The Curious Play - 25 Best Laid Plan 3 Moment Of Truth!

25 Best Laid Plan 3 Moment Of Truth!

Duke Yan thought. He was looking blankly back and forth to his daughter and concubine Xian. 

"How is that possible? If Ye'er was the one in there then how she come home before me, when it will take an hour to arrived from the palace into our manor? Did I made a mistake? But how could I not recognized my own daughter?" 

He thought as he felt into silence.

"Why are you here?" 

He then asked concubine Xian when he realized her presence.

"I was checking on Ye'er Gōngzhǔ I heard that she was. ." 

She paused unable to  find an exact words to say.

"Im fine Xian'niáng!" 

Ye smiled sweetly. 

"Thank you but I will asked Si'niáng, instead if I want something!" 

Im afraid I could no longer see the suns.h.i.+ne if I would eat anything from you.!  she thought.

"You probably escaped by now but I will find ways to exposed you!!" 

Concubine Xian thought angrily as she was smiling at Ye'er.

When the two of them left thats the only time she let a sigh of relief. 

It was too closed. ! 

If concubine Xian arrived in here sooner rather than later and caught her red handed then in really means trouble!

She was expecting her father but the one who came first is the least person she expected.

"I think they were starting to take their moves" she reminded herself to be wary of them and don't let her guards down.

She sat down on the table and started writing in her book as she was recalling what really happened and how she devised a. .

best laid plan!

Tàizǐ diànxià was badly injured, the poison was already acting up in his body, as his internal force was already weaken.

luckily she give him a pill to temporarily blocked the poison.

"This won't do, we need to bring him into the capital as soon as possible!"

She muttered. His chance of survival is dire if the poison will not be removed immediately.

"Beside that one, we still have problems.!" Yu diànxià suddenly told her. "he needs to attend a court session every morning!"

"Why do we still have to bother by that d.a.m.n. .

"Of course!" Yu diànxià snap." If he wont show up then those old geezers will find another trouble to put Fù huáng in pressures.!"

She was flushed. Yu diànxià was right.

"I thought you don't have brain at all!" 

She said looking at him in disbelief.

"What were going to do now?" 

"I don't know. .what are we supposed to do, Nana?!"

She felt into silenced. Its impossible for them to reach in the capital on time, plus Xin'er was badly injured. 

She was too worried to his highness that she set Xin'er aside and even forget her.

Thinking about Xin'er makes her felt guilty, another one that bothers her is that how is that possible that she was also injured, the same exactly like her?

She closed her eyes, originally she just wanted to eased all her worries and think of some plans.

As the evening breeze touched her checks it send a cold chill. .

"Cold chills in summer?"

She open her eyes and stared at the fire, it send a tiny firecrackers up in the air, as it dances when the wind blew and the crackling sound of the wood being burn up. 

"The air was supposed to be hot!" She thought. "Adding the fire in summer it should be. .


She look arround, that familiar scent..there must be a river somewhere?

"Xiao Yu*, come here!" 

She called her frowning, what he did just now did not pa.s.sed into her eyes with out noticed. 

"Stay away from her!" She warned him.

"What? I just. .I just

He was about to say something when she shut him with an imperious look in her eyes.

"Look, in the distance if there's some river!"

"Why?!" He asked complaining.

"Are you going to look for it or Im going to drawn you when I found one?"

She asked him grimly. With out a word prince Yu went, scratching his head.

If there is a river then. .there's hope, she remembered that the lake in their house is connected to the river in far end, calculating the distance it must be near in the palace.

Even if she had a terrible sense of direction she knew that there's only one river that surrounds the entire kindom.

And the flow of it goes into the capital.

After a few minutes, Prince Yu suddenly emerged out in the dark, he was panthing heavily as he put both of his hands in his knees and gasped  for air.

"There is one indeed.!"

"Hao.!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Xiao Yu, bring Chunli with you. Gather some bamboo stick and vines as many as you can!"

Moment later, the two of them brought the things she asked. though they were confused but dare not to asked.

She gathered all the bamboo stick an asked them to tied up, all together. She used bamboos intead of log,its because bamboos were lighter than logs.

