The Tyrant's Tranquilizer - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Translator: Ritsuka

Editor: Yserieh

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Everyone is the hall was astonished.

“This, this person…!”

The Count was greatly astonished, but no one could laugh at him. It's great enough risk just to have questioned Serwyn, who is known to be cruel.

“The thief I met on the way. This is his head.”

“But why did you bring his head….?”

“I didn't know what to do with it so I brought it.” Serwyn replied rudely.

“I've brought the whole group together. If the disposition of bandits is troubling you, the knights shall take care of it.”

“If it's the disposition…..”

“We have to follow the imperial law.”

“According to imperial law, punishment for theft is a death penalty, but……”

The Count grew more and more frightened. By law that was the penalty, it is but not really for a case of smaller theft. In these rural villages, the bandits were more like hunters or thugs than bandits, forcing pa.s.sers-by to pay a toll.

“They are the bandits of our estate. I will handle it.” The Count said in a trembling voice.

Sirwin nodded in dryness. He was not interested in what the Count had to say. He looked up and looked at the hall.

Meanwhile, Amelie put a wing on her chest and panted.

“A man……man's head…..”

Serwyn looked like a big and terrible death bringer and his clothes were b.l.o.o.d.y all over. The state of the bandits that he had captured was to be expected/imaginable. Amelie shook her wings.

‘Amelie was killed by Serwyn.'

Her end in a sentence in the novel came closer to reality than ever. Those big hands are the ones that strangled Amelie. Her body trembled with instinctive fear.

But then suddenly she got gooseb.u.mps all over her body.


Serwin's golden eyes were heading towards Amelie.


Amelie, whose eyes met Serwyn's, was astonished at his lingering gaze. She hid behind the pot as if she had fallen. Her round chest fluttered up and down quickly.

“He saw me by chance right. I can't believe he saw me?! At this distance?”

The location of Amelie is the corner of the hall. There was nothing to attract attention, and it was far away from Serwyn, who stood near the door. Moreover, she was just a little newly transformed bird by the size of a fist. It's hard to find her even if you knew she's there.

‘Well okay, if you can see me from there… Are you still human?'

Amelie was trying harder to hide herself behind the flowerpot, and when Serwin leaves, then it would be time to come out.

'Do not look back and run away.'

It was then. Serwyn looked around the hall and suddenly walked forward. Everyone in the hall was surprised by his behavior. What's that crazy emperor trying to do?


The Count of Delahheim was astonished when he looked at the direction at which Serwyn was heading. It was the direction that Amelie had hastily ran away.

‘Don't tell me he saw our daughter?!'

There was no one in that direction that he saw, but he could not be relieved. Serwyn could find Amelie running away and go for a twisted hunt.


The Count hastened to follow Serwyn. Even if you risk your body, you have to save your daughter! But before he got hold of Serwyn, Serwyn stopped and he kicked a pot out of nowhere. The potted plant was blown away and it flew and crashed into the wall.


As the pot was shattered, the soil and fruits were scattered in the air and then on the floor. Everyone who gathered in the hall looked at the flower pot that was destroyed.

“Your Majesty? Why suddenly … Huck!”

The Earl found it. A small bird s.h.i.+vering in the very spot where the pot was kicked from. The bird was a bunch of ruffled pink feathers because of its small size. The Earl, who knew Amelie was a witch, knew at once that the pink robin was Amelie.

‘Amelie! Our daughter!'

The count screamed internally. In an instant he fell into panic. If Rene had not seized the Count's arm quickly again, he would have yelled and attacked Serwyn.

Rene also noticed that it was Amelie. Nevertheless, she could not come forward. She was afraid that her actions might irritate Serwyn, and Amelie would be hurt. Earl and Rene desperately hoped that Serwyn would not be interested in a small bird.

Everyone watched Serwyn's behavior with breaths held.

Under unexpected circ.u.mstances, Amelie blinked. She could not move even though the big, thick shadow was hanging over her. She slowly lifted her head.Her neck seemed to be creaking/screeching with fear.

Serwyn was more like a huge wall than a person. He was tall and durable, and had a deep smell. He bent down and she could barely see his face. The golden eyes, the symbol of Gold. They were like a sword. When he looked at her, her feathers stood on the end.


