They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 79-84

Chapter 79-84

After shopping we finally went towards the hunter's guild.

We left school early in the morning, so there is plenty of day left. It is only a little before noon.

There are several hunter's guilds in the capital city, but there are two main ones.

One is the central guild. This is the headquarters of the guilds for this country. It supervises not only all of the capital city's guild, but all of the guilds in the Kingdom of St. Valeria.

And then there is the front guild. It's a guild built near the main gate to the capital city.

This is the primary guild most people use, because it's right next to the entrance. However if you'd want to register as a hunter, it's better to use the central guild. It's more convenient because it has better facilities and more employees.

So that is the guild we are heading to.

"It's huge. . ."

There was a ma.s.sive multi floored square building.

We had to look up just to see it's top.

Many employees work there. Mainly doing paperwork. It makes sense for it's scale seeing as it's only this guild managing all the guilds in the country.

Well anyways, we entered the central guild.

Awaiting us was a rather small but tidy waiting room. At the back were receptionist desks waiting to take in request.

"Welcome to the Capital City's Central Hunter's Guild. What may I a.s.sist you with?"

A receptionist walked over to us and greeted us.

What good customer service. I'd never expect this in the hunter industry.

"Yes. We are students of the Hunter's Academy, but we'd like to register as student hunters, also register as a team of four."

"A team of four? Is the madam behind you not one of your companions?"


My Onee-sama gave a surprised face and looked behind her.

Kami-sama seemed to have appeared.


". . .We'd like to register a five man team."

"Certainly. I'll give you the doc.u.mentation that is required. So until then, please head that way and wait in room 203."

The receptionist took our request and left.

We did as we were told and went down the hallway we were pointed to until we reached room 203.

Once we entered, we found a room that was s.p.a.cious with a sofa and a table in it. It seemed like a pretty comfortable spot.

". . .Sigh* so Kamille-san really plans on joining our hunter team."

With an exhausted expression my Onee-sama said that.

"That's right. Isn't it more convenient this way? If I pop up occasionally like I do, it's better to register so there won't be any problems right?"

"That's reasonable. . .no problems. . .Sigh*"

I do understand my Onee-sama's concerns.

It isn't about Kami-sama being here. It's about the counterfeit student ID.

I don't even want to imagine the trouble we would get in if it's found out.

However I know Kami-sama is a G.o.d, so there shouldn't be any problems. . .Right?

A different receptionist came and explained more in depth about what we had to do for our student hunter's registration and team registration.

Because we pa.s.sed the school entrance exam, we are exempt from the registration exam. In addition to that, we will receive various student discounts. However we must notify them as soon as we graduate or leave the school.

With the explanation complete. She left us with a request to complete our registration's form that have been left for us.

The five of us then decided to read through the forms.

None of it is particularly difficult, but there is one line that we need to pay attention to.

It's the profession one.

Profession doesn't mean your actual job. It means what kind of position you will fill during your time as an active hunter.

For example, if you are a swordsman you have write vanguard or attack position. If you're a wizard you are rearguard. That's for snipers and healers as well. But it's not just that. We must write the type. Like wizard, swordsman, healer sniper, etc.

So we have to write what kind of hunter we plan on being.

Apparently, depending on the information it will actually open up various privileges that are provided by the Hunter's Guild based on your role. 

Well we need to seriously think about our profession.

We need to look for a job that suits yourself. Or myself.

"Well. . .I'm a swordsman person or I wonder if I'm a knight. . .Ahh. But if I'm a knight I get horse privileges. I wonder if I shouldn't put that."

Onee-sama is torn between which cla.s.s gives the best benefits.

"I feel likes it's better to choose the role that gives the best benefits to you, rather than a profession that fits your fighting style."

All of us nodded in agreement.

"Well in the first place, I don't have a proper”occupation".”

Oh that's right.

Rig is a balanced fighter that combines magic,guns and swords in a single fighting style. But there is no occupation that fits that description.

