The God Emperors Awakening - 8 Meeting The Parents

8 Meeting The Parents

Three hours later she could sense the stirring of the servants as they woke up. With in these three hours she'd only managed to fill up about half of her manna pool. She was very unsatisfied with this however she suppressed the feeling and forced herself to be happy with the fact that she could meditate manna at all. Still while she continued to meditate there was now a frown on her face. This took too long she would have to be very careful when using her manna in the future and until she figured out how to meditate manna faster.

Two hours after that she sensed a group off people approaching. She feel their malevolent aura's and knew that they were up to no good. Mira wasn't too bothered by it.

She only had four servants. One girl who served her., the mama that had cared for since her birth and two other servants that kept her courtyard clean. That was the bare minimum a young from a good family should. However giving how large and powerful the Su family was this was just sad. Yet none of them had come to wake her. She'd yet to see her personal servant Yang Meng… It was strange because Yang Meng was always prompt. Mira didn't give it too much thought right now after all she didn't personally know the girl and while she would help her if you could she also wouldn't stress over it if she couldn't. Whatever fate had in store for that servant Mira could accept it.

She stood up and got dressed. She put her hair in a simple hair. She'd just finished when she could hear the commotion getting louder and louder. She could hear the tearful cries of her 'mother' begging them not to enter and tannish her daughters reputation. Mira's eyebrow twitched. How ridiculous was it to place a portion of a woman value on rather or not a man has seen her bedroom. Simply stupid. Mira toyed with the idea of letting them. She didn't care one way or another. It actually had a bonus if it meat that she wouldn't have to deal with any annoying engagements. But she couldn't do that, she'd taken over someone else's life… she needed to live well. She couldn't; in good conscience ruin Su Qin Yu's reputation just to avoid the sticky topic of marriage. Besides there's no guarantee that, that would even stop them from trying to marry her off instead it would likely just mean that they would try to marry her off to someone lowly as well as cruel. The family was filled with rodents after all. She really didn't put anything past them.

After getting dressed and doing her hair she left her room. Xu Fan had long been woken by the noise and hostility. He hopped on her shoulder and followed her outside. He wasn't sure what was going on but given the fact that his master moved forward with confidence that meant that everything was well in hand. If she didn't care than he wouldn't care either.

Mira moved forward after though there were no rush at all as she approached the sad looking fence and gate that separated her courtyard from the rest of the mansion she could hear the conversation that was going on.

"Please master I beg you. If you allow all these men into our daughters courtyard how will she marry properly in the future." She could recognize the voice of her mother.

"Worthless woman what future marriage. That good daughter of yours was seen the family's soldiers sneaking off to see some wild man. This general is only here to gather evidence of where she might of gone. Move or I'll cut you down where you kneel. I should never of let a worthless woman like you give birth. The only thing you and that trash have done is bring us shame!" Her 'father' bellowed as he cursed her 'mother.'

'That girl really had it tough.' Mira thought as she finally reached the gate. When she opened it she saw her so called father about to strike her mother. The surprise of seeing her shocked him

"Great General is there really a need to beat my mother so early in the morning?" Mira said in a voice so cold that it could freeze the blood solid. She looked the general straight in the eye when she spoke.

General Su Chan's was frozen mid pimp slap as her looked his daughter. She was as earth shattering beautiful as ever but there was definitely something different about her. His hand slowly returned to his side as he sized up the girl in front of him. His eyes narrowed as he watched her carefully. There was no humility in her. Where was the timid girl that would cringe and try to reduce her presence as much as possible when ever they were in the same room together? His frown deepened. He knew that look on her face. He often wore it as well as other generals. It was the look of someone that had seen far too much of what the world had to offer. It was a battle hardened look. But how could a girl that had once known the walls of the inner courtyard have such a frightening aura. It didn't make sense, unless she'd gone through someone traumatic perhaps? The more he thought about the more he thought about it the more he thought that had to be it.

"Show me your chast.i.ty mark." He said with her eyes narrowing to slits. In his mind when she snuck out last night something must of happened though she had made it back it was unlikely a girl that looked like her would made it back whole. That would account for the change in her personality… if only a little.

