They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 76-78

Chapter 76-78

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Okay, going to start and do my staple. The cheat sheet on the top, it will eventually grow to include new characters and appearances.

Fari von D'azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami. 

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age. Also Fari uses, 私 aka female p.r.o.noun watas.h.i.+.

Quella von D'azell. Fari's older sister. Is 16, has silver hair and red eyes. 2 horns on her head, and two fangs in her mouth. She also uses the more masculine "Boku" refer to herself.

Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a G.o.d. Has silver hair and red eyes. Gave Fari, Exscolibur

Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior.

Rigurett Beuze Crausus or simply Rig: She is 14 Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic. She actually speaks polite and proper, but that's hard to translate.

Anne Cowlman: Half human half cat-girl. Has a normal human face with short brown hair but with cat ears and red cat like eyes, then has fur from the points of her hands, legs, and chest. Fur is striped with light brown on her brown fur, her tail has the same pattern.

They are students of St. Valeria's Royal Hunter's Academy.

Also Lilina is a magic's teacher. Also Girl X Girl can have babies. And zero "life" doesn't equal death, just fainting.

Translator: Mamuni

After that went back to our rooms to get ready.

Currently, I am wearing a leather breastplate, an ordinary s.h.i.+rt and trousers. For the time being, I am bringing a short sword made for children. It's being held in a sheath attached to my waist.

My actual weapon, Exscolibur, is stored in my storage. Just in case I need it.

Beside, considering my teammates skill, I will be fighting on the back lines with magic.

With my preparations complete, I looked over to Rig.

Rig was equipped with a red breastplate.

She wore a rogue colored robe and leather made shorts with red tights underneath. .

It's a bright red. I like the color on her.

"That's a different gun than you used before. Right?"

It was a metal blade attached to a pistol. Then at the bottom of the b.u.t.t of the pistol was a small knife attached to it.

"This time, Quellsan and Anne-san will probably be the vanguard. So I'll fight mainly with magic and shooting."

"I see. . ."

She then took out a beautifully decorated box. She opened it and there was a rifle with a bayonet placed into a foam like case around it.

Then I noticed something. 

There where many more baggage than there was yesterday. All different sizes lined up on a wall.

"Are those perhaps Rig's weapons?"

"That's right. Do you want to see them?"


All of Rig's other weapons were unusual and in interesting shapes. It's pretty fun to look at.

She opened different boxes and showed me one after another.

Many had a similar structure to the ones she used in the test. A gun of some kind with a straight blade under the barrel.

However the cool thing is the different types of shapes for guns and swords. Some guns were shaped like a shotgun, and some of them seemed really uncomfortable, like it was a huge machine like gun with a sword attached.

There was even a pistol with a knuckle guard and a short blade attached.

However on the knuckle guards were holes, which actually were tiny magical guns.

It was a candy store of magical guns and blades.

"Wow. . .it's so amazing."

There were so many well crafted weapons, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

I feel like the coolness factor has actually increased because of my previous memories.

"Fufu, it seems like you can appreciate them."

Rig gave a satisfied chuckle..

"Well, let's get going. I'm sure the others are waiting for us."

"T-That's right!"

We hurried and left the room after Rig put away her weapons.

Onee-sama and Anne-chan were waiting for us at the school's front gate.

"Nyah! You two are late!"

"Ahah, I'm sorry."

I gave her an honesty apology, mainly because it was my fault.

However as I was giving her one, I noticed Onee-sama's and Anne-chan's weapon. I don't know why I was drawn to it, I must be in a weapon loving mood.

Onee-sama has a long sword like she always has.

Her equipment is nothing special, under it she is wearing cheap hunter like clothes, which is easy to move in. Although it was surprising that she didn't wear any armor.

If there is an emergency she can use the "red masquerade" as many times as she wants to enter a defensive position.

Also, now that I think about it, she is able to make s.h.i.+elds like she did in the mock battle. In fact, I still have that stored in my storage.

