Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 422

Chapter 422

Chapter 422 Earned Big

When Lin Chen was shocked in his heart, the giant tail of the Snake King was drawn towards him, as fast as lightning. It was hard to imagine such a huge body. The action was as fast as lightning. Lin Chen was busy with his hands crossed against his chest. !


Lin Chen was directly pumped out, breaking a big tree in the back, and then hitting the second big tree, and then stopped!

Lin Chen vomited a bite of blood directly, only to feel that his internal organs were all shifted, his face was dignified, and the power and speed of this snake king were too terrifying, much stronger than the old innate early Xiang family who had dealt with him before!

He was speechless in his heart, Nima, for the first time since she was inherited, she suffered such a big loss for the first time, but was beaten by a snake!

Seeing that Lin Chen was still alive, the Snake King flashed a surprised look in his eyes, and then rushed to Lin Chen in an instant, opened his blood basin and slammed towards Lin Chen, a smell of rotten smell came on the face, almost Let Lin Chen vomit!

by! This is to devour yourself!

Recalling the wild boar swallowed just now, Lin Chen's scalp numb, and one side of his body was able to hide. Then, the giant tail of the Snake King was drawn again, this time, directly drawn to Lin Chen's head. After winning, even Lin Chen's body is extremely strong, it will definitely kill her.

Lin Chen rushed to an iron bridge, and the huge snake tail swept over the tip of his nose, pumped on the big tree beside him. The trunk of this big tree was as thick as three adults, but at this time, it was It was a snap, but it was directly drawn into two halves, and the tail of the snake was not reduced. It hit the ground and the ground was shaken a few times!

Lin Chen was frightened to take a breath, this guy was just a pervert, and he even knew how to pick his own head. Obviously, he already had some wisdom, and in a sense, it really became fine.

The attacking power of this snake king can definitely be compared with that of the innate midterms. He underestimated it a little, and Lin Chen felt a bit bitter.

However, at this time, there was no time to think about these messes. The fierceness of the Snake King also aroused Lin Chen's anger. He took advantage of the huge inertia of the snake tail to take advantage of the gap of the Snake King's head.

The Snake King was also extremely intelligent, and still attacked his head with Lin Chen, but it was the three or seven inches of dead points protecting his body. Although Lin Chen beat it and howled, it did not make it huge. hurt.

For a time, one snake and one person were incredibly fierce, the mountains were shaken, and the trees were destroyed countless!

If ordinary people see this scene, they will definitely be scared and dumb. This is comparable to Altman's monster fight. The key is what really happened in front of you. It is shocking and terrifying. It is not a movie. Compared!

In the end, Lin Chen saw that he could not touch the three or seven inches of the king of snakes. He simply put his target in his eyes and took advantage of the moment that the king of snakes bit him. He turned directly onto his huge head and punched hard. Smash on the snake-like lantern eyes!

squeak! !

The King of Snakes screamed again, like crazy, ramming in the woods, from time to time hitting trees and rocks with his huge head, trying to throw Lin Chen down.

Lin Chen was also taken aback, according to his strength, naturally it was impossible to be killed by this way, but if it fell at this time, according to the reaction speed of this snake king, he could be rolled up with his body in midair in an instant, snakes The body's strangling ability is terrifying. Lin Chen estimates that by then, he will be strangled by it to become a twist!

In a blink of an eye, the Snake King led Lin Chen out of thousands of kilometers. Lin Chen soon discovered that his movements became sluggish, and he was a little puzzled in his heart, but he soon reacted, but the Snake King had just swallowed it. The next wild boar, which is too big, is still swollen with a bag on his stomach. Such a rampage will undoubtedly cause huge damage to its own body!

"Haha! It seems that God wants you to die!" Just as the Snake King howled in pain and his movements slowed down, Lin Chen punched him hard in the other eye!

For this king of snakes, he will not have any pity, according to Liu Xiaozhu, this guy is not a minority of people killed in these decades.

squeak! !

The King of Snakes once again issued a sharp scream, the ferocity was completely inspired, and rammed again.

Suddenly, a cliff-like place appeared in front of me. Lin Chen was taken aback. The cliff did not know how deep it was. If it fell, it might be explained here!

At this time, the Snake King's eyes were hurt, and he couldn't clearly see what was ahead. He still rushed forward frantically. Lin Chen couldn't care about it anymore. But with the touch from his body, he directly curled up his tail and curled up Lin Chen directly!

"Lying trough! Isn't it!" Lin Chen was dumbfounded now and couldn't help but grumble.

The Snake King curled up with Lin Chen, but the intense pain from his eyes still drove it crazy, still rushing towards the front and instantly falling into the cliff!

Lin Chen looked down, his pupils shrank, and with the help of moonlight, he could vaguely see at least a hundred meters away from the cliff!

A bit of pain in his heart, even if it is his own physical strength, so fall, it will be finished, is it really necessary to explain here today?

The Snake King was also taken aback when he fell in the air. It seemed to be aware of the situation. He rolled up Lin Chen directly, and his body shrank desperately. Obviously, even if he fell to death, he must kill Lin Chen as a human!

"Fuck! Lao Tzu fights with you!" Lin Chen was also completely irritated. Would you like to die together? You must kill yourself first!

Just now the seven inch of the king of snakes was beside him. He was strangled with hands and feet so he could bite hard at the seven inches with his teeth!

The skin in this place is much weaker than elsewhere, and was instantly bitten by Lin Chen, and blood poured into Lin Chen's mouth. Lin Chen swallowed snake blood like crazy, trying to kill this snake quickly!

When he was strangled by the snake, he thought of a way to live, that is, to use the snake as a meat pad. In this way, there is a possibility of life.

However, before that, you need to kill the snake first!

The seven inches of the snake is where the heart is. At this time, Lin Chen was bitten and swallowed the blood. The Snake King also screamed violently, contracting his muscles desperately, trying to strangle Lin Chen first.

One person, one snake, wants to kill each other before landing!


Soon, one person and one snake finally fell to the ground, the ground was directly smashed into a huge pit, the ground vibrated, the nearby trees were also shaken, the mountains and rocks were flying, the sound was terrifying!

The huge movement awakened many villagers at the foot of the mountain from their sleep. They thought it was an earthquake. They quickly felt it carefully, but then there was no movement at all. For a while, the villagers slept again. go with.

At this time, under the cliff, the Snake King had already lost his vitality, and he could not die anymore. Lin Chen was lying on the body of the Snake King almost fell into a meatloaf. Fortunately, fortunately, the Snake King was killed by himself first, otherwise If so, I really have to die here with it today.

At this time, Lin Chen felt as if a flame was burning. Just bitten at the seven inches of the snake, he swallowed the snake king's blood, which can be said to be the essence of the snake king. Lin Chen carefully felt the next With a smile on his face.

"This time, it's really profitable."