And log is difficult to be found in the middle of the night.

"We will reach in the capital in time.!"

She said afterwards, prince Yu and Ma Chunlu was stunned. 

They did not thought that Ye Gōngzhǔ would actually come up with a very plausible idea.

They were already in the river after a while.

They did not put any light. they're afraid that they might attract a river bandits. 

Their movement was quite fast as the river were downsloping. .

"Are you sure there's no crocodiles in here?" 

Yu'ers voiced s.h.i.+vered in fear.

"You want to checked?" 

Ye Gōngzhǔ teased him.

"Oh right. .I remember, how could Tàizǐ diànxià will attend a court session tomorrow in this state?" Ye asked after a long silence. 

She stared at his face. .he seems to be lifeless and his breathing was so heavy, looking at him she felt like being pierced rigth through her heart.

"He had to show up tomorrow, no matter what!"

Yu diànxià said disperately.

"Otherwise, the consequences is unimaginable knowing that someone else was trying to dethrone him.!"

Prince Yu clenched his hands tightly.

"If we could only find someone to disguised as him. .


Ye and Yu'er both exclaimed in shocked.

Chunli looked to the both of them, shocked in his own stupidity.

He was reluctant whether to spill the beans or to keep his mouth shut.

But Yu diànxià stared at him girmly, out of his fear he told everything that had happened to them in the small town.

"Those despicable b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" 

Ye clenched her hands tightly. 

"How dare them used me to hurt him?" 

She thought furiously.

"Hao. .we will going to used this despicable things against them!"

Chunli's Idea wasn't bad at all, however it needs a lot of timing.

Both Yu'er and Chunli stared at each other, confused.

They arrived right before the dawn breaks. .they carried Tàizǐ diànxià while Yu'er single handedly carried Xin'er.

as if he was afraid that someone else might touched her.

"What is your plan next?"

Yu asked Ye'er anxiously.

"Just makes sure no one sees us. .Im going to disguised myself as him!"


This time both Yu diànxià and Chunli exclaimed in disbelief.

"As you noticed, we have the same eyes and as for the rest will be up to me!" 

She said with both confidence and determination in her voice. 

She remembered that Huángshang had mistaken her as him before. .only now she realized that they had similarities in one look.

"I will take some poison to changed my voice, but first we have to remove the poisoned inside his body!"

"Do you think this will do?"

Chunli frowned. "This is the best we can do!"

She immediately groom herself, and wear Tàizǐ's clothing, she had to bind herself to make her slender body look masculine.

She put a high ponytail on the top of her head and put a hair lock. like the one she always does when she's sneaked outside and disguised herself into a real Gōngzǐ.

When she went out Yu'er jaws drop in surprised. If he doesn't knew who she is, he might probably think that the one who stood infront of him was his brother.

"How is it?"

"You do look exactly like him. !"

"What about my voice?"

The poison will only take  few minutes to effect and her voice  will be back to normal.

Yu chuckled, "Its just like your having cold!"

"This will do. .I don't know if we can deceived huángshang but atleast those old geezers. .

"What about Duke Yan?'

She suddenly flushed, she tap her forehead.

how could I forgot that father will be attending too.?

She was about to panicked when she thought of something.

"Right after the court session, Im sure Huángshang will come to see Tàizǐ diànxià to checked on him."

She paused and think, she knew by that time his highness will be able to gain his consciousness.

"We need Xiang Gōngzhǔ's help, to distract Huángshang so I could safely leaved. .

"But Yan's manor will take an hour. .

"Don't worry about that I knew a shortcut!" She smiled.

Everything was set according to their plan.

When Ma chunli burst inside the Crown prince chamber to informed them that Huángshang was throwing a feat in the court.

"All ministers including Zhang diànxià demanded Tàizǐ diànxià in court.!"

He reported.

She suddenly come out.

"Hao. .lets attend the court session" 

She said in a manly tone, the poison had already effect into her throat.

Chunli look at her, uncertaintly.

"Tài. . Tàizǐ diànxià?"



Xiao Yu, or little Yu

informal name for Prince Yu since Princess Ye asked him to call her  Nana or grandmother.