Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 397 Origin Of Sin: Sacrifices 1

397 Origin Of Sin: Sacrifices 1

With mouth agape and eyes filled with tears rolling from her eyes, but seeing his husband who's extremely prideful filled with wounds and blood all over his body kneeling on the ground for her, she couldn't help but nod her head: "I... we did what we can...."

Still filled with grief, she approached her husband: "Nothing is your fault... if... if only I listened to you and escaped as soon as possible..."

Mo Tianxie shook his head: "No, let's head home first, so long as we return, there might be a way to save my son's life!"

Ruoxin felt a slight hope as she heard of it: "Then, let's return first!"

Mo Tianxie nodded his head, he and Ruoxin then turned into a streak of light and made their way towards home.

After thirteen minutes, the duo traveled a thousand miles already and arrived home.

"s.p.a.ce Severing Saint! Crimson Blood Mistress!" As Mo Tianxie and Qiu Ruoxin arrived, they were immediately greeted by everyone, these two were their nicknames driven from their very own killing moves.

Mo Tianxie nodded his head: "At ease!"


He looked around and saw a lot of his men that survived: "Where is father-in-law at?"

"Reporting! Timeless Blade G.o.d is together with your father at the castle, they are discussing the attacks of the enemies and the sudden revolt from the Heavenly Faction." An elder reported respectfully.

Mo Tianxie nodded his head, he then looked at his wife: "Let's go."

"Un!" Ruoxin nodded her head and followed, there weren't any particular injuries on her, even if she had stayed behind, she could've fought together with Tianxie even escaping after.

But a fate based attack is something only the Bing Clan can contest such skills!

After a while, Tianxie and Ruoxin arrived in a palace looking place, the two of them were greeted as they pa.s.sed by every corridor in their path.

At the end of the corridor, there's a ma.s.sive door, both Ruoxin and Tianxie placed their palm on it and infused their divine energy to it.

Immediately, the door shone brightly as it opened, making a loud noise too.

As the door opened, Ruoxin finally couldn't contain it anymore as she rushed in and exclaimed: "Father!"

An old man devoid of aura looked at Ruoxin and his serious expression softened: "Xin'er, I knew nothing will happen with Tianxie by your side."

Although he had said so, his eyes couldn't hide his worry, Tianxie had managed to enter the top ten Supreme G.o.ds ranking at the youngest record ever, although he's only a member of the Demonic s.p.a.ce Mo Abyss Clan's side family, that didn't hinder his talent!

Sadly, the main family was the first to be attacked, as one of the guardian clans of one of the G.o.ds and Heaven Gates, they suffered a tremendous blow with nearly half of their total power vanis.h.i.+ng in a single day.

And at the root of it all, is the Bing Clan's betrayer.

The sudden change of the Heavenly Law and the Bing Clan's betrayer wasn't even seen, and just at the middle of celebrating Tianxie and Ruoxin's wedding, the Heavenly Law showed their true color and the betrayer showed his plan as it sets into motion.

The Void Creatures, the Heavenly Laws, and the Darkness Manifestations all attacked at the same day, killing tens of thousands of G.o.ds in the process.

But that didn't stop there, the Heavenly Laws and the G.o.ds were a single faction before, and together, they continuously slaughtered the Darkness Manifestations and the Void Creatures, their only goal, to destroy every and each one of them!

But then, from the time that G.o.d Zhihao vanished with his core family and only left his descendants, later on, it happened.

The Heavenly Laws started to decrease their activity of pursuing the two enemies they both have, and after a long time that G.o.d Zhihao and his core families disappeared, they didn't even take action anymore.

Instead of getting their casualties increased, the G.o.ds decided to also stop their operation of hunting down their enemies as well.

Hearing Ruoxin's father, Tianxie's face darkened, he cupped his fist and spoke: "I've let you down on this matter..."

Hearing him, Ruoxin's father frowned, he immediately scanned his daughter with his senses but there is nothing wrong with her!

"What do you mean by this Xie'er?" He asked, he couldn't help but be worried.

Mo Tianxie's expression remained stoic, but his eyes displayed dismay as he spoke: "It is our child... his fate... it has been altered..."

