Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 139 I Am // Showing Off A Little.

139 I Am // Showing Off A Little.

There are no words of apology, nor words thanks can be heard after that, they only showed each other.

No one dares interrupt the reunion of two hearts, well, who would.

After a while, the two parts, Mo Xie lifts his hand as he gently brushes off the tears on Shang Ting's cheeks.

Mo Xie then looked around and saw the people still lining up, waiting for him,

Shang Ting looked at Mo Xie with a smile; "We will stay here, do your work first."

Mo Xie nods his head, he had plans, and he'll definitely take every ounce of things that his enemies took from him and returns it many folds.

Mo Xie with a nod immediately walks away.

"Hmm?" Shang Ting moans in a bewildering manner.

Mo Xie looks back; "What are you waiting for, come with me."

Hearing Mo Xie's words, Shang Ting nods with a blush on her face.

The two of them then stood side by side in front of the hundreds of people gathered in the throne room. The people waiting for Mo Xie felt excitement as it is finally that time, the time they were waiting for, for half a day's time.

Mo Xie looked from left to right, noticing that there are some people that have other intent of seeing him spoke; "For those that wish to enter my tutelage, move to the right side, and those with other intentions, go to the left."

Everyone gave a nod as some moved while the other stayed.

After a while when everyone settled their positions, all of them looked ahead, waiting for Mo Xie's next words.

Mo Xie nods at them; "First, I would like to hear those with other intentions first, I will answer your queries immediately, but if it does not comply with my will, then I can only reject."

Everyone nods, one of them then stood immediately; "Lord Medical saint, our Kingdom, the Azure Imperial Kingdom wishes to invite you as an important guest of our territory."

Mo Xie looked at the old man and couldn't help but spoke: "You've waited this long for that? Well, I'll think about it."

The old man smiled, not even minding Mo Xie's tone towards him, well, even if the King of his country was spoken like that, it would be highly like to be the same, the old man then sat down, wis.h.i.+ng to listen for further information.

Si Baili frowns, but right now, he couldn't do anything, if he killed or rejected these amba.s.sador's entry, as a just kingdom, the Vermillion Sonata Kingdom would be looked down upon by other lower or higher regions, hence, he could only grit his teeth as he listens to their request.

Then another one came, it is also an old man at the age of 50 to 60 years old.

"Greetings, Lord Saint, my Kingdom, the Solar Blaze Kingdom also wishes to have a discussion with your great self, it is about the lair of a demonic beast at the peak stage of Immortal Foundation realm, we hope that Lord will bless us with your presence, we would give 90% of the loot to the lord, we will also do everything, the Lord would only need to tell us what he knows of it. Our people will warmly await for your answer."

Mo Xie found it weird, he kept pondering for a while, but demonic beasts at the peak of Immortal Foundation would usually roam the World where no humans live and would continuously grow and ascend true immortality, but for a Demonic Beast to actually make a cave for their own at the peak stage of Immortal Foundation stage, that is unheard of even with his knowledge.

But then, Mo Xie shook his head, a person like Zhihao appeared, someone that called himself a 'G.o.d', Mo Xie felt ridicule towards it at first, but as he understood Zhihao's knowledge and experience, he could only bow down, he was no sovereign in front of this G.o.d Zhihao, he's merely comparable to a servant... no, if it is Zhihao's status and power, Mo Xie's peak stage would merely be at Zhihao's 1%, or maybe, to Zhihao, Mo Xie would only look like a mortal.

Mo Xie removed the 'I know everything' mindset from his head and looked at this old man; "I will head there as soon as I have nothing else to do."

Hearing Mo Xie's words the old man felt elated; "Then, we will definitely welcome you anytime."

The old man wants to go home now and bring the news, but he still wants to listen to what the others have to say.

Si Baili could only sigh, he couldn't really prevent Mo Xie from accepting and can only watch as other people made their request or plea.

But sadly for those that wish to listen were disappointed, nothing good came out of their request, only the ad

There were some that Mo Xie found interesting, but a certain child shouted; "Father! Don't accept his offer, that man was rude to me!"

Mo Xie could only chuckle in disappointment as he rejected the offer, but he still promises to think about it for some other day.

