The Treasure She Never Asked For - 60 Open Eyes

60 Open Eyes

"Yes, he is breathing," Liam said as he continued to watch over Marcel.

"Good, was he sick when he woke up? Was he complaining of any pain?" Damien asked as he was moving around in his room getting dressed.

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"No, he wasn't. He was fine until he went to the kitchen to make breakfast. That was when he suddenly fell as he was looking through the things in the fridge," Liam explained as he sat down next to Marcel's unconscious body.

"Okay, just stay with him, I'll be there in fifteen minutes, call me if something happens okay?" Damien instructed and only hang up when Liam said that he would be all right.

Damien put on a long-sleeved s.h.i.+rt with a pair of jeans and walked out of his closet while finger combing his hair as he made his way to the bathroom once more.

"Are you really leaving?" a familiar voice said from behind Damien. Damien turned to look in the bed's direction and smiled helplessly at Julia who was naked just beneath the white sheets that covered her body.

"Marcel is in trouble," Damien said as he continued to go to the bathroom.

"What happened?" Julia asked as she sat up on the bed, the sheets that covered her upper body slipping lower exposing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"He fainted, and the child is panicking," Damien summarized.

"Shouldn't I be the one to go?" Julia asked even though she made no moves to get out of the bed. Damien laughed when he heard her question. It was one thing if it was Marcel fainting, but because Liam was involved, he knew that she would be completely out of her element.

"Will you be able to handle the child by yourself?" Damien asked as he walked out of the bathroom while b.u.t.toning up his s.h.i.+rt.

"You have a point," Julia said as she pointedly looked at him with her green eyes.

"I don't think it's serious, but I'll go check on him, you had a long night last night," Damien said as he walked towards her and watched as Julia visibly shuddered.

"Don't be so sappy," Julia said as she looked at him. Damien responded by leaning over, forcing her to recline on the headboard of the bed as she looked up at him.

"Don't go anywhere, I'm not done with you yet," Damien said and smiled as he pulled away from her and left the room.

Julia looked at the direction at which Damien disappeared to for a few seconds before collapsing back on the bed. Since he would come back, then she would just get more rest. She had to get a taxi to the villa after being dropped off at her house by Mark.

Her situation with Damien just happened and hadn't been part of their plans. They both weren't interested in marriage. At least in her case, she was not interested in it anymore because the man she was going to marry pa.s.sed away a few days before their wedding.

Damien, on the other hand, had a horde of obsessive fans that would probably kill her If they knew what the two of them have been doing.

Damien went straight to his garage and unlocked his car before rus.h.i.+ng out of the open villa gates. Meanwhile, Liam was obediently sitting on the floor next to Marcel while holding his hand as he attentively watched over him incase his situation worsens.

Marcel had gotten knocked out amidst the torture that he had to endure so when he started recovering his consciousness he rained curses at Avian. Avian did not think that he would have been that fragile and by the time he realised it had been too late so Marcel had been forced to endure immense pain. It was painful enough for him to ask to be knocked out by Avian.

When he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was Liam's teary brown eyes. His cheeks were still wet from tears and Marcel could feel his small hand tightly clutch on to his hand. He wanted to lift his hand to comfort him but he couldn't, making his heart overflow with resentment that made Avian go through another round of cursing.

"What's wrong with me?" Marcel finally asked when he realised that cursing was not going to help him recover any faster.

"I had to forcefully relax your muscles so you don't hurt yourself," Avian explained and Marcel frowned. He felt like he was experiencing sleep paralysis but he was awake and his eyes were open, he couldn't even move a finger.

"Big brother, what is wrong? Why did you fall suddenly? Why aren't you saying anything?" Liam asked his eyes br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears once more. Marcel could only helplessly watch as Liam started another round of crying as he was fumbling with his phone to call Damien.

"Uncle!" Liam said and another round of sobbing started, leaving Damien who had just parked his car feeling perplexed.

"What is it?" Damien asked as he got off from his car.

"He opened his eyes, but he is just staring at me. He isn't saying anything," Liam said as he continued to cry while attentively looking at Marcel. Marcel could only helplessly watch as his young brother called his boss because he had pa.s.sed out.

"I'll be over right away, just give me a minute," Damien said as he got into the building's elevator. He got on and a few seconds later, he was standing in front of Marcel's apartment ringing the doorbell. The door opened almost immediately and Liam rushed forward to hug one of his legs.

He bent down and picked him up before walking into the apartment and closing the door behind him.

"Where is he?" Damien asked with a calm voice as he patted Liam's back as he tried calming him down.

"K-Kitchen," Liam said as he tried to sound clear. Damien walked towards the kitchen while he continued to comfort the crying Liam. He could see Marcel's legs protruding on one side of the counter so he did not have to search for him.

When he was finally standing next to the conscious but unmoving Marcel and staring down at him he knew that he would be fine, since Marcel rolled his eyes at him the moment he saw him.

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