They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 117-121

Chapter 117-121

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

With the Orichalc.u.m Golem defeated, I placed the spoils into my storage.

Golems are apparently non-living, so they can be stored into the storage even though it's considered incapacitated.

In the case of living things, they can't be stored unless they are dead.

Now with that over, the search for Kent-kun can resume.

Everybody was motivated to continue going further and further into the forest.

"Hmm, I see. . .The specially concentrated Orichalc.u.m I diligently created was defeated. . .And being easily caught by a beautiful young lady."

A male voice was heard from above.

We all looked towards the voice in surprise.

There was – -weird man. He was floating in the air while holding what looks to be a young n.o.ble girl in a princess carry.

The man looked down towards us with black eyes and black hair. That hair and eye color is actually pretty rare in Phantasm. 

His skin was abnormally pale and he had a skinny body. It was hard to tell whether he was young or old.

In addition to that, he also wore a raggedy looking hooded black robe. Adding more layers to this man's suspicious atmosphere.

The girl who was being held by the man had short brown hair and was wearing a beautiful dazzling pure light blue dress.

Also a thing to note, her breast were huge. They were about the size of melons.

I feel like I've seen those features somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it.

"Who are you!?"

Lilinsensei yelled towards the man.

The suspicious man then looked down towards us. It then became obvious that the girl looked angry. She was frantically trying to get away from his grasp, but making his strength apparent, his body didn't even budge. 

Well I think that is enough info to confidently a.s.sess this guy as the bad guy.

"Fufufu, do you truly not know who I am?. . .I guess 20 years is a long time ago?"

He chuckled and slowly started to descend in front of us.

Everybody got their weapons ready. I wasn't taking any chances, so I got Exscolibur out and infused it with all attributes.

"Well then, if I must. My name is Count Raizenstein. My close companions call me Raizen."


Lilinsensei took a step back and exclaimed that in a surprised voice.

"Sensei. Who is Count Raizenstein?"

My Onee-sama asked Lilinsensei without letting her guard down.

"Count Raizenstein. . .The so called "Black Raizen". He was a researcher that delve into the dark arts. He is an international wanted criminal who vanished after destroying an entire city twenty years ago. A man who was also an active S ranked hunter."

An S ranked hunter!?

When i heard those words, a s.h.i.+ver ran down my spine.

Based just on their rank, they should be stronger than everybody here.

That man, Raizen. Started to approach us.

Our chance to escape has already pa.s.sed.

Even if we want to run, we will need to first engage.

A battle seems inevitable.

"Now then lovely lady. Why did you delve into these deep woods? Although the monsters are strong here, the valuable materials around here are spa.r.s.e. I think this is quite a poor hunting ground for hunters."

"I h-have. . . um, more or less, an important student missing. I came to look for them."

Lilinsensei said "more or less". . .I kind of feel bad for Kent-kun.

"More or less? More or less!"

The girl being held by Raizen said while digging into him.

Oh Kent-kun. You seem to be ignored by everyone.

But at least that one girl seems to be on your side.

Good for you Kent-kun. Although you'd probably never know.

Well, regardless. We still need to know where Kent-kun is.

"Hoh, so you are searching for someone? So what kind of important student? Perhaps I can be of a.s.sistance."

Raizen gave a broad grin, s.h.i.+ning his white teeth at us.

First of all, it was a Concentrated Orichalc.u.m Golem that took Kent-kun.

And he says that was his Golem.

In other words, he has pretty much confessed to taking Kent-kun.

So he must know that was suspect him. 

And then there's that ominous grin. I don't know what he is aiming for, but I have a bad feeling about this.

"His name was Kent-kun. Short brown hair, chubby, and not too tall. Today he had a solid fine leather equipment, but I believe the clothes underneath were quite high quality. Clothes you would never see on ordinary people."

"I see I see. Is that so?"

After hearing that Raizen landed on the ground in front of us, and let the girl down that he was holding.

For some reason the girl looked at Lilinsensei with an unsatisfied expression.

"Also, Kent-kun is recklessly confident, so even if he knew he couldn't win, he would probably have idiotically challenged an opponent while also arrogantly speaking with his nose held up high. If you heard him talk, it would be hard to forget that juvenile boy."

After Lilinsensei's blunt description, the girl for some reason face went red. Her mouth was open like she wanted to say something, but her hands shook with anger.

"Now that you have listened to all of that. Would you perhaps tell us what you know?"

"Hahaha, of course. How could I avoid such an person?"

Raizen gave a pleasant laugh.

Almost innocent, like for a moment I forgot he was an enemy.

"Well, then let us know where Kent-kun is."

"Kukuku. . .Well, they are already here."


We looked around after hearing that shocking news from Raizen.

But nothing was around us. I even used super search but there was n.o.body else was here.

"Hahaha, Where are you guys looking!? They are right before your eyes!"

We all turned at Raizen. while Raizen was looking at the girl.

Then we s.h.i.+fted our attention to the girl. The only person besides him.

