Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 386 Overbearing Mo Xie 1

386 Overbearing Mo Xie 1

"Husband, will you be fine?" Shang Ting asked worriedly.

Earlier, Mo Xie had told her about his plan to destroy the final pieces of the enemy's move, but hearing that he will be fighting four Celestial Phenomenon ranked experts, she couldn't help but reject the plan.

After a few series of persuading, Mo Xie managed to shake Shang Ting's rejection.

She couldn't help but frown dejectedly at how Mo Xie phrased everything.

If they continued to linger any more than this, then not only are the innocent citizens of the Fallen Leaf Continent will bear the brunt of them and die, even the Mo Family will be targetted sooner or later.

If the enemy's army really arrives, they will join the fight whether they live or die just to fight for the Mo Family's honor!

Mo Xie smiled at her: "I'll never die or vanish ever again, I promise."

Shang Ting nodded her head, but she still suggested: "How about I come with you together with the elders?"

Mo Xie shook his head at her suggestion: "No need, I want all of you to cultivate here and live peacefully, I will handle all of the problems out of the Mo Family's territory, and you will handle the Mo Family in my stead."

"You know, even though I know how to fight a lot, but I do not have the knowledge to build the Mo Family to where it is today, I can only rely on you to be here."

"The safer the family is, the more confident I am."

"And, I have Kara with me, nothing will go wrong." Mo Xie smiled as he patted Shang Ting's head.

She could only nod her head and sigh: "Okay."



As the two of them entered their own world, three cute little babies approached as they crawled towards them, breaching their right to privacy.

Mo Xie couldn't help but smile, he picked the two, Feng Mian, and Yi Min while Shang Ting picked Yu Yan.

Mo Xie couldn't help but smile, but then, he asked: "Isn't it a little too early for children to walk at two months?"

Shang Ting smiled as she nodded: "Yes, but who's their father? They are strong since birth because of them."

Mo Xie couldn't help but smile: "Well, having a great mother to teach them is a factor too."

After six hours of family time, the sun reached its peak as the babies laid to sleep.

Mo Xie made his way out.

"Husband, be careful out there, if things really go south, do return home instead." Shang Ting spoke worriedly.

Mo Xie nodded: "I will, don't worry."

As he answered, he called; "Kara."

"Yes, master." Kara immediately arrived behind him.

"Let's depart."


Shang Ting looked at Mo Xie's departing back, she looked helplessly but then shook her head: "If I wish to stand together with him to face his enemies, I need to grow stronger too."

As she spoke, her eyes filled with determination and headed to her courtyard to cultivate.

After Mo Xie and Kara left, they were heading to the Desolate Lands, but as they left the Mo Family's territory, a figure is walking his way to the Mo Family's territory.

"That's..." Mo Xie couldn't help but smile: "Kara, fetch that person for me."

Kara nodded, immediately, she sent her spiritual energy over and wrapped it around the person.

Picking him up, she immediately drags him to their side.

Seeing Mo Xie, the person cupped his fist and bowed: "Master, I've returned."

Mo Xie nodded his head and asked: "It took you three days to defeat him?"

It's none other than the Sword Emperor, Xuan Yuan, he came back after finis.h.i.+ng his fight with Lu Yue Song!

Xuan Yuan shook his head: "Our fight lasted for two days, but I needed to rest for a whole day before I've managed to regain a quarter of my strength, after that, I traveled back to meet you, master."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Then, how do you feel?"

Xuan Yuan smiled: "Master, I've done what I've always wanted, without my family in this world, I have nothing else to do...

I wish to use the remainder of my life to serve master, to repay the chance that you've given me."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Good, then, come with me."

"Yes!" Xuan Yuan nodded his head.

After a while, they reached the desolate lands, Xuan Yuan frowns, there are no human living in this place, only beasts, and savages, why would they come here? He then asked out of curiosity: "Master, what will we do here?"

Mo Xie smiled: "At first, it's merely to remove some pests and to strengthen our force, but since you're here, I have made an additional plan."

"I'll start and teach you a thing or two about swords."

As Mo Xie spoke, he drew out his sword, it's the sword that Ao Bai had crafted a few days ago.

Just as he drew his sword, Xuan Yuan was about to ask something, but then, figures started to appear from the far west of the continent.

Xuan Yuan couldn't believe what he's seeing right now.

Like the rest, he had not known where the experts of the invading Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom, he only thought that they were hidden experts from the Dark Guild, but seeing the army approached their direction, he couldn't help but shudder in fear.

There are more than one hundred thousand experts, all at the Immortal Foundation rank and above!

There are about a thousand he couldn't verify the cultivation of, meaning, they are above Immortal Ascension rank!

"M-master, we should flee while we have our chance, those people, I think they are up to no good at all!" Xuan Yuan exclaimed in a fright.

Mo Xie smiled as he looked straight at the army approaching them: "Hide? Where?"

Hearing his question, Xuan Yuan realized it too, where will they hide? If this army were to separate themselves into ten groups, they can obliterate even the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire in a day, where will they be able to hide?

But then, Mo Xie chuckles: "You know, as a master, I will show you a different world than the ones you've seen before."

"You are my disciple, and someday, you will be able to do what I will do today."

Hearing him, Xuan Yuan looked at Mo Xie, even if he can use the 3rd level of mastery, one person can definitely not outfight these many experts alone!

Even if they gathered all of the experts from the Fallen Leaf Continent, they are bound to lose in a single wave!

Any ordinary person will panic at this moment, but Mo Xie... he... he's calm!

As he was thinking, three silhouettes appeared in front of them, the three Sword Emperors!

"You... are you the guardian of this continent?" Sword Emperor asked, and at the same time, a pressure Xuan Yuan had not felt before descended upon them!

Xuan Yuan felt that his body is being crushed, but at the same time, a light wrapped around him, protecting him from the pressure completely!

He followed the traces of the spiritual energy wrapping him and it directed his gaze at the veiled lady behind Mo Xie, it's Kara's doing! 

The three Sword Emperors frowns, the three of them combined their intents together to bore the pressure at the three in front of them, yet, the weakest amongst the three, the Sky Shattering ranked expert was left unfazed!

Xuan Yuan was the only one who reacted slightly before calming himself and the hooded person behind the Sky Shattering ranked expert didn't budge an inch too!

Mo Xie smiled: "I don't think anyone think of that, but if we're talking about the person that will destroy your army..."

Pausing for a bit, Mo Xie's eyes shone fiercely as he replied: "Then, that is me."

As he finished his words, a ma.s.sive pressure descends and slammed the three sword emperors at the same time!

"This!?" Sword Emperor Qiu and the rest opened their eyes widely as they couldn't believe what's happening to them!

Before they could even react, all of them knelt on one knee as they speechlessly looked at Mo Xie filled with confusion!