Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 388 We Have A Kara.

388 We Have A Kara.

He pointed at Xuan Yuan: "My student hasn't even learned anything, and you four already surrender?"

Choi Liaoxun coldly snorted as he stood up: "I concede to the fact that your weapon mastery has already surpa.s.sed us, but in terms of cultivation..."

As he spoke of this, he sneered: "You're a hundred years too early!"

"Desolate Wind Shards!" Thousands of broken gla.s.s like winds started to head towards Mo Xie.

Mo Xie frowns, he waved his sword, and this time, he moved from his spot!

Seeing this, the three sword emperors looked at each other: "Right, even if he surpa.s.ses us through weapon mastery, he'll definitely not match us with the cultivation!"


Since Mo Xie is a mere Sky Shattering ranked expert, although they aren't profound pract.i.tioners of spiritual techniques, they can defeat the former with brute use of spiritual energy!

Noting this, they all smiled wickedly, glaring at Mo Xie fiercely; 'This time, let's make you pay!'

"DIE!" All three sword emperors started to bombard Mo Xie with pure spiritual energy without any attributes, pure energy!

Mo Xie seeing this didn't even evade as he stood there: "I welcome thy gifts!"

As he spoke, all of the spiritual energy slammed unto his body and was absorbed by his soul sea.

"This..." Choi Liaoxun looked at Mo Xie and then to the three sword emperors: "Are you three idiots? Throwing your pure spiritual energy like that?"

Pure spiritual energy is the same as a spiritual stone without the hard stuff, meaning, it can be absorbed quickly!

Like a sponge, Mo Xie absorbed everything, his eyes opened widely, just one more! "Just one more!"

His soul sea started to crack, and one more push could help him breakthrough!

Seeing his slight achievement, the three sword emperors couldn't help but look at each other: "Why did we do that?"

They knew something as basic as that, but for some reason, it felt like they were doing what Mo Xie had planned, like some sort of fate! It's like they were walking on Mo Xie's plan.

Mo Xie smirked: "All of you are greenhorns!" 

Pressuring others, making them feel that everything is hopeless! He then left Choi Liaoxun untouched so that the other party would use a spiritual energy attack, he intentionally moved away to act like he's being pushed to glint a little hope towards the three Sword Emperors!

Although it sounded simple, he had done so quite greatly to the point that n.o.body noticed it, other than Kara!

Kara nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's how I fell for his tricks too."

Like some accomplishment, Kara looked at the four Celestial Phenomenon rank, somewhat indicating; 'I am your senior! I was tricked first!'

The three sword emperors felt that they were beguiled to doing so, they felt enraged: "Y-you!"

Sword Emperor Qiu couldn't help but point her sword at Mo Xie: "Yo-you will die today!"

Mo Xie smirked: "Oh, would you clash with me again through your sword mastery? Or bombard me again with pure spiritual energy?"

He chuckles and added: "I'll oblige either you three choose!"

"Y-you!" Sword Emperor Qiu enraged grits her teeth until it almost broke, but then, Sword Emperor Xi waved his hands: "We are no match for him unless we learn some spiritual technique, we can't defeat him, let's leave him for Choi Liaoxun to handle."

Although the two Sword Emperors felt indignant to it, they couldn't really deal with Mo Xie.

Choi Liaoxun seeing the three Sword Emperors that he himself couldn't defeat looked at Mo Xie in quite a strange light: "You've killed my son, I will seek vengeance!"

Mo Xie chuckles: "Feel free to try!"

He taunted Choi Liaoxun with his hand saying; 'Come here~'.

Choi Liaoxun enraged, he waved his rod: "I leave the other two to you, three sword emperors, I'll handle this child on my own!"

The three Sword Emperor frowned, but they have no other option.

But seeing that he wouldn't be able to test his limits with just four Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts, Mo Xie decided to give up this time, he used all of his dark swords and pushed Choi Liaoxun.

Bbababam Bang! Choi Liaoxun was pushed immediately.

Before the three sword emperors could even move, they saw Choi Liaoxun being pushed back; 'You'll handle him? Handle your head!'

Bragging so much then being defeated instantly, go brag in your house instead!

Choi Liaoxun is still being pushed back, and with Mo Xie blocking their way, they entered a stalemate.

Mo Xie sighed: "Since this is the end, we will move on to the next plan, to use you all as nourishment."

"Nourishment?" The three sword emperors and Choi Liaoxun that's being pushed back asked in bewilderment.

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Yes, you all will die here without any exemption, it will be your punishment for your crimes!"

"Crimes?!" Sword Emperor Qiu snickered as she spoke: "What right do you have to pa.s.s on judgement to us?"

"Right?" Mo Xie asked: "Just because I am stronger than the four of you, that is my right!"

Sword Emperor Xi smiled: "Just by yourself?"

"Overestimating yourself, such foolishness from a brat such as you!"

"We have hundreds of thousands of experts from the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent, what made you think that you can kill them by just you?"

"To pa.s.s down judgement to our army of Immortal ranked experts, you are dreaming!"

Sword Emperor Qiu nodded: "Hmmp! Getting over your head, truly the traits of a child!"

"Your pride will be your own downfall! Just watch as our army destroy the whole of the Fallen Leaf Continent and plunder your resources from every copper it can offer!"

"Turn your men to slaves, your women as entertainment, and children as laborer!"

Although they sounded a little haughty due to their ignorance, what they are speaking of should have been logically right!

Because even if all four of them fought with these hundred thousand Immortal ranked experts, they will find themselves troubled or even lose!

Such a ma.s.sive number of experts are different from a duel, it's war! And one hundred thousand fire bolts from the Immortal ranked experts are stronger compared to four slashes of Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts!

Mo Xie hearing this couldn't help but chuckle: "You've been doing it from the start to the end."

"Basing everything around useless trashes as you will be like saying the universe is flat and not endless, like a painting!"

Mo Xie waved his hand: "You have an army? Well, I too have one!"

Hearing Mo Xie's words, the three sword emperors extended spiritual energy and scanned five hundred kilometers from them, but even if they tried, they couldn't find a single human from the distance.

They were about to ridicule him, but then, Mo Xie continued: "I have a Kara!"

Hearing her words being called, Kara couldn't help but smile: "RISE MY CHILDREN! RISE! FIGHT TO YOUR FILL! KILL TO YOUR LIKING! AND DEVOUR TO THE VERY LAST BONES!"

As her shout sounded, the ground started to vibrate, as the ground just below theirs started to shake violently.





All of Kara's Celestial Phenomenon ranked children broke out from the ground, carried on their bodies, the millions of centipedes all from Heaven Encompa.s.sing and above started to fall.

The Celestial Phenomenon ranked Poison Fanged Centipedes stood like ma.s.sive towering walls while those below started to crawl towards the army of human experts.

"This..." The four Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts couldn't believe what they are seeing.

"T-there are millions..." Sword Emperor Xi uttered.

Mo Xie then spoke: "So long as you all can survive from the a.s.sault of the centipedes below the Celestial Phenomenon ranked, then, you can freely escape without any from my side pursuing you."

"But if you all die, that's it, serve as the nourishment for the centipedes."

"I and the Celestial Phenomenon ranked centipedes and the two beside will not interfere."

Mo Xie paused as he chuckles: "Let the game begin!"