They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 105-109

Chapter 105-109

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Kent-kun was taken to the infirmary after being knocked unconscious.

His life points. .h.i.t 0, so therefore he lost consciousness.

After that, Rig returned to us three.

"Well, it's over. How was it?"

"It was refres.h.i.+ng. Seeing the inferior male being beaten is always nice sight."

"To be honest, I felt like I went too far."

"No no no. You did just the right amount. Maybe you could've done more."

"I-Is that so. . ?"

Rig and my Onee-sama continued to talk. It was Rig who was reflecting on her actions, and my Onee-sama super happy about how far she went. This is such a strange interaction.

"I always do feel uplifted when I fight. However this time I acted brash. . .I don't want to act like that."

Rig told us that she often has fun fighting.

But in this battle she lost herself.

Becoming an S ranked battle fanatic.

However, despite Kent-kun's pompous behavior, he turned out to be weak and full of holes. She couldn't have predicted that.

So yeah, Rig is not a bad person.

"Nyah, By the way, Rig-chan. Why was that lump of meat not able to protect himself against your spell? I watched him do exactly what you did, but I don't understand why it failed."  

Anne-chan questioned Rig.

I see. Well she doesn't know the mechanism of my spell, so of course she wouldn't know why Kent-kun lost.

"Well, it's best to ask Fari. I actually stole this technique by watching Fari use it against me."

"Nyah, I see. Well then Fari-chan. How does that defensive spell work?"

It's finally my time to s.h.i.+ne.

I put a confident face on, and pushed out my chest.

"Fufufu. That's because it's not a defensive spell at all."

"Nyah? What do you mean?"

Anne-chan tilted her head in confusion. Okay, that looks pretty cute.

But anyways, I continued my explanation while trying to hold down my urge to laugh.

"I call that spell "Armour", It's a simple spell that diffuses the magical power of an offensive spell and spreads it across your body. All it does is suppresses injuries, but it does not block damage."

"I see. . .So in short, all it does is just spread the power of an impact from one point, and evenly dispersed that damage across the whole body?"

"That's right! You really are my Onee-sama!"

I'm surprised my Onee-sama picked up on it so quickly. She is truly somebody to be respected.

"NyI see. . .So the magic is still hitting the body, but it's being thinned out by spreading it, which means that the damage of a full impact would be minimized, Nyah?"

"Yes! Yes! Anne-chan is amazing!"

"Nyahah, I'm going to get embarra.s.sed if you keep praising me."

All of my friends are so smart!

"Of course placing magic across your body will somewhat reduce the damage you take, so placing more or less magical power into it does matter. Resistance may also play a factor in how effective it is. However, because you will be taking damage from the attack, don't expect to come out of it not wounded in some way. So therefore, rather than a defensive spell, "Armour" should be considered a support spell that is used to minimize any wounds or injuries a weaker attack can give you."

I explained that to Rig, Onee-sama, and Anne-chan. Then they all gave me a nod.

"Hmm, you understand the nature of "Armour" very well, Fari-kun."

Lilinsensei walked towards us with a satisfied face and nodded to me.

"Your textbook understanding may be lacking, but your practical knowledge is quite astounding."

"Ah, um Thank you very much!"

I panicked as Lilinsensei suddenly praised me.

Earlier, I only showed her my tardiness and a lack of textbook knowledge. So I'm glad I showed her something good.

"Now then, Everybody back to cla.s.s. Especially you Fari-kun, you have great potential but don't let it get to you like a n.o.bleman. Or I'll work that att.i.tude out of you."

"Yes! Thank you very much Sensei!"

I was happy when I started to think about all the new magic I could learn. So I gave her a smile, thanked her and bowed.

However for some reason, Lilinsensei, Rig, Onee-sama and Anne-chan had a bitter smile.

Two weeks have pa.s.sed since we started school.

During our days off, The "Pure Ruby" squad would continue our questing activities, and when the weekdays arrived, we would fully devote ourselves to our studies.

It was especially important for me to devote myself, because I didn't know any of the things being taught. Everything was eye catching to me.

However. . .It's difficult to remember it. . .I end up struggling everyday.

Occasionally I cry to Rig about it, so we sometimes end up studying late into the night.

But anyways, 2 weeks have pa.s.sed, and currently it's the last lesson of the week.

Lilinsensei is currently giving a lecture to the cla.s.s.

"So far, you have been learning the minimum knowledge needed to be a productive hunter. However that is not enough. That knowledge means nothing if you can't effortlessly put them into practice."

Well that makes sense.

That even translates to the easiest of things. . . For example, I have a hard time quickly folding thick paper in twos.

However in my past life, I would do that all the time at my part time job, and I became very efficient at it. But now it seems that my muscle memory in folding is gone, so those simple movements just seem foreign. So regardless if I know how to, doing it is entirely different .