After the last person was done, Mo Xie looked at his right side, these people are all waiting to be accepted as Mo Xie's direct disciple, or even a disciple, even a servant would do for them.

Each and every one of them is a genius in the path of medicine, hence, all of them bravely moved and waited.

Mo Xie was about to speak but saw some familiar faces, he looked at the east side of the throne room and saw Huotian, Shenyu, and a girl that Mo Xie purchased from the auction before, Vielka, the demon race woman, Mo Xie's slave.

Mo Xie then moved towards Huotian as he looked at Shenyu; "You can keep her and use her to your heart's content, demons are actually a st.u.r.dy slave, so you should make use of her to the best of your satisfaction."

Hearing Mo Xie's words, Vielka's eyes twitched, but remembering Shenyu's story earlier, she knew what Mo Xie's objective is and only swallowed the words in her mouth.

Shenyu bowed; "Thank you."

Mo Xie smiled; "Don't worry." Mo Xie moved his gaze and looked at Huotian; "We should celebrate later, I have tons of things to do for now."

Huotian smiled; "Hmmp, who do you think is not busy here, I have a lot of things to do with my fiancee, so don't worry about me."

The two of them smiled at each other as they conversed for a while before parting.

Mo Xie returned to his previous post as he looked at the people waiting for him.

Mo Xie; "Before I start, I would like to make something clear."

He then looked around and cleared his throat; "I am the Mo Family's patriarch, if you wish to go under me, it will also be going in, joining the Mo Family, if you wish to proceed, go to the back and follow the servants to the rear courtyard."

Everyone's expression became stunned, Mo Family's patriarch?! But what is the Mo Family actually? Well, for the past few months, the Mo Family has been one of the strongest force in the human continent, their resources and power is only second to the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire!

But now, Mo Xie, who's the Patriarch of that family is actually a Medical Saint's apprentice too!

But Mo Xie's words didn't stop there as he added.

"You can keep your surnames, or you can change it to the Mo Family, or also use both, but as you join the Mo Family, you will need to treat each other as a family, understand?"

"Yes!" All of these aspiring talents couldn't help but be excited, they will be joining a powerful family and they can keep both their Family name and the Mo Family name, what an honor!

So what if the Mo Family's fame had only started?! They will be there! Although a little late, they would be part of this journey!

Immediately, all of those that wished to go under Mo Xie without hesitation moves towards the back and followed the servants to the backyard of the Kingdom.

A lot of the experts and merchants that consulted and requested earlier felt a huge loss, if they knew, they would've wished to trade even a single percent of the Mo Family's a.s.set!

Mo Xie's eyes then landed at the two people who seemed to be enjoying their time without care for their surrounding.

Mo Xie then spoke first; "Would sir like to open up why he wishes to see me? or was it just you casually probing my surrounding from the start."

The smile on the Sword Emperor's face didn't vanish as he spoke: "Hoho, it seems to be hard to hide my intent."

Mo Xie could only chuckle; "Then, I wish to know if you have something you want to ask."

Sword Emperor shook his head; "I merely want to make an acquaintance with the person that will be one of the pillars of the human race, that is all."

Mo Xie smiled, he could only feel the genuine feelings of Sword Emperor through his voice; "Then, it is nice to meet you."

Sword Emperor nods his head as he continued to play with Aiqing; "Yes, I will frequently visit you, maybe once or twice a month, I might also bring some friends with me to share wisdom with you."

Mo Xie nods his head; "Then, I will leave first, I need to concoct some medicine."

Sword Emperor smiled as he nods.

Mo Xie chuckles, but he did something that shocked Sword Emperor unprepared.

Around Mo Xie's body oozed a very sharp intent as it directly went towards Sword Emperor.

Sword Emperor couldn't help but think; 'Sword intent!?'

The Sword Emperor for the first time had a change in his expression as he also shots out his own sword intent!

A strong gust of wind moves inside the Throne room making a few of the people felt weird from it, but the experts definitely saw it, two sword intents clas.h.i.+ng against each other so fiercely!

The two of them clashed not even for a second, as the energies around the both of them vanishes to thin air.

The experts couldn't help but have sweats around their body, the Sword Emperor producing such sharp intent isn't really shocking, but Mo Xie doing it, definitely is!

