it only matured into an outline of a bird 4 days, or roughly 6,600 years later. After 2 days, it was already complete and "alive", so to say. Both Sam and Pan were happy with the development and played with the air sprite, which was named Sparrow by Xander, who wasn't feeling creative that day.
After 14 days, the three sprites were roughly 33,000 years old each. Each of these sprites had the intellect of a college graduate, each of them well-versed in different fields; Sam was good at Botany, Pan was great at geology and lithography, while Sparrow was knowledgeable on physics and business.
The other organisms in the garden were also growing steadily; formation of other plant and earth sprites were already done after 10 days since the modification, and 2 days after, they were fully formed. Xander believed that the number of plant, earth and air sprites in the area delayed the growth of the sprites, as they were competing on the elemental particles in the garden. 8 days later, however, several insects and small beasts were already gaining sentience and some were able to command the elements. This caused Xander to be quite surprised with this development and decided to look for more information concerning magical beasts.
After he had read information about these so called magical beasts, he then realized that he could transform regular animals and insects into magical ones. He compared it with the daily data of the garden and realized one common factor: These magical beasts were usually found in areas with high density of elemental particles, which could mean that ancient magical beasts may not actually be magical at first, but with the continuous exposure to high levels of elemental particles, their bodies and their descendant's bodies adapted and evolved to handle these elemental particles.
Doesn't that mean because they have became conscious and aware, they formed souls? Scanning the magical beasts in the garden, he came to conclusions concerning their so-called magic core.
Magical beasts were the same as sprites, with age being a determining factor of its strength. Once an animal became a magical beast, its life and death is determined by its resources and its choice, not by natural ageing. It is similar to humans who broke the limits of mortality upon stepping on the Legendary cla.s.s.
Although their lifespan did extend by several centuries, it wasn't at the same level as Mythic magicians whose lifespan is measured in millenia, DemiG.o.ds who are measured from tens of thousands of years, while Divine magicians and above were already above the constraints of the concept of a "lifespan". Anyone below Legendary had an average lifespan of 100-200 years, even those who aren't able to cultivate magic.
When compared to humans whose strength begins even at the Mundane cla.s.s, the strength of magical beasts, however, began at Master cla.s.s. Most of the magical beasts born has a strength of Master-1 magician. Some rare species of magic beasts, however, were born stronger; for example, a Luan Pixie is born with the strength rivalling a Legendary Cla.s.s magician. Roughly, all newborn magical beasts are cla.s.sified by the strength they exhibit, in terms of years.
A 1000-year old magical beast is considered the weakest kind of magical beast, with a strength of Master-1.
Beasts that were at least 10,000 year old considered Legendary Cla.s.s, and every 10,000 years, they their strength increases as well.
100,000 year old beasts were already of the Mythic level, which is considered a turning point for them. Once they reach the Mythic level, they could actually have the option to transform into humanoid creatures, almost indistinguishable from normal humans through the naked eye.
Upon reaching 1,000,000 years or older, however, they are capable of sailing through the starry sky, having the strength of DemiG.o.d cla.s.s.
A common factor among all magic beasts is that they are stronger than someone of the same level as them; a 5000-year old magic beast could fight evenly with a Master-9 magician.
Now, concerning their magic cores, there were traces of life essence, the same life essence that is supposed to be in a metaphysical state; he knew the traces because he can interact with his own life essence easily, which resided on a different dimension.
When he discovered that dimension, that dimension was quite weird compared to other dimensions he had connected before. Usually when, he latches on a dimension, the point he connected to the physical dimension would appear physically, being able to interact with it. This dimension, however, was in an immaterial state even after he had latched on a dimension. If he wasn't controlling s.p.a.ce elements to form a intermediary link between the physical dimension and this dimension, he wouldn't be able to enter it.
When he opened that dimension, it was as if he was being pounded by waves and waves of pure energy, threatening to overwhelm him if not for his [Absolute Defense] Spell automatically activating, isolating his body from the dimension but still being there. After adjusting himself, he realized he was in a sea of life essences!
Multiple ideas and thoughts quickly appeared in his mind before focusing on the highest probable answer: This dimension is where life essences of sentient beings exist! Since it was said that life essences were in metaphysical state, it would make sense the dimension they reside in, they would be in a physical state, and that state was a raging oceans of coalesced life essences.
The question now about magic beasts is why their life essences moved from a metaphysical state to physical state, manifested as a magic core? Could it be...? Xander's eyes glistened, before recording the information he had just gleaned from the magic beasts' cores.
