Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 398 Origin Of Sin: Sacrifices 2

398 Origin Of Sin: Sacrifices 2

Mo Wushan frowned hearing this, but he then thought of something: "Then, if one even that the betrayer can use it, surely, it can also be used again by you."

If that were the case, it will be a problem that can easily be resolved!

But truthfully, even as he is speaking of such a thing, Mo Wushan merely asked with a slight tiny bit of hope!

Everyone else is of the same opinion as Mo Wushan, even Tianxie and Ruoxin already expected that the enemies wouldn't sacrifice one of the Darkness Overlords just to use the technique that could easily be dispelled.

And as they all expected, Bing Peiyun shook his head: "No, but all of it depends in the child's destiny, if he was destined to be something mediocre, that would've been the best, but if the child is destined to do great things, then... the greater his achievements are, the harsher the reversal is."

Ruoxin and Tianxie felt despair as both of them looked at the former's stomach with a darkened expression.

"Then, since your clan is the divination clan, can you check up on our child?"

Bing Peiyun was about to noded his head, but then, he stared at the child beside him before he spoke: "Truthfully, I can look into it, but my divination can merely provide a vague future."

"But! If you want to get the most accurate divination, then, there is this little princess of ours that can already see 60% of the future, 9% more than my own."

"She's the one that had inherited her blood the thickest."

All of them looked at her, clearly, they knew who he's talking about.

The child seeing this couldn't help but tremble as she bowed and respectfully cupped her hand: "Bing Zhiyun pays her greetings to everyone."

This lady's name is Zhiruo, and she also is named Zhiyun, she possessed two names due to special circ.u.mstances, her father wants her to be called Zhiruo, while her mother wants to call her Zhiyun, with no one backing out of their persistent, the only conclusion made was to call her both by each individual clan to their liking.

Mo Tianxie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he sat in front of Zhiyun and patted her head: "Zhiyun, you've grown a lot from the last time I've seen you."

"Un!" Zhiyun nodded her head: "Uncle... is my fiance's life in danger?"

Mo Tianxie hearing this couldn't answer, Ruoxin then walked to her: "He's not in any danger, he'll definitely live a bright future with you, don't worry."

Zhiyun nodded her head: "Okay!"

They couldn't ask the little lady for a favor, after all, one's divination power costs something, and for the Bing Clan that boasts as the greatest seekers, they too suffer a ma.s.sive setback.

If Bing Peiyun uses his divination, his cultivation will be sealed for a hundred years, something they couldn't lose right now due to the threat of the enemies, and for Zhiyun, a little different, she will be put into sleep for a hundred years.

For G.o.ds like them though, a hundred years will be equivalent to a week for a human mortal, but with the threat just around the corner, they couldn't lose a single one of the Supreme G.o.ds.

Bing Peiyun patted Zhiyun's head as he asked: "Yun'er, your fiance's life is in danger."

Hearing this, Zhiyun's innocent face turned gloomy: "Is it because of my brother?"

This time, everyone's expression turned sour, the elder brother is a prodigy of the Bing Clan, he was supposed to be one that will be the Clan head, but with Zhiyun's birth, everything changed, the first one to be born with the thickest blood of their Clan's founder, almost as close to the original!

Her Elder Brother became a rogue at Tianxie and Ruoxin's wedding day, killing almost half of the Mo Clan's top experts in a single battle!

Bing Peiyun nodded his head: "Yes."

Bing Zhiyun frowned sadly but she still shook her head, she then glanced at Tianxie and Ruoxin and spoke: "Uncle, Aunty, don't worry, I'll do my best to help!"

The two looked at Zhiyun worriedly before nodding their head: "Don't worry, after you get sent to a sleeping state, I'll definitely look after the Bing Clan."

"Un!" Zhiyun nodded her head as she looked at Ruoxin's stomach: "Aunty, please let me."

Ruoxin nodded her head and placed her right hand on Zhiyun's head: "Thank you."

Zhiyun nodded her head and then proceeded to place her palm on top of Ruoxin's stomach, immediately, Zhiyun's eyes glowed brightly, and just after a few seconds, she returned to normal.

She couldn't help but open her eyes wide in speechlessness as she uttered; "Innate Extreme Yang Const.i.tution, Innate Soul and Spirit Heavenly Plague Const.i.tution, Berserker Immortal Physique, Explosive Meridian Veins, Yin and Yang Heavenly Soul Sea, Elemental Purgatory Physique, h.e.l.l's Nine Gates Meridians, Enlightened Mind Sealer, Giant Myri..."

Hearing all of this, everyone continuously frowned one after another, they of course had heard of all of these, to be exact, these are all inborn const.i.tution, possessing one or two is quite solvable, turning it to a great blessing instead! But if there are three in a single person, it will be quite harsh, even them as the G.o.ds couldn't solve it immediately.

Yet, Zhiyun uttered all 12 of them!

Her eyes couldn't help but form a bead of tear as it rolled down on her face and then down unto the ground: "After he's born, he'll only last for fifteen seconds before he dies."

Hearing her words, they didn't even need to become shocked, if a child is to be birthed even with three of the mentioned const.i.tutions, then, they'll definitely have a hard time living.

And for four, they haven't heard of it yet, but if there are twelve, then, they were even quite shocked that he'll be able to last for fifteen seconds!

Hearing this, Mo Tianxie and Qiu Ruoxin felt that their world crumbled.

At this instant, Qiu Ruoxin's mother arrived.

"I've heard it all." A lady that looked like she's between thirty to thirty-five years old spoke: "The Great River of Fate is above all things, It can only be seen before, but G.o.ddess Bing had done it, she managed to create a skill that altered one's fate!"

"Mother..." Ruoxin uttered as she looked at her mother arriving.

Qian Ruoyan, Ruoxin's mother smiled at her before returning to her serious expression: "Although the Grand River of Fate is indeed powerful, it can still be tricked, and if that is the case, we can only do things differently."

Mo Tianxie nodded his head, right now, he couldn't think properly, but all is better than seeing his child die! or so he thought...

He then asked his question: "Mother, do you have a suggestion?"

Qian Ruoyan is his mother in law, hence, it's alright to call her mother, after all, he himself had already lost his parents from the Great Betrayal's event.

Qian Ruoyan nodded her head: "The only way that I can think of, is to not play with the fate's will, but change its course!"

Hearing her words, everyone felt shocked, changing one's fate will inflict them in a great punishment, such as suffering from a calamity at one's breakthrough, and that's not the end of it, those that are close to him at that event will suffer too!

Mo Tianxie frowned, but he nodded his head: "Then, I will bear that responsibility."

Qian Ruoyan nodded her head: "Don't worry, if you can't bear it, I will be the one to do it instead."

Mo Tianxie's eyebrows twitched at her words, he then asked: "Mother, something even I can't do?"

Qian Ruoyan smiled wryly as she replied: "Even would hesitate if I would be able to do it."

Hearing her words, everyone frowned, Mo Tianxie finally understood it as he asked: "Mother, is it..."

Qian Ruoyan nodded her head: "Yes, it's to kill him before his time is up."