They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 100-104

Chapter 100-104

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Once the students gathered into the training area. The Magic Practice may began.

"I may need to mention, there is no need to use a wide variety of magic for actual combat. You only need to know two basic spells. One with a strong fire power. And another that can be changed and adapted to different situations. For the second one, Blitz will do perfectly fine. You don't need to learn any other magic than those two."

Lilinsensei raised her voice and told us all. She seems to be in charge of our magic practice as well.

"With that in mind, it's much better to actually learn a lot of support spells rather than offensive ones.You mainly only need those two spells for offensive magic. Although if you'd want to learn more, it's fine for you to do so as a hobby. However, objectively speaking, It's pointless to learn more than those two."

That's an extreme statement, but I understand where she is coming from.

Blitz is just way to versatile.

The power can be changed if you put more magic into it. That same magical power can be put into making it shoot faster. You could make many or few, and choose where to shoot it. Plus changing the properties of it.

Because it can be adapted to most situations, it is often called a wizards right hand.

In fact, most of the "Pure Ruby" use Blitz to hunt prey.

So therefore, that's why magic practice cla.s.s is going to be focusing on Blitz training. Mainly training in it's accuracy, power, number, attribute, etc.

Lilinsensei seems excited. I guess she is a mage, so magic practice should be fun, right?

"Now then. . .Kent-kun. You are good at magic, right? Can you tell me the 9 different Blitz attributes?"

Lilinsensei nominated Kent-kun to answer.

The timing is perfect, how much more convenient could it be.

"Yes Sensei! Fire is called Flame Blitz, Water is called Bubble Blitz, Earth is called Rock Blitz, Electric is called Plasma Blitz, Light is called Photo Blitz, Dark is called Shadow Blitz, Life is called Soul Blitz, and non-attribute is called b.a.s.t.a.r.d Blitz."

"Very good."

Lilinsensei praised Kent-kun, resulting in him br.i.m.m.i.n.g with pride.

I already understood that Blitz had a lot of types.

. . .I just learned that from Kami-sama.

However now I know he isn't fully bluffing. He knows at least what he is talking about. I actually would have been amazed if he couldn't answer Lilinsensei.

However, now that I think of it. He probably saw me not being able to answer Lilinsensei's question during the Hunter's Culture cla.s.s. . .

"Then, will you be willing to give us a demonstration of one? Do you have confidence in handling a Blitz?"

"Of course Sensei! Although I do have a suggestion!"

Kent-kun agreed but now he raised his hand to suggest something.

"Please allow me to do a demonstration along with Rigurett!"

"Okay, Kent-kun."

Amused by the request, Lilinsensei agreed to the proposal.

Actually. . .Chubby didn't put any honorifics on Rig's name.

I feel like I want to shoot him down just for that blatant disrespect. Maybe shoot some meat off his stomach to slim him down.

"Rigurett-kun, are you okay with partic.i.p.ating?"

"Yes Lilinsensei. This is exactly what I wanted."

"Fufu, It seems like you two had an interesting compet.i.tion in mind."

Lilinsensei called upon Rig and Kent-kun to stand in the front.

Now is the time for Kent-kun's public execution. . .Or rather his public shaming. I want Rig to utterly destroy him, and put him in his place.

I want Rig to go in with no hesitation!

"Well then, First off, Let's see a powerful attack. Release a Blitz to destroy the summoned golem."

After saying that, Lilinsensei pointed her finger towards the ground, and then a s.h.i.+ning light enveloped in a circle on the floor.

From the light crept out 2 summoned rock golems.

Each was pretty large, standing about 3 meters tall.

With golems that large, it will be clear to see how much could be damaged with a powerful Blitz.

"Now then, Kent-kun shall go first."


Kent-kun already had an att.i.tude like he won.

"With the power of Earth, become solid and strike down my enemy! "Rock Blitz"!"

After Kent-kun's chanting, a Blitz was released.

The Blitz that flew towards the golem was a moderately sized Blitz with earth magic imbued. 

Bang*! With a loud noise, the Blitz collided with the Golem's center. Cracks could be seen spreading in all directions from the epicenter of the impact.

"Oh, that was quite powerful. Not bad, Kent-kun."


Kent-kun gave an arrogant laugh.

But that won't last.

Rig, Please show him how it's done!

"Next is Rigurett-kun."

"Yes, Understood."

Rig pointed her finger towards the sky.

And then a huge "Ground Blitz" was formed, easily three times the size of Kent-kun.

All this without the need to chant.

Everybody in the cla.s.s including Kent-kun was dumbfounded as Rig flung her Blitz towards one of the golems.

