Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 751

Chapter 751

Chapter 751 Ending

Looking at the pool of blood mud melted by Yuan Shan, Xu Hengjiang's eyes were full of coldness, he withdrew his **** fist, and turned around after calming down a little.

"Master Su and Mr. An laughed." Xu Hengjiang said.

Su Yuan said: "Leader Xu is a man of temperament, don't think too much, it is he who has failed your feelings and trust."

"Master Su, don't comfort me." Xu Hengjiang shook his head and sighed, and then asked, "By the way, Cheng Hui, aren't you and Master Su still on the island? Why did you suddenly appear here again?"

Speaking of this, Jing Chenghui looked at Su Yuan, and was amazed again: "Master Su used the group teleportation technique to teleport us here."

"Group teleportation?"

Su Yuan nodded and said: "I left a space mark in Storm City in advance, and after receiving Antonis' signal, I brought everyone back directly."

Xu Hengjiang took a deep breath, a space system star card master, and a space system star card master who can teleport so far and so many people at once...

Whether it is the teleportation technique or my own star power, they are all terrifying!

It's also fortunate that such a person is a friend. If it is an enemy... suddenly bringing a large number of master teleportation raids in, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Thank you, Master Su...uh!"

Xu Hengjiang cupped his hands again to thank him, but suddenly he staggered and fell on his back.

"Leader!" Jing Chenghui quickly supported him in shock, and asked anxiously, "Master Su, Mr. An, what's going on with the leader?"

Antonis also looked condensed: "In order to fight against Dai Mao just now, not only intensified the toxin, but also suffered serious injuries."

Su Yuan said: "Antonis, treat him immediately."

Jing Chenghui suddenly remembered something, and his face changed: "But Jingyilian is still with Tieshi Rudder and the others..."

With a flick of his hand, Su Yuan took out a few Jingyi lotus plants.

"It's okay, I have some more here."

Antonis took Jingyilian, and after examining Xu Hengjiang, he couldn't help frowning.

Jing Chenghui's heart trembled suddenly: "Mr. An, how is the situation?"

Antonis said in a concentrated voice: "Because of the high-intensity battle just now, his condition is very bad now...

I have to do my best, Boss, Master Jing Tuo, you may need to step back a little. "

"Okay." Su Yuan stepped back a little immediately.

"Then please leave to Mr. An, please cure Leader Xu!" Jing Chenghui gave a deep salute, and then retreated with Su Yuan along with his two men.

Antonis flipped his hand and took out the silver knife, his eyes froze: "Silver kite!"

The silver light shines brightly, and a layer of silver independent spherical domain spreads out rapidly, completely blocking the prying eyes of the outside world.

Antonis's eyes were full of silver, and he stared at Xu Hengjiang's body, as if he could directly see the cell structure!

Antonis' hands have completely turned into silver like an energy body, and with a slight wave, they cut Xu Hengjiang's body bit by bit like a knife.

What is miraculous is that even though Xu Hengjiang's body was cut open, there was not a single bit of blood spilling out!

Outside, Su Yuan looked at the silver field in front of him.

"Sure enough, Antonis' soul power also touched the space system."

This is the first time Su Yuan has seen this silver domain, and it should be transformed by the power of Antonis' soul power knife.

The former Antonis should not be able to do this. It seems that he has secretly made a lot of progress in the past few years.

With Su Yuan's strength, it is completely possible to use the omniscient vision to see in, but Su Yuan did not do so.

Su Yuan is not a person with a strong desire to control. Everyone has their own secrets, and of course his subordinates can also have them.

No matter what secrets there are, as long as you guarantee one thing, that is to be absolutely loyal to yourself.

Others, Su Yuan will not pursue to the end.

Time passed, and the sound of fierce battles in Stormwind City gradually stopped.

Mo Fei came behind Su Yuan in a flash, silent like a guard.

The members of the Storm Alliance approached one after another, and everyone looked at Su Yuan and Mo Fei with a bit of surprise.

Su Yuan beheaded Dai Mao first, and Mo Fei's performance in the chase just now was simply an unstoppable deep beast!

After saluting Su Yuan, the scorching sun master, everyone in the Storm Alliance spontaneously kept quiet and waited for Xu Hengjiang to return outside the silver domain.

In this battle, the Storm Alliance lost a lot.

The masters who stayed at the main helm before, only seven Huiyue-class dead, including the guard captain of the Yuanyue-class, have all died!

There were dozens of casualties at the Yao star level, and hundreds of people were killed and injured at the lower three levels!

There were Teng Jinghua and others guarding the scene, while Jing Chenghui, as the "Chief of Internal Affairs", arranged manpower to handle the scene.

Just like that, after a long time, the silver light field suddenly shrank and disappeared.

I saw Xu Hengjiang lying on the ground, still in a coma.

Antonis's face was pale, and compared to star power, the consumption of mental power seemed to be more serious.


"Still awake?!"

"how is everything"

Many members of the Storm Alliance rushed up excitedly. It can be seen that Xu Hengjiang is quite popular in the hearts of the members.

"Quiet! Spread out!"

Teng Jinghua sipped in a low voice, and immediately stopped the gang members who gathered around in a hurry.

And Jing Chenghui also rushed over quickly, saw the situation and asked: "Mr. An, how is it?"

Antonis rubbed the center of his brows, and said a little weakly: "The toxin has been completely removed, and there is no serious problem. Next, we just need to rest for a few days."