Then again, as my Onee-sama said. It's best to pick an occupation that has the best benefits.

"I thought I wanted to be a warrior for the" heavy armor discounts." Nyah. But now it's kind of pointless now."

So warriors get that kind of perks. Let me see.

C: Preferential treatment for deforestation in mountainous areas.

A: Reduction in penalties for personal fighting.

E: Preferential travel between cities.

D: Heavy equipment discounts.

I see. It's kind of unnecessary.

By the way, what does those letter means.

"Onee-sama, what do the letters mean?"

I asked my Onee-sama.

"Ahh, those are the hunter ranks."

"Hunter ranks?"

I'm confused. 

I tilted my head.

and then everybody laughed.

"Eh, what's so funny?"

"Well, it's just a miracle that you joined the hunter's academy without even knowing that?"

"That's right, it's just very surprising."

"Nyah. Even ordinary people know about it."

The are looking at me like I'm a complete idiot.

"Muu. . .So what is a hunter's rank?"

My face reddened as I couldn't help but sulk and mutter that.

"Hunter's Rank is a rank that is based on your achievements as a hunter. Its ranked from F to S. Beginners like us usually start at E rank."

"I see. . .so it goes up once we finish a quest?"

"That's right. You hunter rank shows your prowess as a hunter, and will go up the more experience you get. It will also allow you to receive more quest and get extra guild privileges."

"I-I see. So the letter on the list of benefits are the required ranks you need to receive them."


I finally understand.

If that's the case. The warriors benefits seem terrible.

You start as a rank E. and all you get is cheaper wagon uses between cities.

We have no use for that because we aren't going to be traveling a lot.

And to get the actual useful ones, we'd need to raise our ranks.

It's pointless.

We'll have to check the other benefits to find a good match.

However there are a lot of occupations.

They gave us a small booklet with a list of the benefits.

And honestly, it's hard to get through.

. . .Geeze, I never thought it would be this hard just to register as a hunter.

"I wonder if I should be this one."

Rig said that as she pointed towards a possible occupation.

Fortune Teller.

"That's so cute! If Rig is a fortune teller, I want you to tell me my fortune everyday!"

"No, it's not for the job. It's because of it's bonuses."

She said that and pointed out some benefits.

D: Discounts for magical tools.

E: Free magical stone

C: Preferential treatment for a street vendor license.

B: Reduced rent for stores and tenants.

. . .Why is this so good?

"Judging by your face Fari, You don't think these are pretty good benefits for me?"


"Fufu. So honest, so good."

For some reason my head is being stroked. I'm confused.

"First off. Magical stones is useful for maintenance on my weapons, including weapons that I may find. So that is pretty useful. Although I doubt I'll use the preferential fortune teller rent a.s.sistance."

"I see."

My Onee-sama did seem impressed with Rig.

"Plus I use magical guns, and they are treated as a magical tool. So it is pretty useful for the discounts on buying and selling magical tools."

I see, so Rig did put some thought into it.

"In addition to the preferential treatment in street vendor license. It can perhaps be useful for selling rare materials that are in high demand. Can probably get a better price for them than just selling them to street vendors."

"Certainly. Since you don't have to rare materials all the time, you don't need to have a vendor shop open all the time. It's a great idea, depending on how much merchandise you can get."

"I'm grateful that you see that as well Quellsan."

Thus Rig's occupation was decided.

Next is my Onee-sama's.

"Alright, so this one."

My Onee-sama then pointed at a profession. . ."Nurse".

Ehh. . .I can't see her like that.

"Judging by your face, Fari. You are doubting me."

"H-How do you know that!?"

"Well if you are in doubt, just look at the first benefit."

I then looked up the nurse occupation in our special booklet.

E: Discounts for various medical supplies.

D: Discounts for medical academic books.

E: Special bonuses based on treatment results.

C: Discounts for pharmaceutical products.

