The God Emperors Awakening - 6 Taking Out The Trash

6 Taking Out The Trash

The process of absorbing the memories of her doubles wasn't a complicated matter. It require touch and focus on a the spell she and one of her other doubles created together.

Mira's body began to glow manna circulating through out her body and than started to manifested itself externally giving her whole body a s.h.i.+mmering vibrant purple haze to it. Her power oozed and snaked about her and than slowly wrapped itself about Su Qin Yu. Once the absorption started in earnest she closed her eyes in concentration.

Still stuck on the wall the one that had originally been on top of Su Qin Yu had been watching the listening to everything. He was horrified by what he was witnessing. Not because that woman admitted to being from another world… nor because she was absorbing the third young miss and the third young miss had actually agreed to it. But because that monster woman had allowed him to witness it all. That clearly meant that she intended to kill them all. Even the ones unconscious wouldn't be spared just because they were unaware of the what she'd said and what she was doing right now. After all they knew what had happened to the third young miss. They had partic.i.p.ated as well. That monster woman had said that she would avenge the third young miss too. It was over for them for sure. All this time as he'd been pinned to the wall he'd been trying to break free. Nothing was working he hadn't been able to move a inch. It was frustrating and scary at the same time. She hadn't even looked back at them since she'd trapped him, not even him knowing that he was awake and would struggle. She didn't place him in her eyes at all, and he could smell… see it clear as day. His death was fast approaching. With that thought he began to struggle again. He didn't want to die here. There were still things he wanted to do. Things he hadn't accomplished yet. Yet despite all his struggles he still could budge, not even a inch. It was all useless in the face of this mysterious force.

Mira hadn't stopped for a second, It was always best to complete this process as quickly as possible. Interruptions could be dangerous after all. The magical item had really come in handy for her.

It took another half an hour to complete the absorption process. It wasn't just the matter of transferring memory through the use of her magic she absorbed everything down to her last atom. Mira hadn't explained all that to her for two reasons. One because there simply wasn't enough time. The second reason being that she didn't want to scare and confuse her anymore then she already was. The details weren't important at the moment. As long as she knew the process would kill her and she accepted that, that was enough.

Su Qin Yu's body completely disappeared. Mira sighed "Poor kid, was there a need for such a tragic end?" Mira had done this quite a few times her body was accustomed and adjusted to the new information almost immediately. "Some I'm Su Qin Yu now huh?" She looked down to her hands. She could feel the changes in her body already. Her body was already becoming very uncomfortable. The pain was steadily building. "The second part is starting now huh?" She sighed and sat in a meditation position that she was most comfortable with, Indian style. In this world for a young woman to sit with her legs crossed and folded like this would with out a doubt be considered inappropriate… besides in the traditional clothing she'd being wearing it wouldn't even be possible. She'd have to start sitting in the traditional Chinese fas.h.i.+on… again.

Her bones began to make a painful moaning sound as both they and her muscles began to shrink. She looked down to her arm and watched as a few of the scares there disappeared. The roughness of her hands and feet healed as well. Her began to grow longer as well. The quality of her skin all together began to improve. By the end instead of looking like the she was nineteen she now looked the age of the original Su Qin Yu that was fourteen. "So I have to go through adolescents again." She felt like sighing again but managed to suppress it.

Her body settled down after about ten minutes. She reach over and gathered together all of Su Qin Yu's things. After all, she only absorbed the organic things. Her clothing, shoes, and jewelry were of course left behind. Mira put her hair up with the blood stained hair ornament then put the clothing into her backpack. After that was done she stood up and faced the five people that she had pinned to the wall. She had a calm and cold expression on her face that didn't match the previous Su Qin Yu at all. But most it was her eyes, they didn't match that of a fourteen year at all. They didn't match a nineteen year old either. They were eyes of someone that had seen far too much of… well everything. They were wry and frankly tired. Tired of what? Probably repet.i.tion. She kept seeing the same cruelty, hatred, and helplessness no matter where she went. It was all so tiring. Nothing ever really changes. Her eyes narrowed slightly at that thought. But then she never really tried to change things either, even before she'd grown so tired and had all this power. She hadn't bothered to change anything at all.

"So I guess it's your turn to have my attention huh?" She said finally speaking to her captives. She applied pressure to the other four they cried out in pain while finally waking up.

"You… We were just doing as we were ordered. We had nothing against the third young miss. Spare me please… I swear I'll never say a word. I'll be loyal. I'll never betray you." He meant every word. Such a terrifying monster. Who would actually have the courage to betray her. He just wanted to live. He didn't mind following loyally behind her for the rest of his life… as long as he could have a rest of his life.

"Who order you to do this?" She asked in a soft and pleasant tone.

The other four were scared stiff. They were extremely confused. How could the third young miss do this… she was powerless. They just been around to speak when they heard the Young master talking. He was talking as though that woman wouldn't the third young miss… but… they looked around. They no longer saw that other woman that looked like the third young miss… but wait… wasn't the third young miss wear that other woman's strange clothing. The were petrified and extremely confused.

"It was the second young master Su. For some reason he saw the third young miss as an eye sore and wanted to get rid of her. I don't know why." He answer immediately and honestly. He had no intention of playing around with his life. He was very clear around the situation he was in now.

"I see. I won't let you live. This world doesn't need filthy people like you in it. You don't leave any chances for your victims yet you think you deserve a way out? Not a chance." Before he or the others could say anything she raised her hand and a pale blue magic circle appeared and she repurposed the air that had been holding them up into a wind and separated their heads from their bodies. She left them no chance to complain or beg any further. She also didn't care about whatever else information they may have had. Whatever else she need to know she would discover it on her own. He had given her a starting point and that was more than enough.

That finished she began to undress, once naked she took out the clothing she'd put in her backpack. They were mended and clean like new. She started dressing in silence.

Xu Fan had been silent the entire time. He'd soaked up everything he'd seen and heard. He'd end chosen the correct master. A master no from this world, someone so unique and powerful was certainly worthy of being his master. Of course Xu Fan wasn't interested in his masters naked form. He wasn't interested in humans at all… least of all in that way. He was however curious about her lack of modesty.

Once she was dressed she picked back up her backpack. This form wouldn't do. "Aris change into a wooden bracelet. Look cheap."

"Acknowledged." The backpack responded in a gentle male voice.

Xu Fan frowned as he heard the voice, of course he wouldn't understand what an artificial intelligence was and Mira wasn't in the mood to even try and explain it.

With the wooden bracelet on her wrist she glanced up at the sky. She was tired but the best move right now was to return to the generals mansion. With any luck she wouldn't be missed yet. With her speed she could certainly make it back before the sun came up. "Lets go Xu Fan." She and then vanished, moving swiftly towards what would be her home for a little while.