"Okay!" Everyone's eyes were full of joy.

The captain of the guard is dead, and Teng Jinghua is responsible for guarding Xu Hengjiang.

Jing Chenghui also began to arrange manpower, and went to rectify Hengshui City and other rebellious sub-rudders...

The night passed, and Xu Hengjiang had woken up.

Although his body was very weak after Antonis' surgery, Xu Hengjiang's spirit was exceptionally good.

At this moment, Jing Chenghui was giving a report to the two of them.

"So, it's the Berserk Gang and Haiwang Gang who joined forces to take the opportunity to annex other sea gangs?" Su Yuan listened to Jing Chenghui's information, and his eyes were thoughtful.

Along the coast of the Western Desert, there are six scorching sun-level forces.

The Kuangzhan gang is number one, and there are three scorching sun masters in the gang, and the leader of the gang, Yu Feng, is also a Chongyang master. He deserves to be the number one coastal gang, even comparable to the first-class forces in the central region!

Haiwang gang is second, and the leader of the gang, Yang Gan, just broke through to Chongyang two months ago, and is the second Chongyang master along the coast!

The Haiwang Gang and the Berserker Gang are both in the north of the coast. I thought that after Yang Gan broke through, he would be able to confront the Berserker Gang in the north for a while to balance the situation along the coast.

But I didn't expect that these two families would instead join forces, and they had secretly joined together to form the "Northern Alliance"

Jing Chenghui nodded and said: "The Shuiyun League was suppressed by the two leaders of the Kuzhan Gang and Haiwang Gang, and now the leader of the Shuiyun League has also been restrained.

The Rock Dragon Gang was also divided up overnight by the Kuang Zhan and Neptune Gang. "

Xu Hengjiang said: "If it weren't for you, Master Su, our Storm Alliance would probably be swallowed up too.

But now, not only did the Berserker Gang fail to swallow our Storm Alliance, but they defeated the second gang leader of the Scorching Sun level and nearly 30% of the masters, and were actually weakened! "

The quality of a master determines whether it is powerful or not.

Although a large number of people have been recruited, those who have just surrendered are already discordant, and now they have lost a scorching sun master.

For the Berserker Gang, this is not a good deal.

As for the demise of the Rock Dragon Gang, it can only be said that it was expected.

Because the leader of the Rock Dragon Gang, Shen Hui, was killed by the Liuli Dashu, the Rock Dragon Gang had almost no resistance and was eaten by the Sea King Gang and the Berserker Gang.

Without the Scorching Sun class, the Rock Dragon Gang could not withstand the suppression of the two major gangs at all.

Even if Kuangzhan and Haiwang Gang don't do anything, it is impossible for the Rock Dragon Gang to keep the original resources.

Nowadays, most of the members of the Rock Dragon Gang have surrendered to join the Neptune and the Berserker Gang, and only a small number of people have escaped...

Overnight, the entire coastal area changed.

The Yanlong Gang was wiped out, and the Shuiyun League was disintegrated. Apart from the Storm League, only the Huangqi Gang, which was closest to the Storm League, remained.

After the two discussed it again, Xu Hengjiang suddenly said: "This time, Xu Hengjiang and the Storm League were able to escape this catastrophe, thanks to Master Su and you, Qingming, and you have to repay such a great favor."

Xu Hengjiang took out a wooden box and pushed it in front of Su Yuan.

"I, the Storm Alliance, don't have much good stuff right now, so let's express my feelings for this."

Su Yuan opened it slightly, and inside was a elixir with a corona pattern, it was a sun elixir!

Sun Spirit Pill, which can almost increase the probability of breaking through the scorching sun by 20%, can be said to be the treasure that all the Yuanyue class dream of.

Don't look at only 20%, even if it is 10%, it will make everyone jealous.

Once entering the scorching sun, not only the life expectancy will increase greatly, but also the strength will not be the same!

Actually, this sun elixir is exactly the one to be given to Jing Chenghui.

At this moment, Jing Chenghui looked at Ri Lingdan with a bit of pity and regret in his eyes, but he didn't care too much.

As Xu Hengjiang said, without Su Yuan and others, Xu Hengjiang and the Storm League would cease to exist.

However, the look in Jing Chenghui's eyes was captured by the keen Su Yuan.

Su Yuan took another look at Riling Pill, then closed the box and pushed it back.

Xu Hengjiang was startled: "Master Su, what are you?"

Su Yuan said: "Thank you for accepting, but this elixir is no longer needed."

Both Xu Hengjiang and Jing Chenghui were greatly surprised, they never expected that Su Yuan would reject Ri Ling Pill.

Xu Hengjiang opened the pill box and said, "Master Su, this... this is the daily panacea."

Su Yuan said with a smile: "Leader Xu, I am an alchemist, so of course I know that this is a sun elixir."

"Ah yes..." Xu Hengjiang also reacted immediately.

The main reason is that Su Yuan's actions are too unreasonable, and there are people who don't want Ri Ling Pill?

Sun Spirit Pill, for the Scorching Sun class, it is also a high-quality pill to promote cultivation.

Even if Su Yuan doesn't use it himself, there are still so many full moon masters under his hands!

As if knowing what Xu Hengjiang was thinking, Su Yuan smiled: "Compared with this elixir, our Qingming wants to befriend the Storm League more."

(end of this chapter)