A man in silver white coat was showing these people the magical fluctuations recorded a few hours earlier, the same time the magic wave appeared and the magic circles disappeared.
"...There was a magic higher than a DemiG.o.d level magic casted during this 2-minute window where the magic circles first appeared, and when they disappeared. The function of the spell is currently unknown, and currently, the side-effects of the magic wave that appeared after caused minor organ damage to those Legendary cla.s.s, light internal injuries for those in Mythical cla.s.s, but not a single damage to those in the DemiG.o.d cla.s.s. No effects were seen for those below Legendary cla.s.s, except those who were specially sensitive to magic, as their bodies directly exploded no matter where they were."
"As you can see from the images taken at the location where the magic circles appeared, there were a total of 72 concentric circles, each having a set of magical writing that has never been translated nor seen before by humankind. We had sent copies of the image to the other species, such as the Elves and the Dwarfs, as we cannot write down the magical writing in the circle without the writing implement and the medium for the writing exploding."
"We have located the origin of the magic circle, which was located in the villa bought by Xander Cloverfield, identification number X-001. He is slated to start going to college 2 days from now. The college he selected to attend is Grand Hyatt University, which ranks in the top 20 worldwide universities. The bodyguards and the maids a.s.signed to X-001 were not able to identify what happened as they were directly hit by the magic wave causing them to lose consciousness. Their vital signs were normal, but their magical levels had increased by 3 levels, reaching Master-6 to Master-9 in a few span of breaths. After one hour of remote testing, their magic levels were already stable."
"At the same time, the auditory illusion of the bells chiming was not simply an illusion; it had caused thousands of reports to appear. It seems that those who listened to the bell chimes fell into a trance, similar to the phenomenon of 'magical epiphany', and upon the final chime, miraculous changes would happen in their bodies. We currently have thousands of cases where the people did not have a high elemental affinity suddenly being able to control 1 or 2 elements proficiently, while those in the path of magic cultivation, their ranks raised by 2 levels, regardless of their cla.s.s. Upon further testing, their elemental affinity had doubled. This is both a blessing and a problem, since it also increased the number of crimes happening in the nearby cities to Callows city."
Silence filled the room after the man's report.
"Thank you, Douglas, for the report. Dismissed." A man in military attire spoke out. Douglas merely nodded and exited the meeting.
"As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, we are now at a crossroads." The general began, his voice heavy.
"Subject X-001 is considered a nation a.s.set, but his parents are quite influential and powerful. We were supposed to apprehend Subject X-001 but his parents had already issued a notice that everything was fine, and it wasn't the subject's fault that caused the phenomenon from occurring."
"What we can do right now is ensure that the future path of the subject would lean heavily in favor of the country, and keep the information strictly within the upper echelons. At the same time..." The general was about to add something before being interrupted by an emergency response.
"General Cullen, the elves had replied concerning the magical writing!" A soldier entered the office where General Cullen was holding his meeting.
General Cullen had a surprised expression before turning grave. He immediately presented the results to the meeting.
"Everyone, I just received that the Elven Queen is joining the meeting to explain what has happened." General Cullen solemnly said, leaving no room for arguments and patched the Elven Queen, Syn, through.
A delicate figure appeared in the meeting room where all the holograms were located. She had a perfect face, perfect body in the eyes of the humans, with eyes that bewitches you and a smile that kills you; the elven queen, Syn.
"Welcome, your majesty Syn. We have heard that you have information regarding the magical writing that appeared?" General Cullen spoke, his face a bit fl.u.s.tered.
Syn simply chuckled at the fl.u.s.tered face General Cullen was showing. She quickly replied to those in the meeting.
"Everyone, please relax. The phenomenon you encountered can be considered fruitful and beneficial for your country. I came here under the order of the Heavenly Tree sprite, to tell you that the magical writing you saw is the magic of the sprites. Specifically, this was the magic circle for contract signing, a pledge of the sprites voluntarily made towards their future master." Immediately, there were outbursts of shock and people began to talk about the situation.