"Therefore, I will offer you all an optional extracurricular cla.s.s tomorrow. If you think it may risk your life, then it's okay to abstain. A coward may be useful in the future, however a reckless person can only be used for a day. So you must know your capabilities and, if it's worth having the stigma of being a craven, or is it better to risk your life."

So in other words, if you aren't confident in your ability, you don't need to partic.i.p.ate.

"The task for the extracurricular activity is simple. We are hunters so of course we will do hunting activities. Hunt monster or wild animals in the nearby forests. Collect materials or medicinal herbs. You are free to decide. Depending on how much you accomplish, it may have a positive impact on your grade."

All of the students got excited once they heard that last part.

"But if you are reckless, you may look forward to being a corpse. Perhaps think about surviving enough to be brought back to your home a corpse, lest you end up as monster food. So if you don't want to end up like that, use your head."

And after hearing that, everybody got tense again.

By the way, it may be worth noting that us the "Pure Ruby" are perhaps an exception to the others. We have been doing hunter activities for a while already. So we know how to handle ourselves and not be reckless.

In fact, we've gotten a bit better.

So in theory, if we got surrounded by cyclops now, we should be able to defeat them.

But I'm not absolutely sure. There is a chance that we could instantly die if they ambush us.

There is also a chance that somebody in the back could collapse, leading to a domino effect, and we all fall.

And what if the blood from our battle attracts even larger monsters.

Plus our chances of winning decreases if we are damaged.

Also what if we encounter a monster equal if not higher than us.

But in the first place, we shouldn't need to fight them.

Cyclops are big shots- – -but when compared to me, they become nothing. But we can't be relying on that.

I suddenly felt Lilinsensei looking at me for a second, and giving me a smile.

"Some of you understand what this means, but be wary. Alright with that said, today's are over. Those who want to partic.i.p.ate in tomorrow's hunter exercises, meet at the training grounds early in the morning. I want you all to rest and take it easy today. Half of a hunter's work is taking a break. I don't want to see any of you with a lack of sleep. And with that, cla.s.s is dismissed."

After hearing that, everybody stood up and simultaneously said "Thank you very much" and left the cla.s.s.

We did as we were told, and went straight back to the dormitory to take it easy.

It was early in the morning as we gather at the training area where Lilinsensei told us to meet up.

At first, there were only a few people here. But by the time we were about to leave, about half of the cla.s.s came.

"Now then, follow along, and don't lag behind."

With that, we all followed Lilinsensei's guidance.

I casually looked around to see the partic.i.p.ates, and I actually found Kent-kun in the crowd.

We met eyes for a second, he was glaring at me, however Kent-kun quickly turned his gaze once he saw me looking.

He seems really mad.

Well that couldn't be helped. I don't want to get along with someone who disrespects Rig.

Eventually we followed Lilinsensei past the gates of the city and went towards the nearby forest.

It's actually faster to just head straight into the forest, however there are some students unfamiliar with the forest, so taking the highway and then going into the forest is better.

After taking a detour off the main highway, We arrived at the forest in about an hour and a half.

"Alright then, you are free to do what you want. However we did not come here to play, take this seriously and do what a hunter needs to do. That is all!"

Lilinsensei said that, and the students began to disperse.

"Are you guys not leaving?"

Lilinsensei looked over towards the "Pure Ruby" squad. It was just us and her left.  

"We are experience already. So we are allowing others to find their own way and we will go to another."

"Hmm, I see. Although that is unnecessary caring. . . Although that may be a poor decision when it comes to your grading."

"Thank you for your concern."

Onee-sama and Lilinsensei had a small discussion.

However she is right, if we don't hurry, our allotted time to hunt will end.

Although, perhaps half of our cla.s.smates will have a hard time achieving that.

After that, we waited a little while longer until all of the other students soon disappeared into the forest to complete their own hunting activities.

"Well, now. It's about time you guys get going."

Lilinsensei said to us, and we nodded in response.

"We won't let you down."

Onee-sama replied with confidence, being the representative for all of us.

Since this is for our learning experience, I decided not to use Super Search.

Recently I've been relying on it too much, although I have tried not to use it a few times.

Anyways today's collecting and hunting will all be done without Super Search. That is my commitment.

Of course if we get into danger, that rule is thrown out the window.

"- – -So Rig, that's why we should have a hunter compet.i.tion!"

"I was thinking the same thing, Fari!"

After I explained Super Search would be sealed, Rig and I decided to have a compet.i.tion.

Victory goes to the one who hunted the most prey.

Although I don't know if I can win. Super search is prohibited for the rest of the day. And Rig has been hunting the entire time without the need of a Super Search.

But I still won't lose!

