Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 355 Shang Ting: End 3

355 Shang Ting: End 3

The Ouyang Clan's Sovereign's Sword Domain had also killed countless experts, but it wasn't enough.

Aiqing's Thorn domain is slow, although its piercing speed is fast, but for cultivators at rank Heaven Encompa.s.sing and above, it's extremely slow!

Without Vielka's darkness domain, the thorns decreased in its efficiency by a lot!

Then, they saw Choi Jian soared together with the elders, the cauldron they left behind suddenly exploded!

Booom! A golden-colored light exploded, killing those surrounding it.

Shang Ting and the rest looked at it in shock, because, those that were killed were their enemies.

Choi Jian killed his own forces without batting an eyelid!

But with Shang Ting's experience and current mentality, pity and mercy are for the weak, especially when the ones that died are her enemies.

All of their enemies are inside the domain, hence, they can escape! Quite safely too, but for the experts from Sky Shattering Rank and below, they will be doomed to die as soon as the domain disappears or break.

The weak experts know of this, as soon as the darkness domain vanished, they knew their death will be inevitable, hence, they looked at Shang Ting: "Matriarch, we'll hold them off and buy you as much time as you need, you should escape now!"

One of the people in the Magic Lancer unit shouted.

"Right, we can always be replaced, even if you multiply our number to a hundred, we aren't worthy if we can't even protect you!" 

"Matriarch, please leave, let us do our role, we will always be eternally grateful to the Mo Family!"

"For the Matriarch!"

As one spoke, the other followed, they are all prepared to die for Shang Ting!

Shang Ting looked at them for a while before smiling: "Don't worry about it, we can definitely pa.s.s through this storm alive!"

She waved her sword and aimed at the Choi Jian and the elders: "Magic Lance Unit, attack! Strike them with all you've got!"

"YES!" Every one of them smiled, prepared to die and lay their life for the Mo Family.

Bam! Babam Bam! Hundreds and thousands of attack that came from the Magic Lance Unit and started a.s.saulting the enemies.

The enemy's experts frown, they pulled out their defensive skills and started countering too, sending valleys of attack, from afar, it became something like a colorful shower, but those having it turn their way felt dread.

"What the h.e.l.l are you guys waiting for?! Defend! Protect them!" Defending is a really proficient way to conserve spiritual energy, you need two times or even more spiritual energy to destroy a barrier of equivalent strength!

Choi Jian and the elders felt annoyed, this isn't an illusion, their enemy had used two real domains and a copy of an extremely powerful domain!

Choi Jian felt enraged: "Who is it, who is the person that used the domain?!"

His shout echoes, hearing his words, everyone then realized it, the domains they've entered are real?!

They thought that there are hidden experts controlling the thorns, like a weapon to kill them, but then, Choi Jian said that this is a real domain?

All of their morale suddenly plummetted as they started moving away from the remaining two domains surrounding them.

The blazing thorn domain is surrounding them, hence they couldn't escape, then, the Sovereign's Sword Domain is blocking their path in front of them, in short, they are the only experts inside the domain, there are no enemies in this entire place.

Their numbers had already decreased by a quarter, although the majority of them are the weaklings, there are a few dozens of Immortal Foundation ranked experts that died when the darkness domain was active.

Choi Jian seeing their reaction knew what he had done is a huge mistake, even though he needs them not after this ordeal, he needs them to destroy the enemies in this place.

"Elders, bring out your treasures, we'll handle this domain and kill them." The other elders nodded their head, unlike Elder Tu's treasure that's a one-time expendable item for, they are experienced and had been the inner court elders for tens of years already.

They do have a life-saving treasure, not just that, it can also be used for a few times, also, they can also use it as a weapon, unlike his own treasure that can only be used for pill and medicine concoction.

And then, they started to use their strength, each and every one of them started to transform except for Elder Tu.

All of their features are that of a draconic beast! They are coralists with draconic beast as their core!

Their transformation caused everyone to suck in cold breath, they are covered with scales, armor-looking thing covering their body filled with scales.

