Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 385 Kara's Bloodline Evolve 2

385 Kara's Bloodline Evolve 2

He scanned his storage ring and just a second after, thousands of needles appeared: "It will be painful, so bear with it."

Kara nodded: "Master, pain is just a normal thing for us, you can proceed without concern."

But Mo Xie shook his head: "No, this pain even for me will be too much, hence, prepare yourself first, both your mind and body."

"If you can't tolerate it, better to seal your senses instead, but the effects will be decreased to a half."

Kara hearing the word 'half' shook her head: "Master, I will definitely bear any pain that comes, so long as I can grow stronger, pain is nothing!"

Mo Xie shook his head: "Okay then."

He immediately started, all needles are twelve inches long, he formed a few seals as his spiritual energy turned clear white, wrapping around the thousand needles.

After that, Mo Xie looked at Kara's beast core and started wrapping it with his spiritual energy, but after a while, his spiritual energy isn't sufficient enough!

"Kara, enforce your spiritual energy with mine and let me control it."

"Yes, master." Kara nodded as her divine and spiritual energy started supporting Mo Xie's, after having enough, Mo Xie nodded: "That's enough, let me control it. Now, just control your breathing and prepare for the worst."

Kara detached her energy and let it combine with Mo Xie's own.

Slowly, Mo Xie started with clasped hands, immediately, the needles formed into a circle: "Hmmp!"

As he made his move, all of the needles pierced right through Kara's back, striking around the beast core.

"Kuhuk." Blood started to ooze out of her mouth (Between her jaw and neck).

Kara frowns deeply, there is a pain in it, but it wasn't as intense as what Mo Xie had described, but the latter spoke.

"The effect will rely on how much you can endure, we will begin."

Kara nodded: "I will bear as much as I can."

Mo Xie nodded his head, then, he formed a few hand signs again.

The energy wrapping around the core attached itself to the beast core as he uttered: "Expand!"

"Kik!" Kara couldn't help but utter as the pain suddenly appeared.

But that didn't stop there as the needles continuously stretched out, even her skin that was as hard as the rarest of metal is being slashed by the thousand needles!

"KAAAAAAAAAA!" Kara's eyes bulge out from the pain. To her, it felt like her skin is being ripped apart, but it's happening to her core, which is the same as a human's soul sea!

"If you ever want to back out, just tell me!" Mo Xie spoke as he continued: "EXPAND!"

Kara can feel it, her core is starting to grow stronger, but the pain is extremely ma.s.sive! She didn't even hear what Mo Xie had said as she tried to fight it.

"Do not defend, just endure!" This time, Mo Xie shouted at her.

Hearing him, Kara immediately let go of any defenses as she endured the pain alone.

"Kwaaaaaaaaaaaak!" Kara broke out from her crossed legged position, as she laid on the ground crumbling, tears of blood started to ooze out of her eyes and mouth.

Seeing that Kara's still bearing the pain, Mo Xie increased it again: "Expand!"

"KWaaaaaaaaa!" Kara stood up abruptly, clenching her chest tightly as her claws embedded deeply.

She had not felt something like this, but at the least, she could feel her core dramatically expanding.

Her core had increased by more than 10% already, she wanted to celebrate it, but as the pain continuously a.s.sault her, she knelt on the ground as she slowly tried to crawl into the stable.

BANG! The table exploded with a palm from her.

Mo Xie didn't need to have Kara stay in one spot, so long as the needles are planted there the process can continue!

Three hours pa.s.sed.

Kara's body convulsing repeatedly as she had repeatedly lost consciousness only to be awakened by the pain.

The scar made by one needle is already an inch long, blood started to gush out of it continuously.

If it continued like this, then, she'll die from blood loss, but Mo Xie had been continuously healing her up.

Noticing that the process is almost complete and at a satisfactory level, he couldn't help but nod his head.


"M-master, keep continuing until I can't endure any more! Kuk!" As Kara spoke, blood gushed out of her mouth yet again.

Mo Xie frowns, multiplying one's core, making it equal to a beast possessing to beast cores are already a miracle in itself, but to ask for more...