The Blitz went deep into the golem's core, completely cracking and then shattering it from it's center. Leaving only a pile of rubble as it collapsed in on itself.

At this point, everybody realized how awesome Rig was.

Once that was done, Rig looked straight at Kent-kun with an indifferent face.

"Sensei. This is not training for me."

"Is that so. Well for such a powerful attack, these "fragile" golems won't do."

After saying that, Lilinsensei summoned another golem.

However this time, it was an iron golem. Specifically made for Rig.

"Now then, will this do Rigurett-kun?"

"Well, It doesn't seem likely that I'll be able to penetrate it~."

Rig gave a shrug.

Kent-kun was simply silent. Unable to say anything but watch.

"Now then – – – With the powers of fire, destroy my foe! "Flame Blitz!""

Rig released a Blitz with a fire attribute this time.

However it wasn't just the attribute that was different. The size and power was huge. It was easily the size of a tree trunk.

"- – -Hahh!"

With a battle cry, Rig shot the Blitz towards the iron golem.

With a thunderous bang, the Blitz was lodged into the iron golem's chest. The core and the surrounding area of the iron golem started to heat up and glow red.

With a smelting noise, the metal creak and collapse in on itself. Soon the Iron Golem fell from its own weight.

"That was quite powerful, Rigurett-kun. With power like that, you could become a great A ranked wizard."

"Thank you very much, sensei."

With an exhausted face. Rig thanked Lilinsensei for her compliment.

"- – -Hey! Something is wrong here!"

Kent-kun snapped out of his stupor and loudly exclaimed.

I guess it was too cool for him to handle. 

So he needs to resort to fraud. But that would mean Lilinsensei is also involved in a scheme.

Perhaps this chubby doesn't even realize that.

"Me? Unfair? What are you talking about?"

Rig seemed understandably angry.

"Is this your attempt at a joke, you oily fat ma.s.s?"

"What!? How dare you! You impudent worm! Show some respect!"

"Humans don't need to respect meatb.a.l.l.s."

"Gah!. . .This insolent fool! Come my underlings!"

Once Kent-kun shouted, several people from our cla.s.s came to him.

So he already made "minions" using his authority from his n.o.bility?

Regardless, this isn't right.

"Kent-kun. Are you perhaps trying to intimidate her?"

Lilinsensei raised an angry voice.

However Kent-kun head was hot, and lacked any sense of reason. 

"Sensei, I request a simple mock battle. This blond simpleton seems to be a good mage. So I request this, sensei."

That's ridiculous. There is no reason why she should.

On the contrary, the "minions" seemed a bit shaken by confronting Lilinsensei and Rig.

But could Kent-kun really think he could win in a mock battle even with some minions added?

"Kent-kun. This situation can not be overlooked-."

"It's okay Lilinsensei."

Rig stopped Lilinsensei.

"Rigurett-kun, what do you mean."

"I'll accept this mock battle. It can be used as some "training" for me."

"So you want to leave my cla.s.s right in the middle of it? How could I accept that as a teacher. . ."

Lilinsensei had her doubt, however Rig walked to her and whispered something into her ear.

Lilinsensei then gave a sigh.

". . .Okay. I'll accept the mock battle."

"Thank you, Sensei."

Rig gave Lilinsensei a smile.

With that being said, the mock battle between Rig and Kent-kun has been planned. 

However Kent-kun's minions seemed annoyed and scared.

Those poor people, being forced to be involved.

Rig and Kent-kun along with his four minions faced each other.

Two of his minions were standing in front of Kent-kun to protect him, while the other two stood further in front to confront Rig.

Kent-kun was behind all of them with a face full of confidence. He truly believes he is safe and in a good position.

On the other hand, Rig doesn't seem fazed.

She is simply facing them with her bayonets drawn. 

"Now then, we shall confirm you know the minimum rule for mock battles. Do not kill or risk anybody's life in the battle. Is that understood?"

"Of course."

"Understood, Sensei."

Rig and Kent agreed with Lilinsensei's question.

"Alright. Than the mock battle- – -shall begin!"

Right when Lilinsensei signaled the start, the mock battle began.

First, the two minions rushed Rig.

However Rig didn't move, she simply stood their calmly. Once they reached Rig, she simply dodged all of their attacks.


"It's not over yet!- – -"

They frantically tried to land a hit on Rig.

But it was in vain.

She was elegantly dodging them all until it was her time to counter strike.

In a fluid motion she struck them with the blunt areas of her bayonet in a flash.

In an instant, the two minions fell to the ground without even being able to understand what just happened.