"We two will hold the Ouyang Clan's formation domain, the rest of you enter and kill our enemies!" One of the elders shouted, the other four nodded their head, but Elder Tu frowns deeply, what will he do without his treasure? Kill the weak and powerless?

It should be his stage, his stepping stone to gain more authority within the clan, yet, without his treasure, he became a useless Immortal Paragon that could only kill weaker cultivators.

"Let's go!" Choi Jian kicked his back and ordered.

The two elders then started making a tiny gap for the others to enter from.

Zzzsssst~ Sparks of lightning can be seen as a pathway was created immediately, still, their treasured weapons are spent as cracks started to appear.

"Go!" Choi Jian shouted as all of them entered the path.

Seeing this, Shang Ting and the rest frowns.

Ouyang Chen spoke: "Sister Shang, go to the back, this will be a b.l.o.o.d.y battle."

Shang Ting didn't even hesitate as she spoke: "I am no damsel in distress."


When she called out, Zhuding was shocked: "Matriarch, are you..."

Shang Ting smiled: "Yes, please, lend me your strength."

Zhuding hesitated, though he did, even if he rejects her now, she will definitely fight on her own, hence, he could only nod his head: "Then, let me protect you with everything I have."

As he finished speaking, his whole body glowed and turned into a ball of light and made his way to Shang Ting.

The latter smiled: "Thank you, please, protect my stomach as much as you can."

Zhuding immediately responded: "Yes." Before morphing into something else, the glow started to wrap Shang Ting whole,

Beast Armamentation is something like fusing your soul sea with a beast core, the only difference is, with beast core, you can get a 100% complete strength and skills from it, but with Beast Armentation one can only draw out 50% of the beast's true strength.

(I have no name for fusing with a demonic beast with using their power, any suggestions?)

Shang Ting's robe started to change, it changed to a fury red dress, her shoes became seemingly transparent showing her beautiful feet and only hues of red can be seen, a blazing sun looking crown appeared just above her head then, Zhuding's whiskers wrapped around her belly as the sword on her hand then changed to a rod!

"Do not let them out of the path!" Shang Ting ordered, if they are to have a chance in defeating the enemy, making them remain within the sword domain is the greatest option!

So long as they can hold out till the two elders creating this gap exhausted, then, their whole group will completely go into a huge disadvantage with the sword domain slowly chipping away on their strength!

Ouyang Chen grits his teeth, he's a very useless person in this scenario!

Six months ago, he was the strongest, yet, in the shortest period of time, he became the most useless one amongst them! Even Shang Ting has a way to become stronger, why couldn't help become like them? Why?!

"Elders, to me!" Ouyang Chen shouted, withdrawing the formation disk from his storage and started tinkering it: "Help them block Choi Jian's group!"


The two elders nodded their head, it's easier to do something like that than to fight them head-on! Drawing their own treasures out, they made their way to aid Shang Ting and the rest.

Elder Qiao has a bell-like treasure, the other one has two arm guards with sharp edges.

Ouyang Chen followed them, he and Bingyun didn't bring their family treasure because this place is a level or two behind their clan, hence, their patriarch, his father didn't allow them to bring it.

After all, Ouyang Chen might've used it uselessly, but it's too late if his father regrets it, because, it's too late!

Ouyang Chen started to activate his formation disks one after another, he has five formation disks, although each of them is comparable to 8-star soul weapons!

As Choi Jian and his group came close to the exit, they were immediately blocked.

He couldn't help but look back and saw the two elders almost spent with their treasure, if that's the case, then, as soon the domain closes, they will be locked inside, they need to fight their way out of the Sword Domain while the enemy aways them out to send them back!

Choi Jian seeing their plan frowns deeply, he felt rage as he glared at all of them, he has the advantage in both number and power, yet, he couldn't end this immediately: "I've had enough of this..."

He uttered in a solemn tone.

"To think that I'll be using it this early."

He sighed, from his storage ring he took out a small paG.o.da with seven floors: "Everyone, get out of my way."

The elders hearing this had their eyes opened, they looked at Choi Jian's hand and couldn't help but stutter; "Y-young master, are you planning to use it?"

Choi Jian frowns: "I took it out, I may think of throwing it then."

