The Tyrant's Tranquilizer - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Translator: Ritsuka

Editor: Yserieh

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The Tyrant's Tranquilizer

Chapter 4

Translator: Ritsuko

Editor: Yserieh

The room that Serwyn was staying in was the best room in the mansion. Speaking of the 'room', it was the size of an apartment.

As soon as Serwyn entered it, he dropped Amelie carefully on a table.

Amelia unfolded her wings. She examined her body by spreading her wings and looking at it. Her heart was pounding like as if it would burst, and she was so nervous that her wings and legs trembled.

'Still, I can't afford to miss this opportunity.'

'Run away!'

Amelie mustered all the rest of her willpower and flew up quickly. With all her strength, she flapped her wings and flew in the air at a rate that was comparable to that attempt before. Just go to the open window….!

At that time, something pulled Amelie's leg down. It held her down quickly.


The shrill shriek of the bird cut through the air. Her body lost its balance and fell onto the table. If you fall from the height of your body, it can cause a small fractures.

'G.o.d, I'm so dead….!'

Amelie shut her eyes tightly. She instead landed on a warm surface and settled down.


Amelie looked around her.

When she opened her eyes, she was in the hands of the Emperor. There was a red sword thread on her leg that was connected to the emperor's hand. It was definitely the Emperor's sword- it was called the [Aurora]. Described in the novel, the Emperor said that he could deal with the sword the Aurora freely. She did not know that he would catch people's feet with Aurora.

Amelie looked at Serwyn with begrudging eyes. Serwyn then used the sword to close the window.

"Outside is dangerous."

"Pwee, pwee!"

'You're more dangerous!' Amelie vigorously protested, but Serwyn only looked on innocently.

"Stay put."

He wiped Amelia's forehead with his thumb and disappeared into the room.


'What was that just now? Did Serwyn pet me?! He did not hit me but pet me? He didn't look like he was gonna kill me?… What?'

Amelie flopped down. Serwyn's odd behaviour confused her. Come to think of it, there were a lot of strange things. When Amelie pretended to be dead, his grip was loosened, and a little while ago he even supported her fall with a hand.


When Serwyn was completely out of sight, Amelie sighed.

'What the h.e.l.l is going on here…..'

But it was still too early to be surprised, Serwyn who washed his hands, brought a wet towel. Amelie, who had been exhausted, left her body in the hands of Serwyn.


Serwyn wiped Amelie's body with a wet towel. The hand moving along the feathers' texture was delicate. His eyes looking at Amelie were kind of sweet.

'It's like he's someone else.' Amelia thought blankly. You don't change your clothes, you take care of the bird first. This was not like the Emperor she knew. Serwyn wiped Amelie one more time with a dry towel and smoothed her feathers gently.

Next, Serwyn put her in a container where candles were kept. It was a container with a tight iron front and back bar so that candle could burn well. When the latch was locked, the container became a good cage.

Serwyn went into the room to wash. As he left, Amelia fell with relief.


She was locked up in a cage, but the cage was more comfortable than the palm of Serwyn. Her body drooped.

'I must not sleep…..'

But the body, which had been in extreme fear and tension, quickly fell asleep.

As she was sleeping faintly, because she was exhausted, Amelie felt a hand stroking her. His hand carefully tickled Amelie's forehead, sweeping the feathers from head to back.

'Who is it….?'

Amelie reminded herself of the situation. I was caught by the emperor and locked in a cage…..

'Ack! The Emperor!'

Amelie opened her eyes. Just as expected. The golden eyes met hers. They were gentler than when they first met, but still had the same look.

'Crazy. When do you even sleep?'

Serwyn's hands were warm. It was Serwyn who had patted Amelie. Amelie came rolling down from Serwyn's palm.

"Be careful."

Serwyn swept Amelie's forehead with his index finger.

"Pwee. Pwee!" Amelie screamed. His touch was affectionate, but it was too threatening just because he was too big. Moreover, it wasn't the wrong person and but it didn't feel like he was Serwyn. Amelie was worried that he might choke her. Her pounding heart felt like it would burst.

'Let's get away…'

Amelie hastily jumped to her feet and hid in the cage.

Though the reason is not known, Serwyn seems to have quite liked Soo-Yeon. He observed Amelie as if he were the owner of a new pet.

'Don't tell me…..He's not thinking of bringing me with him, is he?'

Like this, she's going to go to the palace.The anxiety flooded in like a tide.