Not only Ruoxin's father, Qiu Wentian, but even the other eight inside the room couldn't help but frown, they looked at a single person altogether.

Bing Peiyun frowned, but he nodded his head: "As an oracle clan, we can only see the future, but an altered future is something we can never know even with our current power..."

They didn't even need to ask to know what happened, as the son of Mo Tianxie, his child is bound to be glorious, and it is even divined by Bing Peiyun that he will indeed bring the G.o.d's clan to greatness equal to that of G.o.d Zhihao's reign!

But... if it's altered...

"If our ancestor was here, then, it will be different."

Mo Wushan frowned, he looked at Mo Tianxie: "You've already done a lot for the Mo Clan, if there is something I can do, I will even offer my life to have it fulfilled!"

Mo Tianxie didn't want to owe anyone, especially the Clan's main branch, but if it's for his child's safety... He bowed his head: "Then, I thank you in advance Clan Head."

Mo Wushan nodded his head. He s.h.i.+fted his gaze at Bing Peiyun and spoke: "What can we do about it?"

Bing Peiyun then replied: "I need to know how it was altered first."

He s.h.i.+fts his gaze towards Mo Tianxie and asked: "Which skill was used and who used it?"

Mo Tianxie immediately replied: "It's Envy, I killed him after he used the skill, its name is Grand Fate Reversal."

But as his words ended, Bing Peiyun's aura suddenly exploded as his fist clenched tightly and blood started to ooze out of his skin.

"Grandpa?" As he exploded, a cute lovely girl at the age of six walked towards him and tugged at his sleeves.

Hearing her, Bing Peiyun calmed down immediately: "Little Yun, don't worry grandpa was just slightly startled."

The girl's name is... Zhiyun, Bing Zhiyun, she nodded her head: "Un!"

No one reacted at Bing Peiyun's sudden burst of strength, but they knew something must be up.

Mo Wushan then asked: "Wentian, what's the matter?"

Bing Peiyun frowned, but he still loosened his grip as he looked at everyone before speaking: "Do you know of the grand constellation war?"

Everyone nodded: "Yes, that's where the world's order was changed and G.o.d Zhihao destroyed almost half of the enemy's forces."

Bing Peiyun nodded his head: "But there was an event there that only our clan know of."

Hearing his words, everyone frowned: "We are not aware of?"

Bing Peiyun nodded his head: "Yes, but do not worry, as... we aren't the ones that made it like that... it's our ancestor, Bingyun."

"It's her will that this can never be known by others, but since all of us here are trustworthy individuals, I will say it now."

"At that time, G.o.d Zhihao fought with everything he has, because... that's his final day!"

"Final day?!" Everyone asked with a frown, clearly, after that war, G.o.d Zhihao still had lived for thousands of years before completely disappearing! How come he died at that day?

Bing Peiyun shook his head: "Let me finish first."

Hearing him, everyone calmed down and waited for his continuation.

Bing Peiyun sighed: "It's at that time, that in order to decrease the enemy's forces by half, he expended everything he has, even his own life force."

"Only by doing so did he rouse the G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses' will to fight!"

"But after exerting himself so much, his life was about to end, surrounded by all of his loved ones, our ancestor, G.o.ddess Bingyun wanted to save his life so together with the rest, but no one knows how nor what to do."

"An inspiration then came, I don't know much of the details, but after that day, our ancestor became a G.o.ddess, she created her own path, and with that, her own arts!"

"And the Grand Fate Reversal is the one that she used to save G.o.d Zhihao that time!"

Hearing this unheard story now, every clan leader couldn't help but show a suprised expression, if that really is the case, shouldn't the Bing Clan's prestige the most revered one not the Ling clan?

Bing Peiyun smiled at all of them as he shook his head: "This is also why it was kept a secret from everyone."

"That was but only a single event." Bing Peiyun paused for a bit before he continued: "How many times had G.o.ddess Ning saved G.o.d Zhihao's life? Who knows how many time had they braved danger together?"

"G.o.ddess Bingyun only appeared when G.o.d Zhihao's journey was about to end."

"While G.o.ddess Ning had always been with him from the start."

"Never forget, G.o.d Zhihao wasn't born a G.o.d like everyone in this room, he started at the very bottom as a human being, a normal powerless mortal!"