Urban Evil Doctor - Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 321 has too many problems with the music!

Ye Menghuang introduced Lin Chen to repertoire.

The name is Manjianghong, and the reason for the name is to correspond to the famous work of Yue Fei!

This tune, like the passage of the song, is to show a kind of horse leather shroud, to protect the heroic spirit of the homeland and protect the country. The style of the melody is weak and vicissitudes of life. It needs magnificence and touching heart!

Five musical instruments are used in the tune: Pipa, Guzheng, Guqin, Xiao, Drum!

Qiu Zhenwei plays the flute, President Han Qian plays the drums, Ye Menghuang plays the guzheng, a middle-aged woman in her 40s plays the pipa, and Lin Chen plays the piano.

This song has very high requirements for cooperation with each other. They have also tried it before. Ye Menghuang played Guqin and Guzheng separately, and then electronically synthesized the sound. However, the effect is very poor, and there is no such kind of desire. feel!

Therefore, Ye Menghuang will let Lin Chen help!

After the introduction, Ye Menghuang gave the score to Lin Chen and said with a smile: "You have to practice it a few times first to see if you can fully master this piece of music today. If you can, let's try it and see if we can Record the song today."

Lin Chen took a glance and smiled, "Let's start playing directly, I already know it!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned!

What does this mean, is it that he doesn't even need to practice?

You know, it's not difficult to pop up a piece of music, but if you want to pop up the charm, it requires a lot of practice. It's not that you understand the music score and if you can pop it up, even if you have learned it!

Ye Menghuang said in surprise: "What do you mean, don't you need to practice?"

Lin Chen hadn't answered yet, but someone beside him laughed and said: "Since he wants to pretend to be B, then let him pretend, why stop him? This kind of person is self-righteous, the hair is not even, and he is thought to be him The most powerful!"

Lin Chen turned around and saw Qiu Zhenwei looking at himself with a sneer.

He shrugged and said, "Can you be an idiot shut up?"


Qiu Zhenwei's face was ugly, and he wished he could slap the other party for a few slaps.

"OK! Since you want to play directly, then let's play with you! By then you will know how idiot you are! If you haven't played it once, you say you already know it!

You know, this piece of music is the result of more than three months of labor created by our entire association. You are insulting us! It seems that the song we created has no soul and does not need to be understood! "

Qiu Zhenwei said this, obviously, to make everyone hate Lin Chen with him, and his words are indeed very inflammatory. At this time, everyone in the Classical Musical Instrument Association looked at Lin Chen's eyes, and they became a little unfriendly. stand up!

Lin Chen glanced at the score and then said that he already knew it!

Only the music without the soul and the empty shells do not need a lot of practice to perceive the charm of it. Lin Chen's casual attitude, in their view, is simply insulting their music!

Did not take their proud works in their eyes!

Ye Menghuang also frowned at this moment, feeling that Lin Chen's behavior was a little arrogant, but Lin Chen gave her a good impression last time, but did not glared at him because of this.

It's just that I sighed in my heart, young, and capable, and it was easy to get smug.

In his early twenties, Lin Chen had already reached the point where he had reached the peak of his guqin skills, he also had medical skills, and his skills were so powerful.

Han Qian's face was cold, and he thought Lin Chen was too self-righteous. You know, this song was created by him and everyone!

The other party glanced at it now and said that it was already possible. He just regarded the performance as a children's play and looked down on him!

After all, he was actually very skeptical about Lin Chen.

Although Ye Menghuang praised Lin Chen very much, saying that his piano skills reached the peak, but Han Qian did not believe in his heart. After all, Lin Chen was too young and looked like he was in his early twenties!

Lin Chen looked at everyone's bad expression, a little depressed, he really had already met, how could these people not believe it!

As a congenital powerhouse, is his ability to comprehend these people can imagine, what this song wants to express, what should pay attention to, he took a glance, he will know!

After thinking for a while, he walked to a Guqin and sat down!

When everyone saw this scene, they were even more disgusted. They only felt that Lin Chen was too rude. How many of President Han had not spoken yet, he sat down by himself!

Qiu Zhenwei's face was gloating, and he laughed: "It seems that our genius luthier is going to give us a solo? Haha! This song is an ensemble, and the scores of several other instruments are different. You just Relying on a piece of Guqin music and a piece of Guqin, if you want to play that kind of artistic effect, you are just dreaming!"

There were many people who knew what to do and heard Qiu Zhenwei nod secretly, agreeing with him!

If this ensemble is only played with Guqin, then there will be less majestic drums, the melodious Guzheng, the gentleness of the flute, the grief of the pipa, and the things that pop up no longer have a little charm!

Suddenly, everyone's evaluation of Lin Chen was extremely poor, and President Han's brow wrinkled into a pimple!

Ye Menghuang is helpless. Why is this guy so indifferent!


Suddenly, a bang made everyone jump!

Lin Chen danced with both hands, and his ten fingers seemed to become leaping elves. The sound of the piano came out, ancient, vicissitudes, majestic, and inspiring. Everyone instantly got goose bumps!

Indistinctly, they seemed to hear the shouting, the sound of horseshoes, and the collision of swords, as if they saw an iron-blooded hero with unresolved ambitions, and howl!

Unconsciously, they were completely addicted to the sound of the piano, as if they were really in the battlefield!

When Lin Chen stopped playing, they were still in a state of dementia. Lin Chen touched his nose helplessly and said, "How do you feel? Can I play well?"

All of them just reacted, speechless and embarrassed, Nima, if it was just okay, then they were all scum!

However, they are puzzled in their hearts, why this guy can pop that kind of mood with only Guqin!

At this time, Han Qian was already flushed with excitement, shouting: "Good! Really great! It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Everyone was a little surprised, and it was not clear how President Han was so excited!

Han Qian ignored the crowd at all, and still excitedly said: "I even looked at it and completely understood Shen Yun, and I could simply change the music score, and the Shen Yun did not change at all, which is really great! Horrible eyesight and superb skills can do this kind of thing!

When everyone heard Han Qian's words, they all took a breath, and finally understood why the other party was close to Guqin, and they fully showed the charm of this piece!

He turned out to have adapted the piano music!

Take a look, comprehend Shen Yun, and then adapt it instantly!

Thinking so, they only felt that their scalp was tingling, and watching Lin Chen's eyes was like looking at a monster!

Qiu Zhenwei was like being pinched by his neck, his face flushed red, speechless, embarrassed to find a hole to drill in!

He had planned to read Lin Chen's joke, but it turned out that Lin Chen had hit everyone's face. He only felt that his face was a bit hot!

Ye Menghuang's eyes are full of splendor, and I really don't know how to express his good mood. This guy is really a ghost. Every time he can surprise people!

Han Qian looked at Lin Chen at this time, as if he had found a peerless baby, his eyes glowed, and he smiled and said: "Lin Chen, do you have any suggestions for this tune, if you have, please do so."

Lin Chen pondered for a moment and nodded, "I do have some suggestions, but there are too many questions in this tune, and it is troublesome to say! Or, will I help you make a big change?"

Suddenly, everyone is black!

You can't hear it when you're lying in a trough. Is President Han deliberately giving you a face?

Do you really want to make major changes? There are too many problems with the song?

This tune is among the best dozens of musical instrument masters in South China Province. It has been the wisdom of more than three months!

Han Qian's smiling face also became a face of coercion, a little unsightly!