They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 72-75

Chapter 72-75

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Okay, going to start and do my staple. The cheat sheet on the top, it will eventually grow to include new characters and appearances.

Fari von D'azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami. 

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age. Also Fari uses, 私 aka female p.r.o.noun watas.h.i.+.

Quella von D'azell. Fari's older sister. Is 16, has silver hair and red eyes. 2 horns on her head, and two fangs in her mouth. She also uses the more masculine "Boku" refer to herself.

Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a G.o.d. Has silver hair and red eyes. Gave Fari, Exscolibur

Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior.

Rigurett Beuze Crausus or simply Rig: She is 14 Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic. She actually speaks polite and proper, but that's hard to translate.

Anne Cowlman: Half human half cat-girl. Has a normal human face with short brown hair but with cat ears and red cat like eyes, then has fur from the points of her hands, legs, and chest. Fur is striped with light brown on her brown fur, her tail has the same pattern.

They are students of St. Valeria's Royal Hunter's Academy.

Also Lilina is a magic's teacher. Also Girl X Girl can have babies. And zero "life" doesn't equal death, just fainting.

Translator: Mamuni

The next morning, Rig, Onee-sama, Anne-chan, Kami-sama and I gathered at a cafeteria table.

"Well now, I'll make an approximate schedule that we can follow from today onward. That said, I already have almost everything planned out so far."

As my Onee-sama said that she pulled out a piece of paper

"First of all, we must register for the Hunter's Guild today. We can probably skip their exam if we prove we are students at the Hunter's Academy. And to prove that, we just have to show them our student ID."

My Onee-sama then took out four student ID cards.

"How did you get those?"

"I asked Lilinsama for them. Actually don't tell the office about it, we aren't supposed to have these until school actually starts. . .Do you understand?"

We gave a nod and my Onee-sama handed us our student IDs.

"Hey hey, what about me?"

Kami-sama then asked something unreasonable.

"She can't even do that. Are you stupid?"

"Well, it's fine. Let me just make my own student ID."

After saying that. Kami-sama pulled out a student ID out of nowhere.

It looks like a proper student ID. Identical to ours.

". . .Falsifying an identification doc.u.ment is a crime, Kamille-sama."

"Now now~ I'm only going to use it for today ~young lady. Otherwise I might say how you were imaging Fari last night~."

"AAAAAhh! I'll allow it! So can you please not talk about that!?" (TN:Loli-con)

I don't know what she is talking about, but Kami-sama somehow persuaded Rig with that threat.

". . .Um, Kamille-san. So is that perhaps your student ID card?"

"That's right. I thought it would be fun to join your hunter team."

"Well, I won't stop you. But if something happens, I won't take responsibility for you."

"Yeah yeah~"

I think everybody is starting to figure out what kind of person Kami-sama actually is.

Their att.i.tude of respecting a paranormal spirit has pretty much vanished. Now they can't help but look at her as nothing but a troublemaker.

Honestly, what kind of G.o.d is she?

"Now then, let's return to the topic at hand. All students who are registered as students here receive these IDs. And can receive some perks at the hunter's guild."

"Hey hey, I get that too nyah?"

"Of course. You just have to re-register as a student hunter. Then you can get various student discounts."

"I see. . .Nyah, can I buy weapons cheaper?"

"You can buy it cheaper, and not just weapons."

"Then I must re-register! Nyah!"

Anne-chan is convinced. So my Onee-sama can continue her plan.

"After we complete our registration as hunters, we must then register as a team. This is something we must do as soon as possible. There are many missions that require teams. Plus the limit of quest we can do is higher, because we are four people."

"Ehm, 5 people."

"So, after we finally register as a team, there will be many possible quest we can take. Most having to do with the subjugation of monsters. So we'll simply leave the capital for a bit and take out some of those."

My Onee-sama completely ignored Kami-sama. Although it's not like Kami-sama even responds to that treatment.

"And for a round trip of us going back and forth from the dormitory and questing for about- – -five days, however we may need to rush it if something happens. I think it will be good practice for camping."

My Onee-sama then pointed to her piece of paper.

"Teamwork is essential, and I think it's important to know what kind of role you will play. That's why I want to do some camp training before school starts."

"Understood. However, I'm new to team activities. But you won't get any objections from me."

Rig gave her opinion, and Anne-chan nodded in agreement.

"After our camp training, we'll return to the capital early in the morning, cash in our raw materials we collected, get our money, and then get more quest. We'll repeat this until the last day before school starts."

"Why before school starts."

