Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 389 The Unrelenting Stick! 1

389 The Unrelenting Stick! 1

The three sword emperors looked at Mo Xie before retreating to their army.

Mo Xie chuckles as he spoke calmly: "Right, struggle to the very end."

But at this instant, a voice sounded: "That... am I excluded?"

Mo Xie turned his gaze to the location of the voice and saw Choi Liaoxun still fighting his dark swords, he completely forgot about this fellow!

"Disperse!" Mo Xie spoke as his form returned to normal.

He waved his hand and added: "Well, what are you waiting for? Join them now."

Choi Liaoxun couldn't help but look at Mo Xie speechlessly before withdrawing back to the army's fold.

As he arrived together with the Sword Emperors, they couldn't help but frown at the sight of their army.

Their morale is at its lowest, dread, and hopelessness expressed on their faces.

"What are all of you giving up so easily for?!" Sword Emperor Xi's voice howled as he brandished his sword.

"We are the experts of the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent! These are mere demonic beast from a low-level continent, the ones you call tras.h.!.+ What's the difference between one and a million of them!"

"Stand firm! use the first defensive formation! We will destroy them no matter how big they are!" Sword Emperor Qiu shouted.

The other forgotten sword emperor nodded his head: "Those Celestial Phenomenon ranked demonic beasts are afraid of us three, so long as you all kill their minions together with us, we will be able to drive them back!"

"We can survive this if all of us join forces. After we kill those critters, we'll be able to survive and raze the Fallen Leaf Continent to the ground, getting all of their resources and return home from complete victory!"

They tried their best to boost the army's morale, and it actually is effective.

Looking at their surroundings, the giant mountainous like centipedes aren't going in to fight them, they are merely standing there observing.

In the end, they made one conjecture, these centipedes are afraid of their Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts!

"Right! The sword emperors are here with us!"

"Yeah, we can definitely win this if we fight as one!"

"Yeah, the power of friends.h.i.+p will never lose!"

They started to form their ranks, like an unbreakable wall as their spiritual energy surged forming into one ma.s.sive spiritual energy gathering!

Contrary to their belief, the three sword emperors and Choi Liaoxun wanted to leave this continent as fast as possible, they merely spoke of what they said due to the reason that the four of them are the only ones that know that they are all being used to strengthen the centipedes!

If they survive this place, it will be truly miraculous.

But so long as there are no mishaps, then, there is a slight chance that they can survive this ordeal!

"Before they can swarm us over through quant.i.ty, try to decrease their number before they can come close!" Sword Emperor Qiu shouted.


Tzzz Boom~ Ttrrrum! Dugum!

The experts continuously threw one skill after another as they killed at least two centipedes each in a short ten breaths of time!

But as one die, two more replaced them.

Seeing the centipedes coming closer and closer, the four Celestial PHenomenon ranked gathered their spiritual energy.

Sword Emperor Xi spoke: "All of us take one side each, kill as many of those centipedes as you can."

"Yes, we should reserve our strength too, only kill those that are nearing the army." Sword Emperor Qiu added.

"Then, let's go!"

Everyone nodded their head and they all guarded one side.

Meanwhile, back to Mo Xie and the other two.

Since they have nothing to do, Mo Xie decided to teach Xuan Yuan 'basics'! Right, teach the sword emperor that comprehended Sword Energy his basics!

"Master... I think I don't need to learn the basics anymore, I've already achieved the 2nd level of sword mastery after all." Xuan Yuan spoke, although he's already Mo Xie's student, he finds it useless to learn the basics.

"Oh?" Mo Xie couldn't help but look at Xuan Yuan before continuing: "So, you're saying that so long as one possesses the Sword Energy, one does not need the basics any longer?"

Xuan Yuan hurriedly shook his head: "That's not what I meant, but that, I think I've already mastered the basics of swordsmans.h.i.+p."

Xuan Yuan wasn't really bragging, but before one is to learn sword intent, they would need to master the basics to at least some level, then, intermediate, and then all the way to top mastery.

Only after one is done with it could one really learn the first step of Sword Intent.

Hearing him spoke such words, he couldn't help but chuckle: "Meaning to say, you've already surpa.s.sed me? As your master, I'm rather impressed."

Xuan Yuan hearing of this violently shook his head repeatedly: "This student dares not a.s.sume such a thing!"

"Doesn't dare?" Mo Xie smiled, he took a stick from the ground as he spoke: "Since you've already mastered your basics, how about I fight you with sword intent while you only use your mortal realm sword arts?"

Hearing this impossible words, Xuan Yuan shook his head: "Master, something like that is impossible!"

"Impossible?" Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle: "Right, it is impossible if there are two equally talented experts fighting like that, but if one's skills are far above the others, then it's possible."

After pausing for a bit, Mo Xie spoke: "Right, how about instead of me, use your sword energy comprehension and fight me on my mortal realm sword mastery."

"M-master, that's just plain suicide!" Xuan Yuan couldn't believe what he's hearing right now, it's like the heavens fighting an ant if that were to happen.

Mo Xie smiled: "Now, pick up your sword and use everything you have and try to kill me!"

"This..." Xuan Yuan kowtowed: "Master, anything but that!"

He pleaded desperately, if he really is to use his sword energy to fight Mo Xie while the latter is merely using mortal realm sword comprehension, then... it's no different than killing a chicken with a bu- a building!

Mo Xie sighed: "Do you think that you're any better than the three sword emperors I played with earlier?"

Xuan Yuan hearing this trembled and immediately shook his head.

Mo Xie then continued: "I can seal your emotions so as to do what I want, but that will merely half the benefits you can receive."

"Or I can just throw you away and find a new disciple."

"You can choose."

As Mo Xie's words descend, Xuan Yuan felt even more desperate, he had finally found a master, a true master of the way of the sword, not only that, even other weapons at that!

But to fight his master, like ordering him to kill...

But later, Xuan Yuan nodded his head: "Master, if I am to accidentally kill you, I will follow your steps and die by myself."

Mo Xie chuckles, he waved his heavenly origin stick! "Come at me!"