Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 421

Chapter 421

Chapter 421 The Snake King

Lin Chen said: "Some are interested, so I want to see."

Father Liu was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Where is this something that can be of interest, and who is the one who can provoke the Snake King, even those beasts in the mountains are nothing but its food! Lin Shenyi, you Let's get rid of this idea as soon as possible, and I won't tell you where I met the Snake King, that would only hurt you!

"Yes, Dr. Lin, you must not provoke the monster, absolutely not!" Mother Liu also said anxiously.

Liu Xiaozhu didn't expect that Lin Chen seemed to be looking for the Snake King, but he was also anxious. "Big Brother, you can't mess up, blame me. If you don't tell you about the Snake King!"

"Just like you girl, if Lin Shenyi has something wrong, I will not clean up your meal!" Father Liu scolded Liu Xiaozhu.

Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly. He went to the Snake King alone, but he wasn't going to die, but it is estimated that in the eyes of Liu's family, he was a city man who was curious about the Snake King. In their view, he went to the Snake King himself, indeed It's the same as going to death.

He didn't say much. He pointed to a steel pipe-thick iron bar at the door: "Xiaolei, help me get the iron bar."

Although Xiao Lei was a little confused about the situation, he immediately went to get it. After Lin Chen took it, the iron rod with a length of about one meter in both hands suddenly became U-shaped.

Once again, it was restored to its original form.


Several people in the Liu family opened their mouths, and they suspected that they were dreaming. This iron rod was a real fellow who used to defend himself when Liu Father went to the mountains to collect medicine. In Lin Chen's hands, he was just like mud!

Is this Lin Shen doctor superman?

Lin Chen smiled and said: "I will do some hard work, I have great strength, and I will still run even if I can't beat it, so you don't have to worry about what happened to me."

Several people in the Liu family looked at each other. Eventually, Father Liu told Lin Chen where he saw the king of snakes, and even said that the flaming sun grass was also found there.

Lin Chen's heart sank slightly, so it seems that the Snake King appeared there probably because of Fire Sungrass. Now that the Fireyang Grass is gone, the Snake King may have left there long ago.

At this time, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening. At the invitation of Liu's family, Lin Chen had dinner at their house with great affection, and then he was ready to move up the mountain to find the Snake King.

Because Father Liu said, the last time he met the Snake King was in the evening. Lin Chen guessed that this Snake King should come out for activities at this time.

After leaving the Liu family, Lin Chen rushed towards the place where Liu said. Liu Xiaozhu originally planned to lead him, but he refused him. After all, if he really met the Snake King, he was not afraid, but he might not be able to protect him. This little girl.

About half an hour later, Lin Chen found the place that Liu Fu said.

At this time, the light is dark and the visibility is very low. Fortunately, Lin Chen's eyesight is much better than that of ordinary people, but he can also see the surrounding scenery.

Looking around carefully, I saw no difference from what Liu said. I was sure that this should be the place.

However, what disappointed him was that he didn't even see the Snake King. Even in the air, he didn't smell the smell of snakes. It is estimated that the Snake King hadn't been here since that day.

Although a bit discouraged, all this was expected by Lin Chen. Next, he would move like a phantom in the dark and peaceful Pinglan Mountains.

Although his speed is as fast as ghosts, Pinglan Mountain is too big. Until the middle of the night, there is still no trace of the snake king, but many herbs have been found along the way, as well as some fierce beasts traveling at night.

Lin Chen thought for a while and ran directly to the top of the mountain and climbed to the tallest tree among them, looking from the top to the distance. The moon in the night sky was high, and the quiet Pinglan Mountain gave people a crisis. Mystery, if ordinary people are here at this time, it is estimated to be terrified.

The light was too dark. Lin Chen looked at it for a while, closed his eyes, and listened carefully. There was a rustling sound of the night wind blowing through the leaves, there was a low roar from unknown beasts, and some fruits fell off. After a while, Lin Chen heard the sound of something creeping fast, and then came a cry of a beastly roar.

The voice is very small, but still caught by Lin Chen.

There was a happy look in Lin Chen's eyes, and he hurried towards the origin of the sound. If he guessed right, the sound just now should have been made by snakes crawling fast on the leaves.

Soon, Lin Chen reached his destination, and in his eyes, a terrifying scene appeared.

A huge python, estimated to be ten meters long and thick in a bucket, was rolled into a ball. A wild boar with a weight of at least 500 pounds was wrapped in the middle of the body. It was opening its mouth and was swallowing the wild boar. Half of the pig's body has been swallowed in, his head is completely out of sight, only the back half of the body is exposed, and his legs are still kicking weakly.

Lin Chen was shocked when he saw this scene. Nima, this snake is really good. Such a huge wild boar is going to swallow it!

In this way, a few adult big men, it is estimated that it can also swallow!

Lin Chen did not rush to shoot, but was a little happy. When the snake king swallowed the giant wild boar, there was such a big thing in his body, and his speed of action and reaction would definitely be affected. By then, it was his own shot It's time.

Soon, the entire wild boar was swallowed by the king of snakes, and the king of snakes seemed to be a little braced.

Lin Chen slowly approached the past, staring at the three or seven inches of the Snake King.

Three inches is the most fragile place on the spine of the snake, and seven inches is where the snake's heart is located. Both are dead spots of the snake. Even if the snake is really refined, these two points will not change!

As long as you attack these two places, you can win the battle instantly.

The Snake King had just finished eating, and was a little tired. At this time, he fell asleep. Lin Chen approached carefully, and he was completely unaware.

Lin Chen saw that the seven-inch position was leaning on the snake's belly and could not be attacked. So, when he was about five meters away from the Snake King, he kicked the ground violently, just like the arrow from the string. Beside, a punch threw hard at his three inches!

As long as the Snake King's spine can be broken, it can instantly paralyze it. Even if it is a monster, it can't be moved!

squeak! !

A terrible scream came from the snake king's mouth. Its lantern-like eyes opened instantly, staring at Lin Chen with a huge body like a huge whip, and pumped towards Lin Chen!

"Broken! Nima, this snake is really good!"

Lin Chen's face changed, and when he hit his fist, he realized that there was a problem. The snake king's skin was incredibly tough. The most speechless thing was that there was a layer of mucus on it, which removed Lin Chen's strength. !

Lin Chen can be sure, not to mention the sword, even if the bullet hits the snake king, it can't hurt it at all. Where is this snake, it is a monster!