"Well, we need a rest day before we start our schooling. And we are pretty capable, so we should be able to make a lot of money. So on the last day we should relax and go to the cafeteria or perhaps a city restaurant. Simply eat, drink, and have fun."

"Well, that's an amazing proposition."

Rig sarcastically said that, however she did have a smile. This is probably a first time experience for her.

Of course, it's a first for me as well. I'm so excited! I can't help but get giddy.

"Well, that's a rough outline for our schedule. Let's quickly finish our breakfast and begin our adventure."

After our talk, we finally started to eat our food.

However the rice was a little cold.

"While we're on the topic of fighting and teamwork, how strong is Anne-san?"

As we were eating our breakfast, Rig suddenly asked that.

"Um, well. I lost to Quellchan. Nyah."

Well if you were stronger than my Onee-sama, I don't think you would need to worry about rent.

At least I'd a.s.sume that.

Perhaps Rigurett-san should be more specific.

Or at least more simple, because I don't know if that can actually tell us how strong she is.

"Based on my experience with our mock battle. Anne is about the same strength as me when I don't use my blood awakening, or did not make full use of my skills. Perhaps she is just a little lower than me."

"Well that is still strong enough to beat most of the knights at our mansion."

She can definitely hold her own.

I remember that my Onee-sama was strong enough to beat all of the residency guards. 

And at that time, I don't think she was ever using blood awakening.

So she was going easy on them, and still won against all of them.

So Anne-chan must also be a very powerful person if she is able to get even close to her.

I should just check Anne-chan's status instead of imagining.

Anne Cowlman

Life: 5,567


Attack Power:1,942

Defense: 785

Magical Power:203


Skills: Axe(B) Halberd(B) Hammer(B) Berserker (C) (狂化)

Magical Attribute: Water(E+), Light (E+)

Magical Resistance:

Wow, she is more capable than I thought. 

Actually. . .her status is stronger than Rig's?

If she knew about this than Rig would want to do another duel.

. . .Let's just keep silent about that.

However, more than that, I'm interested in what Berserker.

Berserker: Abandon reason and temporarily increase physical abilities in return.

I see. . .Well looking at the name that seems obvious.

"Um, Anne-chan?"

"Hm? Nyes?"

"Anne-chan has the Berserker skill, but how strong does it make you?"

Anne-chan gave a startled expression once I said that.

"T-The Berserker skill. . .So Fari-chan used search. I thought you would find it, but I didn't expect you to see it so quickly, Nyah."

"Eh, um, is it a bad skill? Should I have shut my mouth?"

I was starting to panic. My Onee-sama than gave a sigh.

"Fari. Usually skills are a secret plan to other people. So it's not something you simply tell to somebody."

"Ahh. . .I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I don't mind. I'm just embarra.s.sed about what happens after I use that skill. I just didn't want to share that."

"After you use it?"

"Nyah, To be exact, it's how I act during the berserker state."

"How do you act?"

Whoops, I asked again. 

My Onee-sama sighed again, However Anne-chan continued to talk.

". . .I become a cat."


"I become a cat! I lose all reason and sense, so I just behave like a normal cat, Nyah!" 

That sounds pretty cute.

Maybe I should have Anne-chan use that skill near me.

Yeah, that sounds fun!

While I was talking about Anne-chan's status, something came to my mind.

What kind of status does Kami-sama has?

She is a G.o.d. So it must be . . .an enormous number that can't even be registered.

I want to see, but at the same time I can't help but feel scared. Like I would regret what I've seen. What if it melts my brain!?

I looked at her. . .wait, she can read my mind. . .she is smiling at me. . .

"It's okay for Yukii~♪ to look."

". . .Is it because it will fry my brain if I see it?"

"No! Why would I say to do that if it meant Yukii would die? You know, I like Yukii? Have you not accepted that yet? Hmm?"

"Ahh. . .So noisy, can I use search now?"

"Oh geez, I don't know. Yukii has been so unkind."


I called out my punishment stick. If I shock her that will quickly fix her att.i.tude.

"Certainly, please do Yuki-sama."


Now it's time to finally reveal the big secret.


Life: 10

Power: 0

Attack Power: 1

Defense Power: 0

Magical Power: 1

Agility: 0

Skills: Super Coding(EX), Super Search(EX), Storage(EX), Invincible(EX), Armor(EX), Disguise(EX) (喰らい偽裝), Instant Death Resistance(EX), Deletion Resistance(EX), Forced Time Stop Resistance(EX), Forced Freeze Resistance(EX).

Magical Attributes:

Magical Resistance:

Some of these are so ambiguous, completely beyond my imagination on what it could mean.