'So they have that kind of thing?' Mira thought a quick search to her memory gave her the information that she needed. Female children where given this mark at birth, and they only lost it after intercourse. Of course the original Su Qin Yu wouldn't of had that since she'd already been raped when Mira had found her. Although her body was still that of a virgin she certainly didn't have that mark. Still it wasn't a problem. With the memory she had she could create such a simply thing through her magic. Wordlessly she lifted her sleeve and turned her wrist around to show the small intricate located just above her wrist.

Her father didn't appear relieved at her. Her mother didn't understand why her husband would suddenly ask to see that but she was flooded with instant relief when she saw it was still there.

"Master this was obviously a misunderstanding surely you can send the soldiers away now." Zhao Ming said in a pleading voice still trying to protect her daughter as best she could.

"Third younger sister, I am so relieved that you are not missing and unharmed with in your courtyard. It is a great relief to us all." Came a sticky sweet voice. It rang with insincerity and Mira did believe in the false concern for a second. She came forward with another woman and man. They were all dressed lavishly. The girl spoke wore a pale blue outfit with embroidered flowers . It was elegant and very suitable for a wealthy young miss. The woman beside looked very similar, Mira recognized her and general Su's legal wife Lin Fei. She was in her mid thirties and without wrinkles she was still very elegant and beautiful. Both she and her daughter Su Qin Lian the eldest young miss of the generals household were bother very beautiful it's just that they couldn't hold a candle to Su Qin Yu's other worldly beauty. Luckily the G.o.ds were just and she was born trash. Her only redeeming quality being her face and shapely body. Still both mother and daughter couldn't stand Su Qin Yu's beautiful. "however third younger sister how can you call out to father using that way to address him. If an outsider heard they might misunderstand." She sounded kind but of course she wasn't. She was beyond enraged to see that useless trash alive, well, and untouched. No matter what she had to see her punished.

"That's right Su Qin Yu, how can you be so disrespectful? After these the manner taught to you by that concubine mother of yours." The next to speak would be the second young master of the Su family Su Yi and also the one that caused that original Su Qin Yu to die. Mira recognized him from her memories.

"Yu'er, Lian'er and Yi'er are only thinking of your well being." Lin Fai spoke in a similar sickly sweet voice that was dripping hidden malice that Mira could hear clearly. "You are a young miss of the Su family. You must always be mindful of never making your father and the Su family loose face." After speak she gave what she thought was a kind smile. But to Mira it was just as sickening as her voice.

Mira listened to each one of them and found them all worthless if it weren't for her vow she wouldn't even bother. She was lazy by nature after all. And cleaning them up with her limited power was going to be a lot of work. "Apologizes." She drooled out. "I was so terrified by your appearance that forgot me manners." With the former Su Qin Yu's personality that was a reasonable excuse it's just that she wait more then five seconds before s.h.i.+vered in fear and she left out sudden when she talked about their appearance which made it sound like she was talking about their face. Also her was extremely dry and had a noticeable hint of sarcasm that she wasn't even trying to hide. Add all of this together and it was quite clear she wasn't scared in the least and was just using this as an excuse.

"You.." Madam Su started but was stopped by General Su.

He wasn't the ignore such clear signs that stated something was obviously wrong. This girl wasn't scared let a lone intimidated by him or anyone else. She was treating them all as jokes. He could clearly see that her chast.i.ty mark was real. That girl wouldn't have the means to fake such a complicated thing. Yet something was clearly wrong about her personality. This was definitely not the daughter that he knew. "Bring a bowl of water." He ordered a servant. When the servant heard this he instantly understood and ran to do the masters bidding.

Concubine Zhao was still kneeling on the ground staring at her husband in disbelief. "Master…" How could her husband distrust her so openly. When had she ever given him cause to believe she'd even been disloyal.

"Another test… 'father'?" Mira said. The word father was just dripping with sarcasm. This test wouldn't either. She had the exact same DNA as the late Su Qin Yu so how could she fail this test? She couldn't it was impossible.

General Su heard the way she called him father and it only added to his doubt. The changes in this girl were just too sudden. He didn't believe that she and his daughter were the same people at all. Yet… she didn't appear worried in the least. His eyes remained narrowed as he waited for the servant to return. It didn't matter, he'd know for sure in a moment.