Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Chapter 752 Situation

Now that Su Yuan has been promoted to the master of alchemy, he is already able to refine the sun elixir by himself. Although there is a failure rate, it is not so necessary.

Among Su Yuan's subordinates, Mo Fei may be the only one who needs the sun elixir more.

Both Antonis and Ashilia have just broken through, their foundations are not stable, and their accumulation is not enough. It is time for precipitation, and it is impossible to break through even if they get the Riling Pill.

As for Su Yuan himself...if it is just a sun elixir, it will not have the effect of qualitative change.

Su Yuan said: "Take it back, Master Jing and other masters are all worth this pill."

"This... that's good." Xu Hengjiang nodded, and then asked, "Does Master Su need anything else, but it doesn't matter, I, the Storm Alliance, will respond to every request!"

Su Yuan thought for a while, and said: "I really need something. Now that I am Qingming, I have just arrived, and I still need a foothold on the coast of the Western Desert..."

Xu Hengjiang heard the words, pondered for a moment, took out a map and drew on it.

"This is the territory of our Storm Alliance, the south belongs to you, what do you think, Master Su?"

Su Yuan looked at the map that was almost divided from the middle, and had to sigh, Xu Hengjiang is really a kind-hearted person who knows how to repay him, and he actually divided half of the territory for himself.

Moreover, it is still relatively safe in the south.

Xu Hengjiang pondered and said: "You don't have to worry about manpower, I will leave half of the manpower in these sub-helms for you to maintain the basic operation of these areas."

"I do need land and people, but I don't need so many." Su Yuan smiled, and scratched on the map, "As long as this coastal city is enough."

Xu Hengjiang looked at the map: "Zhaoyue City?"


Qing Ming does not intend to become a member of the Hai Gang... Su Yuan has already taken a fancy to the real site, which is the large poisonous island before.

As for Zhaoyue City, it is only used as a portal.

Xu Hengjiang found that he couldn't understand Su Yuan's thoughts more and more, but it was just a city, since the other party wanted it, he just gave it.

"No problem, in terms of manpower, all the sub-helms of Zhaoyue City will be left behind, and I will allocate another sub-helm for you, how about it?"

Zhaoyuecheng sub-helm, there is Qiu Fengyin, a full-moon-level master and another waning-moon-level master, plus more than ten people from the Yaoxing class, and several lower-level three.

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled: "Just one rudder is enough, but I don't want the manpower from Zhaoyue City. I want the vine essence rudder master of your alliance. Is it possible?"

One, Su Yuan did look at Teng Jinghua pretty well.

Secondly, the vine essence has enough weight to serve as a bridge with the Storm Alliance.

Thirdly, being polite is polite. I have helped so much, so of course I can't ask for nothing, otherwise I will really make others feel that I am a good old man who can take advantage of me.

Sure enough, Xu Hengjiang couldn't help showing a bit of heartache when he heard it.

Without Yuan Shan, Teng Jinghua is already the top three seats in the Storm League, and even the strength is the strongest outside of Xu Hengjiang!

Compared with a Riling Pill, Xu Hengjiang is even willing to give up the Riling Pill...

After all, there is a panacea, and the probability of Jing Chenghui's breakthrough is quite limited.

But without Su Yuan, the current Storm Alliance has already been destroyed, so it is not too much to ask for one person.

Moreover, in Xu Hengjiang's view, this is also a way to get closer to Qing Ming.

"Go, call Jinghua here." Xu Hengjiang immediately ordered the person next to him.


Not long after, Teng Jinghua came into the room.

"Leader, Master Su." Teng Jinghua bowed to the two of them.

In the battle the day before yesterday, whether it was Su Yuan's tyrannical strength or his timely help to the Storm Alliance, Teng Jinghua had already respected him.

Xu Hengjiang looked at Teng Jinghua, and smiled with admiration: "Jinghua, you have been in my Storm League for six or seven years, right?"

Teng Jinghua nodded and said: "Well, I wandered to the Storm League seven years ago, and hit it off with the leader at the restaurant. I am grateful that the leader thinks highly of me and invited me to join the Storm League."

Su Yuan was quite surprised, it turned out that the two met in a restaurant.