I'm confused.

"Um, Onee-sama. What's so good about it?"

"That means you can buy blood transfusion packs cheaply."

Oh yeahhhh. My Onee-sama is a vampire. . .

"Also most of the perks could be useful. Fari and I are the only ones that can use healing magic. So I could buy medicines and potions at a low prices, along with getting medical knowledge to aid my healing. In addition to that, when I come across hunters and help them with healing, if it's reported to the guild I will receive extra bonuses. Which would allow me to make some extra money."

"It's a much better idea than I thought. . ."

To be honest, I thought it was only because of the blood packs.

Now it's time for Anne-chan to choose hers.

"Nyah! I decided!"

She pointed confidentiality at. . .a coal miner.


I couldn't contain my shock.

"Nyah? What's wrong with my choice Fari?"

"N-nothing wrong. . . I just can't imagine Anne-chan working hard in a mine."

"Nyoh no nyoh. I'm not going to mine."

After saying that, she showed the bonuses it offers.

E: Favorable selling and buying on mineral materials.

D: Preferential prices and selling of large weapons.

C: Medical expenses subsidized up to a fixed amount per month.

Most of these bonuses help coal miners, but I see one bonus she would really like.

"It's for the preferential prices on large weapons, right?"


I got it!

Anne-chan's weapon is a huge halberd.

Plus my Onee-sama said that there are other huge hammers and axes in their room.

It should be noted that hammers and axes are cla.s.sified as large weapons.

Monster may appear in the mines. Therefore miner hunters with good weapons keep the mines safe. 

The additional to that. Favorable dealings for mineral materials is also quite good.

It does take time and effort to collect, but unlike monster materials, it's safer and usually pays more.

With Anne-chan's attack power, she would be able to collect ore easily. So there definitely is a high profit potential.

"By the way, do you plan on using the medical subsidy?"

"Of course, nyah."

She is so confident about her decision.

"If I go to the hospital they have a room that is specially made to groom and clean. Removing any possible ticks and fleas I get. Nyah."

"Ahh, so you are going there to clean yourself?"

I guess being furry can be dangerous. 

It seems I have some luxuries I never knew I had.

. . .Well it's not the time to worry about that.

I have to decide my profession.

I've been looking at each profession in order, but I can't decide.

"Has Yuki not decided yet? You are so indecisive aren't you?"

"Be quiet."

And Kami-sama teasing me isn't helping.

"Have you decided yet?"

"I've decided."

"I see, so what did you choose?"


"Huh. . ."

I feel like that suits her.

However, I doubt she has any plans to roam the country and spread songs and lore.

Although now I'm curious about what the benefits are.

E: Discounts for instruments.

D: Favorability in apply for a performance license.

Those seems only useful for an actual bard.

". . .Kami-sama. Do you plan on actually using those benefits?"

"Of course I will? Because I actually really like music? Because I can buy musical instruments? You know, So I can buy an electric guitar or something?"

"There aren't electric guitars in this world."

I couldn't hold back my sigh.

"So what about the performance license?"

"Of course. Doesn't a live tour seems fun? Eventually we'll form a band and go with the flow~ Doesn't that sound fun Yuki?"


It seems like she chose her occupation just to play.

Well that isn't helpful.

It's unfortunate, but I'll just have to choose my profession by process of elimination.

Out of all of us, I am the only one that can handle non-attribute magic.

Plus we already have 2 vanguards and 1 rearguard. If I go into our rear guard it will even things out.

However Rig going to be attacking with her magic. Her magical power is high, not as high as mine, but more than enough. Actually with my maximum seal on me, her magical power is higher than mine.

Regardless it could be pointless for me to go all in on non-attribute magic.

So how about a rear guard support wizard?

As my Onee-sama said before, only she and I can use healing magic on our team.

So in short, what are team lacks is a support wizard and a non-attribute wizard.

So an occupation that combines these is. . .