'I'm scared!'

Amelie's body shook. Serwyn's hand reached for her. A big hand with blood seemed like it would break her neck right now. He grabbed Amelie tightly. The blood that was on his hand was still wet.

Serwyn sniffed Amelie's back. Inhaled and exhaled a breath that shook her feathers. Amelie was on the verge of collapsing from her heart attack.

“It's an illusion. It obviously smells….!”

Serwyn muttered a little. His voice was heard only by Amelie. Amelie shed a tear at the creepy statement.


The tears moistened the feathers on her face.

'I myself was going to leave to live. But why am I being sniffed by Serwyn now? If you are not lucky, you will fall back and your nose will break.'

‘Somehow, it is ominous…..'

Amelie regretted belatedly. All the way to the mansion she felt foreboding, she suddenly realized that the ominous feeling that had gripped her meant this.

Her witch grandmother taught Amelia many things while raising her. Regardless of whether Amelie was an idiot or not. Her grandmother often said witch intuition should never be ignored. If you feel bad, don't think twice and run away.

‘Escape… Yes, I have to run away!'

She is not dead yet.

In this crisis her little head quickly slumped. In order to survive in the harshness of nature, weak little animals use this method to escape.

‘Let's pretend to be dead!'

Amelie quickly stilled and dropped. She acted the best she could. When she trembled her eyelids, she looked like a dying bird. The Count forgot to breathe and stared at her.

If Serwyn had noticed she was acting and hadn't caught sight of the Count, he would have lost his temper.

Amelia blinked slowly and looked at Serwyn. If a bird suddenly dies in his own hands, even if they are already dirty or not squeamish, he should loosen his hand.

Her prediction was exactly right. His tight fingers loosened a little. Amelie didn't miss the gap and chance. She flapped her wings quickly.

‘Escape….! Huck!' Amelie screamed.

Serwyn grabbed Amelie with amazing quickness. His large hand was immovable. Amelia couldn't budge as if she were stuck in a narrow prison.

‘Why are you doing this to me?'

Amelie felt that it was so unfair. Then the Count stepped forward cautiously. His forehead was full of sweat and his hands were pale.

He mustered as much courage as he could. Serwyn was frightful, but he could step forward to save his daughter.

“Sire, please release the bird.”

Serwyn's eyes turned to the Count. The Count trembled. The servants of the mansion were pale and watched the Count. The tension felt like something was going to happen in the hall.

“My knights are worn out, so guide us to our rooms.”

“Your Majesty, that bird is a treasure of ours. Let it go.”

Rene followed the Count. Serwyn's eyes swept over Rene.

“Do you use a sword?”

“….yes? Yes, I do use a sword.”

Serwyn's lips drew into a straight line. His expression was relaxed, but the tension became more suffocating, however Amelie was more nervous than ever.

In the original novel, Serwyn was the most dangerous. Everything around him was irritable and unbearable. Rene had an outstanding ability, and for Serwyn, she meant a good toy that would save him from his boredom.

‘No. Absolutely not. No!'

The situation in the near future Amelie recalled the novel.

Earl, Rene, and Amelie. These three people inevitably lived apart, but they were definitely a family. They cared for each other and wanted to protect each other. Even now, did not the Count risk his life for Amelie and stand before Serwyn?

Amelie could not bear to see the danger that came upon them. She pecked his hand with her beak. Serwyn looked down at Amelia who had a nervous expression. Taking the chance, she shook her head looking at Count and Rene.

‘Don't. Absolutely don't come closer!'

She hoped that her thoughts would be conveyed to Countess and Renee.The Count faltered whether it was through her will or not. Rene bowed deeply while biting her lips. It was to conceal one's anger.

“I'll take you to your room.”

“The knights should follow the servants.”

Serwyn turned his head. When she saw that Serwyn had reverted to his cold self again, she sighed.

Serwyn was guided by the Count. Amelie was held in the hands of Serwyn and held captive by him. Behind Serwyn's back came the raucous sound of his knights moving in unison. The sound of the feet walking sounded like a chain-slip that choked Amelia's wings.