It seems that I can also wander around in the future, maybe I can recruit some talents...

"Leader, what are you asking...?"

Xu Hengjiang smiled and said: "Now I have discussed with Master Su, Zhaoyue City will be handed over to Qingming, but some people are needed to assist in the management.

It is also your honor for Master Su to ask you by name. From now on, you will bring a sub-helm member to work with Master Su and the others. "

This means that it is almost equivalent to handing Teng Jinghua to Su Yuan.

Teng Jinghua raised her head to look at Su Yuan, with longing and curiosity in her eyes.

Being able to follow the strong is naturally what most practitioners yearn for, and Teng Jinghua is no exception.

After pondering for a while, Teng Jinghua nodded and said: "Since the leader ordered, the subordinates must assist Master Su well!"

After finishing speaking, Teng Jinghua picked up a cup of tea, half-kneeled in front of Xu Hengjiang, and drank it all in one gulp.

Xu Hengjiang stepped forward, helped him up, and said with a smile, "Get up, and follow Master Su carefully. You are the most familiar with them when they first came to the coast."


Teng Jinghua stood up after another deep salute, and walked to Su Yuan's side.

Su Yuan also nodded with a smile and said, "Welcome, Master Rattan."

"It's my honor." Teng Jinghua bowed respectfully, and then said, "Master Su can just call me Jinghua."

Although Su Yuan looks very young, but strength is the most important thing, not to mention the burning sun class can not determine the real age by appearance alone.

After this incident, Xu Hengjiang thought about it and said, "Now, only Huang Qi's gang is left?"

"That's right." Su Yuan smiled, "I guess the Huang Qi Gang will come soon."

"Report!" Almost as soon as the words were finished, Hu Bo walked in quickly from the outside.

"Hu Bo, what's wrong?"

"Leader, Master Su." Hu Bo saluted, and then said, "Lord Luo of the Huangqi Gang came here in person!"

Xu Hengjiang grinned: "Heh, it's true!"

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Anyone else would not be able to sit comfortably at home."

After a while, Jing Chenghui personally ushered a thin middle-aged man in. It was Luo Jun, the leader of Huang Qi's gang.

"Leader Xu," Luo Jun cupped his hands in greeting, his eyes fell on Su Yuan next to him, his eyes lit up, "This is the master who turned the tide and killed Dai Mao?"

The Berserker Gang and Haiwang Gang in the north suddenly joined forces, and the Shuiyun League, Rock Dragon Gang, and Storm League were all attacked overnight. This news scared Luo Jun, who was the farthest away.

But then came the news that the Storm Alliance survived, not only survived, but also killed the Berserker Gang Dai Mao!

The intelligence spies of the Huang Qi Gang in Storm City have already sent back the news, it seems that the Storm Alliance suddenly has a scorching sun master.

Luo Jun was startled by the joint action of the two northern gangs. Hearing the news, he immediately rushed to the Storm Alliance overnight.

Su Yuan nodded slightly: "It's me."

Xu Hengjiang introduced: "This is Master Su Yuan, not only powerful, but also good at alchemy!

Master Su, this is Luo Jun, leader of the Huangqi Gang, who is proficient in geotechnical techniques. "

Luo Jun looked at Su Yuan, but found that he couldn't see Su Yuan's reality at all. After thinking for a while, he smiled and praised: "Leader Xu can recruit such a master as Master Su, and the Storm League will flourish in the future!"

Xu Hengjiang didn't understand what Luo Jun meant by probing, he laughed: "Master Su is the one I can invite in this small temple of the Storm League? Master Su has his own power, named Qingming."

"Qing Ming?"

Su Yuan said with a smile: "It's just a small organization that just came to West Desert from outside to seek development, and there are only a few barely available people under it."

Xu Hengjiang smacked his lips secretly, Master Su, the people under your command are also called "barely usable"?

However, when Luo Jun heard that Su Yuan was not a member of the Storm Alliance, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't expect you to be so young!"

Huang Qi is adjacent to the Storm League. If the Storm League suddenly grows, it will put a lot of pressure on Luo Jun.

If it was an external organization, maybe Luo Jun would still be repelled, but now the situation is different.

