Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 383 The Three Sword Emperor And Choi Liaoxun.

383 The Three Sword Emperor And Choi Liaoxun.


"When will the portal even open?" An old man shouted after he smashed a table beside him: "The portal should've already operated three days ago, why is it so late? Those useless p.a.w.ns of yours truly exceed their reputation!"

He's talking about the Zhi Hua Royal Empire p.a.w.ns that the Choi Clan has control over the Fallen Leaf Continent.

The old man being berated felt enraged, but his status is too weak compared to theirs.

If Mo Xie could see him, he's the one that came out of Choi Jian's corpse, Choi Liaoxun, the former's father and head of the Choi Clan, one of the four great clans of the Myriad Earth Abyss continent.

Choi Liaoxun shook his head: "Not really my fault, we can merely give them our plans, but we can't expect much from them."

"They are the locals of a really low tier continent, what's worst, they are amongst the lowest even here."

Shaking his head, he spoke: "I can't really be picky in whom we can acquire, we've already killed three kingdoms from a few hundred years ago due to them being loyal to their side, and out of all of them, the weakest is the only one we managed to take."

"Excuses." The man frowns at Choi Liaoxun's words, the latter couldn't help but clench his fist.

The other two beside him nodded, in their eyes, Choi Liaoxun's worth is less than an ant, but to think that they needed these factions to serve them, they couldn't help but feel helpless.

Choi Liaoxun noting their expression had his face darkened, but he himself knew, that although he has the same cultivation as these three, he will never have the same standing as theirs.

"Our task is to gather as many of these low-tier continents as we can, yet, the only continent your clan is tasked suffered like this?!" The acting leader spoke with a loud tone.

Choi Liaoxun grits his teeth but didn't reply.

"The others already completed their task, even when they are mere 2nd ranked clans and 4th tier sects!"

Choi Liaoxun shook his head: "If you placed them in this continent, they would've failed in a much more unrecoverable way, why are you looking at things generally when each continent has their own strength!"

This time, he couldn't help but voice his opinion.

"Hmmp!" The acting leader frowns: "If even one of us were sent here, we would've already finished the plan long ago!"

"We were planning to stay low and hide our presence for a while, but just because you failed, we have to enter the scene!"

"We had set this plan five hundred years ago, if it fails, it will be your head that will fly!"

Choi Liaoxion was about to speak, but before he could, someone slowly approached the room.

"Reporting!" At this moment, a person entered the room.

The acting leader between the three nodded: "Report."

"Yes!" The scout nodded respectfully before speaking: "Sword Emperor Xi, the Zhi Hua Royal Kingdom had been obliterated and their linage uprooted completely."

Sword Emperor Xi is the acting leader of this expedition, he frowns lightly: "Which faction destroyed them?"

"This..." The scout felt a little confused aswell whether to answer this or not as he glanced at Choi Liaoxun.

Sword Emperor frowns: "Just report it, do not care for that useless one's feelings."

"Yes!" The scout nodded: "When I arrived, it was already done, I've asked around with the citizens and they all have similar answers."

Since the citizens spoke of a similar answer, then, it can ultimately be the reason for their slaughter.

"Go on." Sword Emperor Xi given him the consent to say the information.

"Yes." The scout nodded and continued: "It was done by a single person, a youth that seemed to be at the age between twenty and twenty five."

"What's most confusing is... that they weren't killed by the youth, instead, they started to kill each other!"

Hearing the report, all of the three sword emperors exchanged glances as they looked at each other in confusion."

The scout then continued: "There are a few survivors from that slaughter, and I managed to contact one of them and then I asked about the details of the event..."

He retold of all of the events that he had heart without leaving a single detail, after he finished, he handed a dagger to them: "This is the same dagger they used to fight each other, I picked one that had not been used to bring it here."

As he handed the dagger to Sword Emperor Xi, the latter examined it: "There's a needle-sized gap at the edge of the dagger..."

When he spoke, he grasped the handle of the dagger and right then, a pink liquid appeared to the edges.

Sword Emperor Xi frowns: "Poison... what kind of poison is this?"

Sword Emperor Li then spoke: "Brother, why not test it on a spirit beast first."

"Right, we are no poison masters, we have no means to probe its effects." Sword Emperor Qiu added, amongst the three sword emperor, she's the only female in the group, and also has the sharpest sword aura around her.

