Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 140 Asura Spiritual Gauntlets

140 Asura Spiritual Gauntlets

Reall sorry with my grammar and sentences.

Like I mentioned before, I'm not a properly educated person.

-I learned English by reading novels, mangas, and watching anime, I hope you can pardon this third world person, I'm but a useless person and the highest degree I got is graduating high school.

-I'm really sorry too, for a lot of mistakes that I made, I did my chapters when I got home from work as a waiter in fast food restaurant for 12hours, I was completely exhausted that time, and just pulled out all of my time awake as I tried to write.

-I'm already trying my best, I hope you guys can be patient with my works.

-I can't really feed, pay my bills, and provide for my family stably right now, I can't hire editors, proof-readers, and such for this novel that I'm not earning a tad bit for, even if I accept the contract, the money they will give me will be too minuscule.

-Worst case scenario would be me stopping writing and take 2 part-time jobs at the same time.

-I will try to improve bit by bit, so please excuse my poor English linguistic skills.

-Don't worry though, I take criticisms to heart, especially if they are on point and not being too rude or lowing down on people much, so just tell me everything you find hateful or hard to see from my works. (Though sometimes I lose motivation from it.)

-A lot of the contracted works had a huge messy grammar than mine, but they have editors and proof-readers to help them, so they have great quality :D.

I sincerely apologize.


Within the throne room.

A few of the experts decided to stay, asking for permission to talk to Mo Xie after he's done.

Si Baili first informed Mo Xie about it by sending a servant in, the servant later came with good news. Although these experts were powerful, about 90% of them are lone cultivators that had made their own fame and reached the top of the Human Race in this country.

These experts smiled, although they are feeling guilty from taking too much of Mo Xie's time, they just want to have a conversation with him about something that might help both parties.

Back to Mo Xie.

At the backyard, Mo Xie sat in front of a hundred and twenty geniuses, waiting for his instruction.

Soon, a few tens of servants arrived while pulling carts after carts filled to the brim with materials.

"Lord saint, the materials are all here as requested." The head servant spoke.

Mo Xie found it weird; "I only asked for a batch of materials... I only need to make a thousand, why'd they buy this much... Its almost as if I can make hundreds of thousands with it..."

The head servant smiled; "This was specifically instructed to us by the King himself, after all, the materials written on your prescriptions are extremely cheap... for now."

The head servant said the words 'For now.' due to a single reason, and that is none other than Mo Xie himself, after all, a recipe requiring all of this materials from a Medical Saint? How huge the price of these materials would be at a later date? One fold? Five? Ten? n.o.body knows, but it will definitely skyrocket!

Mo Xie sighs as he nods at the head servants, the servants didn't dally any further as they made their way out.

Mo Xie then took out three sets of materials and bought it with him and sat down, placing it down in three separate locations.

"Since all of you are here, you are now part of the Mo Family, and with that, we need to know of your talents with comprehension, pill and potion creation, material handling."

"All of you will have three trials to settle your seniority. The first trial will be done now and the rest will be held in the Mo Family."

"For now, I will start the first trial, I will show you how to create each of these medicines, I will leave it to all of you which you'd like to make or you can also make all of it."

"The one with the most made batches and closest to the original will be ranked at the top, and the least would be ranked at the bottom."

"From my right, the medicine I'll be concocting is a Medium-grade Salvation Pill, it can help ease a person's mental stress."

"In the middle, It will be a medium-grade health potion, It can help revitalize a person's life, curing any injuries at a mid-range level, sadly, it can only do that and does not help with healing near death experts."

"The last will be a mid-grade pill, Earth Essence Pill, it can help cure illnesses that's not much of life-threatening one and below."

Mo Xie find it hard to explain in words, but he knows exactly the effects of each of these medicines, hence, He explained it at the best of his abilities.

Although Mo Xie's explanations were mild, all of these geniuses already got a gist of it and nods their head.

Mo Xie seeing their reaction spoke: "Then, we will start..."

"Asura Spiritual Gauntlets."

Mo Xie summoned a skill.

Immediately, all of those present felt shocked and speechless. A lot of them had never seen such a scene before nor had they heard of it. All of those that had come to observe felt quite in shock.

"A... Alchemical Handles!?"

One of the famed Alchemy grandmasters exclaims as he points at the gauntlets floating above Mo Xie's head.

All of the grandmasters in either Alchemist, Medicinal Physicians, and Potion masters felt extreme disbelief. If they had never seen it with their own eyes, they would never even believe it.

But then, one of them frowns; "Quiet down, do not disturb!"

Above Mo Xie slowly appears six pairs of gauntlets wrapped with blazing flames. After that, Mo Xie's state didn't seem that good as a few blood drips down from his nose and eyes.

Shang Ting was about to touch him, but Mo Xie looked at her and smiled: "Don't worry."