Well, it couldn't be helped. Rig is so much quicker than the average person. And on top of that, her swordsmans.h.i.+p is perfection.

For an ordinary student, her movements would be too fast to be recognizable.

"H-How?- – -"

The remaining minions behind the two fallen leaked out their disbelief.

The two minions in the back were probably hoping for the vanguard to hold Rig back while they chanted high powered spells, but that plan fell to dust. The vanguard wasn't even able to hold Rig back for 5 seconds.

Rig closed the distance as the rearguard screamed.

Their chanting was over before they knew it. The difference in status between Rig and them is too great.




Rig was merciless. Instantly striking the two minions unconscious with the blunt end of her bayonet. 

Instantly, the four minions were knocked out. All that remains is Kent-kun.

Rig slowly approached Kent-kun, giving him ample amount of time to understand what he had gotten himself into.

"What happened? You wanted to do a mock battle, yet you aren't moving? Or is your mind perhaps stuck on thinking about lunch?"

"S-Shut up!"

Kent-kun was furious, he even was able to release a ground Blitz without chanting.

He shot it at Rig. However rather than avoiding it, Rig simply slapped the Earth Blitz away with the back of her hand.

"Fufu, I tried imitating what Fari did on me, but unexpectedly, it's a really fun technique."

She said that while looking at her hand.

The hand was actually flowing with slight magic over it.

It was infused with an earth attribute, rather than my staple non-attribute. Kent-kun's Blitz was also earth, so it was extra effective.

"W-What!? What was that technique!?"

Kent-kun looked like an idiot. 

Rig seemed satisfied with how the shaming was going.

Rig walked towards Kent-kun with a smile on her face.

It's so scary with her smiling.

The smile is saying to him. "You can not escape." "I will crush you."

"Well then, will you get on your knees and beg for me to tell you?"

Rig is was making fun of him while laughing.

Kent-kun was furious. His face hot red in anger.

"I-I would never bow! Especially to somebody like yo- – -"

Kent-kun couldn't finish his sentence.

In the middle of it, Rig flew at him at top speed, and kneed him in the face.


From the power, Kent-kun began to fly away.

However right when he was about to be thrown away from her, Rig grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back.

After that, she slammed his face forward into the ground.


You could hear him screaming.

Now that I noticed it. She forced him onto his knees, while his face is shoved into the dirt. Making him bow towards the teacher.

"Oh dear. You said you would never bow. So I had to show you how to be courteous ."

". . .s.h.i.+t."

Kent-kun had a frustrated face. Well Rig did force him to kneel and bow forcefully. So it would make sense to be mad.

"All I did was use simple magic. I just thinly used magic as a s.h.i.+eld. Blitz is like a magic bullet, so I can repel that magic."

"H-Huh. . .Where did you learn that technique?"

"I didn't learn it. I stole it. Also you shouldn't forget your place."

Kent-kun raised his head to ask, but Rig brought it back to the ground and rubbed his face into the dirt.

. . . I'm kind of feeling bad for Kent-kun.

He was the one to start the fight. And the one always starting problems.

But isn't it too much, Rig?

. . .Actually, she looks like she is having fun. . .

"Hmm- – -This match was already decided. But let's give you a chance after showing such a courteous pose."

Rig released him after saying that. 

Kent-kun immediately dashed away from her.

"I'm going to send you a single Blitz without chanting. If you are safe after the attack, then I'll forfeit and you win."

Kent-kun opened his eyes wide and laughed once he heard Rig's proposal.

"Fun, That's a fine plan."

He accepted it immediately.

Well of course he would. Rig just told him how she blocked his Blitz.

So he must think it's in the bag. 

All he needs to do is block it.

But- – -It's not that simple.

There are weak points to that magic s.h.i.+eld strategy.

"Now then- – -Here it comes!"

Rig shot out a Ground Blitz once she announced that. It was a considerably strong one, made without chanting.

Kent-kun got a serious face. Crossed his arms while placing a lot of magic onto them.

The Blitz collided with him.

And- – -Kent-kun was sent flying.

Landing on the ground unconscious.

"- – -And the winner is, Rigurett-kun!"

With that, Lilinsensei announced the winner.

Rig was simply standing there, with a composed expression.

We've done it. Pasted 100 chapters! A new first for me. 0 to 100. Well the chapters are short, so maybe it's cheating. And Rig finally showed some of her s.a.d.i.s.tic side. I wonder if this will be the last of Kent-kun, or will he make a pact with the devil and become a super demon. Just to get his revenge! Regardless, I kinda of want to see more character conflict like this. It was fun.

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