But that- – -I have Super Search so I turned to her with it.

And something. . .Terrible was found. 

I checked the status of the "girl" that Raizen brought along.

Kent El Lizzarth.

Status: Feminization.

Life: 1,215

Power: 1,352.

Attack Power: 108

Defensive Power: 125

Magical Power: 295

Agility: 85


Magical Apt.i.tude: Earth(C)

Magical Resistance:

I see- – -But there is no way, that girl is Kent-kun!?

I pointed at them with a trembling finger.

Amazingly that's Kent-kun. . .No, Kent-chan?

"A, Ah. . .T-Thats. . ."

I was the only one that saw the status, so everyone looked at me with confused eyes.

"What's wrong Fari?"

At last Rig was the one to ask me, I regained my composure and said.

"I can't believe it. . .That's definitely Kent-kun."


"There! Kent-kun is right there!"

I then pointed at Kent-chan.

"Kent-kun was probably turned into a girl by Raizen, becoming Kent-chan!!!"

I declared.

However the reaction was lukewarm.

"Fari? Are you okay?"


"You should take a rest, Nyah."


"I'm surprised you would find the time to joke at a time like this."


"In the first place that doesn't make sense. Why would the secret technique called Feminization, be used on some random boy?"

"Uuuu. . .Lilinsensei. . ."

I hung my head in defeat.

I'd rather lay on a bed of nails then have everybody dismiss me so quickly.

Raizen then began to burst out laughing while.

"Kukuku, Aahahahaha! Y-You're more than I expected. . .Hahaha! You guys have me laughing already. Even though I'm the one trained in mischief, I'd never imagine it to be this funny so quickly!"

Raizen then continued to laugh earnestly. While Kent-chan glared at Raizen and then at Lilinsensei.

"Even though it appears absurd, it is true Lilinsensei."

And then, Kent-chan finally opened her mouth.

"This strange man turned me into a woman, and then on top of that. Forced me to wear a ridiculous outfit, but. . . I believed the famed A rank ex-hunter Lilina Mumberg would come to save me!"

Now Kent-chan is releasing their feelings.

"I was hoping for you! Yet you had to expressly correct your self that I am, as I quote a "more or less" important student to you, right?"

"No, um well. . .That was mean, I honestly said too much."

"Honestly!? So it is true!? You think it's okay to have that opinion, even though I'm a n.o.ble and you are just an ranked commoner hunter!?"

"To be honest, I think it's fine."

"Bulls.h.i.+t, you commoner! At times I have shown some reckless overconfidence, however because you looked down on me in such a way, I can't not reflect on it! You good for nothing person!"

You know. I was honestly feeling bad for Kent-chan because of how Lilinsensei bluntly said all those things, but I'm not sure anymore. Kent-chan is so angry and self-centeredness, plus discriminating towards non-n.o.bles makes it near impossible to feel bad for them.

Somehow, even though Kent-chan is the victim, I feel no pity for them.

I mean, do we even need to help this person anymore?

"Honestly. . .I was a fool to expect a rescue from a stupid hunter like yourself. Hmph. It's just like this guy said."

Kent-chan then looked towards Raizen.

"As I said Kent. Only I can truly see your value. After all, a former A ranked hunter teacher cannot understand your true worth."

"Yeah, it's exactly that way, naturally I just needed to confirm it."

Somehow he got that self-confident stride again.

Really. I feel like we didn't need to rescue him.

"Ah-. . .Anyways. As a teacher of the Royal Hunter Academy, I have an obligation to protect Kent-kun and take him safely back to the capital. That's why Count Raizenstein, hand over Kent-kun now."

The atmosphere was somewhat brought back to normal as Lilinsensei brought up her original purpose.

"That's going to be a problem, Young lady. Because I turned Kent-kun into a woman, so she could be my bride. So I will not hand her over."


Lilinsensei raised a surprised voice. Looking back and forth from Kent-chan and Raizen.

"Are you serious? Kent-kun."

"This is serious! That's why this happened you commoner! I was forced to be a woman by this man so he can try to marry me!"

I see I see. This situation just got much more confusing.

It may be better to try and sort this out.


I raised my hand.

"Why did Raizen-san kidnap Kent-kun in the first place?"

"Oh, Are you perhaps interested in the beginning of our love story?"

No not really. But I simply responded to him with an ambiguous smile.

"Well it all started 20 years ago, after that incident, I went into hiding, going from place to place. I've been living in these forests for the past year or so. But living in hiding is very boring. So to pa.s.s the time I delved into researching monsters and artificially selecting the monsters to have fascinating features."

"And that. . .Also includes those Cyclops that work in a group?"

"Oh? So you have already encountered them? That's right. As a result of messing around with their brains, they gained the tolerance if not desire for a group life."

So Raizen was responsible for those Cyclops behaving abnormally.

"However there is only so much time that can be killed with research and experimentation. . .In short, I wanted a wife. I wanted a good wife, to break through my dull life."