Mo Xie chuckles as he continued to walk with Shang Ting to the backyard.

The Sword Emperor chuckles and thought; 'Such a young talented man if I thought him well, he'll definitely surpa.s.s me in less than ten years!'

Meanwhile, Mo Xie is thinking about it too, well, in his perspective; 'The Sword Emperor actually perfectly trained the Sword Intent, I wonder what level of attainment had he reached with Sword Heart, maybe he had already reached Sword Soul? Well, whatever, after I trained him for a year's time, he'll definitely be unrivaled in this continent, he'll definitely be a great general under me.'

The two separates yet, their aim became clear at this moment, meanwhile, Aiqing finished the last batch of sweets from the Sword Emperor and burfs out a huge one as she stood up.

Aiqing started to walk slowly, gracefully as she looks at the people that still remained in the throne room; "Hmmp, I'd like to see you guys try shouting at me again!"

All of those that scowled at Aiqing earlier felt ashamed as they bowed their heads.

Aiqing then looked at one that shouted the strongest; "Hmmp, lucky for you, I didn't tell my father on you, you might really be in big trouble if I did!"

Hearing her word, that man couldn't help but be shaken; "Apologies oh great and humble fairy, I was merely blinded and couldn't see the heavens itself."

"Good, good, good. At least you know how to accept your mistakes." Aiqing proudly lifts her chin up as she stared at the old man.

She then added; "Now that you know your mistakes, buy me some sweet buns and dessert! I wish to keep them as I travel with my great father and mother."

"Ye-yes! Definitely, I will immediately be back with the greatest in this region!" The old man replies and hurriedly stood up.

But Aiqing didn't stop there; "I know you are a merchant, but how about this, if you made me satisfied with your work, I will trade you with my Mo Family's share, and will only trade with you, that's 10% what do you think about it?"

Hearing Aiqing's words, the old man felt elated, although he failed the negotiation with Mo Xie earlier, he now had a chance again!

At first, he wanted to be one of the sellers of Mo Xie's medicine, but now, he can actually sell and only he can do it, 10% of the Mo Family's tradable goods!!!

His eyes burned with pa.s.sion as he looks at Aiqing; "Your majesty, my queen, my G.o.ddess, I will definitely not make you down, trust in my abilities!"

Aiqing lifts her chin further and spoke: "Good, now my servant, go!"


Everyone felt awkward from such a scene, but they also felt jealous, heck, a lot of them would even act like a dog to get that 10%

But if only they knew, Aiqing's 10% is nothing but a cheap trick, she owns absolutely nothing! Shang Ting is in charge of distribution and would casually give Aiqing what she needs, maybe if Shang Ting is the only one in the Mo Family, he could get the 10% from Aiqing, but there is Mo Xie too, it definitely would be hard for Aiqing to get anything now.

Well, that's part of Aiqing's scheme after all.

After doing her facade, Aiqing looks back at the Sword Emperor; "Grandpa! When will you be visiting the Mo Family and bring me a great number of sweets!"

The Sword Emperor laughs loudly as he spoke: "Whenever my cute little princess wishes to."

"Ohh! Then I'll definitely make something so I can tell you the time!" Aiqing cheerfully said.

The Sword Emperor didn't take it to heart as he laughs again and nods his head: "Then I will wait, but until then, I can only say that I will go to your Mo Family at the end of this month, so 12 days from now."

Aiqing chuckles as she nods: "That's great, I will wait then!"

Sword Emperor: "Okay."

"Pinky Promise!" Aiqing lifts her tiny hand with her pinky out.

The Sword Emperor smiled as eh approached Aiqing's tiny pinky and shook it with his; "I promise."



The two laughs and chuckle without any conversation, those that's observing felt weird, they wanted to leave but the door is blocked by the Sword Emperor and Aiqing, the two's atmosphere is so weird... great that they wish not disturb the two.



"...." (Everyone.)


2 chapters in 1 release!

I'm just thinking... why isn't webnovel giving authors some $$$ for views? I mean there are tens of websites giving authors $1 / 1k Views. although they lack viewers, they really treasure their authors... not some other website that theirs as slave though.



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