Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 141 A

141 A

Chu Zhuen usually carried the demeanor of an expert, who wouldn't? A mid-stage Heaven Encompa.s.sing ranked expert at the age of 18, a once in a thousand-year genius only under his elder brother, Crown Prince Chu Xu s.h.i.+, whose cultivation is at the initial stage of Immortal Foundation rank expert.

But right now, veins are bulging all over his body, his hands clenched tightly as blood can be seen dripping down the concrete ground.

"My prince, calm your anger, it will not solve anything." One of his advisors spoke.

But Chu Zhuen didn't budge an inch, his eyes staring daggers at Si Baili and would casually glance at the Sword Emperor and Aiqing. His eyes changing back and forth from a human's eyes to a beast.

Noticing Chu Zhuen not wavering, another one added; "My prince, don't worry, we know full well how you can destroy such a useless Kingdom like this at your whim, but with your current status, it will be much harder to handle."

"Yes, the prince has the might of ten thousand experts, they had just been overwhelmed seeing the Sword Emperor for the first time, overshadowing your great presence."

"Yes, they would've already groveled s.h.i.+vering as they kneeled with their heads on the ground if only the Sword Emperor wasn't here."

"Yes, definitely."


Hearing their non-stop praise, Chu Zhuen's mood finally relaxed, with a smile, he nods at his subordinates; "That definitely is the case."

"Yes, it definitely is."

"Yes, the great second prince really has a heart full of magnanimity."

The yes group and Chu Zhuen entered their own World as they continued their charade.

The only two that had always noticed Chu Zhuen and the yes group are the Sword Emperor and Aiqing, but the two ignored these pitiful beings and continued to play, meanwhile, due to the yes group's increasing volume, the people inside the throne room finally noticed them.

"Hmm?" Everyone started to look behind them, gradually, the figure started showing as their eyes got used to the light.

One of them trembles as he shakenly points his finger; "S-second prince!"

Hearing his name, Chu Zhuen lifts his chin up as he chuckles. Slowly, he strides his way in like an immortal making his way past the mortals.

But something suddenly happened out of nowhere.

Tak~ Thud!

As Chu Zhuen flaunted his majestic bearing, a silky smooth leg suddenly appears between his, making him fall face flat on the ground while his bottom pointing in the sky.

Chu Zhuen stood up immediately, his face beet red as he looks at the perpetrator, with his trembling hands pointing at Aiqing; "Y-you..."

But he didn't continue his following words, feeling the razor-sharp glare from a certain Sword Emperor hence, he decided to swallow his words instead.

"What?! What?! How dare you point your fingers at me?! You were walking so slow and we were playing here, how dare you ruin our fun!" Aiqing immediately spoke as she pointed her finger at Chu Zhuen.

Chu Zhuen felt really embarra.s.sed. Hate, irritation, and rage are starting to boil in his body. Still, he chose to calm down as the second strongest expert in the whole of the human race is actually playing with the little girl he wanted to lash on, but that's not the only case he has to be warry about, Mo Aiqing is the eldest daughter of the Mo Family, a clan that had suddenly risen in the recent years, but that's not the end of it, Mo Aiqing is also at the initial stage of Heaven Encompa.s.sing rank.

And the worst amongst all of it, the birth of a medical saint, Mo Aiqing's father!

Now, if he really had a fight with this person, whether he kills Mo Xie or antagonize him, Chu Zhuen's father would even leave disown him.

Why? Because a Medical Saint is what the Human race needed the most, especially their Empire, the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire due to the continued invasion of the Demon Race.

Chu Zhuen backs down; 'For now... I`ll need to endure, my group's plan is already running in motion, I can't fail now.'

After thinking like that, Chu Zhuen bows at the Sword Emperor and Mo Aiqing; "Then, I will be leaving the two of you first."

"Shoo, shoo, it stinks if you stay here longer." Aiqing waves her hands continuously.

Chu Zhuen grits his teeth as he walks away not even saying anything more.

Seeing such a sight, everyone felt shocked.

Chu Zhuen was known for his temper and wild character, but right now, he was subdued speechlessly by a young girl not even at the marriageable age of 16.

Si Baili stood up; "Greetings to second Prince Chu Zhuen."

"Second Prince Chu Zhuen!"

All of those people inside the throne room stood up and bows their head.

Hearing their words, Chu Zhuen's mood lightens up; 'This is what it should be, I had grown accustomed with the daughter-mother du-'

His line of thoughts abruptly halts as he saw two people going in the throne room from the rear door. Not just him, all of those that saw these two felt speechless. sooner, all of those that didn't see the two followed the stared of others and finally been struck speechless.

Mo Xie and Shang Ting walking side by side as the latter's smile shone like the stars in the sky.

Si Baili is the first to react as he utters; 'A perfect couple...'

"A heavenly made couple..."

Following his words, the other couldn't help but nod their head in approval, truly a match made by heaven.

But someone in the crowd has a different opinion, Chu Zhuen looked at Shang Ting with different eyes; 'Such a beauty, my sister even pales in comparison to hers... I want her.'

Mo Xie felt something ill locking at Shang Ting, his gaze casually moves as scanned and saw Chu Zhuen with eyes staring at Shang Ting full of maliciousness.

The two's eyes finally met, Chu Zhuen snorts as one side of his lip arches up, smugly looking at Mo Xie.

Mo Xie slowly walks towards Chu Zhuen, slowly, something is boiling inside Mo Xie as his two hands clenched; "Mind your eyes, there are certain things in the World that you shouldn't be ogling with just your strength."

Chu Zhuen chuckles, his glare staring daggers at Mo Xie; "Yeah? Like what?"

Mo Xie directly replied: "For example is, my property, my family, and my wife."

The two of them stared daggers at one another, as Chu Zhuen rebukes; "And what are you gonna do about it?"


Author's question;

Does anyone know how to fix "DNS server might be unavailable"? It's been giving me headaches since 3 months ago, the internet would reset and will be offline a few hours then coming back for a few moments before shutting down again.

This problem has increasingly troubled me, and now, the internet would black out for like... a few hours before returning for a few seconds then gone like the wind again... This is annoying.