Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 353 Shang Ting: End 1

353 Shang Ting: End 1

Right now, she's in her most vulnerable state! She can't do anything as she awaits the enemy's attack.

Her stomach had grown so much that she couldn't move fast, the others made some sort of house for her to stay to, and she could only stay there until reinforcements arrive, that is if there is one.

The two elders from the Ouyang Clan also reported something.

Elder Qiao: "We've sent more elders here, there are about seven of us, but we divided ourselves to three in search of you."

Ouyang Chen was the one they are searching for, also, since they've seen Ouyang Chen, the rest of the seven will also come, but they are spread all over the Fallen Leaf Continent and it might take a few weeks or months even.

Ouyang Chen nods his head, still, his estimations are for them to arrive two more months from now? What happened for them to actually arrive so fast? It takes four months to travel from the Myriad Earth Abyss to Fallen Leaf Continent, he had sent the scout five months ago, this is too strange... unless...

He couldn't help but feel frightened: "You have a report right?"

Elder Qiao nods his head: "It's about the necklace that was given to you by your grandfather."

What Ouyang Chen feared the most crept into his spine as he frowns deeply: "What happened?"

If Ouyang Chen knew his sister well, she would definitely pa.s.s the necklace to Mo Xie and sacrifice herself, in turn, Mo Xie will never do something like that in his mind, hence, he became quite conflicted, whoever came out after using the necklace, will he be happy or sad?

But he didn't expect Elder Qiao's reply: "Truth be told, we were expecting either you or your sister to come out of the ancestral pavilion, but then, it was a person that we've never seen before."

Ouyang Chen felt dismayed, 'So it's brother Xie then...' He couldn't help but feel an aching pain inside his chest.

But Elder Qiao continued: "That lady said that they are still in danger, your sister sacrificed herself so she could live, but that time, a man was about to rescue them, still, it was too late for her to cancel the teleportation and was sent to our Ouyang Clan's ancestral pavilion."

"A lady?" Ouyang Chen couldn't help but ask.

Elder Qiao nodded his head: "Yes, her name is Fan Feilin, she told us stories about the place, a young man is leading the remaining survivors and is actually managing to survive."

"We couldn't really believe all of her stories though, she said that inside the cavern, there are beings at the Celestial Phenomenon rank just about anywhere you go, she said that they were captured by some sort of abomination, hundreds and thousands of Celestial Phenomenon ranked individuals are seen everywhere."

"Still, if that was really the case, it's even harder to believe that they've survived for so long."

"Also, she said that they've been there for more than five years when you two only left for not even two years."

Elder Qiao told him everything he had heard not leaving a single word out.

Ouyang Chen hearing this nods his head: "Elder Qiao, I may be out of the line but..."

Elder Qiao shook his head: "No, nothing like that, you can say whatever you want to this old bone."

Ouyang Chen smiled: "Brother Xie, that person is my sworn brother, although he may be weak the time we parted, but I know, he will definitely save everyone out there, they will definitely come out."

"My sister and everyone there will come out of there."

Elder Qiao gave up when he heard that Ouyang Bingyun had remained in the cavern, still, even with Ouyang Chen saying that, he still had no hopes, because, the Supreme Elder's Wife, Ouyang Chen's grandmother, was one of the few that were sent inside the Cavern two hundred years ago and never came out.

Elder Qiao nods his head, this is a secret only the old members knew of: "Then, we will only believe and wait."

Ouyang Chen nods his head, he needs to bring this good news to Shang Ting, Mo Xie being alive is something that will help her mood greatly.

A few more days had pa.s.sed.

Shang Ting hearing the news about Mo Xie still being alive felt quite nice, her mood soared through the sky as she managed to come out of the house, for some reason, her stomach had grown exponentially bigger.

Aiqing looked at the stomach and spoke: "Mother, are you sure that I will only have one sibling?"

Shang Ting smiled, but then, she also looked at her stomach and spoke: "I don't really know... maybe, there will be a twin?" She smiled again as she pats her head.

"That will be awesome!" Aiqing chuckles as she neared her ear on her mother's stomach.

But as they protect their base, something happened, more experts started to appear hovering in the sky.

"Those... are those enemies or allies?" Shang Ting asked.

Ouyang Chen flew to her side together with the two elders: "Elders."

Elder Bu frowns: "No, those experts aren't from our side."

Three more Immortal Paragon ranked experts came, this became something troublesome.

Ouyang Chen is the first to speak: "Sister Shang, you should escape here and go to the Mo Family's territory, we will hold them down."

Shang Ting has a saddened expression: "I will leave no one behind, if I fall here, then, I will fall with pride as the Matriarch of the Mo Family."

Pausing for a bit, she looked at her stomach and then to Aiqing: "I will trust your siblings to you if we couldn't protect this place."

Aiqing frowns, she felt enraged: "Mother, don't worry, something like that will never happen."

As the three experts regrouped with Choi Jian, they started to move closer.

Shang Ting waved her hand: "Prepare to defend!"


"Elder Qiao, Elder Bu, I leave defending this place to you." Ouyang Chen said.

The two elders nod their heads, but if they were to really lose here, they will escape dragging Ouyang Chen away.

The two elders waved their hands, a formation started to appear as uncountable number of swords appeared midair.

"To the death be those that wish to harm the peace!" Elder Qiao shouted as waves of spiritual energy bursts out of his body.

"To die for those that seek to destroy humanity!" Elder Bu shouted forming the same seal as Elder Qiao did.

Ouyang Chen nods his head, he took out something from his ring, threw it in the air: "The Ouyang Clan will never let evil be victorious!"

It's their Ouyang Clan's most powerful formation, the Sovereign's Sword Domain, it can be activated by a formation master and needs at least two elders to be activated.

Each of the spiritual energy swords is comparable to a 5-star soul weapon, this is made by the founding ancestors of their Clan, an unnatural way of creating a domain!

Vielka looked at them and nods: "Darkness: Silent Death Domain!"

She unleashed her own domain, covering everyone from their side.

Then, it's Aiqing's turn, she looked at Shang Ting and smiled before looking at Ouyang Chen: "Brother Chen, pa.s.s me all your spiritual energy!"

Ouyang Chen nods his head, he stretched his two hands into a palm and started transferring his spiritual energy to Aiqing.

Aiqing accepted the spiritual energy, her eyes glowed red as she shouted: "Flame Maiden's Prison second stage, Prison of Thorns!"

Immediately, Vielka's Darkness Domain was surrounded by Aiqing's domain, flaming vines filled with blazing thorns shrouded around it prepared to kill everyone that approaches or escapes!

The two elders couldn't believe their own eyes as they saw two young ladies use domain! They weren't even at the Celestial Phenomenon rank yet they managed to use domain?!

Choi Jian chuckles as they didn't decrease their pace and spoke: "A futile struggle!"