 5,123, Dilapidated Palace

The entrance of the cave is narrow, but the inside becomes wider and wider, like a whale with a small tail and a big head.

In the middle position, the space is distorted, and there is a very conspicuous spatial crack.

"No wonder it is hidden here. It is basically impossible to be swiftly ascended. However, although it is hidden, if you cover the surrounding area with spiritual thoughts from the outside world, and then explore it, you can still easily find that the law of time is chaotic, and it is not undiscovered. Possible."

After Lin Chen looked around for a few times, without any hesitation, it turned into a stream of light and flew into the gap in the space.

I plunged into a brief darkness before my eyes, and then returned to a somewhat dim light.

What caught my eyes was a different space with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles. The space at the end was distorted in all directions, and white clouds filled with faint light floated everywhere. It looked a bit like the fairyland in Chinese classical novels.

There is a very dusty feeling.

Lin Chen glanced away, and immediately fixed the majestic and old palace in the middle.

As Tian Lan said, as soon as he entered, he could see an old and mysterious palace.

"Here is the unknown world that the evil demons outside of the world are looking for? It's much smaller than expected."

Lin Chen whispered, he didn't rush to fly towards the palace, because there might be a danger that could cause him to fall.

If it is said that even Dongfang Ji and Yue Kong are here to explain, then he acted rashly, and the ultimate end, there is a high probability that he will not want to leave.

He doesn't want to explain in such a place!

Looking back, there was a gap in space behind him.

He just came out of this gap in space, and the gap in space did not disappear at this time.

This gap and the gap in the outer space should be the two ends of a space channel.

"Could it be that going out from here didn't actually go back to the original place? Senior Easterners actually went out through this gap in space, but were teleported to another mysterious and unknown world. As a result, they couldn't go back to find me?"

Thinking about this, he immediately tried and flew into the crack in the space behind him.

What disappointed Lin Chen was that he returned to the previous dark cave.

He sighed, and once again passed through the cracks in the space to come to this strange space like an immortal world.

"Now, it is certain that Senior Easterners were not teleported to other places, but after coming in with a high probability, they would not be able to go back outside through this gap in space. In other words, they are here now, or, Right in that palace!"

Lin Chen stared cautiously at the dilapidated palace in the distance.

Many of the walls of the houses in the palace have collapsed and looked very old. I don't know how many years have passed in this different space, giving people a very ancient feeling.

After hesitating for a moment, he approached the palace cautiously.

According to Tian Lan, there should be a few puppet guards to stop him next.

But knowing that Lin Chen fell on the ground of the dilapidated palace, still did not find any obstacles, there was no such thing as a puppet guard at all.

"Elder Tianlan will not lie about this kind of thing. Those puppet guards did not show up. It is highly probable that Senior Dongfang has solved them?"

He didn't directly use his spiritual mind to probe, so it would be easy to trigger the mechanism.

Carefully approaching the main hall in the center, while looking left and right, after a while, he saw a person lying not far away.

He was surprised at first, and then discovered that this was not a "human" at all, but a human-shaped puppet. Although it looked the same as a real person, the structure was not flesh and blood, but a kind of jade with a special material.

"This should be the puppet guard in Elder Tianlan's mouth. Uh, his head was beaten down. It is likely to be beaten like this by Senior Dongfang. Just like I guessed, a few puppet guards have been cleaned up!

However, Senior Easterners still failed to leave from this side, that is to say, there is a far more shocking crisis hidden here than the puppet guards! "

Lin Chen did not relax because of this, but became more cautious.

With a mentality of walking on thin ice, he searched the palace. As a result, he searched the entire palace inside and outside. He neither encountered any danger nor found traces of the Eastern Festival and others, nor did he find any. What baby.

"What's the situation, it's completely different from what you expected! Why is there nothing, not even danger?"

Lin Chen was a little confused, the development of the matter was completely different from what he expected.

To say that there are no treasures here, it can also be said that they were taken away by Dongfang Ji, but since there is no danger, Dongfang Ji and they are not here, so why didn't they go back to find yourself?

This matter is really strange everywhere, making him confused.

"Is it possible that Senior Dongfang and they have actually left here, because they have encountered trouble outside, or something urgent, that has caused them not to find themselves? Or else, I will go back and continue to wait for them there?"

Lin Chen stood in the courtyard full of broken walls, thinking about the next step in his mind, and turned around to look at the palace again. There is really nothing special about it.

In front of him was an old well, and he subconsciously glanced into the well.

The next moment, his pupils contracted, staring at the well!