She too appeared to be around 40~50 years old, but the three of them are actually three hundred years old experts!

Sword Emperor Xi nodded his head, looking at the scout: "Bring me a sampling beast, preferable to those that's at least Heaven Encompa.s.sing rank."

The scout nodded his head: "Yes!"

A moment later, the scout returned bringing a frost bourne hunger wolf, it has innate poison resistance, one that can nutralize 100-different kinds of poisons.

Sword Emperor Xi nodded, he looked at the dagger and at the tip of it the concentrated pink liquid.

He infused his sword intent at the dagger and threw it at the wolf's front legs.


The wolf didn't even feel the dagger as a needle like injury pa.s.sed by its legs, healing immediately after just ten seconds.

Noting that the poison entered the wolf's body, all five of them looked and waited for its reaction.

Five minutes...


An hour...

Sword Emperor Qiu sighed: "It... It seemed to me that the poison is merely a weak one, they did mention that their cultivations were crippled, hence, it might only be effective to mortals."

The others nodded their head, they sighed before waving his hand: "Take the beast away."

"Yes!" The scout nodded pulled the wolf's leash.

"Awo!" The wolf cried as the leash was pulled, merely grazing its neck tightly.

Seeing this reaction, all of them looked at each other; 'It's just pulling the leash, why is it acting like that?'

Sword Emperor Xi then thought of something and immediately vanished from his chair reappearing in front of wolf. He immediately grabbed its leg and pinched it.

"WOOOOO!" The wolf yelped in pain as if it's being stabbed at the heart by thousands of swords yet, not being able to die!

Sword Emperor frowns grew deeper with the rest confused at the sight.

He then looked at the scout: "Are there still more daggers like that?"

The scout nodded repeatedly: "Yes, there are at least a thousand daggers left untouched after the slaughter, and I managed to take a few of them."

The Sword Emperor nodded his head: "Give it all to me and also, get one slave here, I need to verify something."

The scout nodded and gave all of the daggers in his possession before making his way out.

Another moment had pa.s.sed, an old man came together with the scout: "Sword Emperors, I'm back with a slave."

The Sword Emperor nodded his head, he also did the same thing, taking one dagger out and appeared in front of the slave, slicing the man's wrist just barely half a centimeter in.

The slave couldn't help but plump down as he looked at the Sword Emperor fearfully, but then the Sword Emperor returned to his seat and waited.

The others felt confused, but they all remained silent as they observed aswell.

Meanwhile, the old slave felt confused and slowly stood up.

After fifteen minutes, Sword Emperor Xi decided to act then looked at the scout: "Strike him with something hard, but do not use any cultivation, just a normal strike."

"This..." The scout felt confused, but nodded none the less: "Yes."

The old slave felt like crying as he cried, what had he done to deserve this?

He took his sword's sheat and then threw it at the old slave.

Seeing this, the old slave lifted his guards up to prevent it from hitting his face, but then, even though he had blocked the sheath completely, it happened.

"GWAAAAAA!" The old slave cried as a pain not something he had felt before struck his arms, as he knelt on the ground and his knee landed heavily on it he cried again: "KWAAAK!! K-KILL ME! PLEASE!"


At the next instant, Sword Emperor Qiu drew her sword and immediately slashed at the old man.

Seeing her drew her sword, the old man filled with tears couldn't help but utter: "T-thank you!"

As he spoke, his head was severed as it rolled down the ground lifelessly.

Sword Emperor Qiu looked at Xi and asked: "What's this? The poison is..."

Sword Emperor Xi frowned deeply: "This is no normal poison, I find it confusing at first, but to think that it really is that..."

"That? What that? Kindly enlighten me." Sword Emperor Qiu asked.

Sword Emperor Xi nodded his head: "It's not a poison that will kill you, but instead, it will magnify your sense of touch to more than ten folds, that means, if one is to be poisoned by something like this, then, they fought someone of the same cultivation, even slightly weaker ones..."

Sword Emperor Qiu's expression darkened as she continued: "Then, they will definitely lose so long as one were to be struck by it..."

"It seemed, that there is actually a poison master in this suburb continent, not an ordinary one too!" Sword Emperor Xi spoke with a dire expression.