Syn just smiled at these ramblings and waited for them to be silent. After a few minutes, silence reigned once again. She continued,
"The Heavenly Tree sprite can only tell you that there were two sprites older than 10,000 years signing a contract together to one master, causing the phenomenon. He does not know the ident.i.ty of these sprites, as if they just popped out of nowhere. He only detected their existence a few minutes before the magic circles appeared. There is a third sprite that was present, who is an ancient air sprite with the same age as the other two sprites. He didn't stay for long, and immediately left the vicinity."
"The last thing the Heavenly Tree sprite wanted me to tell you is that the sprites should not be used for your political or military ambitions, as this would cause the other sprites with their own masters in other countries to fight as well, causing the balance between the countries to break. Any attempts to use them would lead to the other sprites existing to destroy the offenders." Syn then eyed each and every military and government official present, causing them to remove any thoughts of manipulating the master and the sprites to fight for them.
Syn gracefully bowed as she had delivered the information the Heavenly Tree Sprite had wanted to convey, leaving the men and women in the table chattering about possible actions that can be undertaken. Of course, not everyone believed completely what the queen had said, but they kept it to themselves until she left.
In the end, the meeting ended with one resolution: Avoid leakage of information about the phenomenon to other countries, and begin to increase protection towards subject X-001. Although we couldn't use the subject to fight for us, what if it was willingly done by the subject then?
As elven queen Syn looked at the empty s.p.a.ce in front of her, she wanted to laugh. Actually, the Heavenly Tree sprite told more information than what she had said; however, this additional info was privy to herself alone.
A normal contract signing between a sprite and a master would not be as extravagant as the one the people of Eta had noticed. A contract signing was a unity of power for both the sprite and the master, so for this to be extravagant as it was described, the master's powers must be considered.
The ringing bells, in actuality, were more of an omen, an omen from the will of the world. It was to be the beginning of great change to the world, and nations will either rise or fall by the end of the change. No one will be spared.
This was both a blessing and a curse; it was a blessing because it gave those people in the Mythic and DemiG.o.d cla.s.s a chance to soar into the starry sky in one leap, unafraid of what lurks in the world beyond. The elven queen was excited, because she had been stuck half-step to demiG.o.d cla.s.s for a few hundred years.
However, the elven queen didn't realize that the Heavenly Tree sprite didn't tell everything to her as well. What surprised and worried the sprite was that it was able to detect the stirrings of time and s.p.a.ce magic, albeit faint, from that region in Eta...
Xander woke up normally the next day and went downstairs to eat breakfast. He brought his bag with the necessary doc.u.ments to ensure his first day of college was in order.
After eating breakfast, he headed out and under the insistence of his parents, waited for the driver and the private car to arrive. After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of his villa, and after checking the plate number and the name of the driver, he went in and began to travel to school.
There wasn't much traffic, as majority of people were actually using the public transit system rather than using private vehicles. He arrived at the campus gates in less than 15 minutes.
He headed to the registration office to confirm the cla.s.ses he would be taking, as well as get the necessary information about the cla.s.ses. Upon reaching the office, there were a few students already there, waiting in line.
Xander joined the line, and in a few minutes, it was his turn already. He keyed in the details in the terminal provided. Immediately, the information the school had about him was presented.
Applicant Number: 11111
Applicant Name: Xander Cloverfield
Examination Results:
1st Test: Perfect, S+
2nd Test: Perfect, SSS+
3rd Test: Perfect, SS
Mean average: Perfect, SS
Rank: 1st in the batch of test takers for the year 2057 nationally, 2nd worldwide.
Remarks: Subsidy of 500 school contribution points provided per semester.
Program: Advanced Track
Years of schooling: 3 years (6 semesters)
Program track:
- Basic Magic Training, Elemental Control (1 semester)
- Advanced Magic Training, Magic Theory (1 semester)
- Economics, Business, and Politics (1 semester)
- Biology, Chemistry and Physics (1 semester)
- Military Training (1 year)