The God Emperors Awakening - 7 Finally Home

7 Finally Home

Amira moved swiftly through the wilderness that separated that small village from the royal capital. While they traveled Mira took this time to go through the memories in her head. She had a lot of memories about the Su family and other royal and n.o.ble families…. But that was about it. Mira had pretty much expected that though. Just looking at those six people she could people much guess what type of world she was in, at least when it came to gender roles. Wives and concubines were a plenty here. Mira didn't really care. After all she had no intention what so ever to engage in marriage here, what was the point? But this Su Qin Yu really had it rough. In this world where the strong where respected and the weak were bullied without mercy Su Qin Yu had been born with broken spirit veins. She couldn't circulate spirit power at all. She hadn't even been able to become a spirit pract.i.tioner… basically the bottom the barrel. It was the starting for all those that had spirit force.

And then of course there was the fact that she was a concubine and worse than that her mother had been a lowly maid. Her position in that family couldn't be any worse. She had no power and no safety. All she could do was try to keep her head down and survive one day at a time, but in the end that had clearly no been enough. Though she had bothered no one and asked for nothing she was schemed to death and was led to die in such a rotten way at that.

At the thought of that girls fate Mira felt her angry surging. She hadn't been able to save her but she d.a.m.n sure could avenge. Everyone that had harmed her would be punished according to their crime. She would not leave a single one of the left whole.

"Master we are nearing the capital." Although it had been a few centuries since he'd been here Xu Fan had a excellent memory he'd been to the capital before so it was impossible for to forget how get there.

Mira hopped from one branch to another until she reached the top of the tallest tree that she could find then looked around. Even at this time of night the road to and from the capital was busy. It was a good decision avoid the road. Who knew who she might run into. She'd already used more magic then she'd wanted to. At this point she just wanted to make it to her new courtyard so that she could meditate and recover more manna. She was how long it would take her to fill up. That would let her better gage how much magic she didn't to keep in reserve for emergencies.

"Xu Yan for now don't speak out loud, and stay in that form while in the presence of the Su's and others. Only change when there is a emergency." She said simply. From the previous Su Qin Yu's memories she understood the difference in power when it came to mystic beasts. Xu Yan was truly powerful… it was just that he didn't know or understand her power. If he did than she wouldn't of been able to defeat him so easily… she would have honestly been in a lot of trouble. She'd been lucky. If others knew the truth about him than it would certainly become impossible for her to move about this world incognito. There would be plenty of extremely powerful people looking for all kinds of ways to get rid of her to get to him. She wasn't expecting peace… she never thought she would be so lucky no matter where she ended up… but she certainly didn't want to have to look over her shoulder the entire time she was here. She'd been there and done that, she'd like to avoid another occurrence of that if at all possible.

There was a vast clearing before you actually reached the capital walls. There was also another barrier there. A much stronger one. It wasn't a problem for Mira to pa.s.s of course. She searched the memories that she'd absorbed and discovered that there was no knowledge of magic in the old Su Qin Yu's memories. The object she'd found before was considered a scared object. It was indeed magical but the people of this would had no real concept of magic anymore. It appears that it lost some millennia go. Mira could tell that the objects were imbued with a magic spell and the object then drew on manna on it's own to sustain that the spell. That's why even after all this time it still worked. The theory was fascinating.

Amira and Xu Fan reached the great generals mansion and her new courtyard in good time. There was still some hours before everyone the servants started getting up, and several hours more before they would start to arouse the masters of the mansion. Mira would use all that time meditate manna and replenish her used manna stores. As long as she could meditate manna sleep would always be a secondary issue for her. Manna could sustain her without any problems.

She entered her sad little courtyard that was located as far back as possible. It perfectly symbolized her position in this rotten family. But Mira didn't mind, actually this was best. It was so far that her family members didn't personally come to bother her often. The servants were another issue of course… but Mira wasn't worried. She could handle such people with out much effort.

As soon as she got back to her room she got undress leaving only her inner robes. Feeling instant relief she sighed happily. Those clothing really were far too restricting. She wasn't happy in them at all. Once she was more comfort she once again sat Indian style and began to meditate. She could absorb manna at a fraction of the speed she use too but she wouldn't complain. After all it could be worse. Things could of stayed like they were before and she might not of been able to absorb manna at all. The thought actually made her s.h.i.+ver. Being powerless sure was a scary thought.

Mira cleared her and started to meditate. If possible she would try to restore her entire manna pool before everyone started waking up.

The process was slow like when she first started using magic

Xu Yan laid on her simple bed and watched. Although her posture was different he could understand what she was doing. She was cultivating… or something perhaps similar. She was definitely gathering power. He liked how she didn't waste time and thought ahead. She was intelligent and he appreciated those qualities she exhibited. He looked around her room and frowned a bit. That little girl that died certainly didn't live well. She didn't seem so bad as far as humans went. Since his master had decided to help that girl he didn't mind lending a hand as well. It was his place to a.s.sist his master in all things after all.