Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 384 Kara's Bloodline 1

384 Kara's Bloodline 1

One has to know, that killing of one of them even with same cultivation is as easy as flicking one's fingers, but the real power of these poison masters aren't their cultivation nor are their physique, but it's their strength!

A gold ranked poison master is able to kill a Heaven Encompa.s.sing ranked expert through the use of poison!

And as one reaches Immortal Foundation rank, they can manipulate poison as they want to, using it to attack others is easy!

So long as their poison can enter one's body, then, they will have a ma.s.sive advantage! They can either flee or delay as much time as possible until the poison kills their foes.

Poison masters does not rely on their cultivation to become stronger, they rely on it as a tool to get better poisons! To get blood from a poisonous beast, insects, and herbs, they need cultivation to manipulate their poison.

In short, so long as one possesses an extremely lethal poison, even the lowest ranked Poison Masters can kill anyone within the range of their poison's capabilities. A mortal killing an Immortal Saint rank through those lethal poison is entirely possible!

Sword Emperor Qiu frowns; "Hmmp, just one poison master wouldn't suffice in front of my blade, so long as I don't let his poison touch me, then, I can kill him instantly."

Sword Emperor Xi nodded: "Right, no matter how strong his poisons are, so long as none of it reaches me, then, we can kill him."

"Since the portal is out now, it's useless to wait here any further, let's just go and started with the Sea Dragon Kingdom and strike at the Soaring Blaze Phoenix after, we don't need to waste too much of our time."

"If the Mo Family is really as powerful as they claim, they also must have great treasures, so long as we can get all of the treasures from this continent, and the others combined, we will already have completed the first part of our plan."

The mission of their group, it's actually to gather the resources that laid dormant within tha lands of all of the small continents around the Myriad Earth Abyss, if the plan is to come to fruitotion, then, they will have more than double their current power, handing ten percent of it to all of their allies will be their carrot[1].

"Since we all came to a decision, we set out now."


Choi Liaoxun frowns, since the 'all' they were talking about didn't include him. (This all happened six days ago from the present.)

Meanwhile, back at the Mo Family territory present day.

Mo Xie is sitting crosslegged, he wants to further increase his physique's power, but his foundations are already extremely strong, unless he can find a beast comparable to Nya Poto or even if it's a slightly weaker than her, then, and only then can he increase its physical strength prowess.

But he still has other path, he already has completed the physique's first form (physical), but he can still add some other paths to it, like for example... flame, ice, or... poison!

That's currently the reason why Kara is sitting in front of him.

"Master, how many of my bloodline drop do you want?" Kara asked nonchallantly.

Mo Xie pondered for a bit before he asked: "How much time does it need for you to produce one drop of blood?"

Kara estimated for a bit before replying: "Master, it takes at least one year to replace one drop when removed, but I currently have about... 1,000 drops of blood in total within my body, and that's the limit of it and couldn't further increase from it."

"Also, I have 10 ancestral blood within me flowing."

Hearing this, Mo Xie asked: "The more bloodline you get, the more powerful your body and poison becomes, right?"

"Right." Kara nodded her head in agreement."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Give me a hundred drop of your bloodline, and one drop of your ancestral blood."

Kara was speechless at first, but she nodded immediately, two empty bowls are in front of her, soon, her fingers started to drop blood after blood unto it until it reached a hundred drops.

It pained her to see it, a hundred drop of blood taken away from her like that, but she still shook her head, so long as she becomes stronger and surpa.s.s Divine Origin rank, then, she will be the strongest, and first amongst her race to do so!

As for the Ancestral Blood, Kara felt a pain the same as death, seeing it slowly dropping to the bowl, she needs at least a hundred years to fully create one drop of ancestral blood, seeing it, she could only painfully part with it, so long as the vow she made with Mo Xie stood, she can do nothing.

Seeing it drop at the bowl, she heaved a huge sigh and pushed the two bowls across the table: "Master, it's finished."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Great."

He opened his eyes slowly as his spiritual energy started to wrapped around it, the spiritual energy became like that of a path for the blood, slowly combining itself with it and started to sink in with Mo Xie's physique.

After six hours, Mo Xie opened his eyes: "Your bloodline is indeed strange, your kind had only reached all the way up to the Divine Origin rank, and none of your predecesors had surpa.s.sed that."

"Yet, to cultivate a bloodline that can negate all kinds of low-tier poisons, and the majority of the mid-tier poisons, truly, it's almost like that of a treasure."

"Immunity to a hundred thousand and one poison... How many poisonous insects had your kind devoured and integrated it with your own bloodline to produce something like this... Almost on par with the Golden Cicada, Milliodict Rainbow Spirit Frog, and even the Myriad Poison Snake..."

Hearing his words, Kara couldn't help but be shocked: "Master, is what you said is true?"

She felt that her bloodline couldn't compare to legendary poison beings like those, yet, their bloodline is already catching up?

Mo Xie nodded his head: "If I am to grade it, it's merely two grades lower than theirs, all three of them possess complete poison immunity not because they are really immune, but they had already integrated with all kinds of poisonous beasts through the realm, but at the cost of becoming becoming unable to produce quite well."

"Unable to produce?" Kara asked filled with bewilderment.

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Yes, out of ten thousand golden cicadas put together, only a small chance can one bore a descendant, and that is only a small chance."

"Now that they are so rare, you might not even be able to find one in this world, or even if you search ten different worlds."

"Don't get me wrong though, being impregnated by a male of their species is easy, but if the child couldn't withstand the poison her mother has, then, the child will die a cruel and painful death."

Kara nodded in response: "It just means that those children are bound to not live, if that's the case, I wouldn't have any problem."

"After all, I can produce a million child in a single birth, if even only one manages to live, I will be satisfied with that, so long as it can carry my bloodline."

Mo Xie nodded his head, he heaved a sigh of relief before speaking: "Now, turn your back to me."

"I'll help evolve your bloodline further."

Hearing his words, Kara couldn't help but be shocked: "Master... evolve my bloodline?"

"Un." Mo Xie nodded again: "We have no new poisons, but if it's to increase the speed of your bloodline cultivation and at the same time its capacity, then, it's going to be easy."

Kara felt excited, she had thought for a while that her decision in joining Mo Xie had always been a mistake, she had continuously suffered loses, even losing so much of her children, even her own bloodline and ancestral blood had been lost.

But who could blame her? Just losing three or four Celestial Phenomenon ranked poison fanged centipedes are a huge price even for her, yet, she lost more than ten!

But hearing Mo Xie's words, it seemed that she'll finally be rewarded!

"Yes, master!" Kara nodded excitedly turned her back on Mo Xie and sat crossed legged like a cultivator.

Mo Xie frowned: "Uhh... can you lift your hair up?"

"Yes master." Kara responded immediately, her hair are all as hard as her sh.e.l.ls, Mo Xie, even though he can pierce right through to them, it will be a rigurous effort.

Kara's hair folded all the way up to her head, like a bob cut style from the teenagers.

Mo Xie nodded his head and immediately started.

[1] It's like the carrot to lead the horse, the reward or prize, or something that will let them manipulate all of these smaller powers.