Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 138 Reunion

138 Reunion

Everyone felt all sorts of emotion, in front of them is the Medical Saint's apprentice. In the middle, a young mother showing great power yet tears flowed in her eyes as she was shaken in meeting someone she had long lost, and at the back, a seemingly senseless two people who seem to doesn't care about the World is happily patting the head of a cute girl and the other eating non-stop.

Right now, Mo Xie stared at the figure whose head is bowed down.

Shang Ting slowly lifts up her head as she looks at Mo Xie, lifting one of her hands reaching to the mask, gradually removing it. Revealing her messed up face, only a quarter of Shang Ting's face remains intact, only the left cheek, her left eye, and her beautiful lips remained as they were.

The right part of her face had been distorted so much, there wasn't even an eyelid to cover her left eye and her right cheek can be seen to have melted through some horrible accident, even showing parts of her teeth.

Seeing her face, everyone that admired her beauty earlier felt horrified, some felt pity and sympathy while others felt removing their eyes.

Shang Ting with her face like this couldn't help but became nervous, who would accept a wife like her; "Hus... Patriarch... I would be willing to be even your concubine..."

Hearing this, Mo Xie started walking towards Shang Ting slowly, his eyes focusing on Shang Ting's face, his brows lifted up and couldn't believe it.

Shang Ting seeing Mo Xie gradually moving closer towards her couldn't bear it and looks at the ground; "I... I can be your personal maid... Just please..."

Mo Xie remained speechless, Shang Ting hadn't moved a single inch and didn't see Mo Xie's expression after she removed her mask. Mo Xie continued walking towards her as his eyes started to moist his hands trembling at the sight in front of him.

"I'll stay in the shadows, just please don't kick me out..." Shang Ting started to beg, her only wish is to stay with Mo Xie, even if it is only observing from the side now, that's her only wish.

Mo Xie a few steps away trembles to hear Shang Ting's words.

When Mo Xie didn't speak and continued to move closer to her, she subconsciously took a few steps back, her body trembles as she imagined the worst thing possible to happen.

Mo Xie noticing her moving a few steps back increases his phase, grabbing Shang Ting's arms.


Shang Ting blurts out the word, she didn't want Mo Xie to see her face up close, after all, which woman in this World would like for their loved ones to see their ugly face?

But just like some sort of magic, as Mo Xie held Shang Ting's face, the whole atmosphere suddenly changed.

Mo Xie activated his bloodline skill, Monochrome, for some reason he did, while holding Shang Ting's right arm with his left hand, Mo Xie's right hand slowly approaches Shang Ting's chin.

Seeing his hands approaching her face, she couldn't help but tremble, she couldn't really close one of her eyes due to the injury and could only watch Mo Xie's hand getting closer and closer.

Mo Xie reaching Shang Ting's chin slowly lifts it up until the two of them looked eye to eye.

Shang Ting didn't expect Mo Xie's reaction, the usually cold and manly person that made her feel comfortable in making an expression she hadn't seen before.

Mo Xie's lips continuously change from smile to sadness not knowing what to express, his eyes already turned red with tears both transparent and red oozing out of it. Later, a smile formed on his lips as he freed Shang Ting's arms and held her face.

"You look as beautiful as the day I had you."

Mo Xie spoke these words as he closes his face on hers as both of their lips touches.

The Monochrome skill was disabled as Mo Xie reached the limits of it without causing him any serious injuries.

Everyone was shocked like some pages were torn from a book, it felt like Mo Xie skipped time in front of their eyes, his movement was too fast! or so they thought.

But something shocked them further, as the two people's lips touched, Shang Ting's face recovered slowly, visible with the naked eye.

[HIGHEST GRADE HEALING MAGIC?!] All of them thought inwardly but didn't voice out their opinion.

Something that can heal injuries on the spot is only things of the legends yet, all of them saw it for the first time.

As Mo Xie and Shang Ting's lips parted, the latter's face has been fully recovered.

Mo Xie smiled sadly as he looked at Shang Ting's eyes; "I'm sorry... for all the troubles and problems that I had caused. For leaving you all on your own... For being an incompetent patriarch... a useless father, and a burden for a husband."

Shang Ting hearing the word 'father' and 'husband' couldn't control herself anymore as she hugged Mo Xie tightly; "I love you!"

Tears started to gush out of her eyes unstoppably, Mo Xie smiled satisfied knowing that Shang Ting and Aiqing are safe, which means, the Mo Family is doing great too.

The two of them hugged each other and n.o.body out of the hundreds of people dares interrupt this reunion, but something reached their mind.

[Who actually did such a thing to the Mo Family!?]

[To actually dare cause harm to the Medical Saint's apprentice, what kind of people are they!?]

Some even immediately thought of investigating it, and some already have plans.

[I'll help the lord take revenge for his magnanimity earlier.]

[Such a tragic thing... I'll definitely make those people suffer.]

[Another Family's dispute? A clan? A kingdom?! Whoever dared do such a thing... I'll definitely take revenge for the Lord Medical Saint!]

News of this will attract people immediately, who wouldn't like to help a supreme being? Much fewer people with great capabilities? As for Mo Xie? A medical saint? Hmmp, people would do anything to attract his gaze, and as this great opportunity happened? What would they not do?!

Immediately, every expert present had their eyes glowing with resolutions, either returning the favor or helping the Mo Family's revenge, all of them felt that it is only right to take revenge for such a crime.


Did you guys know?! I can write a single chapter for an hour's worth of time? My record is actually 30mins! A lot of authors know this. I create my novel's chapter directly and posts it without checking for grammar! Well, that's my s.h.i.+ty side, but still, :D I provide readers with fast chapters before I was suppressed...