Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 753

Chapter 753

Chapter 753 Dan Cheng

After the storm, the Neptune Gang and Berserk Gang in the north were silent.

The Storm Alliance has entered the process of rapid reconstruction. In the previous battle, the entire city of Storm City was nearly half damaged.

As for Su Yuan, he sent Ashlia and Antonis to take over Zhaoyue City together with Teng Jinghua.

Those who came to Zhaoyue City with Teng Jinghua were a group of elites who belonged to him.

However, Teng Jinghua did not bring Huiyue class over, but only brought ten Yao-stars and more than fifty lower-levels.

With these people, it can barely maintain the normal operation of Zhaoyue City.

In addition, Su Yuan also sent Mo Fei to accompany Li Su to the north to recruit monks of the third level.

Because the Yanlong Gang and Shuiyun League were destroyed, many masters were left behind, not to mention, some of them really joined Zhaoyue City.

First of all, Qing Ming gave a lot of star stones;

Secondly... Su Yuan's beheading of Dai Mao is also inseparable. After all, the Yanlong Gang and the Shuiyun League are all enemies with the Kuangzhan Gang.

In addition to this, there are some unexpected gains. After hearing that Su Yuan himself is an alchemist in addition to being a scorching sun master, many alchemists joined him, including a master alchemist!

In just a few days, in addition to Fuji Jinghua, there were three more Huiyue-class and more than a dozen Yao-stars in Zhaoyue City!

It is enough to have Ashlia and Antonis manage together.

As for Su Yuan himself, he has already returned to the Qingming Realm...

Green Netherworld, Pill Artifact Hall.


After a burst of violent noise, accompanied by a lot of fire and smoke, a strong and pungent burnt smell came from the alchemy hall...

In the main hall, Su Yuan's whole body was blown by a divine wind, and he pushed away the fire and smoke by himself.

"The first time, it really failed..."

Su Yuan opened the alchemy furnace, looked at the star core that had been broken into several pieces and hadn't completely melted, and a burst of heartache appeared in his eyes.

And that's not all, even the bottom of the Azure Dragon Pill Furnace has some cracks!

That's right, Su Yuan is refining the Sun Panacea!

"If the power of this fryer is repeated two or three times, I'm afraid this pill furnace will be useless."

Su Yuan shook his head, resisting the pain in his heart, and quickly summed up the refining process just now.

"The energy density in the Scorching Sun Star Core is too high, whether it is melting or incorporating auxiliary materials, the requirements for controlling the temperature of the fire are quite high.

Even if you have mastered the refining method of this pill, you must have rich experience to prevent mistakes. It is no wonder that the refining success rate of this pill is generally only 30% to 40%.

However... what if you can control the refining process exactly? "

Su Yuan suddenly thought of something, and his heart skipped a beat.

Not only the time acceleration of Guixu Kamikaze can be used to assist alchemy formation, it seems that I also have a special ability...

Do as soon as he thinks of it, Su Yuan immediately cleaned up the Azure Dragon Pill furnace, and put a star core and auxiliary materials into it again.

Afterwards, the silver light in the eyes flowed like substance...

"One mind clean!"

Time passed by little by little, and under the acceleration of the time of Guixu Shenfeng, the refining of the elixir was proceeding at an extremely fast speed.

I don't know how long it took, the Azure Dragon Pill Furnace suddenly vibrated with a "rumble", and it didn't take long before it exploded with a "bang"!

Thick smoke and fire swept through the entire alchemy room again, and Su Yuan in the field turned pale, as if he had consumed a lot.

However, Su Yuan's eyes were faintly filled with excitement!

"It's really possible, use Yixin Wuchen to make alchemy!"

Su Yuan suppressed his excitement and quickly summed up in his heart.

Yixin Wuchen can really refine the pill without any mistakes, as long as the changes in the pill furnace do not exceed his own understanding.

This time, there was no mistake in the whole process, and the refining progress was more than halfway through.

The reason why it failed was because during the refining process, there was a problem with the fusion of one of the auxiliary materials.

Besides, it takes a long time to refine the epic elixir, and it can't be persisted for a long time with a clean heart, so try to use it at the critical time.

Su Yuan sat cross-legged and rested for most of the day. At the same time, he took out the pill formula and re-analyzed it based on the failure of the fusion of auxiliary materials just now.

