Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Chapter 420 Treatment of Leg Injuries

Entering the house, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning slightly. The light was dark and the air was dull, which was not conducive to the patient's recovery.

A middle-aged peasant woman is taking medicine, and on a humble wooden bed lies a middle-aged man with a pale face.

Seeing Liu Xiaozhu come in with Lin Chen at this time, the middle-aged man gave Lin Chen a surprised look, propped himself up and sat up, wondering: "Xiao Zhu, is this?"

The peasant woman also looked at Lin Chen in confusion, with some alert in her eyes.

"Mom and dad, this is Big Brother Lin Chen. He spent two million yuan to buy my medicinal herbs. Now, Dad can go to the big hospital for treatment!" Liu Xiaozhu said excitedly.

"Two million?" Liu Xiaozhu's parents exclaimed at the same time.

Then, their eyes became bad again, staring at Lin Chen, very alert.

Lin Chen knew that he was treating himself as a liar, but it was not surprising. After all, a little girl went out to sell some medicinal herbs. When she came back, she suddenly said that someone had to spend two million yuan to buy it. It is estimated that normal people would feel that they had encountered a liar.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Hello, Uncle and Auntie, I did buy Xiaozhu's medicinal herbs for two million yuan, and there is exactly one thing in the medicinal herbs that I need. And because I think she came back with so much money by herself. It's not safe, so I'll come with her."

After he finished speaking, he opened the suitcase and a bundle of red banknotes appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah! It's a lot of money!" Liu Leizhu's younger brother Xiao Lei screamed first, his small face excited.

Looking at the money, Liu Xiaozhu's parents finally realized that the person in front of him was not a liar, and his face became a little excited. Father Liu wondered after the surprise: "Little brother, is my daughter really valuable in the medicine? Am I? Remember that they are all ordinary herbs?"

"Dad, it's the same thing as the red roots you brought back, and what the big brother said is what is called Huoyangcao." Liu Xiaozhu snatched.

Father Liu was surprised and said: "It turned out to be that thing. Although I think it should not be simple, I feel that my body is full of power when I smell it, but I didn't expect it to be so valuable."

"Uncle, did your leg fall badly? Let me take a look at you?" Lin Chen suddenly uttered, making everyone in the room stunned.

"Little brother, will you still see a doctor?" Father Liu said.

Lin Chen nodded, "Yes, I am a Chinese medicine."

Father Liu Wenyan disagreed in his heart. If the other party is so young, if Western medicine graduated from a prestigious school, he might have some skills, but if he is a Chinese medicine, this age, he has not yet been taught, how can there be a brilliant medical technique.

However, after all, others were kind, and he also brought two million to his family. He was not easy to refuse, so he still said: "OK, you little brother, show me."

Lin Chen nodded, walked over, took out the silver needle and pierced a few stitches on Liu's feet.

Several people in the Liu family were taken aback. They felt that Lin Chen was too reckless. He even pierced the needle without saying a word. Even if he was really acupuncture, he had to figure out the situation and then get the needle!

But looking at Lin Chen bringing so much money, after all, he could not bear to speak, but he was already dissatisfied.

After Lin Chen had pierced the needle, he reached out and pressed towards Liu's bandaged right leg.

"Ah! Brother, you can't press it, it will hurt me!" Father Liu cried in shock.

"Why are you young people so insignificant? If you do this, it will hurt my old Liu!" At this time, Liu Mother could not care that Lin Chen was the **** of wealth of their family, so she would pull Lin Chen away in a hurry.

In her opinion, Lin Chen was just tossing people. But Liu's leg was diagnosed with a comminuted fracture. Just press it down. Not only does it hurt, but it will also cause the condition to deteriorate!

"Does it hurt?" Lin Chen's hands were already pressed on Liu's leg, with a very confident smile on his face.

Father Liu froze for a while, only to find out why there was no pain in his leg, he was dumbfounded: "Hey, what's going on? Why doesn't it hurt at all?"

Mother Liu was about to pull Lin Chen's hand and stopped in mid-air, making it difficult to place a channel: "Old Liu, do you really not hurt?"

"Nonsense, does it hurt, can't I feel it myself?" Father Liu didn't feel good.

In fact, in his heart, it was as unbelievable as Mother Liu. You should know that it was so painful when you moved it a little, but now the opponent's hand is not pressing at all on her leg!

It's like a strong anesthesia!

Lin Chen smiled and said: "It's right if it doesn't hurt. I just used acupuncture to paralyze the sensory nerves of the right leg. Now you certainly can't feel any pain."

Although Liu Xiaozhu's parents did not understand what the perception nerve is, at this time, Lin Chen's eyes changed. It was just because it was difficult to refuse, so I let Lin Chen look at it, but now, I really believe it His medical skills.

Liu Xiaozhu's younger brother looked at Lin Chen with his eyes bright, just like looking at his idol.

Who can think of it, because of Lin Chen's self-confidence at this moment, many years later, China has two more Chinese medicine experts, and this is the younger sister of the Liu family!

It took about twenty minutes before Lin Chen's fingers left Liu's father's leg and smiled: You're a slight comminuted fracture. I've helped you to reset your bones. Of course, I've been injured for a hundred days. Although I don't really need to rest in bed for a hundred days, uncle, you still have to rest well in the next month. Also, I'll give you a recipe. You can make a plaster and stick it on your legs, which is conducive to Your recovery."

Father Liu said dumbfounded: "Lin Shen doctor, you mean, has healed me?"

"It's not cured, I said, you still need some later conditioning and rest." Lin Chen said.

Father Liu was very excited. This is almost the same as the cure. You know, the previous hospital near the road checked it and said it was a comminuted fracture, and several pieces of bone crushed the nerves of the leg. Probably half a million, and if the situation is not good, you may have to amputate!

And Lin Chen actually pressed for about 20 minutes, and said that the bone was reset, which is incredible!

Unconsciously, his name for Lin Chen changed from a little brother to Lin Shen doctor to show respect!

A few people, Mother Liu looked at Lin Chen's eyes full of gratitude at this time, Lin Chen at this time, for their family, is simply a reborn parent!

You know, if Father Liu really amputated, then their family would collapse!

"Uncle, actually I want to ask about the Snake King. Can you tell me, where did you encounter it?" After helping the other person heal his legs, Lin Chen opened the door and asked the question in his heart.

Father Liu was surprised for a moment, and wondered: "Lin Shen doctor, why did you ask about that snake king? Shouldn't you be playing its idea?"