The Treasure She Never Asked For - 59 Is He Breathing?

59 Is He Breathing?

Marcel took Liam to his room and tucked him in his bed as he stretched his body while going to the bathroom. He wanted to freshen up before sleeping as he was not willing to mess up the fresh sheets on his bed.

Marcel took a shower and brushed his teeth before putting on a pair of pyjama bottoms and climbing on the soft bed. He was laying down in bed, but he was feeling dizzy.

He wanted to vow to never have a drop of alcohol but he knew that that would be a lie so he closed his eyes while hoping the feeling will go away. He felt that if made a fuss about it, he might just end up throwing up so he patiently lay still.

Fortunately for him, he drifted off to sleep while trying to get his nausea under control. The next day, Liam woke up first only to find himself sleeping next to Marcel. He was confused because he remembered falling asleep while watching cartoons with Damien. He had a full stomach and he was also bored to death, so he ended up falling asleep. He recalled nothing else after that.

He looked at Marcel who was still deep asleep and tried to get off the bed without disturbing him. He wanted to use the bathroom urgently so once he was out of his reach; he climbed down the bed and rushed to his bedroom.

Liam used the bathroom and took a shower afterwards before getting dressed again. He went to Marcel's room to check on him and saw that he was still fast asleep before going to look for something to eat in the fridge.

Marcel finally woke up a little over an hour later. His hangover was so bad that he wanted to go back to sleep. However, when he noticed that Liam was missing he forced himself to get up. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth and only then was he able to feel like a human being again.

He put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a t-s.h.i.+rt before leaving his room to search for Liam. He found Liam biting on an apple with his focus being on the television in front of him.

"Good morning, Marcel said as he pushed Liam down on the couch as he lay down next to him causing him to almost choke on his apple.

"Marcel, I can't eat like this!" Liam said in his childish voice as he was forced to snuggle with Marcel.

"Are you hungry? Should I fix you something to eat?" Marcel asked, completely ignoring his complaints. Liam looked at Marcel sceptically, it was as if his eyes were asking Marcel if he was just going to fry an egg again.

"I'll make something different today," Marcel said as if he was answering the silent question as he sat up, giving Liam some breathing s.p.a.ce in the process. Liam glared at Marcel as if he was just bullied but Marcel just laughed as he ruffled his hair.

"You have to wait for a decade for me to take your glares seriously," Marcel said as he pinched LIams cheeks and got up from the couch.

Liam continued to glare at Marcel's back while building the resolve of learning diligently from Damien as he had seen how he had been able to cow quite a number of people that stepped into his office the previous day by just a look.

Marcel was oblivious to Liam's thought processes. If he knew what he was thinking then he might have had to rethink the arrangement he had discussed with Damien the previous night. He opened the fridge and immediately asked Avian for a.s.sistance.

[Should I provide you with recipes?] Avian asked and Marcel nodded eagerly.

He had thought that he would just get a few recipes but from the sheer magnitude of information that was being infused in his brain, he immediately went on his knees. He couldn't even shout in pain from how he was overloaded from the information.

He laid down on the kitchen floor and closed his eyes with his fists clenched as he panted because even breathing became laborious. Liam heard Marcel fall and worriedly went to the kitchen. He saw how Marcel's brows were furrowed and how one of his hands was holding on to his head while his other one was clenched in a fist.

"Marcel, Marcel?, Big brother! What's wrong?!" Liam called out desperately as he shook Marcel. He did not know what to do and it looked like he couldn't even make a noise.

Liam ran to Marcel's room to take his phone. Fortunately, Marcel hadn't been able to set a pa.s.sword the previous night so Liam fumbled around until he saw Damien in Marcel's call log and he unhesitantly called him. He was doing his best not to break down in tears because he was afraid and was worried sick about what would happen to Marcel.

As the phone rang he went back to the kitchen but Marcel was still curled up on the floor in pain. After a few rings, the phone was finally answered.

"h.e.l.lo?" Damien's voice sounded through the phone. It was only a call but Liam felt like his saviour had just arrived.

"U-u-uncle," Liam said while doing his best to hold back his tears.

"Liam?" Damien asked as he sat up in his bed.

"Uncle, Marcel, he-he-he…" Liam tried his best to talk but tears had already started coming out of his eyes. He was very confused and afraid. Just from his voice alone, Damien knew something was wrong.

"Tell me what happened," Damien said as he got out of his bed and started getting dressed.

"He-he-he fell, on t-t-t-the kitchen floor, I'm t-t-t-trying to call him b-but he isn't responding," Liam said while trying to his tears under control.

"Okay, can you do something for me?" Damien said and Liam nodded forgetting that Damien couldn't see him.

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"Liam, are you listening?" Damien asked to make sure he was paying attention.

"Yes," Liam answered.

"Good, is he breathing?" Damien asked as he went to his bathroom to freshen up. Liam felt more tears come out when he heard Damien's question. He was afraid to check. What if he wasn't breathing? What should he do then?

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