"- – -That's it! A priest!"

I finally found it.

It's an occupation that is not uncommon to attack with non attribute spells while at the same time using healing and support spells on their allies.

"Hmm? Fari will be a priest?"


Onee-sama confirmed with me.

"So what are the benefits?"

"Uhhh. . ."

Rig has a point, I should probably check those.

E: Favorable pricing for scripture purchases.

D: Discounts for buying and selling long weapons.

E: Special bonuses for healing and curing.

D: Preferential treatments on selling and buying natural materials.

Those seem better than I thought.

However I'm not to sure what scriptures mean.

"Um, what are scriptures?"

"So you are choosing a priest without even knowing that?"

Onee-sama seemed abit miffed with me, I couldn't help but look away from her.

". . .Well, I think it's fine anyways. Scriptures are book about the original magical system compiled in Cla.s.sical Heroism. Unlike ordinary magical books, there are a lot of life type attack magic and support magic. It's a good tool for somebody like Fari, who has a high magical apt.i.tude."

"I-I see. . ."

Well it's better then nothing.

Even without any long term plan, I chose that profession.

With all of hunter's registration complete, we submitted our forms.

Now all that remains is the team's registration doc.u.ments.

However almost all of the necessary info has already been completed, thanks to us already doing our registrations.

Now all that is left. . .is the name. 

"So what should we do?"

"It should be okay for our leader Quellsan to decide, right?"

We all looked towards my Onee-sama.

"Honestly, I've never been good with names."

"Okay, then just test some out."

Rig responded to my Onee-sama with an interested expression.

My Onee-sama seemed trouble. Like she thinking for a name with all her might.

". . .How about the "Wonderful n.o.ble People."

"That's a gross name, it's rejected."

Onee-sama's idea was instantly shot down by Rig.

I do agree with Rig on this one. But that may have been too blunt. Onee-sama looks like she might cry.

". . .Well, then as sub-leader, Rigurett-sama should decide."

"T-That's no good!"

"Why is that?"

After I asked her why she turned away.

"I-Its unbearably embarra.s.sing for everybody to call us a name that I decided. I'll be reminded of it all the time. It's impossible!"

Is she shy?

Haah, Rig cuteness is priceless.

It's something you'll probably never see if you aren't her friend.

"Nyah! I have it! I have a good idea!"

Anne-chan abruptly raised her hand and proudly said that.

"Alright, Anne. What's your idea?"

"I'll take a letter from everyone's name and then combine then, Nyah!"

"I see, that's a good idea."

My Onee-sama thinks its a good plan, so it's probably a terrible one.

. . . The results was “AriFaQuka"

That makes nose sense.

". . .Well, I'm vetoing that."


Anne-chan was really surprised but I can't sc.r.a.p up any sympathy for her. It was such a horrible answer.

"Well. . .the only person left with a reasonable opinion is Fari, so what do you think."

My Onee-sama said and looked over to me.

"Huh? What about me? I'm on the team right, Kamille is on the team, right? Right? Do I not exist? It feels it, right?"

Kami-sama was protesting her total disregard.

Of I ignored it. Onee-sama did say "reasonable opinions."

Besides Kami-sama crying, I have to think about a name.

"Hmm. . .Now that I think about it, we all have a connection to the color red."

Everybody looked at each other when I said that.

My hair is red.

Rig's clothes are red along with it being her favorite color.

My Onee-sama drinks blood.

Anne-chan has red eyes.

And also Kami-sama has red eyes.

"So how about a name with a connection to the color red?"

"Hmm, clever. As one would expect from Fari.

Rig stroked my head as she praised me.

Ahh, I'm being spoiled by Rig. This can get dangerous, I may get dependent on this feeling.

It could get to the point where I can't live without it. . .

W-well that isn't and won't be the case!

"But how should we incorporate red into the name?"

