Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Chapter 322 Manjianghong!

At this moment, Ye Menghuang's face became ugly when he saw everyone, and his heart was speechless. This guy is really capable of offending people!

It took more than three months for the big guy to write the music score. In Lin Chen's mouth, he was said to have too many questions and asked if he needed help to change it. This is simply saying dozens of people in his association. Not as good as him!

Ye Menghuang smiled bitterly: "Lin Chen, do you really think there are a lot of problems, do you need major changes?"

"Of course, why am I lying to you?" Lin Chen smiled.

When he said this, it seemed as if he was right and proper. At this time, everyone could not wait to come up and beat him up!

This guy is so abominable!

"How do you plan to change it?" Han Qian frowned. He had seen Lin Chen's ability just now, and he still recognized Lin Chen's ability.

Otherwise, according to Lin Chen's arrogant words, he has been directly bombed out!

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, shall I write it again? All the previous music scores will be gone. I am sure that Shen Yun will not change, and I will add something!"

At this moment, everyone has the urge to vomit blood!

All the previous music scores are gone, doesn't it mean that the things they have written for more than three months have been thrown away like garbage?

Han Qian's eyes twitched fiercely and said, "What do you mean by adding something?"

Lin Chen smiled and said: "You will know later!"

Han Qian was helpless and smiled bitterly: "Well, how long do you need, but if it takes a few months, we really don't have time to wait! To be honest, we can't wait even a week, otherwise, Menghuang also I won't rush you over."

"It doesn't take that long."

Lin Chen shook his head: "I can write it for you now."


The scene was silent, and everyone was completely dumbfounded, all speechless. Does this guy know what he is talking about?

Qiu Zhenwei was beaten a few times just now, and he was also a bit afraid of Lin Chen. He knew that this guy was indeed capable, but at this time, Lin Chen's unpredictable, arrogant look, but another burst of discomfort.

And what the other party said made him feel that he was getting nervous!

Can't help but ridicule: "Do you know that writing and playing are two different things at all? You can play the piano and you can change the score just now, but this is not the same as creating a new piece of music. !Creating a new song, finding direction in the early stage, scrutinizing in the later stage, adjusting the details, these are huge workloads! You said you can write it now, hehe! It's just fart!"

"Am I farting?"

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing, disdainfully: "Why do you think that others can't do things you can't do? I'm a genius, can't I?"

Qiu Zhenwei was choked by Lin Chen's arrogant words. He didn't expect the other party to be so unhumorous, and said he was a genius!

Sneered with a smile: "Well, then I'd like to see, what awesome you genius! Or, it's just a shame!"

Lin Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy. He took a pen and paper from the side and wrote it on the paper in less than a minute.

Lin Chen put down his pen, "Okay!"

Everyone was dumbfounded again, feeling that they and others would be broken by this guy today, and Qiu Zhenwei's sneer was even stronger!

You can write a fart in less than a minute!


However, when Ye Menghuang took the score from Lin Chen's hand and saw the part of Guzheng inside, it was beautiful eyes widened and exclaimed!

"What's wrong?" Han Qian was also curious about what Lin Chen wrote.

Ye Menghuang didn't speak, she was shocked.

After a while, his face was full of horrified expressions: "It's a strange feeling, I feel the rhythm of this music score. At that moment, it seems that someone stabbed me with a knife and a gun. momentum!"

Everyone heard it, and they were a little puzzled. Ye Menghuang walked directly to Guzheng and sat down, playing it!

Guzheng's crisp and melodious voice sounded, people gradually widened their eyes, a frightened expression. !

At the same time, it is so exciting that it makes people bloody!

The most shocking thing is that there is also a strange feeling in this piece. Just like Ye Menghuang said just now, it seems that someone really stabs them with a knife and gun!

Fear them, there is an impulse to escape!

"this is--"

Han Qian's face was dull, his eyes rounded, and suddenly there was a look of surprise on his face, shouting:

"Furiously rushing to the crown, leaning on the fence, Xiao Xiaoyu rests. Looking up at the eyes, looking up at the sky, the strong enthusiasm!"

Suddenly, in line with Ye Menghuang's vicissitudes and frightening music, everyone seemed to have thunder and thunder in their ears and got goose bumps!

And Han Qian seemed to have lost his soul, still shouting Yue Fei's Man Jianghong loudly:

"Thirty merits, dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon..."

"Jing Kang is ashamed, it is still not snow. The courtier hates, when will he die!"

"Zhuangzhi hungry to eat Huru meat, laugh at thirst to drink the blood of the Huns!"

At this moment, everyone seemed to see a great hero standing behind him, and the twelve gold medals of the faint monarch called him back.

He was sincere and loyal to the country, full of blood, but helpless, holding up the blood-stained Yue family gun, beating all the aliens, and he was not afraid of death!

"Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que!"

After Han Qian shouted the last sentence, Ye Menghuang's music stopped, and everyone was still in a trance and trembling!

"I know what you are talking about!"

Han Qian excitedly said: "It is murderous! I have been to the military area to perform, and I have seen those super fighters. On them, I have experienced this terrifying breath! You can even integrate murderousness into the music, No wonder, I used to think that the tune seemed to be something worse, but now I finally understand it! Since this tune is called Man Jianghong, it is to take care of Yue Fei's first word, how can it be so murderous!"

Everyone heard it and nodded!

Although Yue Fei has classic poems handed down and brilliant literary skills, he is not a scholar, but a general who protects the country. It is not excessive to say that he is full of blood. His words are also murderous and awe-inspiring, which is very different from ordinary literati!

Aspiring to eat hungry meat, laughing and drinking thirsty Huns blood!

How can such a sentence be written by ordinary scholars!

At this moment, everyone looked at Lin Chen, not amazed, but a feeling of crying to hide his face!

Nima, it's really better than others, so mad!

With so many people thinking about their works for more than three months, it is not as good as others' writing in a minute!

The thought of Lin Chen just said that he was a genius, they just want to swear, **** genius, what is your special monster?

They simply wondered whether Lin Chen had been reincarnated from the old monster like the TV in the book!

"It seems that you should be quite satisfied with this piece."

Lin Chen laughed, and then raised an eyebrow, looking at Qiu Zhenwei, whose face was constipated.

"By the way, this tune only needs four instruments, there is no need to have a **** guy, so I didn't write your score!"