"Ok, ok, quiet down guys." Xander spoke, his voice full of authority. Immediately, the garden quieted down.
"As you can see, the ones occupying the middle spot of the garden had already reached enough maturity for them to survive the outside world. They pa.s.sed my test, and so I'll be bringing them and their origins outside the garden."
"Their names are Sam, Pan, and Sparrow, and they are your seniors."
"As for you sprites, roughly, you are nearing 10,000 year mark, but still far-off from the 33,000 year mark I have set for these three. Become stronger."
"As for the magical beasts, you can have the option of leaving once you reach the 20,000 year mark, but be warned! Once I let go of you guys, you must be prepared to face other magical beasts and other species that may hunt you and kill you."
"As for you three," Xander said to the trio behind him, "Are you sure you want to leave the garden? Once you leave the garden, the differences will let you realize some things about this garden, which means you cannot enter it ever again." Xander had a grave face upon telling these to the 3 sprites.
The three were quite silent, and even the other sprites and magical beasts were quietly listening. It was Sam who first spoke.
"Xander, I want to go out, but be with you." Sam said shyly, his face blus.h.i.+ng. Even his origin started to react according to his emotions. Xander felt weird about this, but didn't think much about it. Although he wasn't against such relations.h.i.+ps, he was like a dad to Sam. Having those feelings were a no-no.
Maybe he's just confused about the idea of love? Oh. Wait. F*ck. I haven't thought to teach them about emotions and stuff.
"Sam, are you sure you want to be with me? You will face hards.h.i.+ps and enemies in the future that will surpa.s.s your current strength and abilities; at the same time, I want to ask you this: Are you willing to create a contract between us?" Xander asked him, his face serious, while inside, he was freaking out because it would feel weird for him if his creation would fall in love with him. AAAAAAAAH!
Sam noticed this and nodded solemnly. Xander quickly replied, "alright then," and asked the remaining two sprites. "What about you guys?"
Sparrow immediately replied, "I want to be free in the skies above; yet at the same time I want to be in your guidance. However, as an air sprite, I must answer the call in my very being to be free." Sparrow immediately bowed and said, "I owe you my life, and with it you can command me anytime, by merely whispering my name in the air."
Xander nodded at Sparrow's response, which was quite similar to other wind sprites in the information collated about them. After all, by their very nature, wind sprites are very free beings. If they weren't adventurous or free-loving, they should be called "contained air" sprites.
Pan's look was apathetic. He shrugged his shoulders and asked, "If I follow you, will there be food?" Xander smiled and nodded. Pan simply replied, "Ok, I'll follow you then."
Upon hearing their answers, he guided the three to towards the entrance and exit of the garden. Upon pa.s.sing through the garden gate and into the villa, the sprites' eyes quickly changed. They had felt the difference in the flow of time. After all, being immersed in the time-accelerated s.p.a.ce gave them an acute sensitivity about time flow.
They thought for a few seconds before they realized it: The garden's time was slower than the outside world! They were surprised and at the same time, in awe of Xander.
"Let's complete the contract. Sam, Pan, go stand side by side please. Sparrow, you are free to go. Enjoy your freedom and soar into the skies above." Xander said solemnly, not caring at all about their reactions.
Sparrow cawed for a moment and transformed into a bird, before flying out in the distance. In a second, he disappeared from the view.
Sam and Pan were startled, before moving in front of Xander and standing side by side. The two initiated the contract binding the two of them to Xander. Immediately, multiple magic layers of magic circle appeared on their feet, and even the sky, one could see the magical circles encapsulating the whole villa.
This caused shock and unrest to occur in the area surrounding the villa; even the authorities in Callows city were alerted. The guards and the maids in the villa were also surprised, and began to contact the military before heading towards the source of the magic disturbance.
However, before they even managed to get close to the epicenter, a strong magical wave radiated from where Xander and the duo were standing, pus.h.i.+ng the bodyguards and the maids down to ground, making them lose consciousness. At the same, the wave covered the whole Eta country, and anyone above the Master cla.s.s or those sensitive to magic felt it. It was the establishment of the sprite contract. All around Callows city and even the neighboring cities nearby could hear illusory bells chiming vigorously, becoming weaker and weaker until it faded.
The villa looked the same as before; there was no more magic circles appearing in the sky above the villa. Xander looked at the two things in his left hand: crystal rose and a jade rock. He immediately kept them in his spatial storage and headed inside the villa.
Xander was surprised to see the bodyguards and the maids out cold in the floor. He look bewildered, before showing a helpless smile. He carried them using s.p.a.ce magic to the living room of the villa, and placed them on the sofas.