"Let's go!" The elder shouted as they made their way out.

Elder Tu snickered before making his way out.

Meanwhile, outside of the sword domain, Ouyang Chen and the two elders had their eyes wide opened: "Astral PaG.o.da of Demise!" 

"Everyone, retreat!"

Shang Ting and the others didn't know what it is, hence, they listened and distanced themselves for a bit.

"What is it?"

Ouyang Chen frowns deeply as he spoke: "Astral PaG.o.da of Demise, the Choi Clan's sacred treasure, it has six abilities that their ancestor had used before, but Choi Jian is only able to use its 1st skill, so we will definitely be okay if we distanced ourselves."

"Its first skill is to suck in everything within a certain area around its user, and turn it to his own power." Ouyang Chen explained, pausing for a bit before he continued: "If that's the case, we can let him destroy part of the sword domain before we trap them again."

"For the last card, it's pretty useless if it's not in the hand of their patriarch, Choi Jian's father."

But not within his expectation, Choi Jian used the PaG.o.da his eyes turned dark as two floors glowed.

"What the!" Ouyang Chen couldn't help but utter: "Two floors!"

But it's too late, Choi Jian smiled as he spoke: "Don't think that everyone is the same trash like you, out of the six young masters, you're the only trash, remember that, Chen!"

Dark aura gushed out of Choi Jian, slowly wrapping the swords of the domain and engulfing it completely, turning it completely black.

"Remove the domain now!" Ouyang Chen ordered, the two elders nodded as they formed a seal: "Break!"

But it was a little late, Choi Jian managed to corrupt eighteen swords, each sword is an equivalent to an Immortal Paragon in terms of attacking power, and now, he can control it like it is his own.

When the Sword Domain broke, Choi Jian smirked: "You are not your ancestor Chen, you will never be able to defeat me when I caught your domain's swords!"

Ouyang Chen received his artifact, it's filled with cracks and dents: "It can still be used but... its efficiency has been decreased drastically..."

Choi Jian started to float, the black aura contracted only leaving threads of dark aura to control the sword domain's blades.

Like a sovereign, he started looking down on everyone, the elders returned to his side as they smiled.

"Chen, this is the end, surrender and no longer resist, you won't be dying, so just stay there and watch the show."

He then looked at Shang Ting's belly: "I will forgive you for resisting and having another man, come to me together with the other two, I will give you a glorious future."

He spoke, like every one of them had their fates decided by him.

Shang Ting smiled: "I will die before you can touch a single hair on my body!"

Choi Jian sighed, with the first and second floor of the paG.o.da activated, he had consumed a lot of spiritual energy and even received eighteen swords. He's like an Immortal Saint rank with eighteen swords that can attack with the same power as an Immortal Paragon.

"Struggling is futile." As Choi Jian spoke, he vanished completely.

Shang Ting immediately shouted: "Frozen Queen Orb!"

Her body immediately had a round globe of frozen ice around her, Choi Jian appeared in front of it and slashed, the barrier wasn't able to withstand the force and was immediately slashed.

But then, a rod appeared from the gap created by the slash.

Swosh~ PAK!!!

Directly hitting Choi Jian's chin head-on.

It all happened within a second, yet, everyone was shocked.

Shang Ting smiled: "I will never go down without a fight!"

The globe of ice melted as her beautiful face appeared: "Try again!"

She smiled and prepared to fight again, Aiqing and the rest chuckles, although the situation is dire, there is no use worrying about it, they'd rather fight it out!

Choi Jian's face remained stoic as he was sent a few tens of meters away, he wiped the blood from his lips before he smiled wickedly: "Hahahaha! Feisty, I like it!"

But at this moment, something happened, the cavern started to shake as the entrance started to glow in the hue of blue.

A silhouette slowly made his way out.

Everyone looked at it in shock.

"Shouldn't there be forty-nine years left? Why has it opened again?"

But then, Shang Ting's eyes moistened before it turned to tears.

A voice sounded: "Sorry, I'm late."

Shang Ting smiled, no sign of her tears slowing down as she nodded her head: "So long as you're alright."