. . .Wait a minute. I am able to store my Onee-sama's red masquerade s.h.i.+eld, so if I want. Perhaps I can store all of my opponent's equipment. Place it all in my storage until they are naked.

I thought it was just a convenient warehouse, but it seems like it can become a mighty weapon. Well when it's a high rank and has a high capacity.

Next I looked at Anne-chan's equipment.

She had a huge halberd. It was bigger than my Onee-sama.

And Anne-chan was holding it so comfortably.

Her equipment seemed quite heavy as well.

Metal armor covered her torso all the way down to her hips. She wore metal boots and metal gauntlets as well.

Wearing all that seems really c.u.mbersome, but more so, it is noisy when she moves.

. . .How can you be a hunter if you are noisy?

"Um, Anne-chan?"


"Isn't your equipment noisy?"


"Why my little sister is asking that. . .is because it can be c.u.mbersome for our fight or to simply sneak up to them. . ."

My Onee-sama gave her opinion.

Rig didn't say anything, but looked amazed.

"Nyah, I've been using this equipment for a very long time! You have to believe in my hunter skills!"

I see.

I understand now. Even though Anne-chan is a mighty warrior, with incredible strength, she was still too poor to even pay her rent.

It's because of her heavy equipment. It's too noisy, so the prey will notice and escape.

The profit lost must be outrageous.

". . .I will literally pay you money to wear leather armor. Just so you can be more quiet while moving."

"Nyuu. . .I didn't think Rig-chan would turn on me. Nyahh, I never thought the noise was that bad."

Anne-chan dropped her shoulders in despair.

With a slight change of plans. The four of us decided to go shopping.

We need to get Anne-chan some new equipment, but there are several other things we need.

First is tents and supplies for camping. We don't have to buy it now, but might as well.

Oh, we also need a large knapsack.

All of the materials we get will be moved into storage. However when we sell to the guild it will be moved into the knapsacks. 

This is purely to stay inconspicuous with my powers.

If everybody knew I had a ma.s.sive storage it would cause a huge ruckus.

Well anyways, that's why we are looking around stores.

Anne-chan was looking around for armor along with Rig.

Well, actually Rig was just looking at weapons. Does she really need more guns?. . .

"This is nice. . .but I feel like it's a little ugly when compared that magic tool. . ."



"Why are you looking at weapons?"

". . .I'm not going to buy any. I'm only looking."

She seems torn on the matter.

Though she just showed me so many guns and bayonets. . .

"Rig, are you perhaps a weapons nerd?"

"H-How rude! Weapons are a key component to fighting, and it's a skill to determine which ones are good, and which ones are bad!"

Rig seems desperate in her excuse. That must have been a bulls eye.

"Yeah, yeah. Rig just loves weapons."

"W-wait, It's different! . .

Rig's face turned red because of my teasing. It's pretty cute.

But it's not just because of my teasing.

Because not only me, but my Onee-sama and Anne-chan are now aware of Rig's "problem".

". . .Besides we are here for Anne-san's armor! What kind of armor would you prefer?"

Rig quickly side tracked our conversation.

"Nyah, that's right. . .I'd like for it to be as st.u.r.dy and firm as my current equipment."

"That's impossible."

Onee-sama shot down that idea.

"It's a must to be able to move silently and lightly. It's difficult to do that with iron equipment. Water Dragon scales are famous for having the strength and lightness to out match iron, but the price of them. . .is quite high. Even if you borrow money from Rigurett-sama, you will have to pay her back. Do you think you could do that."

"Uuyaa. . . But my debt is already terrible, Nyah."

"Maybe you don't have to. . .how is this armor?"

The three of them continued to work together to find an armor piece.

While there doing that, I'll go buy a knapsack and field equipment.

Sorry it's abit short, but the next ones don't tie in at all. Also they all link together. So it's probably going  to be a big release, so just wait for the actual big release. Also I was kind of hoping for a Fari goes shopping alone adventure. I just want to see her interact with more people. It's usually pretty cute.

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