After pondering for a while, he nodded: "You will suffer two times or even more if I continue."

Kara remained silent, bearing the pain unable to speak further.

Mo Xie shook his head: "EXPAND!"

As Mo Xie shouted, the completion entered Kara's beast core, a full 100% increase in her beast core!

But as the strengthening continuous, the point where it reached 100.01%...

Kara's skin started to form cracks, blood slowly making their way out of it.

100.5%... Kara's body is completely covered with cracks, some even threatening to separate completely.

Mo Xie frowns, but since the other party is determined, he has no say to it, so long as he can stop at the crucial moment, then, everything will be...

But then... when Kara's beast core reached 101% completion, something happened.

The ancestral blood from all around her body started to gather at her core, it's something Mo Xie had never seen before!

The steps for a beast to inherit its ancestor's knowledge is called Ancestral Blood Bestowal, after that, they can produce ancestral blood that they can use to increase their own body's strength, the same as a human cultivator's physique.

But the next step, he had not seen before!

The blood made its way to her core and slowly, it started to merge with it, and just a few breathes of time, it formed into letters; "Acknowledgement?"

"Ancestral Acknowledgement?"

The first step is Ancestral Blood Bestowal that enables the beast to communicate with the ancestral blood, but Ancestral Acknowledgement? What kind of thing does it do?

Mo Xie then remembered something, he looked at Kara and thought: "It's the same as written on the books, this is how Sacred Beasts breakthrough, without acknowledgment, they can never grow stronger..."

But Kara is the strongest amongst her race even compared to her ancestors, so, why... shouldn't it be something not totally possible? Unless...

Mo Xie couldn't help but be excited: "If once in their life, one of her ancestors had a sacred beast as her mate?!"

Kara's improvement drastically increased, Mo Xie howled: "EXPAND!"

As he shouted, the completion rate increased too.

After another hour, noting Kara's state, he immediately halts.

110% completion!

Mo Xie sat down, even with his physique, he had been exhausted drastically through the process.

Kara started to heal her injuries, as Mo Xie looked quite speechlessly, from before, she resembled a deformed humanoid, but now, if just removing her hard sh.e.l.l, her sharp fingers and sword-like spikes from her knee and elbow, she definitely looks like a human.

After an incent's time had pa.s.sed, Kara slowly stood up.

She looked at Mo Xie and bowed respectfully: "Master, thank you for this chance."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "It's good, how much strong are you now?"

Kara looked at her hands, she slowly gathered her divine energy and couldn't help but be shocked!

She had soared all the way to Divine Origin rank Pinnacle, and if there is a chance later, she can definitely breakthrough to Divine King rank!

So long as she can devour a cultivator the same as hers or even stronger, then, she can definitely grow stronger.

Her lips are now located at the same place as a human's, her eyes not embossed black anymore like that of a normal centipede but instead of a human: "Master, if I can make an a.s.sumption, I'll be a little bit weaker than the Trantul Void Emperor, if there are two of me, I can definitely defeat him!"

The leap is just too ma.s.sive, before, it was nine of her to equal the Trantul Void Emperor, but now, just two!

"If I can breakthrough, I think that I can defeat two or even four Trantul Void Emperors at the same time."

Mo Xie nodded his head, it's not that Kara is weak, it's just that she's a demonic beast that managed to miraculously evolve and made her way to Divine Origin realm, if she's a draconic beast, then, she can definitely fight the Trantul Void Emperor as she is one on one.

The difference between Demonic Beasts and Draconic Beasts are too large, even with her miraculous achievements, she still couldn't fare well with a draconic beast of similar rank.

Still, Mo Xie nodded in satisfaction: "Next time, we'll find a way to let you evolve into a magical beast."

Kara nodded, this time, she believed Mo Xie's words completely: "Master, I will leave my fate in your hands."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Now then, since all preparations are done, should we let your children enjoy the feeling of fighting to evolve too?"

Kara chuckles with her eyes closed, then, slowly, she opened her eyes and smirk, uttering a single word: "Gladly."