Well if you were living alone for so long, of course you would be lonely.

I can remember now, that in my previous life I lived alone for a long time. And I occasionally missed other human interactions.

Of course I didn't have a girlfriend.

"And today was finally the day of destiny! I got a report from my concentrated Orichalc.u.m Golem that there were people approaching. It was supposed to be wary of anybody entering the deep forest. So I checked with my magical far-sight and then. . .I saw the small Kent boy."

Raizen-san then gave Kent-chan a weird warm look.

"They were obviously the best companion I could have. An end to my boring life. To that end. Personality is the most important factor."

"Hey, Raizen!"

Kent-chan then raised his anger towards Raizen-san. But he simply ignored it.

"Finally I found that wonderful personality. I could imagine pleasant life we could spend together, day after day. How happy our future would be. So I immediately sent my Golem to s.n.a.t.c.h them up, and then used the feminization spell to fit my own personal preference."

"I see. . .So it seems that Raizen-san like big b.r.e.a.s.t.s?"

"Huh? Oh, that's just the leftover fat from the belly. Moved to a more pleasant spot. Honestly, I'm more of a b.u.t.t guy than a b.o.o.b one."

Well, I asked a question. And got too much information in returns.

"So in short. Raizen-san wanted a bride, so when a teenage boy entered the forest, you abducted them and immediately turned them into a girl?"

"Yeah, that's about so."

"You are a pervert!"

I couldn't hold in my thoughts anymore.

"I don't care what you call me. I am already a criminal. But I can't give up on Kent once I've seen her. Kent is my everything."

"RRaizen. . ."

You could see Kent-chan blus.h.i.+ng and then looking away.

Did her heart perhaps go. . .Doki Doki?

"So what will you do Kent-chan?"

I just frankly asked her.

"It's . .It's impossible to be this man's bride!"

They had to think about it for a little bit.

Well that makes sense, seeing as he got Kent-chan's heart beating.

Hmm. If you think about it. I was apparently a man reincarnated as a girl.

So I am perhaps her gender bender senior.

Therefore, as her senior, I should support her and perhaps give her a push forward to what she truly wants.

"If Kent-kun refuses, then it can't be helped. It's no problem to take him back now, right? Count Raizenstein."

Lilinsensei then cut to the chase and planned to take Kent-chan home.

But I feel like this isn't the end of the story.

"Hmph, I refuse!"

Kent-chan then shot down that proposal.

"You guys are not the right ones to take me back. That's right. . .If you bring somebody that respects me and values me, then I'll return to the capital!"

"W-What are you saying Kent-kun!"

Lilinsensei was taken aback, but I can kinda understand Kent-chan's feelings.

Surely Kent-chan was poorly raised. Probably neglected and never being praised. That's how he got that terrible personality. And that personality just compounded on his own situation, making it worse.

If one day, a person suddenly accepts you and compliments you. Then would you want to go back to your original life?

I mean. . .How long could you go being made fun of and dismissed by everybody.

"If you bring me somebody that respects me more than Raizen, then I'll go home!"

Kent-chan is putting her foot down, once and for all.

After that deceleration there was a mixed response. Rig was very surprised and hid her mouth. While Anne-chan and Onee-sama simply gave bitter smiles. Lilinsensei was regretfully biting her lip. While Raizen-san was extremely happy.

"Oh!. . .Kent, have you finally decided to be my mate!?!"

"No!? I-It's different! This is simply a matter of pride! In the first place, I'm not even attractive to men! !"

Kent-chan refused with a red face.

Although it's a bit of a confessing reaction.

Is Kent-chan perhaps falling for Raizen-san?

". . .Is that so? Then if I wasn't a man, it would be okay?"


Raizen-san muttered to himself, as if convincing himself. Then he snapped with his fingers.

The next moment, Raizen-san's body was wrapped in dark magic. 


Kent-chan said in confusion.

But their worries came to an end.

"Alright- – -Is this a problem?"

From the darkness came a beautiful black haired girl with a slender physique.

Hey new chapter bunch after finis.h.i.+ng that other novel chapter. By the way, if you were a reader of quad sisters, there is a new chapter I posted. Anyways~

That took an interesting turn. This novel always gives weird but fun events. From a half furry character, vampire sis-con sister, double bayonet wielding blond girl, perverted science major G.o.d, an air-head OP protagonist, and now gender bending romance. And more. But that's what gives the novel it's unique flavor.

Anyways, here is my sorta opinion(you can skip this). I think Lilina is a c.r.a.ppy teacher. As a teacher, your job is to lead a student and fix their att.i.tude, not entirely dismiss them and bluntly look down on them. Also to have an open mind and patience. Especially seeing as he is a 14 year old teenager, that att.i.tude isn't rare. Like how long did she know Kent? 2 weeks? And she already gave up on her job as a teacher? Maybe because she wasn't a real teacher and just an ex-hunter. So she wouldn't really know or care. That's just my opinion.

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