Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 387 Overbearing Mo Xie 2

387 Overbearing Mo Xie 2

Basically, intents are spoken here are the dao of weapon mastery, as one reaches a higher realm, the more they can be used mentally.

As one comprehends a style to greater heights, even knowledge, experience, and the art itself can be used to fight!

With Mo Xie's skills over weapon mastery and his physique's capabilities in unleas.h.i.+ng them, he can exert his powers upon others.

The first level of weapon mastery is intent, the second is energy, and the third is core, something Xuan Yuan wanted to pursue.

But Mo Xie already reached the 5th stage, after the core is divine, and at the 5th stage is the Origin.

Due to the limitation of his cultivation, Mo Xie can only exert his intent from his masteries at the divine stage but that is already pus.h.i.+ng his physique to the limit and can only use it for just five seconds and no more.

The three sword emperors had merely reached Sword Core mastery pinnacle!

But what's shocking them more is that, Mo Xie used core mastery as well, yet, the difference is too vast!

It's like their mastery combined is a lake while Mo Xie's is a vast ocean!

The difference is just too big!

But surely, they never would've imagined, that a person as young as Mo Xie has mastery over more than twenty kinds of weapons, sword, saber, spear, mace, whip, bow, and many more of such things reaching all the way to Origin Mastery!

Sword Emperor Xi couldn't believe it as he uttered: "Everyone, combine our strength and break free from this!"

"YES!" The other two sword emperors shouted as they used their mastery over the sword and sent their fierce and sharp intent out to fight Mo Xie's bearing pressure.

But after their first try, seeing that it's not bearing any advantage at all, they too used their cultivation.


Mo Xie's pressure broke and immediately they charge at Mo Xie with a sword in their hand.


Mo Xie sighed, the limit of what he can do is to force three Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts down for a bit, he is still far away from doing so to a Divine Origin rank.

Seeing the fight of intents clashed amongst each other, Xuan Yuan couldn't help but be shocked speechless.

But before he could think, he thought that Kara would make a move to intercept the three sword emperors but instead, Mo Xie charged at them instead!

"Hmmp!" Mo Xie coldly harrumphs as he used his sword.

"Flowing Myriad Slashes!"

"Mountain Severing Stroke!"

"Descending Dragon's Strike!"

The three sword emperors charged, their bodies br.i.m.m.i.n.g with strength as their sword infused with their intent and spiritual energy!

Mo Xie chuckles: "We're showing flashy techniques? This isn't a show you know."

"You call yourselves Sword Emperors not knowing how heavy one needs to bear in order to do so, you all are courting death!" 

"Since you all want to use sword techniques, allow me to demonstrate mine! Three normal sword slashes!"

"Pfft!" All three sword emperors vomited blood, sword technique? You call that a sword technique?!

Infuriated, they increased their technique's power to the limit, yet, instead of fleeing, the other party smirk.

Mo Xie even moved his gaze away from them and looked at Xuan Yuan: "The greatest form is formless, and for a sword, the greatest attack is slash."

"DIE!" Having enough of Mo Xie's personality, Sword Emperor Xi howled in displeasure as he struck with his technique together with the other two Sword Emperors.

But as they reached, they saw it, the profound technique of Mo Xie, three normal sword slashes!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

With three casual slashes, Mo Xie parried their swords like it's a twig!


The three of them couldn't help but be speechless, the sword in their hand still shaking from the impact.

Sword Emperor Qiu frowned: "I don't believe we can't defeat him! He's merely a Sky Shattering rank! What are you two waiting for?!"

As she spoke, she and the other two charged, prepared to deal a blow to Mo Xie, but then, as they approached the man, they couldn't do a thing.

He merely stood there, with his hand behind his back together with his sword, standing unfazed as he gazed at all three of them like a sovereign gazing at the mortals from the heavens!

That stance should've been filled with openings, they could definitely strike anywhere they want, but then, seeing the youth in front of them do so, they couldn't find any at all, like they are looking at the G.o.d of Swords from above.

And then, as they all pondered for a bit, they immediately remembered his words; 'The greatest form is formless'.

But that's easier said than done, even if they imitate the other party, they wouldn't be able to do so like he is, leaving no openings and all.

Noting their hesitation, Mo Xie smirked: "It seemed that you aren't one of those trashes, at least you can comprehend your own status."

"Since all of you are done attacking, should I start attacking now?"

Hearing his words, Sword Emperor Qiu frowns: "Like you can do any better!"

As she spoke, she immediately charged at Mo Xie not even bothering anymore whether there is an opening or not.

Seeing her approach, the two other sword emperors looked at each other and attacked too.

Mo Xie snorted coldly. If it's a fight with a pure cultivator, he will have a hard time, but fighting three sword masters, then, that's a different topic! So long as they aren't well versed with elemental techniques, he's didn't even need to put in any effort.

Pe-pepeng! Peng!

They continuously attacked Mo Xie, but the latter effortlessly parried their attack, truth be told, they have a much higher strength than he has, but if it's all parried, then, it's the same as being useless!

Mo Xie would parry their strike before they could unleash their full strike, s.h.i.+fting the path of their sword as he wills.