'OK. It will be fine…….'

Amelie grasped her slightly shaken head with her wings. Fortunately, she had a way out. Magic! When Serwyn leaves the room, she can use magic to open the window.

'Slowly, I'll look for a chance.'

Amelie took a deep breath to calm down.

Then someone knocked on the door.


"Your Majesty, it's Ethan."

"Come in."

When the permission was given, a man came into the room. The man called Ethan was wearing a black uniform. It was a little more gorgeous than what the normal knights wears. He appeared to have the highest status in the Knights.

"The knights have now been ordered to stand-by in their respective rooms."

"Got it."

Serwyn sat on the chair and listened to Ethan.The cage was on the table and Amelie had no choice but to listen to their conversation.

"I also ordered Chad to report to you. Are you going to leave after listening to his report?"

Serwyn turned his head.

"I did not go straight to the forest because of his report."


Listening to their conversation, Amelie fell in thought.

'Did you send someone to investigate Delaheim?'

As Amelie knew, the reason that Serwyn came here was 'hunting'. But do you usually send knight to investigate so you can hunt? Of course, maybe in case if its the emperor, but somehow she felt that it was not such a simple thing.

It was the same ominous feeling that she felt when she came to the estate.

"What about the Count?"

"We are dubious about saying that we have come to hunt, but we also don't know exactly for what purpose we're here."

Serwyn nodded with his head.

"The count must be kept from knowing, got that?"


She could not understand what they were talking about even if she cautiously listened to the conversation.

'The reason the Emperor came to Delaheim was not hunting but some other reason.'

It's different from the original.

'The original works is from Rene's point of view, so she might not know why the emperor really came here.'

It's likely a narrative trick.

'It is weird, though. you have a lot of hunting grounds around the capital, but you come all the way to a distant place….'

Delaheim is far from the capital. Even after pa.s.sing through the s.p.a.ce warping magic twice, you still have to travel on horseback for some distance. Until now, there has been no unusual creatures in the Fidelia forest to have them come here to hunt.

'Then what is the Emperor's real purpose?'

Thinking about it, it was not the only thing that was strange.

'In the novel, in order to avenge her family Rene joins the direct knight order of Serwyn.The first meeting between Rene and Serwyn was at the Knight party ceremony.'

'If the emperor had stayed in her Manor, then she didn't meet the Emperor for the first time at the ceremony? Did Rene not remember?

It was only a year ago- Rene, who cares about Amelie, would never forget the Emperor's visit at that time if it happened. It's now that Rene meets the Emperor then.

'Then the development is different from the original work? Why?'

'Even if I hold my small head and look at it, I have no idea. What can Serwyn get in this quiet countryside?'


'What to do if you see something strange. I don't even have a head to figure out why it's so weird.' Amelie scratched her wings with her beak in frustration.


Amelie took out her buried head from her wing. Serwyn was staring at her. Under the gaze of the beast, she reflexively staggered.


The cage clattered lightly. Serwyn stared at Amelie and then opened his mouth.

"It's afraid of me, isn't it?"



Ethan with a 'Don't you know that?' look on his face gazed at Serwyn. Serwyn did not see his face as he bothered Amelie with his fingers in between the bars. Amelie avoided Serwyn's finger and shook her wings.

Whether Amelie was desperate or not, Serwyn continued to play.

"Pwee. Pwee!"

"Are you going to keep it? It'll be dead any minute." Ethan said. 

Serwyn furrowed his brows.

"It looks okay, look, it's so healthy."

Inside the small cage, Amelie avoided Serwyn's fingers to the point that she was giddy. Eventually, Serwyn put his hand in and grabbed Amelie and pulled her out. The tight texture in the hand was as satisfying as expected

"Pwee! Pwee!"

Amelie was very aggrieved. Serwyn couldn't understand since he was unaware. Either way, Serwyn stroked Amelie's forehead with his thumb. His mouth tilted quite a bit to the top. The glare of his eyes eased a little.

Amelie, who watched the change up close, stopped resisting.

'Oh my G.o.d, my heart is thumping….'

Amelie closed her beak.

"What should I do so that it won't be afraid of me?"

It sounded awkward because the voice sounded so soft. Ethan sighed without sound.

"You like animals, don't you know how to tame them?"

"They die easily, so I never raised one properly."

"…….Animals can be tamed with food."

"Food… then go and get it something to eat."


Ethan looked at Serwyn and the bird with a frowning face and went out of the room.