Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 354 Shang Ting: End 2

354 Shang Ting: End 2

With the current level of powers between two forces, it's definitely a really dangerous technique, especially the vines wrapping the darkness domain, the vines aren't the problem, but the thorns surrounding it.

Choi Jian, felt annoyed, he knew of the Ouyang Clan's formation, an imitation of their ancestor's domain! Although the Ouyang Clan is the 3rd strongest clan within the Myriad Earth Abyss Continent, they were once the ruler of it.

Their founder was so strong, that he himself established the Ouyang Clan and making it the Sacred Land of the Myriad Earth Abyss, the only sovereign of the continent.

Still, as the founder died, their influence and power deteriorated until its current level.

He can accept the domain's imitation as something extremely powerful, because, even their leader couldn't break it with his current strength alone.

Well, until the Blood Mist Shadow Sect appeared, giving them two artifacts as an item to seal their cooperation.

Choi Jian can deal with the Ouyang Clan's domain, but the sudden appearance of the other two domains confused him: "Is this an illusion? They have no Celestial Phenomenon ranked expert right? How can there be two more domains?"

An elder from his side shook his head: "Young master, if they had an expert of such caliber, they wouldn't need to use a domain, they can just kill us immediately."

Choi Jian didn't even ponder as he nods his head: "Then, this is an illusion?"

Another elder nodded: "Most likely so."

Choi Jian smiled: "We'll exhaust their spiritual energy then, we'll bombard them, in terms of experts, we have more in number, and in power, we have seven Immortal Paragons here, they will definitely be exhausted in less than two hours."

All the elders nodded their head, then, one of them thought of something and spoke: "Wait, let's send someone in first, I have a feeling that those two other domains are not just mere illusions."

Choi Jian frowns, he stared at the elder before nodding his head.

Meanwhile, Shang Ting and the others can see everything that's happening outside, the enemies are coming closer and closer, 

"Everyone." Shang Ting spoke, she smiled at them: "When I give the order, everyone strikes them with all you've got, no use in saving up our power, take out as much as we can!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison, the mere sound of their shout caused the ground to shake slightly.

All of the enemy's experts slowly marched towards their location, wary of what the domain will do.

Choi Jian, on the other hand, a.s.sured them that it is merely an illusion to buy some time, hence, they listened to their order still, he remained with his elder a few hundred meters away.

They are using their allies as a p.a.w.n to see what these two domains are!

As the army of experts numbering no less than a hundred thousand approached, nothing happened.

"Hey, go and touch it." One of the old experts pointed at Aiqing's domain, the young one being ordered felt terrified and shook his head repeatedly.

"I'll kill you now or it kills you, choose!" Seeing the young expert scared s.h.i.+tless by the domain, he proceeded to threaten him.

The young expert trembled, he gulps down a mouth full of saliva before proceeding cautiously.

Seeing the close approach, the old expert frowns in rage and kicked the young expert: "Go and die!"

"Gwaaaa!" The young expert was kicked directly at the blazing red vines and was eaten by the darkness.

Everyone sucked in cold air as they saw their ally being eaten by the darkness, but something was amiss, why didn't he stop at the vines and died there burning?

After a while, the young man came out, unscathed and a face expressing happiness as he shouted: "I didn't die!"

Choi Jian's eyes shone as he laughs: "I already told you, it's merely an illusion, what are all of you being afraid of? Just kill them all already!"

Since it's confirmed that it's merely an illusion, everyone's tense face vanished as they entered the domain.

"It's dark, use some light as you enter!" Someone shouted.

Since there is no threat, Choi Jian smirked: "Elders, let's go, I guess Elder Tu's suspicious is baseless now."

The other elders nodded, meanwhile, Elder Tu's face darkened, he snorted and followed.

As they were the last to enter, they didn't know that something had actually happened.

"Elders, we need light." Choi Jian spoke, but after five seconds, n.o.body replied, he frowns as he himself used his flame art to light his surroundings, but the least he could see is a meter around him.

"This illusion is too annoying." He uttered as he started walking, but a few seconds later, something cold started to approach his neck.

His eyes widened in shock, a sword appeared on his hand as he blocked the attack.

Clank! Sound of two irons. .h.i.tting each other sounded as a tiny spark escaped from the clas.h.i.+ng weapons.

"What the heck!" Choi Jian felt rage: "ELDERS! TO ME NOW!!!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs, Vielka's Darkness domain is too strong to be called an illusion, they really couldn't see a thing, but with his shout, three of the elders managed to hear him, like a fly's buzzing near their ears.

Following the sound of Choi Jian's voice, they managed to get closer to him: "Young Master!"

"Young Master!" The other two spoke immediately, they were one meter close to each other to be able to see the others.

"Where are the others? We need to break this illusion!" Choi Jian is currently filled with rage as he felt that he was being toyed around.

Although it wasn't the case, he hates being unable to see his own plans.

"Wait... What if they already escaped?!" He thought of something that's much possible, after all, if they were planning to escape, then, this is the greatest possible time!

"Give me your artifact!!" He shouted at Elder Tu, the latter felt dejected but still waved his hand, a golden cauldron appeared in front of them.

Choi Jian frowns: "What are you waiting for? Active it now!"

Elder Tu is a newly promoted elder from the Choi Clan, he was, as the three experts from before an outer court elder, but when he managed to break through to Immortal Paragon rank, he was immediately promoted, receiving such treatment after trying so hard to be promoted is like being stepped over and over again.

Even though he had been promoted, he had been made to follow Choi Jian like a dog, to heed to his every single command!

And now, he needs to sacrifice his only treasure, the Golden Dragon Cauldron, it was given to him by the Clan Master, it's great to be used for concocting pills and other medications, but it has one other option, to a.s.sault the enemy with their the amount of spiritual energy they use at the cost of the treasure!

Elder Tu's darkened face couldn't be painted anymore as his eyes moist, still, he activated the cauldron, it shone gold in color as it started gathering a lot of the darkness domain's energy inside, in a visible pace, Vielka's domain started to slowly vanish in a wide scale!

Vielka felt shocked, her domain is vanis.h.i.+ng, hence, it will be pointless to continue: "Shang Ting!"

Shang Ting felt speechless too as she nods her head: "Remove it!"

Vielka immediately pulled her domain, retrieving half of her spiritual energy back to her, but what followed next, is a golden colored blast arriving in front of her.

"Elder Qiao!" Ouyang Chen shouted.

Not just Elder Qiao, the other elder also joined as they blocked the attack!

"Decaying Wall!"

"Earthen Mountain Blockade!"

Bam! The energy struck the barricade head-on, luckily, the Decaying Wall is slowly decreasing its power, yet, it still started to crack down the Earthen Mountain Blockade and is threatening to break through it!

"Tsk!" Elder Qiao frowns: "Shadow a.s.sault!"

From Elder Qiao's back, shadow arrows started to appear and continuously struck the golden energy one after the other.

It took more than a hundred shadow arrows before the golden beam shattered.




"I don't want to die!"

But Choi Jian's forces were also revealed, thousands of enemies were pierced and couldn't get away from Aiqing's domain, the thorns are all striking, those that were pierced couldn't get out and started to burn as their spiritual energy are being drained.

A lot of them too are headless, lack a limb or two, they were decapitated by the Ouyang Clan's Formation, still, their losses are huge even though it hadn't even lasted more than thirty minutes!

But to Choi Jian: "p.a.w.ns are useful this way. They are meant to be sacrificed for the chosen few like me!"

Meanwhile, the Magic Lance Unit is just a few hundred meters away, the time they had wasn't enough to escape!