Mo Xie then did a few hand seals and immediately, all those materials around him started to move upwards.

Seeing that the students couldn't help but be astounded, Mo Xie shouted: "Focus!"

"Yes!" Everyone shook from their daydreaming as all of them focused on the medicinal materials hovering above Mo Xie, some only looked at one, some looked at two, some became greedy and tried to learn the three types immediately.

Mo Xie sighs as he then formed a few hand seals, directly imparting the procedures of the Pill and Potion creation towards the Gauntlets, making the Asura Spiritual Gauntlets move according to the procedures.

With the flames surrounding the Gauntlets, the materials slowly turned into phase while others completely became a liquid.

A few of the gauntlets lowered the heat around them to not ruin the Medicinal properties of the materials as they touched it and started combining each property as one.

After a few breaths of time, Mo Xie spoke.

"Pill form!"

The first pill on his right turned into a pill as it fell on the ground.


Mo Xie then placed an empty flask in the middle and made the gauntlets pour down the liquid.

The last one took a few more breathes before Mo Xie spoke again; "Pill form!"

The pill drops down immediately as it rolled on the paper that was holding the materials earlier.

As Mo Xie finished creating the two pills and the potion, he retrieves the Asura Spiritual Gauntlet.


Mo Xie coughs out a mouthful of blood as he stood up, he then placed the three finished products on a table as he spoke.

Shang Ting was worried, but knowing Mo Xie's personality, she didn't move an inch and trusted Mo Xie instead.

Mo Xie looked at the students and spoke: "Depending on your performance, you will be graded with your finished product."

All of the students nod their head, all of these renowned geniuses started to take in all of the information they received and prepared to digest it like a newborn baby looking at the World for the first time.

But then, out of the hundreds of them, a single person raised her hand.

"Yes?" Mo Xie asked.

"That... Will we are graded according to how many medicines we've made?"

Mo Xie smiled inwardly and asked: "What's your name?"

"Ah! I... I'm Xiao Bing Bing, my lord." The lady bows her head as she slightly trembles.

Xiao Bing Bing is a child no less than 15 years old, has black hair and eyes with fair white skin, although her looks are average, Mo Xie saw a talent in alchemy in this one.

Mo Xie smiled as he looked at all of the highly accomplished grandmasters and masters at the far end; "Guests, would you like to help my students in grading my pills and potion?"

All of them looked at each other as a wise smile etched on their faces.

"Lord Saint, it would be our honor."

All of them started to walk towards Mo Xie, casually glancing at the pills and the potion, but the closer they get, the more their complexion started to change.

Then, when they were close enough, all of them started to be covered with sweats.


Everyone became speechless.

Mo Xie smiled as he nods at this observing experts; "I will take my leave first, I need to rest."

All of these observers looked at Mo Xie speechlessly before sighing and bowed; "This is truly an eye-opener, may the lords.h.i.+p have a great rest."

One of them spoke.

Mo Xie nods and dragged Shang Ting out of the rear courtyard.

After the two of them completely disappeared in the area could all of the observer's breath in a loud.

The alchemist guild president then let out a sigh; "Truly a genius, the younger generation really surpa.s.ses the old."

One of them then added: "Hahaha, how about a single one surpa.s.sing all of us old bones."

All of them chuckles; "That sounds more accurate."

Xiao Bing Bing and the rest couldn't help but be awed, these top of the line medicine path cultivators actually submitted defeat just by seeing three finished product of Mo Xie? How weird.

Xiao Bing Bing curiously asked; "Um... great lords, what do all of you mean by those words?"

The alchemist president looked at Xiao Bing Bing before speaking: "Little child, I hope you'll pay a visit and be an esteemed guest of my Alchemy Guild in the future."

After that, the Alchemy President explain in a single go; "All of these are 10-star graded medicines, it has 100% of the medicine's healing properties."


All of the students felt awakened by hearing this, then one of them asked; "Isn't the highest grade 6-stars? Why is there a 10-star now?"

The Alchemy president sighs; "That is the highest that we could attain, in the future, higher than 6-star medicines will appear in all of your hands, I hope all of you will focus under the Medical Saint's guidance."

The other grandmaster nods their head.

Hearing all of them, the students now know what it means. That Mo Xie had not only surpa.s.sed them but surpa.s.sed them so much, that the grandmasters looked like children.

All of them smiled, being under such a person, they surely have received a great blessing, every one of them bowed; "We will do as the grandmasters say."

All of them smiled at one another.

Xiao Bing Bing then added: "And we will never let it go over our head just because we have accomplished something! We will be like our Master, humble and kind every time!"

The elders seeing this smiled, sooner or later, these batch of hundreds of students will surely surpa.s.s them. They didn't even have to count ten years for that too.

The students concentrated and finally started making their own potions or pills while the grandmasters became test examiners.