Even if my powers are sealed, my Blitz's control, power and accuracy won't allow me to lose.

I will push Rig with all my skills!

. . .Although my enthusiasm didn't lead to much.

It's lunch time already, and two hours have pa.s.sed since our compet.i.tion started.

And of course, Rig's has twice as many points as I have.

"Fufu, This time I won!"

"The game is not over yet!"

I raised my confident retort.

But I already understand.

I have a high status but. . . .that doesn't really matter.

In terms of combat, I've been trained as a daughter of the D'azell family. So I don't have doubts in my martial prowess.

However in terms of a hunter. My Papa only taught me the bare minimum required to survive.

So I'm still a novice.

Once I spot a prey, Rig has already released a Blitz before I could start up my own.

To be honest, I have zero chances of winning.

"Hmm. . .As I thought, it seems that Fari is relying too much on super search. Of course when you are fighting seriously, you can use that ability to the fullest. So perhaps it's better to use it occasionally to it's best potential."

My Onee-sama said that while preparing a bonfire. We are about to cook up some of our games for lunch.

"Nyah, Fari-chan is amazing already. But if you are a beginner in hunting, than of course you will lose to the more experienced Rig-chan."

"Muu. . .Rig is too amazing. . .I recognize my decisive defeat."

"Fufufu, Fari's regretful face is too cute♪~"

Rig then brushed my head.

Uuu. I feel like an idiot. But being pet does make me feel better.

Honestly, I'm pretty easily swayed when it comes to Rig.

"Anyways, I'll catch up to Rig even if it takes all my might! I will get better!"

I will surely get stronger.

If I become stronger, I can protect everyone. I'll be happier. Also I can become rich.

That will be really helpful.

We continued our hunting for about two more hours.

Then we decided to return to Lilinsensei.

There were a few students by Lilinsensei already, having her evaluate their hauls. We then waited for our turn.

"Next is you guys- – -Oh, you seem to have gotten quite a lot."

Lilinsensei told us we brought our catches. 

The other students simply watched us.

As you can guess, we came back with a lot of prey.

In fact most of our hunt was actually stored in my storage.

Therefore it was easier for us to collect and store our catch, leading to us having a lot.

"So it's true that Fari-kun has storage. Is there more in your storage?"

"Yes, there certainly is."

I gave a nod to Lilinsensei and then took out all the prey that was stored in my storage.

A ton of monsters and animal piled up one after another, eventually becoming a pile higher than Lilinsensei's height.

"Goodness gracious. . . No I shouldn't complain."

She muttered that under her voice.

"Hmm, was every hunt killed at the head or neck? It seems like it. That's very smart, it means you can get the most materials out of the kill."

Yeah, Rig and I use our Blitz to kill them with one head shot. While Onee-sama and Anne-chan go for the head as well.

"Hmm, it's safe to say that- – -This is already a graduation level of work."

Once Sensei said that, a bunch of students around us roared.

I can't help but feel proud and excited.

"The four of us are the strongest team. So this much is a piece of cake for us!"

"I see. Well you guys have certainly proven yourselves."

We were all happy to be praised by Lilinsensei.

After that, the rest of the students continued to have Lilinsensei evaluate their hunting one after another.

Some of them had quite a nice haul. Either in quant.i.ty or quality of a kill.

However there were no students that hunted as much as we did.

Even if we were to divide the number of prey in four because we are a party of four. We still would have double the number of the nearest student.

Soon pretty much all of the students returned. Besides one group.

"Hmm. . .Kent-kun's group hasn't come back yet."

Lilinsensei said with a frown.

The other students started to panic.

I'm also worried even if we weren't on the best terms.

"What happened?"

"Well, it's possible that he went deeper into the more dangerous parts of the forest to compete with us?"

"Fari, I don't remember raising a bad little sister that would worry about a man!"

"Nyah, I just want to go home and have dinner."

. . .It looks like I'm the only one worried. Anne-chan and Onee-sama are indifferent. 

Then at that time, a figure rushed from the forest.

Everybody then looked in surprise or prepared to flee. As the four of us and Lilinsensei prepared for combat.

Then they got closer and said.

"Sensei! Kent-sama. . .Was kidnapped!"

It was one of the students in Kent-kun's group.

Sorry for the delay, I got busy and distracted. But anyways it's here. A 4  chapter bunch. I wonder if Kent-kun will have a redemption arc coming soon. After Fari and them perhaps save him. I'm a.s.suming they do and it doesn't get really dark out of no where. But then we would need a new antagonist. 

Also I've been doing a lot of big chunk releases but they sometimes take longer than usual. I usually just do a chapter a day, so that could lead to some delay. 

If you'd like to donate a coffee here is a link,

And here is the cheat sheet. Also I think it might be better to have this here now. So I can just add to it and not worry about it being too long.