The Curious Play - 24 Best Laid Plan 2

24 Best Laid Plan 2

It was already ten in the morning and the court session were supposed to start at nine.

In the left side Minister Xu of finance and Zhang diànxià was discussing something, while in the right side, Prime Minister Yan was rather calm but who would have known that he was also anxious inside.

If his Majesty is indeed in a bad mood, then it must had something to do with

Tàizǐ diànxià. 

And what makes it worst is that Tàizǐ 

diànxià is also attending a court every morning but this time, he was not arround.

"Did you informed them?"

Zhang diànxià secretly asked Minister Xu, his uncle. He nodded and took a glanced toward Prime Minister Yan that happened to take a glanced towards him.

"Lets see how Fù huáng will react this.!" He smiled wickedly.

Minister Xu smirked."I hope that old fool will be shaken this time!"

Then they saw his Majesty emerge at the back. He was coming to sit in his throne.

"Greetings huángshang!" 

They kneel down before his Majesty cupping one hand in other before their chest and bow down their heads into the ground. 

"wànsuì, wànsuì, wànwànsuì !" 


Eunuch Li repeated what his Majesty said into the minister.!

His Majesty's face was indeed in a bad mood, his brows almost meet in between and he seems to be furious.

"If there is no memorials today then lets end this court session immediately!"

There was an annoyance in his voice.


Minister of war suddenly come forward.

"What is that?" 

Huángshang asked impatienly.

"I have something to report, a memorial arrived from the border in the south!"

Huángshang give a signal to Eunuch Li to go and fetch the memorial from Minister Yan Li.

While Zhang diànxià and Minister Xu look in each other, puzzled.

Huángshang sat straight when he read the content of the memorial.

"Who sent this?"

"In reply to you Huángshang,

It was a convoy from the south!"

"Hào.! We will discuss this the day after tomorrow.!


Again another minister had called his Majesty. He glared at the man imperiously.

"What is it?

He frowned, this time he did not bother to hide his annoyance.

"Huángshang we have something to discussed with  Tàizǐ diànxià!" 

All the ministers exchange curious look and whispers after they heard what a.s.sistance of justice had said.


 Huángshang voiced roared and everyone jerked.

"What is that you want to discussed with him that you can't speak to me?"

Zhang diànxià, secretly inform minister Xu to add fuel in the fire.

"Huángshang. .its about what Tàizǐ diànxià has instructed us. .I. ."

Minister Xu deliberately look arround to find Tàizǐ but he was no where to be found.

"We wonder why  Tàizǐ diànxià did not attend the session today. .

He then took a glanced towards the Prime Ministers side and smirked.

As if saying. "How will you handle this things?!"

It had known to them that Duke Yan is always in a Crown Prince side.

Prime Minister Yan expression remain blank.

"Unless something happened. . that we don't know!"

Upon hearing it Huángshang almost shouted at the old fool.

"Fù huáng. ! We are just wondering why Taizi ge is not arround. .could that be the humor is true that. .

"What humor?!" 

Huángshang frowned and asked Zhang

diànxià grimly. 

"That he was. .

"That I was what.?"

They suddenly heard a voice. .their eyes widened in shock as they saw the Crown Prince alive and well, infront of them.

"Fù huáng, Er'chen was late. .I deserved to be punished.!"

He said kneeling while cupping his hand with the other before his chest.

Huángshang sat stiff in his throne. .he open his mouth in shocked, he cough discreetly as soon as he recovered.

"Never mind! It's good that you're here. .Er. .

He paused while looking at him. "What happened to your voice?"

Tàizǐ diànxià cough to clear his throat.

"In reply to you, Fù huáng! I accidentally caught a cold last night. ." 

he deliberately cough and cough.

His Majesty's face was half amused half furious, and Duke Yan was avoiding to take, even a slight  glance towards him.

"Hao. .!" 

He said after a while.

"Since Tàizǐ is not feeling well, lets all end in here. .

"Fù huáng. .

Zhang diànxià was about to say something when Huángshang shut him whith an imperious look in his eyes.

"Were done for today!" 

He said with finalities in his voice. Tàizǐ immediately stood up with out a word and leave Huángshang stunned.

Zhang diànxià silently clenched his hands to control his anger.!

Tàizǐ went straight into his chamber, he saw Yu diànxià  anxiously waiting as he was walking back and forth. 

"How did it goes?" 

He exclaimed excitedly.

"I don't have time to explain, Huángshang is coming in this way, get Tàizǐ ready an act as we plan!" 

His voiced suddenly changed 


Yu diànxià  immediately  went inside his brother's bedchamber.

"I have to go!" 

She did not bother to wait for Yu diànxià's reply. A slight changed of time will ruined everything.

A moment later. .

Concubine Xian rushed into Ye'er Gōngzhǔ room as she already heard the news.

She thought that if she could catched her red handed then the princess would be in a big trouble.

Deceiving his Majesty is a Capital crime!

Duke Yan also rushed home, there was something off in the court a while ago that makes him confused.

As Concubine Xian was nearly in Ye'ers room Lu'er suddenly block her.


She was struck in horror.

"Get lost!" Concubine Xian pushed the poor maid aside.

She burst into Ye'ers room.

Lu'er followed her hopelessly and silently praying for some miracle.

When they're already inside they both gasped. 

Concubine Xian gasps in disappointment while Lu'er gasped in surprised.

As they both saw Ye'er ghongzhu writing in her table.

"Whats going on. ?" Concubine Xian suddenly stuttered. "You're not supposed to be. .

"Xian'niáng. !" 

Ye'er Gōngzhǔ automatically widened her eyes in surprised. She wasn't expecting her at all. 

she surely knew where the wind blows! Ye'er thought.

"Why are you here. ?"

She asked Concubine Xian confusedly.

"When medoza* had visited her, it meant no joke!" She thought to herself.

"You. .you. .

"Ye'er. !" 

Before concubine Xian could answered, her father suddenly burst inside.

"What was going on?!" 

He asked confusedly as he saw her daughter.

"Fùqīn, something is wrong?"

She raised her eye brow.

Something is not right. ! he thought.

He was looking blankly back and forth to his daughter and concubine Xian. 

"How is that possible? If Ye'er was the one in there then how she come home before me, when it will take an hour to arrived from the palace into our manor? Did I made a mistake? But how could I not recognized my own daughter?" 

He thought as he felt into silence. he was scared out of his wits earlier, he clearly knew the consequences if ever Ye'er deceived his Majesty.

He felt relieved he come home, right on time. .