The Shuiyun League and the Rock Dragon Gang were eliminated one after another. It is of course a good thing to have one more powerful ally now!

But the problem now is...there are Yu Feng and Yang Gan in the north.

After some introductions and greetings, Xu Heng asked, "I don't know why Lord Luo came here overnight?"

Luo Jun smiled wryly: "What else can happen, it's naturally the matter of the Berserker Gang and the Neptune Gang.

The two gangs joined forces in the north and wiped out the Shuiyun and Yanlong gangs. I can't sit still! "

Xu Hengjiang cut to the chase and said, "Then Lord Luo, what are your plans?"

Luo Jun said solemnly: "He and the Haiwang Gang jointly swallowed the Rock Dragon Gang and the Shuiyun League. I'm afraid we can only fight together."

"That's right," Xu Hengjiang nodded, then looked at Su Yuan, "Master Su, if you don't mind, how about we join hands to deal with the Second Northern Gang?"

Luo Jun also looked at Su Yuan quite anxiously, regardless of other things, he was definitely a master who could kill Dai Mao of the Berserker Gang.

Whether the opponent joins forces or not is very critical.

Although Su Yuan killed Dai Mao, the Berserker Gang would definitely not let Su Yuan go like this.

But Su Yuan has no foundation here, so he can just pat his **** and leave.

However, Su Yuan didn't think too much, and said with a smile: "Of course, I'm very happy."


Seeing that Su Yuan responded, Xu Hengjiang suddenly became more confident.

Luo Jun was also overjoyed, but thinking of the current situation, his expression was still quite dignified.

"However... Master Su, Chief Xu, the two Chongyang masters of Kuangzhan and Haiwang Gang, it is still difficult for us to parry..."

Speaking of this, Xu Hengjiang's expression froze.

Su Yuan said: "Don't worry too much, the situation is far less urgent than expected. In a short time, the Haiwang Gang and the Kuangzhan Gang should not fight over."

Xu Hengjiang asked: "What does Master Su say?"

Su Yuan said: "For one thing, the two gangs have just wiped out the Shuiyun League and the Yanlong Gang, and it will take some time to digest the resources of the two gangs.

Secondly, we have already become vigilant. In this case, the Scorching Sun class is not so easy to siege.

If Gang Leaders Xu and Huang are allowed to escape, then for the Second Northern Gang, a hostile scorching sun-level threat will be huge.

Thirdly, if we have to fight hard now, we will continue to consume the overall strength of the coastal areas, and may also attract some forces in the central region to intervene. "

Hearing what Su Yuan said, Xu Hengjiang and Luo Jun gradually relaxed and nodded secretly.

"In addition, the alliance between the Neptune Gang and the Berserk Gang is not necessarily very stable, especially after Dai Mao's death..."

Originally, the Berserker Gang had one Chongyang and two Chuyangs, and they were the best along the coast.

But Dai Mao of the Berserker Gang was suddenly beheaded by Su Yuan.

As for the Haiwang Gang, who lives in the second place, Yang Gan, the leader of the gang, has already broken through to Chongyang.

As each other grows and disappears, the strength of the two gangs has suddenly become infinitely closer...

As long as Yang Gan has a little thought, the relationship between the two gangs may not be so harmonious.

In addition to the Huangqi Gang and the Storm League in the south... For Yang Qian's Neptune Gang, a three-party confrontation and even continued consumption of the strength of the Kuang Zhan Gang is the best result.

Especially, now that Dai Mao died in the Storm League, the two sides have enmity!

Xu Hengjiang asked: "Master Su, what should we do now?"

Su Yuan said casually: "Strengthen vigilance, improve strength, and develop normally."

Xu Hengjiang and Luo Jun thought about it, and there was indeed no better way.

The most important thing now is to form an alliance. Now that the alliance has been formed, the rest can only be waited for.

After all, if the Berserker Gang and Neptune Gang can't move, it's impossible for me to fight directly to the north, right?

Su Yuan looked at the two, but he had his own thoughts in his heart.

There are two Chongyang masters in the north, and it is difficult for me to get any benefits in the past.

Now, I just need to wait...wait for my side, there will be more scorching sun combat power!

(end of this chapter)