Currently, the magical beasts in the garden were at Master cla.s.s, roughly 4,700 years of age each. Xander was a bit puzzled, however, that there was no innate hostility between these magical beasts. He counted and their population was currently less than 50, with at least 18 different species of magical beasts. They each occupied their own s.p.a.ce and respected each other's s.p.a.ce as well. Some of them were interacting with the newly born sprites. Majority of the magical beasts, however, loved to just sleep.
Xander saw these results were quite happy. 2 days before college starts, he went to the garden again and was happily greeted by the sprites and the magical beasts. He played with some of them before heading towards the plot of land in the middle of the garden. This was where Sam, Pan and Sparrow were located in.
Sam's plant was already at the height of 3 meters, with the flower's full bloom diameter at 2 meters. The stem of the rose plant was big enough for 2 adults to fully encircle it with their arms. It also had a distinct color, jade yet transparent, with the leaves having a green jade l.u.s.ter. The flower it had looked different from what it was before; there were more than 1000 petals, each and every petal having a crystal gradient sunset color, resembling aged amber.
The soil it grew on was more spectacular. It was literally s.h.i.+ning; with a color of green and rich brown hues. It was also quite compact, which didn't allow any piece of soil to be removed or displaced.
The air surrounding the soil and the rose, however, felt fresh and reinvigorating, with no tint of pollution. Each time one smells the air would be like smelling a different natural scent; it could be the smell of an earthy forest, or even the smell of the seaside beach.
Looking at these changes, Xander was elated. He called for the three; it was time to test their abilities.
It was quite basic, actually. All they had to do was use all their skills in fighting one another, but they were not allowed to damage the origin of each other.
Sam, Pan and Sparrow agreed, and the three began fighting.
First it was Sam vs Pan. Pan won.
Sam vs Sparrow. Sparrow won.
Pan vs Sparrow. Sparrow won.
Sam vs Sparrow vs Pan. Sam won.
The way Sam won was quite ingenious in Xander's perspective. What Sam did was to increase the rose plant's absorption of air, causing the body of Sparrow to almost dissipate into the rose. Similarly, Sam used the roots to entangle Pan, and began absorbing the nutrients in its body.
Sam smiled smugly at the two sprites, while the other throwed daggers with their eyes at him.
Xander slowly clapped, catching the attention of the three.
"Sam, Pan, and Sparrow. Congratulations. you all have the capability to defend yourself in the outside world. I'm going to let you out, but before you do, I would want you to meet your other relatives first." Xander spoke slowly, before removing the s.p.a.ce and time manipulation in the core area.
This was a big mistake that Xander did not antic.i.p.ate. Immediately after removing the s.p.a.ce cover and the time acceleration in the area, the elemental particles were frenzied and rapidly dispersed throughout the garden, causing problems to occur. That rapid wave of elemental energy caused numerous changes in the plants and magical beasts in the garden.
Some of the plants rapidly grew, with their plants changing in shape, in color, as well as function. Some of the other plants didn't grow, but just became crystalized like what the rose plant had underwent through, but wasn't at the current level of crystallization of Sam's origin. The soil also began exhibiting compaction and material change, and they began to start to emit a faint radiance.
The magical beasts were quite different however; all of them rapidly aged, with their magical cores inside their body growing and compressing. Some developed extra legs, some had more horns appearing all over their bodies; one species, the bees, had their stinger longer and was perpetually coated with poison. The bodies of the magical beasts were also stronger, tougher and more malleable than before. At Xander's estimation, they were already 9999 years old, comparable to that of Master Cla.s.s stage 9 human, but having the abilities rivalling a Legendary Cla.s.s stage 1 human.
Uproar occurred in the garden.
"Eh??? What's happening? I feel stronger now!"
"OMG look at my wings! I have two sets of wings now!"
"Hey Fred, look at my body! Notice anything different?"
"Ha, Fred, did you lose weight?"
"F*ck, no, I meant my horns dumba.s.s!"
"Oh wow, the sprites looked livelier than usual!"
"Waaah, that Mari's flower looks so pretty!"
"Look at Gael's soil though, it looks mesmerizing."
"Heh, my soil looks amazing too, you know."
"Guys, guys! Look, the fog covering the middle of the garden disappeared! Could it be the reason why these changes appeared?"
"Oh yeah, dad's there too. And 3 other sprites?"
"d.a.m.n, they look strong. Especially that sprite that looked like a bird. Scary."
"Wait, that bird-like sprite... OMG, it's a wind sprite!!!"
"d.a.m.n, that earth sprite looks tough though."
"Yep, it looks scary!"
Xander's ears were already filled to the brim with the chatter coming from the sprites and the magical beasts. He sometimes wonder if teaching them directly like he did to the three sprites was the best course of action.