After a long time, Su Yuan corrected his mistake and took a good rest.

Not in a hurry to refine alchemy, Su Yuan first went to burn incense and take a bath, changed his clothes, and then returned to the alchemy hall.

"Just use Yixin Wuchen at several key refining nodes..."

Su Yuan's eyes sparkled, he was 90% sure, and immediately started a new refinement!

In the blink of an eye, another day passed.

This is still under the condition that the time of Guixu Kamikaze is accelerating. If it is changed to the normal time of the outside world, it will take five or six days!

In the alchemy hall, Su Yuan is still concentrating on refining.

Although he can multi-task, but he has just started to refine Sun Spirit Pill, Su Yuan dare not do other things without the slightest carelessness.

Suddenly, there was an increasingly violent crackling sound in the pill furnace!

Su Yuan's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the refining process had reached a critical moment, he immediately launched a heartless.

The eyes are pure white, and all the changes in the pill furnace are clearly reflected in the bottom of my heart!

Just as time slows down countless times and perception magnifies countless times, Su Yuan manipulates the flame to change rapidly with the changes in the furnace.

Whether it is temperature, burning point, etc., it is perfect without a single error...

I don't know how long it took, after a while of stalemate, the movement in the pill furnace began to gradually weaken.

If it was normal, Su Yuan might still have some joy in his heart.

But now because he is in a clean state, Su Yuan only received the message of "coming soon", without any other distracting thoughts.

The movement in the alchemy furnace gradually calmed down, until finally, a wisp of purple smoke like gauze and mist spewed out from the dragon head of the Qinglong alchemy furnace!

The rich Danxiang spread out, just taking a sip is refreshing and exhausting!

After the purple smoke cleared, Su Yuan opened the alchemy furnace.

There is a red elixir the size of a longan in the furnace. Because it has just been smelted, the coronal sun pattern flows on it, as if it is slowly burning!

Su Yuan took out the elixir and put it in the prepared elixir box, the pure white light in his eyes dissipated, and he untied Yixin Wuchen.

Although his complexion was slightly pale, there was a burst of intense joy in Su Yuan's eyes!

"Sunshine Pill, it's finally done!"

Two failures, consuming two Scorching Sun Star Cores, and even scrapping the alchemy furnace, finally succeeded in refining this sun elixir!

At this moment, Su Yuan looked at this elixir carefully with joy.

This is the first sun elixir that I refined, which is of great significance.

Next, as long as you have the Scorching Sun Star Core, you will be able to produce your own sun elixir and quickly improve your cultivation!

"Returning to the ruins of the gods combined with Yixin Wuchen, the auxiliary effect is really abnormal!" Su Yuan was secretly excited.

With the kamikaze of returning to the ruins, I can greatly increase the speed of alchemy;

With one heart and no dust, as long as you succeed once, there will be almost no mistakes, and you can even continuously optimize the alchemy process!

Su Yuan carefully looked at it for a long time, and then carefully put away the Riling Pill.

Su Yuan turned his head to look at the Qinglong Furnace Cauldron, only to find that the cracks in it were a little more serious.

"Even if you don't fry the furnace, you can refine the Sun Elixir three times at most.

Although there is still a master-quality pill furnace in the treasure hall, it is a bit reluctant to use it to practice epic pills.

Continuing like this is not an option, we still have to try to find another suitable alchemy furnace. "

Su Yuan thought for a while, then cleaned up the Qinglong Pill furnace again.

Now, Su Yuan still has a star core obtained from the Stone Scorpion Lord of the Chongyang Realm in the Shaze Region of the Gray Realm.

After Su Yuan prepared to rest for a while, he struck while the iron was hot, and continued to refine that star core into a sun elixir.

However, after only resting for a long time, Su Yuan noticed a sudden burst of strong fluctuations like a vast abyss outside the hall!

"This is!"

Su Yuan's complexion changed slightly, and a silver light flashed on his body, and he appeared on the square in front of the hall.

Seeing the center of the square, Ruan Ruan, who was originally practicing here, has disappeared.

Instead, above the square, there was a huge ball of water that was still swirling and surging like an abyss.

That extremely strong fluctuation came from above this ball of water!

Su Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up with joy: "Ruan Ruan is about to break through!"

(end of this chapter)