It's barely conceivable to believe that her storage is actually way larger than mine, and her super search is way more superior.

"Well? Are you satisfied?"

"Those numbers are really unconvincing."

"Eh, which one?"

"All of them!? Your life is 10! At that level a caterpillar can kill you, can't they?"

"My disguise skill will activated if my life goes to 1. Then a certain thing will happen." (それは喰らい偽裝の技能で、特定條件のダメージを受けた時だけ1減るようにしてるんだよ)(TN: No idea and my head feels like mush.)

"A certain thing?"

"Um, it's random? Besides, my life is always recovering, so it won't ever reach zero. And if it does properly meet an instant damage move that goes past my defenses it will activate."

"Isn't that c.r.a.p!?"

"Well. . .Even if my life reaches zero I won't die."

"So it really is c.r.a.p. . ."

This is honestly tiring.

Is there truly such an unreasonable existence in this world? 

I came her to study. Let's just leave the existential stuff alone.

"Fari. . .Did you perhaps look at Kamille-sama's status?"

Rig is looking at me with a worried expression. I guess I do have a worn out expression.

"Yeah I did. This person was displaying a 0 defense."

"Oh, is that why?"

Kami-sama is jumping in now.

"If the defense is 0, it's actually stronger than anything, because it doesn't equal anything. It actually just makes it a ma.s.sive number because of the error."

"I have no idea what you are talking about!"

"It's more like a bug in Phantasm."

"A bug!? Like a "bug" from those video games!?"

"W-what are you talking about?"

Rig stopped Kami-sama's and mine chaotic argument. She seems very confused.

Well she doesn't even know that Kami-sama is really a G.o.d. And if she doesn't know she is a G.o.d, then this conversation is confusing.

Well, even if she listened to some of this it would totally earth shattering.

"Don't worry Yukii. I have super coding, so I temporarily changed the world so n.o.body can understand the meaning of our conversation."

". . .That's right. You are a G.o.d. You can do whatever you want."

"No, that's not true. I don't have the authority to. There are a lot of rules I must a bide by."

"Yeah yeah, but what does that even mean."

"Well, for example. I can't bring somebody back to life."

I was floored by what I heard.

Did I hear that right? Is it what I actually think she said.

"Let's say I inadvertently killed somebody in a mock battle. Kami-sama wouldn't be able to bring them back to life?"

"That's right. I am only the creator of Yukii, but I'm not the creator of this world or it's people. So I don't have the authority to do that."

That's kind of a disturbing thought.

I didn't think it was that drastic.

"Okay. . .however, let's say I died. Could you bring me back to life?"

"Yeah, it's possible."

Well that's amazing.

However it means- – -I've transcended life and death. The cycle of it.

That's such a heavy thought to accept.

And more specially.

It also means that my existence can be extinguished by Kami-sama at any time, just depending on her mood.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Kami-sama said that after reading my thoughts.

"I won't force Yukii back to life, or kill her. I have no intentions of remodeling or changing Yuki. . .Well, I already have, haven't I? However, most parts that I touched are sealed, so the current Yukii is still Yukii."

"You say that, but it's still a terrifying thing. I. . .No, my entire personality, memories, everything about myself can be changed as freely as you want. You surely can."

"I can, but I won't do that."

She said that in a tone I never heard before.

She stretched her arm out and placed her palm on my cheek.

"Because I like Yuki. That's why I reincarnated you."

I couldn't help but be shaken by her unexpected words.

"I followed Yuki into world because I wanted to keep watching you. So I don't want to change anything about you."

After she said that, she gently pulled her hand away.

"So don't worry about it. Just keep being yourself."

". . .I see."

I don't know if I fully believe her, but I'll trust her.

I know she isn't a bad guy.

After that, everyone asked me what we were talking about, but I just cheated and said we were talking about the "spirit world".

I couldn't explain that Kami-sama was changing the world so they couldn't understand our conversation.

After breakfast, it was time to get to work.

h.e.l.lo. Is this perhaps a budding romance, or just a friend. Hopefully Fari stops scolding Kamille for everything. Even though I feel like it's more of a tsundere thing. Also what does it mean that there is another more powerful G.o.d. Is that perhaps the new villain. That would be a terrifying one, maybe a bored G.o.d creating problems for our heroes. However the G.o.d wouldn't be able to touch Fari, seeing as that's Kami's property. 

Also we've reached 75 chapters. People were pointing that out and it's true. Wow, time flew by with these chapters. Although, I guess they are short. However in the case of just numbers, not length, this has been my longest series ? . Usually at this point I hit a dead end and the author drops it, or the author deletes the entire novel. 

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