Xuan Yuan couldn't help but be shocked, he couldn't even follow the three sword emperor's moves, but he can see Mo Xie's defense quite clearly, he's parrying here and there with the tiniest of moves needed.

This enabled Mo Xie to block the other attacks too.

But then, Mo Xie smiled at them, he took one step back: "Here's a slash for you."

He stared at Sword Emperor Qiu and struck down with a slash.

Sword Emperor Qiu's face paled, she tried to be, but the sharpness of Mo Xie's sword is too frightening.

"Help me!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, immediately, the other two Sword Emperor rushed at her side as all three of them blocked the sword.

Pang! A crisp clas.h.i.+ng of steel sound echoes throughout the sky as the three Sword Emperors were thrown a few tens of meters away.

The three Sword Emperors at the Celestial Phenomenon rank were actually pushed by a Sky Shattering ranked expert?!

Choi Liaoxun watched everything with wide-opened eyes, he couldn't believe what's actually happening.

If they are to fail here, not only him, even his status as one of the Great Four Clans will be compromised!

As he arrived to their side and prepared to move, Sword Emperor sheaths his sword and blocked his path, he gazed at Mo Xie and spoke: "You are well versed with the sword, you should join our force too, with your attainment with the sword path, you will definitely be placed as an elder, not just an ordinary elder, even replacing one of the Sword Saints will not be too far."

"You will receive all types of books that were pa.s.sed down from generation to generation, they are the technique of the Sword Saint of unimaginable attainment."

"Cultivation resources, books, and even women, so long as you wish it you can get it!"

Mo Xie hearing this chuckles: "You think I need other's teaching? If the person had not reached the Divine Sovereign Rank, he will not be able to hope to share his experience with me, much less your so-called 'Sword Saint'."

"Audacious!" Sword Emperor Qiu frowned: "Even when we only studied the 2nd manual, just comprehending the 10% of it, we managed to achieve what we currently have." 

"Great manuals?" Mo Xie couldn't help but chuckle.

Sword Emperor Xi also found it audacious, but he spoke: "There are five great manuals, and even our founder only managed to comprehend the manual all the way to the 3rd manual and comprehend 20% of it, yet, he's already a Sword Sovereign."

"If you join us, you can be like us too, able to study these manuals will be beneficial to any sword pract.i.tioners like us."

Mo Xie smirked: "So, you are proud because of a manual that made you what you three are?"

The three frowned deeper but still nodded their head: "Yes, because of the manual, we reached what we are in such a short time."

Mo Xie hearing these words chuckles.

"You dare laugh!" Sword Emperor Qiu frowns, she clenched her sword tightly prepared to attack.

"You all reached what you currently are? You mean being the trashes you are?" Mo Xie laughed as he spoke in ridicule.

"Hmmp! Belittling our manual, you deserve death!" As Sword Emperor Xi reached his limit, he showed his most grandiose technique.

"Empyrean Sword Technique, Thousand Swords of the Divine!" Sword Emperor Xi howls, the other two seeing this also smiled and used the same technique as well.

Sixty lightning swords surround them as it started causing the spiritual energy around to run frantically! They looked at Mo Xie with disdain and thought; 'See this? This is merely one of the techniques in the manual that you're saying is useless!'

Hearing the name of the technique, Mo Xie frowns, this time it's him that felt angered: "To use the word Empyrean to such trash techniques!"

He felt infuriated, he had liked the word Empyrean from his previous life to the point that the other peak experts are forbidden to use it to name their techniques after it!

Feeling Mo Xie's aura changing, Kara couldn't help but spoke: "Master!" But it's useless as Mo Xie's aura continuously surge.

The sword emperors snickered; 'Even your servant felt worried about you, you should know your place now!' is what they thought...

"2nd form!" Mo Xie shouted, his features drastically changed as fourteen dark swords appeared around him.

The sheer power of Mo Xie's 2nd form caused the lightning swords around the sword emperors to pale in comparison, the fourteen dark swords around Mo Xie is eerie, like thousands of black lightning converged into a single lethal sharp ent.i.ty!

"This..." Sword Emperor Qiu couldn't believe what she's seeing: "This must be an illusion! Everyone, attack!"

The other two Sword Emperors nodded their head, they struck their swords towards Mo Xie commanding the sixty lightning swords around them: "KILL!"

Mo Xie's eyes widened, he also slashed his sword at them: "BREAK!"

Ten seconds later...

Not expecting the results of the clash, all three of the sword emperors fell down to their knees.

"Are you... what are you?" Sword Emperor Qiu asked in disbelief.

Just now, all of their lightning swords were destroyed as the black lightning swords destroyed them in a single blow each.

Mo Xie sneered; 'You think you can easily destroy the dark lightning swords from the Spectral Fiend Liger?'

The attack, of course, is the Spectral Fiend Liger's special move, and one has to know, it is a level 3 Magical Beast before its death!

Comparable to a Divine Emperor ranked expert's attack!

Even if Mo Xie can only use 10% of its real capabilities, it's enough to defeat these lowly Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts!