They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 110-116

Chapter 110-116

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

With Lilinsensei's help, the student was able to calm down. Soon they began to slowly start explaining the situation to us.

Apparently Kent-kun wanted to compete against us.

He couldn't beat us directly, so he wanted to beat us in this extracurricular activity.

So he was eager to hunt monsters that were better than we hunted.

That's why he went into the deep woods.

He thought that with his entourage he would be safe.

Despite his struggle with the monster known as Rig. Kent-kun does have a C-ranked Earth magic. He can definitely defeat some monsters.

However that all changed when- – – -"That thing" showed up.

That thing was a golem like thing. With a color that was never seen on a golem.

It's defense was overwhelming, and even Kent-kun's full output didn't put even a scratch.

And then- – -The golem disappeared further into the forest, taking Kent-kun along with it.

This was all told to us by Kent-kun's entourage that escaped.

"Hmm, a Golem? But there is no natural environment for Golems to sp.a.w.n around here. So that must mean it is an artificial creation."

With a hand under her chin, Lilinsensei contemplated that.

Golems are usually created by people with the use of magic.

And the only natural occurring place is?

Well from the stories I heard, it is a special place called a dungeon.

Judging from Lilinsensei's words, there should be no dungeons near the forest.

So with that being said, the Golem that attacked Kent-kun had to be artificially created by somebody. And that somebody could have commanded that Golem to kidnap Kent-kun.

Regardless, it is plain to see.

Things just got really serious.

"- – -Okay. I'm going to go search for Kent-kun. I will leave the students to the teachers who have been escorting us. Everybody follow their instructions and return to the capital city."

Once Lilinsensei said that, several adults appeared from the forest. They were all teachers from the Hunter's Academy.

I was aware that they were there, and so was my teammates. However some of our fellow cla.s.smates seemed surprised.

"This is the end of our extracurricular activity. The results would be reported to you tomorrow. Cla.s.s dismissed."

Lilinsensei then concluded our activity, and went into the forest immediately after saying that. 

Then people began to group up around the newly appeared teachers.

As Lilinsensei disappeared into the woods.

No one chased after her as she went into the forest.

Well to be more precise, n.o.body saw anybody chase her, because we made sure to keep it a secret.

"- – -Lilinsensei!"

We "The Pure Ruby" followed Lilinsensei into the woods.

I yelled to her once we got far enough from the other students that we left behind.

Lilinsensei stopped and looked behind towards us.

Then gave a heavy sigh.

"Hahh. . .Why did you guys come?"

"We wanted to help you, Lilinsensei!"

I said that with all my heart.

But there is another reason.

"You want to help me? Although you don't seem like you are desperate to help. So is there another reason why?"

Lilinsensei got a bulls eye on me.

She is right, I have a more selfish reason for following Lilinsensei.

– – – It's about the Cyclops we came across recently.

That was extremely abnormal.

Multiple Cyclops and them having Orc underlying? Something is off.

We didn't report their existence or abnormal behavior.

Because we tried to hide the fact we broke the rules and engage in combat with a Cyclops.

But thinking about it now. That might have been a stupid decision.

Something was obviously wrong.

It's proof that there is some kind of change in the forest.

If we would have reported it. Then we may have not gone to the forest for our extracurricular cla.s.s.

We could have perhaps went to a safer hunting ground, one that isn't having weird stuff happening in it.

So with that being said, I feel like it's my fault.

Therefore Kent-kun was kidnapped because I didn't report the Cyclops.

I messed up.

However Lilinsensei is asking now, and I feel it's better to just be honest.

My three other teammates exchanged glances with me, knowing what is being asked. 

So I told her everything

". . .For now, let's ignore the fact that you failed to report you engaged with Cyclops. That isn't important now."

Lilinsensei said that and then went deep into thought.

"Hmm, if it's true that Fari was able to kill those Cyclops with single attack, then she should have an A level attack power. Plus with the results of today and yesterday, you three should be around B rank or lower."

After thinking to herself for a little while. Lilinsensei then looked towards us.

"I don't want to put my students in danger, but to be honest, I feel like I would get better results if I get your guys support. So I don't intend to refuse your cooperation."

"Well great! The- – -"


Lilinsensei cut off my celebration immediately.

"If you think you are in danger, run away immediately. And be sure to follow all of my instructions."

". . .Yes! Understood!"

I gave a firm response to Lilinsensei.

Naturally I value my friends lives a lot. So of course if there is danger, we should run away.

The five of us ran deeper and deeper into the forest. In the front was Lilinsensei. Then Anne-chan and Onee-sama, and finally Rig and I in the rear.

My Onee-sama began to talk while we were running.

"Fari. Earlier you said "you" were responsible. Right?"

". . .Yeah."

"Your responsibilities are mine. I am your leader, those consequences fall onto my shoulders."

My Onee-sama refuted me, and stated that she was responsible for me.

". . .But."

"But nothing. I am the leader, therefore I take responsibility."

I feel like I messed up again.

Because I was only thinking about myself and how it affected Kent-kun, I completely disregarded that I am on a team. 

I guess I haven't changed since my previous life, those new memories show me it has happened before. I can't read the room, and I just end up hurting someone.

Then with a dark expression, Anne-chan said.

"Regardless, Even if it was reported, the forest would not be blocked. Nyah, At best, the Cyclops that come out to the more shallow forest areas, would be exterminated. Anyways, it would have been impossible to stop Mr. Meat from going in alone. Nyah, that's why you shouldn't feel responsible Fari, it couldn't be helped."

Anne-chan's words come from a place of experience. So I trust her.

Although my mind says I should trust, but my heart says I shouldn't.

I can't help but think I'm a terrible person.

"Fari you are too hard on yourself!"

Then Rig got mad at me.

"Hard on myself?"

"Yes. In the first place, who could have predicted at the time that a man named Kent would go missing during an extracurricular activity? That's impossible to predict."

"That's right, but we could have predicted it would be dangerous. That's why I think we should have reported."

Rig then gave a deep sigh in response to my words.

"Okay Fari. At this time, having or not having a report has little impact on the overall risk. There are always risks, and reporting it would contradict Fari's own desire not to stand out. Because that would increase your own risk."

". . .Yes. I understand."

"Also regardless, it's natural we priority convenience for ourselves over others. Am I wrong?"

"No I understand. But–"

"No buts. I am talking."

She cut off my interruption.

"Humans by nature are selfish creatures that live for their own convenience. So of course you would want to minimize the inconvenience you would gain. Is that not true, Fari? So wouldn't you choose the choice with the better outcome for yourself? Fari is very kind. And you can say you are doing the right thing. However you cannot say you want to avoid the risk of standing out, and at the same time want to take care of everybody else. Right?"

I thought about what Rig said for a little while.

. . .Surely I don't want to be at an uncomfortable place, but I think I want to do what is better for others, even if it is a lose for me.

But that is just what I believe, I don't know if that's what I'll do.

. . .I'm a strange child.

If I am just normal, it would hurt others.

Then I should make up for the damage I caused onto others.

I slowly started to understand Rig.

I should value others over myself.

My best example is Rig.

Because I am constantly by her, so surely I have unintentionally caused inconvenience to her.

Still she stays beside me. She is the best friend I could ever have.

So I want to dedicate all of me to her, even if it does inconvenience me.

I really believe that from the bottom of my heart.

"Excuse me, Fari."

Rig then said that with a gentle voice.

"You can be more selfish. You can live more freely, because it is normal."

When Rig says that I'm starting to truly want that. Just being normal would be so nice.

But somewhere in my heart I feel like that is wrong.

Because I am a terrible girl.

Now that my memories of my previous life are restored, that feeling seem deeply rooted into my heart. Wanting whats most convenient for me over what others want. I've done that for so long.

Because I know that, it makes me a bad girl, I want to separate from that and make up for my past mistakes.

"- – -I'm sorry to end this important conversation, but look alive. We have company."

Lilinsensei unexpectedly said and stopped in front of us.

"There seems to be somebody waiting for us."

And then- – -out from the trees, came a Golem.

It's body was made from a deep green metal. Something that I've never seen before.

My Onee-sama was the first to respond to the green Golem.

"That color. . .is that Orichalc.u.m? No, but Orichalc.u.m wasn't that deep green, it should be a lighter green metallic color. . ."

After saying that, my Onee-sama prepared her sword.

"Your quite sharp, Quellkun. Yes that is a Orichalc.u.m Golem, but no ordinary one."

After saying that, Lilinsensei prepared her fist. Apparently she fights with an empty hand.

Anne-chan, Rig and I then prepared for war.

The Golem hasn't attacked yet, and is merely observing.

"The actual substance Orichalc.u.m is not a metal. It's a mineral with a metallic like character. But more importantly, it's not a true solid. It can be closer to a gel-like substance."

As Lilinsensei continued to talk about the details of our enemy, the Golem simply stood there.

"Orichalc.u.m is often said to be a hard metal, but it's actually quite soft. Because of that, it's extremely malleable. So if it's controlled, a blade could strike it and have the Orichalc.u.m morph around it. Then after it repulses the blade, it will return to it's original state. This will lead to it not leaving a scratch at all. So in that sense, it can be actually hard."

"That's my first time hearing about that. I just knew it was a rare metal rarely produced. . ."

"That's right.  This is what we learned about the substance from new cutting edge research. Most importantly because it's a gel like, it can be made stronger by concentrating it."

I have a bad feeling about this.

Orichalc.u.m is light green.

And our opponent is dark green.

"The higher the concentration, the faster the regeneration. . . I would never have imagined I would see this outside of the laboratory in the capital city."

My dark premonition was right.

This Golem is made from concentrated Orichalc.u.m.

Just to be sure, I checked the Golem with my Super Search.

Concentrated Orichalc.u.m Golem.

Life: 9,287,653,426,321.

Power: 1,892

Attack Power:674

Defensive Power: 4,258

Magical Power: 439

Agility: 341

Skills: Restoration (S)

This is awful. It breaks all logic.

That life is ridiculous.

On top of that, it's defense is also quite high.

Because it's concentrated Orichalc.u.m, it's defense must be due to it's ability to harden into metal.

And then there is that restoration ability.

Restoration: Restores Life back to max after the end of being attacked.

This is idiotic.

"Fari, have you tried using Super Search?"

I was asked by Rig.

"It has a defense over 4,000"

"Nyah. . . I thought it would be worse."

"But it's life is over 90 trillion."

Right when I said that, everybody looked at me.

"Hahaha. . .How long would it take to defeat it? Months perhaps?"

Lilinsensei said with a dry laugh.

But it only gets worse.

"Not to be exact, it would take months without resting."

"What? What do you mean?"

"His skills include restoration. He will recover to his maximum life in an instant if you stop the attack."

Everybody was troubled after hearing that.

"I see. So that means the golem is durable enough that it would take months of constant high damage without sleep?"

"Yes. Theoretically, that's the only way."

I doubt know if I should joke about it. However, reality is so desperate that you can't do this without joking about the absurdity.

"We would need to sleep. And he will not just stand there quietly. He will attack."

"So this monster is virtually impossible to destroy?"

Rig asked Lilinsensei.

"Nyah, Isn't it possible that we could avoid this and simple priority rescuing chubby-chan?"

Anne-chan proposed a sound solution.

"It may be possible, but that Golem would just attack us from the rear. It's obvious that our chances of rescuing Kent-kun is becoming less and less possible."

Lilinsensei muttered hopelessly.

"Sensei, what if we split into two groups, one that stops it and the other continues to search?"

Onee-sama then offered a new solution.

"Uh huh, That may work."

Lilinsensei agreed to Onee-sama's plan.

That would be the obvious choice if you can't defeat the opponent.

We all looked at each other. Trying to decide who would be left behind.

–   – However then. 

"It looks like you are in trouble!"

Then a gentle voice was heard from behind us.

It was a silver haired girl with red eyes. . .It was Kami-sama standing there.

"W-Who are you!"

Lilinsensei was quickly on guard. So we hurried to explain who Kami-sama was.

"Sensei! This is my guardian spirit, of some sort."

"A guardian spirit? I've never heard about something like that. . ."

"I-It is a thing! Anyways, I know her and she is my friend!"

"Hmm. . .Well I guess having more people help is always a good thing."

Lilinsensei muttered while keeping an eye on Kami-sama.

"Greetings greetings, my name is Kamille. And like Yuki said, I am something like a Guardian spirit to her."

"Hmm, Yuki? Are you talking about Fari-kun?"

"Yes, that is right~."

Kami-sama then approached me while waving her hands.

"Well then, Yuki. It looks like you're having an emergency, so I'll explain it briefly."


"Yuki, You have the power to defeat the Golem."

". . .W-what do you mean?"

"It means you have the capability without needing to unseal all of your potential power."

I don't understand what she is talking about.

"I don't have enough offensive power to cut through that enormous life and over 4,000 defense."

"No~ You can actually defeat an opponent without even needing to shave off their life."

"Do you mean wounding them?"

"Nope, there are many different ways. And Yuki right now can use one of them."

". . .I'm not following."

I'm not following.

There are only two ways you can defeat opponents in Phantasm.

One is to deplete their life.

The other is to injure your opponent to the point where they can't fight.

By the way, if you continue to attack somebody who has have their Life depleted. Then that will eventually kill them.

That's why I almost killed my Papa, because the damage exceeded his life points.

You could also die if enough damage goes in and destroys your body.

Even if your life points are high and still a lot remain, you can probably survive even if wounded. Although if your heart or your head gets crushed, it's guarantee death. 

That being said, when you are bleeding due to an injury or simply just a bad injury, it will gradually decrease your life points.

And just like my past life, if your life points. .h.i.t 0. You can still easily die from a serious wound or heavy blood loss.

These are the rules of Phantasm.

However now Kami-sama says I can defeat the Golem without needing to slash through their life or without injuring their body.

So I don't know what she is talking about.

"Now then, shall I explain? You can crush that Golem with- – -Damage Flow."

Kami-sama said a technique I never heard from.

"Yuki, knows this world was made by a G.o.d, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"By the way, I've changed the area around us so it sounds like we are talking in a mysterious language. So it's our secret, right?"

"Geez, I know you enough by now that goes without saying."

"Oh, you know me so well~. Is this perhaps are love finally connecting us?  You don't need to be shy~."

Kami-sama can read my mind and heart, so we can communicate without needing to talk already.

"This world was created by a G.o.d, however it's not perfect. There are bugs in the coding of the world."


Like one of those video games I remember from my past life?

Hmm- – -Or perhaps my previous world was originally designed to make and imitate the entertainment G.o.ds create?

. . .This is not the time to contemplate existential reality.

With a smile Kami-sama was waiting for me to calm down.

"So one of those bugs is called "Damage Flow""

"I've never heard of it."

"Well to put it simply, it's a bug that causes damage numbers to overflow."

Even if you say that, I don't understand it very well.

"Roughly speaking, there is a limit to the numbers that can be processed in this world, and an overflow will occur if that limit is exceeded or is reached. So typically to remedy that, a limiter is placed on numbers, so if the number is high enough, the output would just be changed into a sufficiently large limit that the engine can process it. However in the case of the world of Phantasm, that upper limit was not well implemented in the numerical damage processing. So it would wrap to the maximum amount of damage possible. I won't go too much into details with how they coded it, but if it receives the right amount of damage, an overflow would occur, resulting in death regardless of life."

(TN: Sorry if that's hard to understand. It's hard for me to understand. I know nothing about coding and it's talking about that in another language. Anyways, TLDR: Number wraps to biggest number when bug the happens, so instant KO.)

". . .Uh what?"

I have no idea what she just said.

The only thing I heard was it will die regardless of its life?

"To be exact, it will simply trick the system into believing the life is zero regardless of the damage. In the case of that golem, it's recovery will happen the next moment it has had damage taken, so the moment when the damage is taken, the life will become 0 and it will fall. But for that Golem, the next second it's life will recover to it's maximum, but that can't happen because the death flag has already been triggered. In other words, it will result in an instant K.O!"

The more Kami-sama talks, the more my head hurts.

So no matter how enormous the life is and recovery, but if I can do that bug it will instantly knock out the Golem.

Isn't that cheating?

Also how do I even do that bug?

"It's actually a simple bug that is usually used by S rank hunters and those on their level."

"Huh. . ."

That's a strange thing to hear. Bugs are normally used by S rank hunters?

"Now then Yuki. Now it's time for you to learn how to do damage flow. In the case of Yuki, it should be simple as you could see the opponent's defense with Super Search. So you can easily launch an attack according to their defense."

"Um, what would that do?"

"Well in other words, if you control your damage in accordance to your opponent's defense, you can cause a damage overflow. That's called precision damage overflow, which is more of an advanced technology compared to the normal damage flow. But Yuki can do it." 

That seems extremely difficult. 

But if it means we can destroy this Golem, then I'll absolutely do it.

"I understand! I'll give it a go! Damage Flow!"

"That's the way Yuki! Kick that Golem's a.s.s!"


I feel like I can somewhat do it!

And now is the time to defeat that Golem

"Um, Fari-kun. What were you and Kamille-Dono talking about?"

Lilinsensei asked us with a confused look.

"Well, we had a secret discussion in Kami-sama's language. Thanks to her, I can defeat that Golem!"

"What!? Really!?!"

"Yeah! Let me show you!"

After saying that, I walked in front of everybody.

"Now then, Fari. First remove your seal."

"I already have. I've been in serious mode ever since we decided to follow Lilinsensei."

"Oh, another thing~. Create a spell with a high destructive force. Fari has the magic of all attributes, so it's quicker to just synthesize them all together."

"Synthesize them?"

"It's easy~ Just mix all the attributes together when you are concentrating on magic, and focus on making them into one."

"Hyuuu. . .I can do it!"

There sitting in my palm was a rainbow colored magical light.

"That is magic synthesized with all attributes. . .? Even the mighty mages of old, were said not to be able to handle that. . ." 

Lilinsensei was in total disbelief, but I can't focus on that. It is taking all of my mental strength just to be able to maintain it.

"After that, use your Super Search on the Golem, then fine tune the damage in your attack. For the form of attack, just go with a Blitz because it's simple and easy. With the help of Synthesizing magic with all attributes, it should have enough power to cause damage flow."

"Understood! By the way, how much damage is needed to cause damage flow."

"It should be 2,147,483,647."

So in order to get that exact amount of damage needed, I'll shape the blitz while fine tuning.

Curiously, my super search automatically calculated the Golem's defense into the equation. So I just need to feel out the power needed with my super search.

I found that if I just put a little bit less than 1/3 of my power, it comes out to exactly 2,147,483,647.

"Alright Yuki, Do it~!"


I released my Blitz after hearing Kami-sama.

The Golem simply stayed put, not even attempting to evade.


A high pitched metal noise echoed through the air, then- – – I thought of a name for my spell. Prism Blitz. 

The Golem looked like there were no injuries, but then it fell to the ground with a bang.

". . .Nyah, Did you defeat it?"

It was so simple, so of course Anne-chan would be doubtful.

I approached the Golem and checked it with Super Search.

Concentrated Orichalc.u.m Golem.

Condition: Unable to fight.

Survival Flag: Active.

Remaining life: 9,287,653,426,321.

Remaining Power: 1,892

Life: 9,287,653,426,321.

Power: 1,892

Attack Power:674

Defensive Power: 4,258

Magical Power: 439

Agility: 341

Skills: Restoration (S)

I checked more in depth than I usually do.

And apparently it's impossible for them to battle.

However it is a bit irritating that it's life is at max. . .

"Well, it's defeated. I checked it with super search."

Everybody gave a relieved exhale. Although Kami-sama's face is loudly saying "See, I'm helpful.".

Lilinsensei was still in total disbelief.

"I knew that Fari-kun wasn't a normal person, but for it to be that powerful. To be honest, it's hard to believe this is real life."

Lilinsensei timidly said. 

Oh, I just showed my abilities to Lilinsensei.

I didn't want to stand out. . .

But it was an emergency, so it couldn't be helped.

I'll ask her not to spread rumors about my strength later on.

Oh boy. This chapter bunch was a doozy. Not only was it long(19 pages according to google doc), but it hurt my head as well. I know nothing about computer science, and math is my worst subject. So imagine my minimum knowledge of the subject, and then needing to translate some coding reference from another language. I looked up some videos explaining integer overflow and just other overflow types, but I still don't get it. I'm sure that's what the author was referencing some overflow in the computer science way. Hopefully it makes sense, but I really don't feel confident about it. In my mind, it's just using an exact damage number to cause the overflow. It's rare because it is so high, and usually people attack in rounds. Not at once. So it usually never happens.

 Here is the raw if any body with a competent understanding of j.a.panese wants to help me with it. Also if you do. You'll noticed I changed some stuff just for grammatical reasons.

Also I had a theory that Lilina was actually Kamille but in disguised, but now that isn't a thing. I thought so because Lilina was there to help Fari several times when Kami wasn't there. 

Anyways, After 5 months, a new chapter of the quad 4 sister novel came out, so I'm going to take a small break and translate that. Those chapters are short so it won't take long. Also sorry for the delay, there was a lot of them but I had these chapters finished 2 days ago, but I couldn't get around to proof reading and posting them because I was busy. Shouldn't happen again, at least soon.

If you'd like to donate a coffee to me, here is a link,

Also wow, thank you very much Morakai , for your continued support. And the large coffee drop as well. I'm happy that you are enjoying the story, it's proof that translating it is worth it. (People enjoying the story that is.) Also the author going on hiatus? For this novel or the other one. Where hiatus = delete novel? If this author did vanish as well, I have terrible luck when picking novels.