"Hmm. . .We are still children, or just young. So should we include that into our name."(赤 or red is often a.s.sociated with young kids. Like the word 赤ちゃん or Akachan which means baby.)

"You want to make the name childish?"

"No, perhaps not. . ."

"What about a pure young lady like feel?"

"Yeah, you got it Fari! My little sister understands me so well."

Now my Onee-sama is stroking my head.

For some reason, I'm getting pampered a lot today.

"Hmmm. . .How about the innocent crimson maidens? Actually when I hear the word maiden, I can't help but feel embarra.s.sed."

"Actually it is pretty awkward to call yourself a maiden."

Rig shot down that idea.

"So no innocent or maiden then. . .just honest?"

"What does that even mean though?"

"Ughh, this is hard."

My Onee-sama said in despair while messing with my head.

"So not honest. . .what about pure?"

"Well that's not too bad."

"I'm fine with it."

"Nyah, I'm okay with anything."

We got three approvals. So it's decided.

"Then combining those two elements, we'll go with "Pure Ruby." is there any objections?"

"It sounds better than I thought."

"I don't mind anything Fari thought of."

"Nyah~ I just want to be a hunter, so I'm fine with anything at this point."

"I just thought of a name as well !!"Super wonderful beauties.""

"So it's decided."

I'll just ignore Kami-sama's interjection.

Then Kami-sama started to cry again.

. . .I think I was too harsh. 

She has been getting ignored the entire day. . .

Guuu. Now I just feel bad. I'll need to comfort her.

With a plob*, I placed my hand on the depressed Kami-sama's head and gently brushed her hair.

". . .I went too far. I'm sorry."

"Y-Yuki. . ."

"I didn't think those meant so much. I should have at least listened and not ignored you."

"You thought I was serious? Those were jokes."

". . .Hah. . .As I thought, you are c.r.a.p."

Well. It doesn't really change the fact that I've been a bit too rude to her recently. Especially with me ignoring her.

"But. . .Thanks for partic.i.p.ating. Even thinking of them."

"Huh. . .Yukii. . .Is so kind and cute!"

Kami-sama muttered that and suddenly flew onto me. I have no idea how she got up so fast!

She was hugging me and rubbing her cheek onto mine.

"W-What are you doing!?"

"It's because of Yukii~ I can't hold myself back~~~~~"

She continued to rub her cheek onto mine.

Nhm. . .It feels. . .Surprisingly nice. A bit comforting.

Better than I'd imagine.

"W-Wait Kamille-sama!? What are you doing to my Fari!?"

Rig said that in an agitated voice.

"Yeah~ but Yuki was offering? It's not sly? Isn't it awful when she is this nice? I couldn't stand it! The cuteness was too much."

"Well, I understand the feeling, but. . . it's not because I'm jealous! It's because it's annoying to Fari! So how about you stop!?"

"I don't know~~ Fari isn't trying to get away~"

And she made it awkward. Now it is extremely embarra.s.sing.

Was she reading my mind? 

I don't know, she may have just noticed.

Regardless, this is getting out of hand, so I silently prepared the punishment stick.

"Yea~h Yukii is the best in the wor-Ubabababa!"

TN here. Finally finished this chapter pack. Took longer than I thought, mainly because I kept  adding chapters to the pack. All of them connected. However next chapter will start anew. Also kind of got busy with life.

Also hopefully the names weren't too confusing or even don't feel too awkward. Translating names from j.a.panese, especially team names can be pretty tough. It's flow can usually be lost in translation. That's just sometimes the case with words like that. Like new mom or founder mom/ origin mom. It's not clunky like that in j.a.panese. Hopefully Pure Ruby feels okay. Because alternative is Crimson Pure,. or Pure Red. Or Innocent Red/ Innocent and Red. You can probably see the rabbit hole that pops up when trying  to translate names.

Also we made it past chapter 80! And so quickly as well. Thanks for reading and not dropping it.

If you'd like to donate to my cause of translating interesting things. Here is a link