Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 5125

Chapter 5125

The fifth thousand one hundred and twenty-five chapters trick a demon into a wife

"My name is Taoyao, how about you?"

The woman was more satisfied with Lin Chen.

This person is not only good-looking, but he is not afraid of himself, and he is not good at talking, and he even takes the initiative to chat with himself!

"Lin Chen!" Lin Chen continued to ask with a smile, "I think you are pretty dear, should we make friends?"

"Okay, okay!" Taoyao nodded hurriedly, very happy, "Since you are a friend, you will have to chat with me more in the future. I am most afraid of being bored!"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem. But since you are a friend, should you tell me about your situation? Where are you from and why are you here?"

Taoyao's expression was bitter: "I don't know, forget it!"

"Forgot?" Lin Chen was startled.

Tao Yao nodded: "Yes, I have forgotten many things. I only remember my name and some others.

For example, I used to live in a place called Yin and Yang Ruins. Yin and Yang Ruins were divided into Yin Ruins and Yang Ruins, and I lived in Yin and Yang Ruins! But there are more specific things that I can't remember. "

Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong and others immediately became interested and looked at Taoyao one after another.

Lin Chen wanted to ask again, but was interrupted by Taoyao: "It's your turn, where did you come from? Since we are friends, then you can't just ask me, I have to ask you too! You want Tell me honestly!"

Lin Chen looked frank: "Since everyone is friends, I will of course treat each other with sincerity. I come from the Undersea Realm, and I am an aboriginal born in the Undersea Realm. Do you know anything about the Undersea Realm?"

Dongfang Ji and others looked at him speechlessly.

"Underworld? I know underworld! Underworld is a big river between Yangxu realm and Yinxu realm." Taoyao nodded, with a little complacency on her face, as if to say, am I very Learned, hurry up and praise me.

A big river?

Lin Chen and others were all dumbfounded, how could the Undersea Realm be a big river.

Is it possible that the so-called Sea of Underworld, in essence, is actually a river?

"I'm stupid, you are so smart, can you find a way to explain it to me in more detail. I don't quite understand it." Lin Chen said with a wry smile.

"I will handle it!"

Taoyao stretched out a green jade finger and drew a picture in front of him. The space was distorted, black and white appeared, and a circular pattern soon appeared.

This pattern is formed by black and white. It looks like two fish, one black and one white, chasing each other. The strange thing is that the eyes of the black fish are white, and the eyes of the white fish are black.

"Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagram?"

Seeing this pattern, the first thing Lin Chen thought of was the "Tai Chi Yin and Yang Picture", which looked very similar.

"What Tai Chi Yin-Yang map, this is Yin-Yang Ruins!"

Taoyao gave him a white look, as if despising his ignorance. She pointed her finger at the white fish: "Hey, this is the Yangxu Realm."

He pointed his finger at the black fish again: "This is the Yinxu Realm! The Undersea Realm, it is here."

Speaking of the last, I stretched my finger to the black and white fish next to each other, the S-shaped curve in the middle, "This is a black river, and the creatures living in this river gave this place a name, which is called the Underworld."

For a time, whether Lin Chen and others, Qing Prison God Sovereign and Tian Lan, their hearts were greatly impacted.

The Undersea Realm is only a black river between the Yangxu Realm and the Yinxu Realm?

This is incredible!

"Could it be that the place where the evil demon outside the realm is going to is the Yangxu Realm or the Yinxu Realm?" A guess came out of Lin Chen's mind.

"Is this Yangxu Realm, Yinxu Realm, or somewhere else?" Lin Chen asked again.

Taoyao shook her head: "Then I don't know. I have been here since I woke up, but I don't know exactly where it is!"

Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong and others have actually understood that this overly beautiful woman cannot leave here, her loneliness is broken, so they hope that they and others will stay here to chat with her.

What makes them curious is, who is it that can trap Taoyao here?

If it is the enemy, why are they only trapped here and not killed?

It's a pity that Taoyao has forgotten too many things and can't answer them at all.

"Don't worry, after we leave here, we will definitely investigate your life experience. At that time, we will bring God King and Powerful over here, and find a way to take you away from here!" Lin Chen said.

Taoyao snorted and squinted at him: "Do you think I'm a fool, don't fool me! If you leave, you will never come back again. I won't let you go!"

"You have to believe me." Lin Chen looked solemn.

Taoyao rolled her eyes and was too lazy to answer.

Dongfang Ji, Yue Kong and the others smiled bitterly, thinking that Lin Chen was a bit whimsical. If it was really that easy, he could let the other party let himself and the others leave, so that they would not be trapped here for so long.

This woman is very easy to talk, but she is determined to let herself and others stay here to accompany her. There is no room for relaxation at all.

These days, they have tried various methods to discuss with each other, but the other party doesn't even bother to talk to them.

Next, Lin Chen's performance made them dumbfounded.

Lin Chen sighed, with a pained expression on his face: "Forget, you really forgot what we used to do. Forget! I didn't expect that I have been searching for you for so long, and you have already forgotten me."

Tao Yao saw his painful expression and said, "You...what do you mean by this? What do you mean by me forgetting you? Don't you just meet me just now?"

Lin Chen looked sad and insane, crying and laughing: "I just met you just now? Because I just thought you looked alike at first, but I didn't expect it to be you. You actually forgot about me. You have already forgotten me, so to me, what is the meaning of living? It's better to die!"

As he said, his expression was ruthless, and he slapped his head with a palm.

"Hey, don't mess around!"

Taoyao was startled, and looked at him in shock, a little embarrassed: "Don't be so excited, at least tell me clearly what is going on. If I forget you, you will die? I...I Is it really that important to you?"

"Of course it is important, you are my wife!" Lin Chen shouted with a pained expression on his face.

Tao Yao wondered: "Wife?"

Lin Chen said: "It's my wife! You are my wife, my beloved woman, and I am your husband. You forgot me, I'll die!"

"What...what! I...I am your wife, old, wife? But I really don't remember you anymore, don't do this, let me think about it. I will think about it again!"

Taoyao flushed with disbelief and embarrassment in her eyes.

Dongfang Ji and others: "..."