Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 396 Origin Of Sin: Unrejectable Fate String

396 Origin Of Sin: Unrejectable Fate String

Zatum's eyes widened in grief, he looked at Mukas who's curled on the ground as blood dyed the spot he was in.

Zatum frowns: "You think that just because you can deal with us, you can get away safely?"

As he spoke, he glared at Ruoxin: "Don't forget, you have your own weaknesses ready to be exploited!"

Mo Tianxie chuckles: "Her? My weakness?"

Before he could even continue, Zatum's face froze as he tried to guard his body, but it was a moment too late!

Puhe~! Pak! BAM! At that exact moment, Ruoxin appeared in front of Zatum, the former slapped the latter making his head rotate almost to an impossible level, then, slammed his head with a ma.s.sive cauldron and was sent flying and slamming unto the ground!

Ruoxin looked at Zatum's body embedded deeply within the ground sighing, seemingly dissatisfied at how the latter didn't die from that!

Zatum's body cracked, all of the bones started to fix itself before he vanished on his spot and appearing beside Mukas: "Sir, are you alright?"

Mukas nodded his head: "Yes." He then looked at Tianxie and Ruoxin before speaking: "It seemed we are not yet a match for them."

Zatum frowned: "Although all of us have equal power, their inherent abilities are far from our reach."

Mukas sighed: "As the descendants of the G.o.ddess of Time and the G.o.ddess of s.p.a.ce, they at least must have that kind of capability."

As he spoke, he weakly started to hover while recovering from his injuries. sadly. his wings can only sprout again after doing a special process.

"It seemed that we wouldn't be able to defeat you with us alone." Mukas sighed as he looked at Mo Tianxie filled with grief, unable to avenge his own in front of this towering monster in front of him.

Tianxie chuckles: "Of course, even a thousand of you won't make any difference!"

Mukas nodded his head: "Yes, I too believe that."

"But... if a thousand of me can't be you, how about others?"

As he spoke, void scars, heavenly lights, and dark clouds showered the citadel grounds as figures after figures appeared.

Mo Tianxie frowns deeper as he waved his hand at his wife: "Ruoxin, I promise I'll be there with you, although a bit late, I will never break my promise."

"Retreat now, or the both of us together with our child will perish." Tianxie withdrew another sword as he glared at the enemies.

Ruoxin couldn't help but tear up as she immediately vanished from her spot.

But Mo Tianxie's eyes grew fierce after that: "ENVY!!!!!!!!!"

A figure appeared behind him, he tried to strike but it immediately vanished appearing on the other side. A completely black creature eight meters tall that is devoid of any emotion other than sadness, his arms three times the size of his body while his legs only half of his figure, he has a long face and six eyes.

"A child blessed by the G.o.ds, this pitiful one feels extremely jealous of it."

"Don't you dare!" Mo Tianxie screamed as he struck another time.

And this time, he managed to make it connect, fifty swords appeared out of nowhere and struck Envy's body, but Envy didn't move even a bit, instead, he continued speaking even with Mo Tianxie a.s.saulting him completely.

"To be blessed by the G.o.ds, to live for countless of years, to be the greatest of all, a towering figure that all will eeeenvyyy..."

"DIEEEEEEEEEE!" Mo Tianxie howled, a dimensional scar appeared both in front and at Envy's back.

"HUNDRED CELESTIAL SWORD REVOLUTION!" Mo Tianxie slashed down at Envy, but the latter continued.

"Grand Fate Reversal..." As his words descend, a sliver of black needle-like aura slipped past his mouth heaving towards the direction he was looking at.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Mo Tianxie's eyes grew fiercer, Envy's allies had already made their way a.s.saulting the former without sparing any of their energy.

Seeing this, Envy's saddened face looked at Mo Tianxie: "I envy you, to not see the suffering of your family, such a blessing."


All of it happened within just three breathes, but so many things already occurred!

Envy nodded his head: "So long as there is no balance in the world, jealousy, inferiority, and envy will remain..."

"I will wait for your child's spirit on the other side."

As his words ended, Mo Tianxie's swords started to pierce Envy simultaneously, all of those that pa.s.sed by his body made its way to the other dimensional scar and returned striking envy again!

After that, Mo Tianxie was a.s.saulted by all of those behind him, but he couldn't escape due to Sorrow's shackles of strife!

"Kuak!" Mo Tianxie gritted his teeth as hundreds of attacks struck him without his defenses up.

But recovering for a bit, he placed his guards up and parried as many of the attacks as he can.

Zatum felt excited as he shouted: "Die! Bathe by the light of the holy judgment! The era of the G.o.ds will end with you and your son's death as the stepping stone!"

Mo Tianxie's eyes grew fierce, his expression darkened as he thought; 'It's all part of their plan? To sacrifice Envy to kill my child?'

As he thought of this, a person suddenly came to his mind: "Bing Clan's betrayer? Bing Shuwu?"

The Bing Clan's betrayer, Bing Shuwu was supposed to have been killed by the Sparrow Royal Guard's 405th corps, but if there are enemies on their side too...

'It's said that they've managed to eradicate him at the price of a thousand experts from their corps, burning his corpse to the ground to offer those that had been died, but if they too had betrayed the G.o.d's realm, then...'

His figure vanished just as the second wave of attack happened, he then created five dimensional scars and then appeared behind Sorrow.

"To dust you shall be!"

He struck Sorrow's face, but the latter managed to avoid, making Mo Tianxie strike the ground, but the latter merely smiled: "Descend of the Celestial Blade!"

SWOOOOOOSH~ DUGUM! A sword the size of a hundred tree descends from the sky and immediately struck Sorrow's face!

But as one of the Trantul Abyssal Emperors cleared the dust, Mo Tianxie was nowhere to be seen.

Together with that, the Sword that struck Sorrow vanished as well, she weakling stood up and she looked at everyone: "Where is he?"

Mukas shook his head: "He had escaped."

Sorrow felt annoyed, she's the only one blessed with the power to seal the s.p.a.ce, other than her master, Envy, the dimensional grip!

But to think that Mo Tianxie managed to loosen her control by a ma.s.sive attack and escape effortlessly as well: "I've sinned."

Zatum shook his head: "You should've just taken that attack to your face, you wouldn't have suffered such a heavy blow and Tianxie would've escaped."

It's a clear provocation, but Sorrow nodded: "I understand, thank you for your care."

Zatum's eyes twitched before deciding to ignore her instead.

Mukas waved his hand: "We've dealt a huge blow to their powers, we will make this citadel our own fortress and... we shall commence the war."

Far south from where the citadel is, Ruoxin desperately is using her ability, to slow down time and head to his father's territory, but she then sensed something slowly creeping its way to her.

As she looked back, she saw the eerie black string: "Fate String of Death!?"

As soon as she noticed what it is, her whole body turned crimson red, black lines drawing all over her body as her proficiency in controlling time doubled, but the fate string... it is unbound by time, because fate itself, is the guide of time!

The Fate String of Death crept towards Ruoxin, no matter what she does, it kept getting closer and closer!

And as it latched unto her robe, it immediately struck inside her stomach.

"N-no... no! No no no no!" Ruoxin's eyes widened as tears flowed down from her eyes, she wanted to claw the d*mn thing out of her body, even her divine energy couldn't reject the thread of fate!

A few seals appeared on her stomach before vanis.h.i.+ng completely, what followed is, Mo Tianxie!

As soon as he appeared, he saw his wife crying, he too wanted to cry seeing what happened, but he's a man, a husband, and a father!

Everyone can falter, but not him! His eyes grew fierce: "There must be a way!"