He saw that he had 3 missed calls from his dad and 2 missed calls from his mom. Xander immediately called his mom and dad and told them everything is fine. Upon hearing his voice, both his mom and dad were relieved and told him what had happened, and how they detected the wave. Xander was surprised that a simple contract signing was that eye-catching. He thought about it for a moment before asking his parents if possible, to block out the news about the magical circles appearing as well as the magical wave that occurred.
Xander noticed another issue: According to the government and military files on his parents, they were supposed to be Elite-5 rank. How did they notice the magical wave? Unless, they were lying about their true proficiency...
Xander shook his head; it seems his parents had their own respective secrets, just like him. In the past month, he had already reached the rank of Elite-8. He currently had 8 seeds floating around in his consciousness, each were roughly the same size. However, due to [Absolute Defense], his magic cultivation only showed the level of Elite-2 because he easily controlled it to show his flutuations as such.
He had decided to get for the 5 elite spell slots were the following:
[Aether Control]: Allows to control the aether elements existing in the void. Used for converting aether elements into absorbable elements.
[Body Manipulation]: Allows one to control the body structure.
[Blood Manipulation]: Allows one to control the blood in the body.
[Divination]: Allows one to have glimpse of fate.
[Magic Rejection]: Allows one to create a field of void, empty of any elements. No magic that utilizes the elements around it can be used.
All these 5 spells were in preparation of creating 4 advanced spells he planned to complete tonight. After the bodyguards and the maids woke up, Xander immediately asked them to prepare dinner and continue their tasks.
After eating dinner, he headed to the bas.e.m.e.nt and began his spell creation. After 50 years of time acceleration, he had created the first advanced spell, [Elemental Dominance]. It combined [Void Wind] [Aether Control] [Time Magic] [s.p.a.ce Magic] and [5 elements foundation]. This was not that complicated even if there were multiple magics involved; all he had to use was Time and s.p.a.ce being the foundation and the rest followed.
After another 100 years, [Lifeblood] was successfully created from combining [Body Manipulation] [Blood Manipulation]. This was a worthless spell for him, because he is basically immortal unless time and s.p.a.ce of the universe he is residing in is actually destroyed. He just wanted to check if he could create an army of himself, but realized the problems that might appear later on.
After 1000 years, [Heavenly Divination] was created from combining [s.p.a.ce Magic] [Time Magic] and [Divination]. This was one of the hardest to create for Xander since he had to understand the underlying principles of Fate, Time and s.p.a.ce magics, create a connecting point for the three of them. Although his progress of combining time and s.p.a.ce was at 1%, that 1% cannot be underestimated since that already allowed basic fusion of the two magics.
After 500 years, [Void Rejection] was created from combining [Magic Rejection] and [s.p.a.ce Magic]. This was an extended application of Magic Rejection; basically, utilizing time and s.p.a.ce to reject the lower elements, and the repulsion between time and s.p.a.ce, an area void of magic is created. The problem is it doesn't last long, roughly 30 minutes before elemental particles appear once again. Xander postulated this was from the power of creation element omnipresent in the universe.
[Elemental Dominance]: Allows complete control and manipulation over all elements below time and s.p.a.ce. Pa.s.sively absorb all kinds of elements without limit, storing it as a source of elemental energy.
[Lifeblood]: Allows the targeted one to create a lifeblood drop, or manipulate one's appearance and even their unique aura. This drop can be used to create a clone of the user and have the same level of strength and ability as the user. They share the same mind.
[Heavenly Divination]: Allows one to have complete grasp over fate in a certain radius. This spell only lasts for 1 hour and pa.s.sively boosts the good luck of the caster. Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the caster within the radius.
[Void Rejection]: With the power of expulsion, both time, s.p.a.ce, and all the elements beneath it are removed in a certain area. All spells that channel the elements in that area cannot be used, and only elements stored in the body can be utilized instead.
Xander Cloverfield
Lvl 7
Str: 150
Vit: ?
Int: ?
Dex: 150
Luck: ?
Time Mastery: Max
s.p.a.ce Mastery: Max
Basic Magic Foundation: 9/10
Intermmediate Magic Foundation: 10/10
Advanced Magic: 7/10 - [Instant Regeneration (no limit)] [s.p.a.ce Crush] [Temporal Replication] [Elemental Dominance] [Lifeblood] [Heavenly Divination] [Void Rejection]
Legendary Magic: 1/? [Material Transformation]
Mythic Magic: 0/?
DemiG.o.d Magic: 0/?
Divine Magic: 1/7 - [Absolute Defense]
Sage Magic: 0/5
G.o.d Magic: 1/3 - [Absolute Time]