Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Chapter 323 Play as you want!

Qiu Zhenwei heard the words, and he was so angry that he almost spit out old blood!

The association recorded this music album to promote classical music and promote classical instruments, and he is the biggest investor in this album, this "Manjianghong" is the main feature of this album, but now, Lin Chen even said nothing directly , Kick him out directly!

He felt resentful in his heart, but he also knew that this song was written by Lin Chen. He said that it would be useless no matter how much. Now he can only break his teeth and swallow it in his mouth!

"Let's wait and see!"

Qiu Zhenwei gave Lin Chen a vicious look, then turned and left.

The next step is to start practicing new music.

This piece of music is said to be original by Lin Chen. In fact, it is based on the music of Han Qian and others, and then it is composed. There are many key points, which are the same as the original.

Coupled with Lin Chen's guidance and explanation, Ye Menghuang and the three quickly mastered the essentials, and finally recorded the tune at 5 pm.

Han Qian kept Lin Chen to join the association, but Lin Chen refused directly. He was really not interested in playing classical music with these people. After all, music was just a form of cultivation for him. !

After recording the tune, Lin Chen planned to leave, but in the end he was pulled by Ye Menghuang and forced him to go home with himself. He asked him to have a meal, thank him well, and thank him for helping him several times.

When it comes to helping, the classical goddess blushed a bit, perhaps thinking of the scene when Lin Chen treated her dysmenorrhea.

Lin Chen politely refused, but the result was almost anxious to the beauty of others, pulling him just would not let go, saying that she did not regard her as a friend.

Lin Chen had no choice but to agree to come down, intended to finish his meal in the past, and then left directly.

Sitting on Ye Menghuang's white Mercedes-Benz, Lin Chen was thinking about the martial arts meeting in a few days, and after the martial arts meeting, the wedding of Qi Ye's two families was fast.

By that day, I will pass by and ask her a question I have asked before.

When the Mercedes-Benz car drove to a crossroad, Ye Menghuang turned directly at the green light. However, on the side was a silver Maserati rushing through the red light, and in a blink of an eye, he would hit Mercedes!


Ye Menghuang was frightened by this sudden scene and exclaimed, a little dazed!

Lin Chen's face changed, he was busy leaning on the pedal, stepping on the accelerator, and the Mercedes-Benz hurried forward to shoot forward. This was to avoid the misfortune of being hit by Marathi!

Lin Chen stopped Mercedes-Benz and glanced at Marathi, how did he drive this car, and he was speeding at the red light, he just wanted to murder!

I--! !

The owner of Marathi was obviously shocked and slammed on the brakes. The tires slid seven or eight meters on the ground, leaving a long black mark on the ground. It can be seen how fast the original speed was!

Just as Lin Chen was about to get off the bus and ask him what was the situation, another black Audi stopped, and from the top, a few **** men with black backs hurriedly ran towards the Marathi!

"Miss, Miss, are you okay? Didn't you get hurt?" the first man said nervously, with a frightened expression on his face.

They were relieved when they saw the people inside through the car window.

Lin Chen listened to their words and understood in her heart that it seems that the people in Marathi should not be ordinary people. These big men are obviously her bodyguards!

However, no matter who the other party is, this matter is not over today!

If he is not here, Ye Menghuang will have a car accident. At the speed of the other party, it is likely that the car will be destroyed directly!

Ye Menghuang in the driver's seat, with a pretty face at this time, was obviously frightened.

Lin Chenzhen intends to speak comfortingly, and hears that someone is slamming the car window!

"All inside, get out for Lao Tzu! How did you drive? If our young lady had an accident, you two would be useless to die ten thousand times!"

Lin Chen's eyes were cold, and when he turned around, he saw several big men outside the window staring at himself and Ye Menghuang aggressively. What he just said was a square-faced strong man with a height of nearly one meter nine!

At this time, the window was half open, and the man seemed to be anxious. Seeing Lin Chen didn't get the first reaction and rolled out, he was about to stretch his hand in and wanted to grab Lin Chen's collar and pull him out!

"I asked you to come out, have you heard? The ears are deaf?"

"Don't go out in the car, I will solve the problem!"

Lin Chen's brow furrowed, his eyes rage, he said to Ye Menghuang, and then directly opened the door and went out!

Ye Menghuang was still a little panicked in her heart. She didn't come out of the thrilling scene just now. She nodded slightly, but she was not too careful. She had seen Lin Chen at the high-speed rail station before scrapping a group of knives with a knife Although this man in black is tall, in her opinion, it should not be Lin Chen's opponent!

Moreover, the young ladies in these populations are running through the red light at a speeding, and now they are still looking for trouble on their side, which is really hateful!

She was also annoyed in her heart, and it was not bad for Lin Chen to teach them!

Seeing that Lin Chen came out, the big man headed withdrew his hand, but the expression on his face was even more fierce and scolded:

"Boy, call another person in the car now, and the two go to apologize to our lady. If you can't let our lady get angry, you are all done, don't even want to leave!"

This arrogant speech almost laughed Lin Chen!

Obviously it was the other lady's lady who was speeding up and running through the red light. As a result, these few people didn't say a word, they had to apologize to Ye Menghuang themselves, and they had to get the lady's forgiveness!

In this kind of thing, all the responsibility is on the other party. If you don't respond quickly, then the car accident has happened, and the other lady has to finish it. Now, you have to get forgiveness from the other party yourself!

Lin Chen said coldly: "I can't apologize, but your lady must apologize to me, otherwise, don't blame me!"

"Haha! What did you say?"

Several bodyguards laughed outright, with ridicule and disdain in their eyes, whispering and cursing for the head man:

"As long as you still want our apology to apologize, what do you think you are? There are not many people in Guangyang City who can make my apology apologize! I advise you to be honest with my girl, if the girl shows kindness , That's the matter!"

Lin Chen's eyes flashed coldly and said coldly: "As you say, what if your young lady doesn't show kindness?"

Suddenly, a few bodyguards showed a fierce look in their eyes, and the man smiled: "If our lady does not show kindness, then you two will be beaten up and thrown into the garbage dump. In short, how does our lady want to play, How to play!"